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Ryan Gosling to star in Blade Runner 2

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Everything about this movie sounds great, except that it's Blade Runner 2.

I really hope they pull it off. It could be another seminal cyberpunk film.


The idea of a Blade Runner 2 angers me but if you look at the facts on paper, everything seems perfect and poised for greatness. If anyone is going to make a truly great follow up to BR then it's Vileneuve.


What a crew on this movie. I'm not scared at all with Villa at the helm. Can't believe they landed him.
Man, I would not have expected to feel as optimistic about a new Blade Runner as I do. But man, Villenvue, Deakins, Gosling, Ford? That's a hell of a team.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I doubted Gosling's acting ability until I saw Blue Valentine.
Even if this thing is just a lightly-polished rewrite of Hampton Fancher's original "Dangerous Days" screenplay, I'm 100% in just for Villenueve/Gosling/Deakins.

Don't really give a shit about Ford showing up, though.
I just watched Sicario, and yeah, Villenueve continues to be the real deal. I'm down for anything he directs, including a sequel I never actually wanted.


Would've been nice to see Jeff Cronenweth as DP since his father was involved with the original. Plus his handiwork is great.
I just watched Sicario, and yeah, Villenueve continues to be the real deal. I'm down for anything he directs, including a sequel I never actually wanted.

I actually am not a big fan of Prisoners, which was the only Villeneuve film I had seen. Although, to be fair, most of problems with that film are in the script.

But man, Sicario is an exceptional film. That film sold me on Villeneuve as the next great director.
I actually am not a big fan of Prisoners, which was the only Villeneuve film I had seen. Although, to be fair, most of problems with that film are in the script.

But man, Sicario is an exceptional film. That film sold me on Villeneuve as the next great director.

You should check out Enemy and Incendies.
Would've been nice to see Jeff Cronenweth as DP since his father was involved with the original. Plus his handiwork is great.

As nice of a story as that would be, and as much as I like his work.

I wouldn't ever take a DP over Deakins aside from maybe Chivo.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Among its many distinctions, BLADE RUNNER has been singled out as one of the greatest movies of all time by innumerable polls and media outlets, and overwhelmingly as the greatest sciencefiction film of all time by a majority of genre publications.

is this true? granted, i don't know anything about these genre publications, but i would have guessed 2001: a space odyssey as the regular no. 1.


Having rewatched Blade Runner the other day, the idea of a sequel didn't seem so far-fetched. And with the people they have working on it, it has a shot at being just as good. On the music front, they may have Johannsson again for the score since he also worked on Prisoners and Sicario. He isn't unfamiliar with electronic music either so I could see it happening. I suppose the biggest concern is how they'll approach the setting since the original is so influential and iconic. We've had countless knock offs so I wonder how they'll make their own identity without being too samey.
I hope this movie has a similar aesthetic of the original. I'm worried it'll be a CG mess. I'd also like to see it shot on large format film, but seeing that Deakins is DP I doubt that'll happen. The Alexa 65 with anamorphic lenses would be a nice compromise!


Blade Walker

Can`t wait. Right people are on board. If story is solid, this is going to be great.

Ryan`s characters is real human being.


I'm of the persuasion that this film shouldn't be happening at all, but considering he's the neo-80's poster child actor, he's the most logical cast for the role.
That seems like a weird release date.

My guess is they're going with the Deadpool strategy of releasing the film over a 3-day holiday in the middle of what is usually the dumping ground for shitty movies that wouldn't survive otherwise. Quality film + three days should be a formula for success if the budget is relatively small.
Its going to shit up his career like the new Total Recall shit up Colin Ferrall's career.

He is going to be on True Detective soon.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Already sending it to die. Put it in February so it possibly has a chance. Unless they are putting a DC movie there instead.


Amazingly, Blade Runner was a summer film back in 1982, and while releasing shortly after a certain Spielberg film didn't help, it would have no doubt just gotten kicked around at the box office all the same. That being said, I wonder if WB is trying to play it safe with any possible awards chances right now with that January date. If they like what they see when cameras start rolling, I can see them pushing it up.
I really don't see this film attracting new fans. It's being made purely based of the first film's enduring legacy. The people that want to see it will see it. If it gets good reviews and is marketed well, it'll do just fine with that release date.

And the fact that we are getting another at the Blade Runner world with that cast and crew is all that matters to me. We never needed a second and all signs are pointing to worthy follow up. The box office doesn't mean shit to me.
Amazingly, Blade Runner was a summer film back in 1982, and while releasing shortly after a certain Spielberg film didn't help, it would have no doubt just gotten kicked around at the box office all the same. That being said, I wonder if WB is trying to play it safe with any possible awards chances right now with that January date. If they like what they see when cameras start rolling, I can see them pushing it up.

Schedule it for the hinterlands of January. Limited release in December.

American Sniper strategy.
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