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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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Jack cw

I think that most ppl will be ok with 720p games on XONE if the framerate is high. Most people being casual gamers and not GAF gamers.


It is hilarious to watch the sides switch when it comes to the issue of multiplat technical differences. I'm not talking about the games themselves, but the arguments from each companies' supporters. The exact same arguments we've heard for the entire gen*, but coming from the opposite sides of the fence this time. Xbox fans using Playstation fan's testimonials about the differences being so small as to not matter and Playstation fans using those tried and tested rebuttals Xbox fans used against their own testimonials for years. Oh boy.

edit: and now we have PS fans saying how multiplats are the best way to determine power, and XB fans mentioning the exclusives instead. Hah. Love it.

*less so towards the end as PS3 dev became less of a minefield

Your generalisation fails considering plenty of people switched sides but remained consistant with their arguments. ;p

Next gen ain't as big a step as it was previous gen, for the HD twins anyway, even though PC hardware is slowing down.
How has this not been confirmed as yet? It's very clearly true, and I can't believe the companies haven't commented on it as yet. Utterly disgusting.


That's the point. KZ:SF is objectively better than Ryse. Now if you tell me that Ryse if subjectively better than KZ:SF I couldn't disagree with you.

Nothing in this world is objectively better than anything else. Everything is subjective. People have different wants and needs.


Gold Member
I have to ask, because I'm curious myself.

will 900p (and then that this is upscaled) be such a huge difference to native 1080p?

native 720p and 900p vs 1080p could be noticeable but 720 and 900 and then upscale this to 1080p, how is that?

the scaler in 360 was pretty good iirc, perhaps Xbox Ones is much better?

like I said, I'm curious about how much difference an upscaled image will look vs a native one.;)

Here is a comparison.

Wasn't the video on xbox.com uncompressed 1080p?

Pretty sure not. The size of the videos are so huge they aren't suited to streaming uncompressed. I can tell you there is no uncompressed direct feed footage of either titles latest build single player available on Gamersyde.

There's a nice version of the single player KZ SF trailer but it's still compressed. We may have to wait until launch before this can be called. Ryse and SF will be beautiful, what I don't want to do is call whether the resolution and other effects will result in one title being perceptibly better to the naked eye than the other until I've seen them running in the optimum quality and environment which likely means seeing them on finished hardware, on retail disc in person.
I'm not arguing it looks amazing , it does.

But expecting us to believe Crytek sat down and said "hey guys we can totally make this game at 1080p but wouldn't it be awesome if we did it at 900p !!" is bullshit.

I should of given some context, that was a response gif, I was trying to say you cant argue with those people, just give up lol. I wasn't trying to make a point.


WTF, I wake up and this thread is here. Is this even confirmed?

It won't be confirmed until someone like Digital Foundary gets their hands on the retail version. No dev is going to come out and admit they fell short during the run up to launch. The lack of denial is basically all the confirmation you need. They would have gotten out in front of this before it really took off if it was possible to deny/shut down.

You sit 40 cm away from a PC monitor. Can't compare that to a TV.

If there were no benefits to native resolutions and upscaling worked as well as Penello is trying to sell, no devs would bother with higher res.
How has this not been confirmed as yet? It's very clearly true, and I can't believe the companies haven't commented on it as yet. Utterly disgusting.

Because there's no way for Activision to spin this in a positive light in consideration of their partner Microsoft?

The only winning move is to not play.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
Here is a comparison.


cool, thx!
hmm, I have to see this on a bigger screen, because the difference is not so outlandish. I mean, the mass-market will not notice the difference or perhaps it is so small for them, that it is negligible?

but, I'm on my phone now, will check the difference later.
thx for the pic!
Nothing in this world is objectively better than anything else. Everything is subjective. People have different wants and needs.

The point is that because the PS4 is more powerful than the Xbone, devs can do more of whatever they're trying to do. That part of it isn't subjective, even if you can argue the merits of their decisions. Killzone SF does more graphically than Ryse does, even if you find Ryse more appealing.

In any case, even if graphics "don't matter", there's still the issue of why the platform is weaker even though it's more expensive. "Because the PS3 was too" isn't a good reason.


You're hanging too much on the 900p vs 1080p. Obviously 1080p is a higher resolution than 900p and it's IQ is objectively better. What I'm saying is that Ryse doesn't look worse than KZ:SF. Resolution isn't the only factor in visual presentation. They way you make it sound now is that KZSF looks objectively better than Ryse because of a higher res.

Yes, OBJECTIVELY it would be better in most ways because it's pushing WAY more pixels...and achieving similar results in the other areas...you can't measure how something "looks" objectively....that's subjective...if we're going to argue OBJECTIVELY then you have to go on hard facts....

I was speculating I thought that bit was clear, and it's so infuriating that you can't see that's exactly what I was saying, I'm saying that 1080p looks better for them than improving other graphics at a lower res. So simple. Again, my speculation.

BUT YOURE WRONG! lol....1080p doesn't look "better for them" then improving other areas...but it's a technical bullet point they wanted to hit...so they had to sacrifice in other areas...

Exactly what I'm saying. The end product looks just as good, and probably better in some people opinions, and back to my original point, if both systems leading games are looking just as good as each other, you can hardly say ones being left behind.

But this is the point you're completely missing...I'm going to over simplify things for you so maybe you'll get it...I'm gonna give a numbered "level" rating to a couple categories here...

Game 1
Frame rate: 30fps
Textures: 7
Particle effects: 7
Lighting: 7
Shadows: 7

Resolution: 900p
Frame rate: 30fps
Particle effects: 7
Lighting: 7
Shadows: 7

Now...the "end result" of these two games will be very similar...it's on equal footing in almost all categories as you've said Ryae and KZ are...

- which hardware is more powerful?
- if I lowered the resolution of Game 1...could I push the "levels" of the other categories to 8's? Maybe even 9's?

If I upped the resolution of Game 2 what happens to the textures? The lighting? Are they still "on par?"

How many times do I have to say I'm talking about end product, not technical specs, people don't care how a game gets there, just that it gets there.
but you're on a very technically inclined enthusiast forum trying to convince people that these things don't matter...the fact remains...Ryae only looks as good as it does because they sacrificed resolution to get there


It's already started , I mean we have guys telling us that 900p was a design choice rather than a hardware limitation.....

Don't be rediculous, Choices are made because of hardware limitations. It's about offering the best visual presentation, not about a checklist of technical specifications. Ryse looks better in 900p than in 1080p on the Xbone, therefor they chose to go with 900p.

No. I'm saying true 1080p is only PART of the reason Killzone: Shadow Fall looks better. Overall, I would say that Killzone: Shadow Fall looks much more impressive than Ryse. Even if Killzone: Shadow Fall ran at just 900p, I would still place it higher than Ryse in terms of technical accomplishment overall.

1080p is only PART of the reason Killzone: Shadow Fall looks good. Also, I've been more impressed by Ryse's visuals so far than Killzone's. Now what?


cool, thx!
hmm, I have to see this on a bigger screen, because the difference is not so outlandish. I mean, the mass-market will not notice the difference or perhaps it is so small for them, that it is negligible?

but, I'm on my phone now, will check the difference later.
thx for the pic!

The problem with looking at a static image is that it doesn't convey the extra clarity very well. 60 FPS is a big deal and will expose bad graphical design much more than 30fps. If the PS4 can run the same AA and whatnot, it will be night and day.
I went to visit my ex-girlfriends family for Thanksgiving a few years back. It was there that I realized not all gamers are like us GAF gamers and that most casual gamers are, in fact, retarded. I shit you not, I walked in on her cousings playing COD Black Ops on PS3 with the bundled composite cables - running 480p on their 1080p capable 70+ inch LCD. They had been playing that way for over a year! I came back the next day with a spare HDMI cable and set them up right.

Moral of the story? We are the minority GAF. The sad truth is that the majority are impulse buying casual gaming blasphemers. #TruthFacts


Didn't it happen when the ps3 version of gta iv had downgraded resolution? I remember it was the deciding choice for many as to which version to get.

I remember a thread about it. Many posters DID buy GTA4 based on that. Many posters destroyed the ps3 versions aliasing also. I had 360 at the time and PS3, all multis were on 360 for me.

Until I got my laptop in april 2008.

Not at you Devil.

The PS3 got destroyed also. Dunno why some posters actually believe it wasn't true. NEOGAF hates corporate PRBS. Gaffers can sometimes give one another BS, but it's tolerated alot less from corporations.
Do you remember Blu-ray vs HD-DVD war? Resolutions does matter that's why blu-ray won!!

What on earth does resolution have to do with the spec war. They were both 1080p and had HD audio codecs.

Blu-way won because it got more backers and had more sales, then major players like Toshiba pulled out.


Xbone 720p looks like PS4 1080p confirmed!

You know that's not what I meant by the comment. I can tell the difference quite easily, just as I can tell the difference between framerates pretty easily. But as far as my personal experience has gone with anyone who is not a real gamer finds a difficult time placing a finger on a difference like that, at least on screens under 50 inches (which I do believe is most people). Most kiosks are under 50 inches too so it just makes sense to me that a casual individual who sees the two running side by side may sense some intangible difference, but would be unable to say why. Therefore, they might shrug it off to something inconsequential.


We arl rdaedy know.
Titfall also.
not cooll2 hodl back on tstuff we acnt interact r tel truaths with, evnev if itns the job to obs>ffducate.

translaperncy is berter when dealing wtih this positition. whataev er tho

Someone please translate, TitanFall is having problems too?


How has this not been confirmed as yet? It's very clearly true, and I can't believe the companies haven't commented on it as yet. Utterly disgusting.

Easy, as much as it looks bad on the perception of Microsoft's new console, Activision has a timed DLC deal, and if people buy more PS4 COD Ghosts than Xbox One versions that means it's delayed increased revenue on their end, of course that's me overlooking the Xbox 360 where the bulk of the sales will be.


Sadly nobody will care about this. Most hardcore COD players want the map packs early, so will stick with Xbox one version.

Yes people will absolutely not care about buying the much more expensive machine that provides a massively worse experience.


This is not a PS3 V 360 scenario where we are talking a few less FPS here and a few extra bits or grass there.

This is a scenario where both machines are using the same basic architecture only one machine has half the ROPs, a significantly (40%) less powerful CPU, the same crap CPU as the competition only it has no where near the GPGPU capabilities to back it up which are all attached to a large pool of incredibly slow RAM with a small cache, and its not even sure whether Huma will work so all the components can work together in complete unison.

On top of that the hardware is expected to run layers of Skype, TV, Facebook, and Waft recognition.

MS have fucked up. The writing is on the wall, people need to read it. It pickles my mind that they lost sight of the successfull formula they had last gen and decided to follow Sonys last gen route only this time really show everyone how bad they can fuck up.


Sadly nobody will care about this. Most hardcore COD players want the map packs early, so will stick with Xbox one version.

Most hardcore COD Players will pick up the 360 version.
Activision knows how to make money and to avoid spending (unlike EA). I think they will come up with a real nextgen engine for CoD later. They will sell more than 10 million on current gen consoles, and 1 or 2 million on next gen consoles. It's obvoius where their priorities are.

A shabby cross-gen port and no risk of delay is probably the reasoning behind this.
I don't think the discrepancy lies in the power gap between the consoles, but more in ease of development. On PS4 you don't have to do memory management at all, everything is in RAM. On One you need to have an optimized engine for the console. When Activision comes up with a new next gen engine for CoD, the discrepancy will be less.
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