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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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This can't be real.

Oh ok it's real excuse me

Lol. Bernie and his campaign have become total trash.


More Republicans are employed in congress than Democrats so I wouldn't quite agree with that.

There's lag built into the system due to redistricting and election cycles. Plus Dems are really bad at organizing at the local level. See Bernies followers for example. The fight to get someone like him into power at the top was in 2010, 2012, and 2014. They never bothered with the foundation.
I was interested in hearing Bernie's take on issues early on (still wasn't voting for him), but he's not in this for the greater good anymore. Bernie is in this for Bernie. Shit needs to end and soon.


That's the thing. This has been Bernie's modus operandi from the beginning. Anything and anyone that doesn't blow at the feet of Sander is immediately labeled part of the "Establishment" or in in the pocket of Fill-in-the-blank. Bernie Sanders is a suborn, selfish old politician that would see everything burn if he doesn't get his way.

I'm just glad people are finally starting to wake up to how much of a piece of shit he is.
It's almost like these past few weeks he has morphed into this guy from Game of Thrones.

Man, remember when Trump was having those debates and it was a complete shitshow, and people were like "Holy shit at least the Dems are keeping it civil". I used to be pumped about every new Trump thread that was goign to pop up on NeoGAF, but now I just can't wait to see what Sanders does next.


Via the Rachel Maddow show-

No official links yet, I'll add them as they're posted to this report.

Personally...I think that the Sanders campaign is trying to use a Trump-esque strategy? Since Trump made similar demands(Whether it was 'I don't want this moderator' or 'If you want me to debate, donate an X amount of money) so it's harrowing to see this come out of the Sanders campaign.

This is also coming after they agreed to give his campaign more control over the committee, so this isn't the first demand the Sanders campaign is making.

LOL, Bernie doesn't want Barney because Barney rips into him, but he wants Cornel West on board even though that fraud disparages President Obama all the time.

Fuckin hypocrite.


I'm feeling better and better about my Hillary vote. I initially held back from supporting Bernie because, despite my broad agreement with him on many issues, I didn't think he'd make an effective president. The substance wasn't there and his ability to lead and actually get things done seemed questionable. Now I feel like I inadvertently sidestepped a huge mess. The conduct of his campaign is just shameful, and could do lasting damage if it helps the Republicans gain more support.
I was interested in hearing Bernie's take on issues early on (still wasn't voting for him), but he's not in this for the greater good anymore. Bernie is in this for Bernie. Shit needs to end and soon.

The weird thing is that he's not even helping himself. He can't win. He knows he can't win, presumably, at least. So why not bow out at this point? What is the point of expending time and energy on a pointless campaign? Is he just delusional?

I don't get it.
LOL, Bernie doesn't want Barney because Barney rips into him, but he wants Cornel West on board even though that fraud disparages President Obama all the time.

Fuckin hypocrite.

Well Bernie likes to disparage Obama as well and pretend that he is better than he is. He can't see beyond his own ego now
Sanders once again proves that his pathetic revolution is not against the racist/sexist/homophobic /transphobic oppressors but the only fucking party that can stop them.


He's not even trying to hide the fact that he is willing to sabotage the future of the country to get his way. He's a selfish, whiny old man who needs to get a grip on reality.
I remember when I had respect for this dude and was honestly torn on who to vote for

I remember that too, for me.

(Too bad it stopped the second he threw Alan Krueger under the bus alongside the other "establishment of the establishment" fact-based economists back in February. I literally traveled across Franklin County to vote Clinton, like, the same day that broke)
This is the last straw for me. As somebody who supported him very passionately back in March, he is no longer the candidate I thought he was. Everything I liked about him has degraded to just another political sideshow.

Not that I wasn't going to vote for Hillary anyway, but I've finally joined the "can this please just be over" camp.


Can someone explain to me why asking for the removal of two people as co-chairs who seem like they are against sanders such a terrible thing? Should the co-chairs of any committee not be impartial and equally receptive to all sides?


Man.. watching all these Barnie Frank videos makes me sad.. if only he would have run.. fuck Hillary and Bernie I'd have gone for him 100% =/


Can someone explain to me why asking for the removal of two people as co-chairs who seem like they are against sanders such a terrible thing? Should the co-chairs of any committee not be impartial and equally receptive to all sides?

Because they will have a nominee before then. Why not anyone ask for any chairs to step down who they don't agree with?
Can someone explain to me why asking for the removal of two people as co-chairs who seem like they are against sanders such a terrible thing? Should the co-chairs of any committee not be impartial and equally receptive to all sides?
No. They should support the winner and nominee.

The loser doesn't get to write the platform for the winner just because of his massive ego and glory seeking.


No Scrubs
Can someone explain to me why asking for the removal of two people as co-chairs who seem like they are against sanders such a terrible thing? Should the co-chairs of any committee not be impartial and equally receptive to all sides?

Because the candidate runs the show. It's not supposed to be impartial!


Man, some of ya'll got to chill. This topic is like the Two Minute Hate.

This doesn't change the outcome of the primary. Hillary Clinton is still going to be the nominee. Barnie Frank chose to attack Bernie with some very public and pointed criticism in this primary season. Now Bernie is in a position of some power over the DNC, so he's getting payback for that, and past slights. It's a bit petty but that's politics. The primary will be over in a few weeks and we can look ahead to the general election. No sense in getting raged now.

And all Bernie's childish actions have done is to demonstrate just how right Frank is about him. He's angry, stubborn and has no concept of the word 'negotiation', plus he's so thin skinned that he throws a huge poutfest the moment that someone doesn't bow to him and kiss his ass. Those are the last things you need from the leader of the most influential country on the planet - I'm convinced that Bernie would go cry his way back to the White House the moment a summit meeting didn't go his way.

Ray Down

Can someone explain to me why asking for the removal of two people as co-chairs who seem like they are against sanders such a terrible thing? Should the co-chairs of any committee not be impartial and equally receptive to all sides?

Because no matter what Bernie lost, Hill won.

Bernie doesn't get to dictate the platform


Can someone explain to me why asking for the removal of two people as co-chairs who seem like they are against sanders such a terrible thing? Should the co-chairs of any committee not be impartial and equally receptive to all sides?

The DNC conceded and allowed Bernie to select some people, and Bernie named Cornell West.

Bernie lost any and all pleas for neutrality with that pick. In my mind, he's being a complete hypocrite. Picking someone like Cornell West, but demanding neutrality from the other side.

In Sandersworld, Cornell "first niggerized president" West's comments are beyond reproach, but Barney Frank is beyond the pale.

Can't wait to see the usual suspects in here if this doesn't get locked first!
Can someone explain to me why asking for the removal of two people as co-chairs who seem like they are against sanders such a terrible thing? Should the co-chairs of any committee not be impartial and equally receptive to all sides?
Because people in glass houses don't get to throw stones. Sanders doesn't get to simultaneously disparage Frank but at the same time name Cornel West of all people. If you take a moment to Google West's comments on Obama, the guy's anything but impartial and not exactly someone who should be up there, but yet Sanders doesn't seem to have a problem him. Glass houses and stones Sanders, glass houses and stones.
Honest at this point, if a reasonably moderate Republican ran against Sanders and I could expect them to pick clones of Kennedy for the SC, I'd probably pick them over him. They wouldn't be aligned with me but I cannot fathom how unspeakably poor a president Sanders would be.

I mean thankfully I have a True Progressive named Hillary Clinton to vote for instead so I don't have to sully my conscience throwing my vote towards this piece of shit, so get the fuck out of our party and go back to being a loser no one cares about.


Can someone explain to me why asking for the removal of two people as co-chairs who seem like they are against sanders such a terrible thing? Should the co-chairs of any committee not be impartial and equally receptive to all sides?
Asking for any panel of "impartial" Democrats at this point is absurd. They've all had a chance to vote at this point. They all have opinions. They're all mature and ethical enough to put those aside when deciding rules for the convention.


Because they will have a nominee before then. Why not anyone ask for any chairs to step down who they don't agree with?

No. They should support the winner and nominee.

The loser doesn't get to write the platform for the winner just because of his massive ego and glory seeking.

But the delegates who vote at the convention haven't casted their vote so there is no 'nominee' at this point. Yes there is a candidate who has a pledged delegate majority but she doesn't have the half+1 majority which you need to secure the nomination.

So if she isn't the nominee, why have co-chairs that are biased towards her?


No Scrubs
But the delegates who vote at the convention haven't casted their vote so there is no 'nominee' at this point. Yes there is a candidate who has a pledged delegate majority but she doesn't have the half+1 majority which you need to secure the nomination.

So if she isn't the nominee, why have co-chairs that are biased towards her?

You're just arguing semantics here. The supers aren't going to overturn the will of the voters, it would result in the biggest shitshow you've ever seen. She's the nominee.


But the delegates who vote at the convention haven't casted their vote so there is no 'nominee' at this point. Yes there is a candidate who has a pledged delegate majority but she doesn't have the half+1 majority which you need to secure the nomination.

So if she isn't the nominee, why have co-chairs that are biased towards her?

What would those two chairs do? What could they rig?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
You're just arguing semantics here. The supers aren't going to overturn the will of the voters, it would result in the biggest shitshow you've ever seen. She's the nominee.

Yep, gotta have a solid reason to do that. Like John Edwards cheating on his wife with cancer.


But the delegates who vote at the convention haven't casted their vote so there is no 'nominee' at this point. Yes there is a candidate who has a pledged delegate majority but she doesn't have the half+1 majority which you need to secure the nomination.

So if she isn't the nominee, why have co-chairs that are biased towards her?

You're just arguing semantics here. The supers aren't going to overturn the will of the voters, it would result in the biggest shitshow you've ever seen. She's the nominee.

It's akin to arguing, "Yeah, I know Election Day was yesterday and the people chose electors - but the Electoral College hasn't gathered yet! Anything could happen before then!"
Can someone explain to me why asking for the removal of two people as co-chairs who seem like they are against sanders such a terrible thing? Should the co-chairs of any committee not be impartial and equally receptive to all sides?

He picked Cornell fucking West, he has zero legs to stand on to criticize anyone else picks. Barney Frank is also a damn saint, we need more Barney Franks in positions of power.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I wish I could un-vote.

You can in a way :)
And get your sane friends to the polls this November.

I don't know what i'll do with friends that are supporting Trump this election, or family for that matter.


You're just arguing semantics here. The supers aren't going to overturn the will of the voters, it would result in the biggest shitshow you've ever seen. She's the nominee.

Thats besides the point. Everyone knows she is the nominee. The question here is, should bernie sanders and his supports get their voices heared in an impartial way at the convention? Should the committee listen to Clinton and adopt her platform? Yes, of course. But is it too much to ask that the Co-chairs of two of the committee be willing to listen to the other side? If you think that no one should listen to sanders and his supports then the co-chairs of these commitees can be anyone and they can do whatever they want. If you agree that the other sides' ideas need to be heard impartially (whether or not the ideas are accepted is a different dicussion), then it makes sense for the co-chairs of these committees to be more receptive of the other side.

He picked Cornell fucking West, he has zero legs to stand on to criticize anyone else picks. Barney Frank is also a damn saint, we need more Barney Franks in positions of power.

Didn't he pick him to be a co-chair of one of the comittees? I thought he was just a nomination for a member of the committee?

What would those two chairs do? What could they rig?

The letter in the first post does say quite clearly what the co-chairs can do.
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