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RUMOR: Project Beast (From Software/Sony Japan Studio, PS4) [Port begging = ban]

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been following the thread back when it went from a 1 page 1 post to15 pages by my break time at work and i must say alot of great post from people to get me interested in some of FROMs old work. I had followed kings field as that was the major game people bring up what with its allusions to dark/demons but shadow tower mentions have renewed my interest in looking up older games by the studio. I wish we had a FROM thread where people could learn more about past series and conections between them but I've been too busy as of late working a new job, and this thread moves to fast for me to really keep up with especially now that the hype train has swirled and come back from the dead.

while im here can someone add me to the train? My hype for this can't be contained and i have no one to talk about this stuff with besides you guys.


Slayer of Combofiends
Nope! Not yet, as it seems ;)

I know Demonite is itching to tell us: "I told you so :)"

I just realized something. This is gonna be a Souls game marketed by Sony! An actually competent publisher. That means the trailers, instead of the ultra corny Namco ones for Dark 2, might actually capture the mood of the games and be awesome!

Sony did right with Demon's Souls. The mechanics were in their infantile stages but the ambiance was superb. You felt like you were in Boleteria or in the Tower of Latria. The sound, echoes, enemy interactions were all fine tuned! Dark Souls 2 just did better with the mechanics but left me in the dust when it came to that dark, desolate, medieval feeling that Demon's Souls gave me. Both were great games and I prefer Dark Souls cause its a lot more fun but by god is Demon's Souls so good!


An exclusive souls game fully utilizing the PS4 hardware and networking ( interactive broadcasts, sharing) at E3. The battle would be over before it even began.

lol so true. FromSoftware and Sony have such potential here to set the PS4 as the preeminent console for a long time, especially if the game ends up fully realized by Miyazaki's genius (no cut content). The Souls series seems to have hit a deep chord with so many gamers that I'm starting to wonder if, given another successful entry (this game), FromSoftware would begin to attain a level of international power that no other Japanese developer has attained in a long time.


lol so true. FromSoftware and Sony have such potential here to set the PS4 as the preeminent console for a long time, especially if the game ends up fully realized by Miyazaki's genius (no cut content). The Souls series seems to have hit a deep chord with so many gamers that I'm starting to wonder if, given another successful entry (this game), FromSoftware would begin to attain a level of international power that no other Japanese developer has attained in a long time.
Sony have the generation in the bag already, but I don't see Beast Souls being the sort of hit UC4 will be, GT and GoW will also probably outsell it.

I think as long as they're making the best game they can, and Sony is happy with it's market performance, it's all golden, I don't think people should be looking to this game as some sort of poster child for the platform's adoption.


Sony have the generation in the bag already, but I don't see Beast Souls being the sort of hit UC4 will be, GT and GoW will also probably outsell it.

I think as long as they're making the best game they can, and Sony is happy with it's market performance, it's all golden, I don't think people should be looking to this game as some sort of poster child for the platform's adoption.

You're underselling the game, I think. The series has steadily been growing in its fanbase, and it, along with some of the top franchises in the industry right now, attracts as much buzz as the top dogs.

The Souls series also has the advantage in the sense that it's mysterious and alluring to those who are not yet fans. I'm willing to bet that if Sony markets the game well, provides the necessary networking and broadcasting tools, and ensures that its fully developed, you'll have a killer app for the myriads of gamers who would otherwise wait until much later to get the PS4.
Sony have the generation in the bag already, but I don't see Beast Souls being the sort of hit UC4 will be, GT and GoW will also probably outsell it.

I think as long as they're making the best game they can, and Sony is happy with it's market performance, it's all golden, I don't think people should be looking to this game as some sort of poster child for the platform's adoption.
If the game sells 2 million, it will be very successful. And seriously putting up it up with GT, who outsells even Halo? :| ...

On Demand

Sony have the generation in the bag already, but I don't see Beast Souls being the sort of hit UC4 will be, GT and GoW will also probably outsell it.

I think as long as they're making the best game they can, and Sony is happy with it's market performance, it's all golden, I don't think people should be looking to this game as some sort of poster child for the platform's adoption.

Look how popular the game has become amongst console and PC gamers. Imagine if Sony did the right thing in the beginning and published Demons Souls. They would of had one of the biggest AAA franchises exclusive to them. It seems they're starting over with Beast Souls.


This small leak of screens was enough to create this fervor. Imagine what happens when it's shown.

This small leak of screens was enough to create this fervor. Imagine what happens when it's shown.

My thoughts exactly. This E3 could be one of the best ever.

I can already see it. Trailer starts off with JP Studios and then From Soft logo then slowly fades into the shot of the player character walking through that passage towards what looks like a castle in the distance. Cue scenes of combat with enemies and crowd control mechanics with a blunderbuss and somewhat sped up gameplay. All the while we have extremely heavy, foreboding music playing in the background and a cryptic voice telling us what we all wanted to hear. "This is a Nightmare".

My literal reaction will be:


Based Miyazaki and Company please dont disappoint. I havent been this hyped for a game since
Dark Souls 2
and that definitely felt like it was missing something...

And I agree I feel like From is setting themselves up to be the next Powerhouse Japanese dev if this new IP takes off.

All of my hype for this reveal. Damnit someone throw me on the train!


This sounds like it could give the series a much needed injection of freshness (the ingredient that to me made DeS and DS1 more enjoyable than DS2). For instance, I think slowly transforming into a beast seems like a concept far more interesting and with much more potential than simply slowly losing some HP as you die.

Consider me hyped.
This sounds like it could give the series a much needed injection of freshness (the ingredient that to me made DeS and DS1 more enjoyable than DS2). For instance, I think slowly transforming into a beast seems like a concept far more interesting and with much more potential than simply slowly losing some HP as you die.

Consider me hyped.

Whoa, I love that idea.
This sounds like it could give the series a much needed injection of freshness (the ingredient that to me made DeS and DS1 more enjoyable than DS2). For instance, I think slowly transforming into a beast seems like a concept far more interesting and with much more potential than simply slowly losing some HP as you die.

Consider me hyped.

The more you die, the more armor, weapons, and defense you lose in trade for attacking power. :eek:
It's just pretty exciting that this one single game can get so many people excited. This is going to be a wild E3
This game is special to more core gamers though. When Demon's Souls came out it basically restored faith in gaming or brought back feelings of old. Same with Dark Souls.

To have miyazaki do it again on a next gen console is bonkers when you think about it. It's basically what everyone here was wishing for when next gen consoles were being teased..

The very fact that this one game is being announced makes this an awesome E3, literally everything else is bonus for me.


This game is special to more core gamers though. When Demon's Souls came out it basically restored faith in gaming or brought back feelings of old. Same with Dark Souls.

To have miyazaki do it again on a next gen console is bonkers when you think about it. It's basically what everyone here was wishing for when next gen consoles were being teased..

The very fact that this one game is being announced makes this an awesome E3, literally everything else is bonus for me.

That's the thing! We might also see Last Guardian! And with so many games move to 2015 release date, E3 is going to be positively bonkers. The surprises..I don't think my little heart can handle it! :D

Endo Punk

If the game sells 2 million, it will be very successful. And seriously putting up it up with GT, who outsells even Halo? :| ...
The game is definitely not mass market enough to pull a GT but I definitely see the Souls franchise getting in the UC/GOW territory in terms of sales and even sell a few systems. It has already redeemed my purchase of the PS4.
This thread has made me thirsty for Demon's Souls. Re-downloading now!
Ive been playing DeS for for the past few days and searching for any hints in the direction of the Beast, and just soaking in the awesome atmosphere. Cresstfallen warrior had something interesting to say, he mentions that if you continue going after Souls you'll turn into a monster. I wonder if Beast will use Souls as currency this time though.
The very fact that this one game is being announced makes this an awesome E3, literally everything else is bonus for me.

Agreed. As long as I get to see this game I will be content.


The game is definitely not mass market enough to pull a GT but I definitely see the Souls franchise getting in the UC/GOW territory in terms of sales and even sell a few systems. It has already redeemed my purchase of the PS4.

Agreed. Once this game is confirmed, that day I'm buying a PS4. Seriously.

Ive playing DeS for for the past few days and searching for any hints in the direction of the Beast and just soaking in the awesome atmosphere. Cresstfallen warrior had something interesting to say, he mentions that if you continue going after Souls you'll turn into a monster. I wonder if Beast will use Souls as currency this time though.

Good call! All this is definitely pointing to a DeS sequel, in some way.


Banned for six months and now it's good to be back posting on GAF ;D

I can't wait for the reveal of this game at E3. Though I've yet to complete Dark Souls...


They might as well just unplug the server on June 11 and save themselves the electricity bill.

Evilore: Welp mods and server maintenance staff, we have decided to make a mandatory 4 day vacation. Enjoy! We'll just put up the usual 'Sever maintenance' page and they won't even know the difference. People will be talking for a long time about how 'E3 was so epic that Gaf went down for days!'



I now see that sp##g (a banned site) finally picked up the Project Beast rumor, as of Tuesday May 6.

Took them long enough. They used to be quicker to report on rumors.
Speaking of which, is there somewhere else we can go during a NeoGaf server crash? Maybe a sub-Reddit or something? I'm here all the time and when the site is inaccessible I feel lost! Presumably the site's gonna struggle for days when E3 happens, so it would be good to be prepared in advance.

Jack cw

I now see that sp##g (a banned site) finally picked up the Project Beast rumor, as of Tuesday May 6.

Took them long enough. They used to be quicker to report on rumors.

LOL, are they relevant again? Last time I heard of them on this board was in 2006...


If the game sells 2 million, it will be very successful. And seriously putting up it up with GT, who outsells even Halo? :| ...
I don't understand your point, he said it could position PS4 as the preeminent console, not only is it already that, Sony have games that will perform better, which are more logical candidates for doing what he suggested. I never implied the game wouldn't be successful.
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