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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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As I keep saying, I'm talking about the end product, not the specs. If Killzone would have looked better at 900p with more bells and whistles they would have done it, however they decided the opposite was true. Crytek on the other hand decided 1080p would look better than a few more bells and whistles. It's quite simple really. I come back to my only point here, both games look equally as impressive.

Really? I'm not if I even should argue with that.
Ryse's detail is very uneven. Marius and other important characters look great. Their armor looks great. Enemies look significantly worse. Terrain and LOD looks significantly worse. It's really noticeable during the QTEs.

Jack cw

Dude, the whole point is that Ryse doesn't render extra 633600 pixels yet looks at least as good as KZSF.

Does it look as good and crisp on a 1080p display?
Ryse looks fantastic but Killzone has sandbox levels, vertical gameplay more effects on screen. THose extra 600k pixels are still more than 30% less from 1080p. Noticable for everyone.
I think I might do one of these for every meltdown thread.

Based on my Path of Exile OT "cover"

Wait what!?...so you're saying...that if GG lowered the native res of KZ they would not be able to improve the graphics in other areas?

GG set out from the get go for 1080p and designed their game accordingly...sacrifices in other areas were made to do so...

Really? I'm not if I even should argue with that.

If you read what I'm saying, I'm saying that they went with 1080p because they thought it looked better than trying to do with Ryse did, this is really simple.


Dude, the whole point is that Ryse doesn't render extra 633600 pixels yet looks at least as good as KZSF.
Right...but if Ryse WERE 1080p...sacrifices would need to be made in other areas...

Dropping the native res of KZ would only make it better in those same areas..

You think The Last of Us would have looked as good if ND wanted it to be 1080p on the PS3?
It is hilarious to watch the sides switch when it comes to the issue of multiplat technical differences. I'm not talking about the games themselves, but the arguments from each companies' supporters. The exact same arguments we've heard for the entire gen*, but coming from the opposite sides of the fence this time. Xbox fans using Playstation fan's testimonials about the differences being so small as to not matter and Playstation fans using those tried and tested rebuttals Xbox fans used against their own testimonials for years. Oh boy.

edit: and now we have PS fans saying how multiplats are the best way to determine power, and XB fans mentioning the exclusives instead. Hah. Love it.

*less so towards the end as PS3 dev became less of a minefield

Very true... the irony I guess.

In the end it barely mattered in this gen and it will barely matter in next gen.
As I keep saying, I'm talking about the end product, not the specs. If Killzone would have looked better at 900p with more bells and whistles they would have done it, however they decided the opposite was true. Crytek on the other hand decided 1080p would look better than a few more bells and whistles. It's quite simple really. I come back to my only point here, both games look equally as impressive.

You're digging your own grave here with these stupid and nonsensical comments, dude. There's no reason whatsoever to believe Guerrilla couldn't make it Killzone look better if they downgraded the resolution. Quit while you're behind before a mod decides your stupid comments are trolling.


Dude, the whole point is that Ryse doesn't render extra 633600 pixels yet looks at least as good as KZSF.


When you run at 900p instead of the native 1080p display of your HDTV, that in and of itself is making the game look visually worse. You lose clarity and detail, because fewer pixels are being rendered (shocking!).

This part is not debatable. Ryse already loses to Shadow Fall in the visual definition/clarity department, as well as in the framerate department. And it probably loses in a number of other departments as well.
You realize you're just pulling stuff out of thin air, right? Why can't you just recognize that a large resolution gap is significant when discussing being "left behind"?

Because I'm talking about the end product, not the technical details, why can't you understand this? Everyday users aren't going to compare specs, they're going to compare the screen in front of them. For one to be left behind, it would have to look much worse than the other, I'm saying it doesn't.


Gemüsepizza;87131293 said:
But there won't be an "after". If devs choose to make the next CoD 1080p on X1 they have to reduce other graphical settings to achieve this. The X1 can't ever reach the exact same fidelity as the PS4 version.

I'm taking about sales. Madden to this day still looks better on the 360 in comparison to the PS3 but tons of people who own both consoles are buying the game -- it's not greatly lopsided in favor of the 360.

I expect the same to be true of COD (if the rumor is true) and other possible multiplats from popular series.

Anyway, I couldn't careless about COD but as I said before, this would be significant if true -- at least IMO since COD is greatly tied to the Xbox brand. Seems like they would make sure that the Xbox version is on par.
You're digging your own grave here with these stupid and nonsensical comments, dude. There's no reason whatsoever to believe Guerrilla couldn't make it Killzone look better if they downgraded the resolution. Quit while you're behind before a mod decides your stupid comments are trolling.

I never ever said they couldn't, I said that they think 1080p looks better than improving the effects, it's so simple.
The problem is that Crytek is an anomaly of a developer. They are extremely talented at creating engines, making games look good, and pushing the limits of a system. They've been pushing the graphical envelope of their respective platforms since 2004. When Far Cry 1 came out 9 years ago, it was already exceeding other high-profile FPS games, even ones that came out later like DOOM 3, and Half-Life 2.

Crysis 2 came out in 2011 for the dusty and antiquated 360 and PS3, and managed to be one of the most impressive looking titles of the generation, with a variety of advanced shader effects (albeit with a compromised sub-720p resolution and shaky framerate).

The point is that 95% of developers out there won't have the talent, know-how, or capability like Crytek does to push the Xbox One as far as they already have.

This is actually a very good point. I guess we'll see how the generation infolds, but as I said it is worrying that the X1 is already showing a clear power gap to the PS4.

And I'm not sure Kinect is entirely to blame either, I feel this is more down to them losing the core team from the OG xbox and 360. That team were much more focused on creating a great and powerful games console first and it showed. Whereas the current team seem to have completely lost that focus now...or maybe they never had it?


Dude i agree but I'm talking the average joe COD player isn't going care or even notice.

If the resolution disparity rumour is in fact true people will notice.

Vinny made a great point on the bombcast a few weeks back when his cousins back east didn't know that MS had done a full 180 on their original policies, they cited this as the reason they are buying a PS4.

You basically just brought up why it does matter. If COD is slammed for looking inferior on the xbox and major sites pick it up it's going to gain traction and permeate down to the dudebros causing lasting repercussions.

The best thing MS has going for it is Live, I think a lot of people will be hesitant to switch due to their established social network that will transfer over to the new console.
The only reason for running at 900p is because they couldn't hit their render target and maintain the framerate so they lowered the resolution. That's it.

you do realize you epitomized why people are upset, if the console is already struggling to run next gen games @ anything above 720p while hitting target framerates, what does that bode for the future?


As I keep saying, I'm talking about the end product, not the specs. If Killzone would have looked better at 900p with more bells and whistles they would have done it, however they decided the opposite was true. Crytek on the other hand decided 1080p would look better than a few more bells and whistles. It's quite simple really. I come back to my only point here, both games look equally as impressive.

Is Killzone 900p or 1080p?
I think it looks pretty damn good for world detail - I couldn't possibly care less about resolution. I'd just as gladly take a 720p KZ:SF - as long as there was some AA on it but lots of polys / shaders / texture detail.

I loathe this 1080p crowd personally, I'm sick of hearing about it.


I would call the PS3 expensive, not overpriced, because it's actually a decent price concidering the hardware it packs.

yes, I agree. I recall the Xbox fans at work stating that they at least 'have choice' if they want to add the ultra expensive proprietary bits (wi-fi/HDD etc), funny how the tables have turned and they want the Kinect to be mandatory so developers will utilise it and the PS4 having it as an optional add-on is the worst idea ever.


Because I'm talking about the end product, not the technical details, why can't you understand this? Everyday users aren't going to compare specs, they're going to compare the screen in front of them. For one to be left behind, it would have to look much worse than the other, I'm saying it doesn't.

By your logic, I could say that Shadow of the Colossus looks better than Dead Rising 3. Correct?


Gold Member
Because I'm talking about the end product, not the technical details, why can't you understand this? Everyday users aren't going to compare specs, they're going to compare the screen in front of them. For one to be left behind, it would have to look much worse than the other, I'm saying it doesn't.

900p versus 1080 isn't just technical it's also visual. It can be seen.
Is Killzone 900p or 1080p?
I think it looks pretty damn good for world detail - I couldn't possibly care less about resolution. I'd just as gladly take a 720p KZ:SF - as long as there was some AA on it but lots of polys / shaders / texture detail.

I loathe this 1080p crowd personally, I'm sick of hearing about it.

KZ:SF looks absolute gorgeous no doubting. I kind of agree, personally I'm more interested in the end product than how they get there.

When you run at 900p instead of the native 1080p display of your HDTV, that in and of itself is making the game look visually worse. You lose clarity and detail, because fewer pixels are being rendered (shocking!).

This part is not debatable. Ryse already loses to Shadow Fall in the visual definition/clarity department, as well as in the framerate department. And it probably loses in a number of other departments as well.

The point is that he's willing to tolerate it, even if it's demonstratively worse and also more expensive. It's not that it looks "better" or "good", but "good enough".

Atleast one Xbone launch game not looking awful proves that not all games on the platform will look awful. Ghosts apparently looks awful on both so there's that.


Neo Member
Is Killzone 900p or 1080p?
I think it looks pretty damn good for world detail - I couldn't possibly care less about resolution. I'd just as gladly take a 720p KZ:SF - as long as there was some AA on it but lots of polys / shaders / texture detail.

Killzone Shadowfall is 1080p/30 on SP and 1080p/60 on MP. Can't wait to play it.


I never ever said they couldn't, I said that they think 1080p looks better than improving the effects, it's so simple.

PLEASE tell me where GG said this??...because we both know you're making it up lol...its simply not true!...

1080p was part of their vision for the game...so everything else is designed accordingly...textures, partial effects, lighting, AA, shadows, etc...all of those things take a hit because they wanted 1080p...

If you drop the resolution to 900p...all of those other areas can be improved...
Because I'm talking about the end product, not the technical details, why can't you understand this? Everyday users aren't going to compare specs, they're going to compare the screen in front of them. For one to be left behind, it would have to look much worse than the other, I'm saying it doesn't.
Nobody is arguing that Killzone is blowing Ryse out of the water and leaving it behind. The argument originated about proof of technical possibility on both consoles. Ryse is littered with sacrifices to reach its uneven graphics that are great in some areas, but lacking in others. It's a perfect example of how the Xbox One has to compromise while the PS4 doesn't.

Jack cw

KZ:SF looks absolute gorgeous no doubting. I kind of agree, personally I'm more interested in the end product than how they get there.

The end product is native 1080p with tons of effects and is going to look crisp and stellar on any full HD. Something Ryse wont. It's image quality will be worse because of missing 33% picture information. Spin this as you like but it is noticable and a bigger gap than current gen.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned that one is a first person game while the other is a third person game. Play Ryse in first person and suddenly those more up close textures and models don't look as good.


Does it look as good and crisp on a 1080p display?
Ryse looks fantastic but Killzone has sandbox levels, vertical gameplay more effects on screen. THose extra 600k pixels are still more than 30% less from 1080p. Noticable for everyone.

Right...but if Ryse WERE 1080p...sacrifices would need to be made in other areas...

Dropping the native res of KZ would only make it better in those same areas..

You think The Last of Us would have looked as good if ND wanted it to be 1080p on the PS3?

Does that means if Killzone didn't render those 633600 pixels it will be better than Ryse?


When you run at 900p instead of the native 1080p display of your HDTV, that in and of itself is making the game look visually worse. You lose clarity and detail, because fewer pixels are being rendered (shocking!).

This part is not debatable. Ryse already loses to Shadow Fall in the visual definition/clarity department, as well as in the framerate department. And it probably loses in a number of other departments as well.

You're hanging too much on the 900p vs 1080p. Obviously 1080p is a higher resolution than 900p and it's IQ is objectively better. What I'm saying is that Ryse doesn't look worse than KZ:SF. Resolution isn't the only factor in visual presentation. They way you make it sound now is that KZSF looks objectively better than Ryse because of a higher res.
PLEASE tell me where GG said this??...because we both know you're making it up lol...its simply not true!...

1080p was part of their vision for the game...so everything else is designed accordingly...textures, partial effects, lighting, AA, shadows, etc...all of those things take a hit because they wanted 1080p...

If you drop the resolution to 900p...all of those other areas can be improved...

I was speculating I thought that bit was clear, and it's so infuriating that you can't see that's exactly what I was saying, I'm saying that 1080p looks better for them than improving other graphics at a lower res. So simple. Again, my speculation.
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