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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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Regarding his issue with Malloy, is it primarily due to the Governor dinging Sanders on his position on gun control? I'm trying to digest this whole thing, I apologize for the questions.
Ha, damn those quotes are great.

He hasn't even been fully attacked yet, because no one really took him too seriously.

All it would take is a week of digging for the Republicans.


Also, this kind of illustrates why only one of his senate colleagues supports him.

"Congress is crooked" is like, probably one of the most universal political opinions in the country, lol.


He won't. The DNC is going to give him concessions and he'll strongly endorse Hillary.

They already gave him concessions, this isn't the Bernie party. He needs to learn to take the L and stop throwing temper tantrums. Call a spade a spade man. This does nothing to further his message.
Bernie is doing what 10 million votes allow him to do. So he's trying to reform the party or excersize leverage on what the platform is as much as he can? Why the hell not?

And there is suddenly backlash and cries for unity over everything else?...The writing was on the wall and a sizeable chunk of the democratic base supported him and continue to support him.

Because at this point you're attacking people who you don't like instead of actually trying to reform any process.

Boo hoo Barney Frank said mean things about you! You lost! Get over it, you are an adult.

I mean, Sanders has not been attacked about how poorly he handled the VA scandal. His love of Fidel and other tyrants. Saying he's going to raise your taxes. His honeymoon to the USSR.

Also, his colleagues hate him not because they're liberal, but because he's kind of an ass. That's why Sherrod Brown and Wyden went for Hillary.
In some other universe, in this one with the DNC rules, he has lost. Threatening the convention is not going to get supers to flip.

Everything is officially finished on June 7th and double finished on June 14th.

After that, he gets to go fuck himself.

"Vote for me or I'll burn this whole fucker down!" isn't gonna fucking work.

This is adorable.

So am I to take it that you think Bernie essentially blackmailing the party will endear him to superdelegates?

The election is over. Hillary will be the candidate. Bernie will never be president. Nobody will remember who Bernie Sanders is in 6 months. There was no revolution. None of Bernie's talking points will lead to drastic change in the Democrat party. Bernie will get no credit when some of his ideas become law in a few decades.


I wish I had your sense of oneupmanship but this isn't about being right, it's about the future of our planet. Sanders may be a joke to you but of the three remaining players he's the only one not planning to ratchet up war. War. Yes, an ambiguous and overused term for us here in the US but it is very real for the people of Syria and the people of Europe by proxy.

Hillary has plans for Syria and for the world. Oh, she won't tell you or me, but she will tell the Council on Foreign Relations. Listen for yourselves, or don't. If you actually care to learn about your candidate, you might notice the difference in her tone from the speeches you get to hear. She is composed, certain, and specific about how Syria and Iran haven't seen the worst of what the greatest military the world has to offer.

But it ain't over until l it's over and as a Californian I plan to do my part to keep this hawk out of office.
Ok so what concessions is Bernie hoping to get put of this?

Edit: ah read above post

CENK: If you're going to ask for policy positions, as you just indicated, what are the policy positions that you would want?

SANDERS: Okay. I want Secretary Clinton - if she's the nominee - to come out for a Medicare For All singlepayer healthcare system. I want fifteen bucks an hour as the minimum wage. I want to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure; Flint, Michigan is not the only community in America that doesn't have safe drinking water. Our roads, bridges, rail system is in disrepair. I want a vigorous effort to address climate change. I mean I am very worried - I talk to these scientists - this planet is in serious danger. And you can't cuddle up to the fossil fuel industry. You gotta take them on. And also, what is resonating, and I believe very important: making colleges and universities tuition free, Wall Street tax on speculation to pay for that, ending these corporate loopholes. These are some of the demands I would take.

Literally his entire platform.

(It's funny because she was running on half of this shit before him!)
I just...how can a progressive not like Barney Frank? I get that there have been words but...

It just boggles the mind.

Seriously. Barney fucking Frank is ten times the man Sanders will ever be. He actually has done shit in his tenure and has actually been fighting for progressive ideas.


I just keep reading it over and over. It makes no sense. What the hell? Seriously. I've never said this before, but I literally can't even.

This news has broken my brain.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Bernie is doing what 10 million votes allow him to do. So he's trying to reform the party or excersize leverage on what the platform is as much as he can? Why the hell not?

And there is suddenly backlash and cries for unity over everything else?...The writing was on the wall and a sizeable chunk of the democratic base supported him and continue to support him.

Well, I take back my earlier statement of 3, and change it to 4 people.


Literally his entire platform.

(It's funny because she was running on half of this shit before him!)
What a sore loser. That is not how it works.. jesus.. how was this guy in congress as long as he was/is? He clearly doesn't have a diplomatic bone in his body. We dodged a bullet.
Bernie is not going to be VP, he fulfills none of the criteria they are looking for in a VP.

The VP position does not work the way you think it does as a silver medal. People really should know better.


Sanders may be a joke to you but of the three remaining players he's the only one not planning to ratchet up war.
U know what he's also not?
1 of the remaining players

But it ain't over until l it's over and as a Californian I plan to do my part to keep this hawk out of office.
It`s over



CENK: If you're going to ask for policy positions, as you just indicated, what are the policy positions that you would want?

SANDERS: Okay. I want Secretary Clinton - if she's the nominee - to come out for a Medicare For All singlepayer healthcare system. I want fifteen bucks an hour as the minimum wage. I want to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure; Flint, Michigan is not the only community in America that doesn't have safe drinking water. Our roads, bridges, rail system is in disrepair. I want a vigorous effort to address climate change. I mean I am very worried - I talk to these scientists - this planet is in serious danger. And you can't cuddle up to the fossil fuel industry. You gotta take them on. And also, what is resonating, and I believe very important: making colleges and universities tuition free, Wall Street tax on speculation to pay for that, ending these corporate loopholes. These are some of the demands I would take

That all sounds good? So maybe he feels staying in the race is the only way to push these issues?
That all sounds good?

Half of that sounds like shit Clinton already had in her platform before Sanders even announced (climate change, infrastructure, and a minimum wage hike) and the other half ignores empirical economic and political realities (single-payer, speculation tax as anything but Pigouvian, and "cuddling up to the fossil fuel industry").
It's amazing how a year can change someone's opinion. I went from liking Bernie Sanders, to being indifferent, to now just wishing he would go away and stop.

At this point I really feel Barney Frank's 1991 assessment of Sanders was 100% correct.

"His holier-than-thou attitude - saying in a very loud voice he is smarter than everyone else and purer than everyone - really undercuts his effectiveness"

"To him, anybody who disagrees with him is a crook; there are no honest disagreements with people. Bernie's view of the world is that the great majority of people agree with him on all the issues and the only reason he does not win is that the Congress is crooked"
"Bernie alienates his natural allies." Frank was reading Sanders 20 years ago. That is such an accurate statement.


They already gave him concessions, this isn't the Bernie party. He needs to learn to take the L and stop throwing temper tantrums. Call a spade a spade man. This does nothing to further his message.

He wants more, I guess. Exercising his personal vendetta against two fellow Dems doesn't further his message, agreed, and I think it's unnecessary. There's been a lot of flailing coming out of the Sanders camp. It would have been better to go out with dignity by staying on-message. The early campaign was very good at that. Too good, even.

I'm just tired of it all at this point. Bring on the damn general election! I think a lot of us Sanders supporters will be much more excited about Hillary once we see Trump's buffoonery as Republican nominee.


Never denounces what his supporters did in NV; says that democracy can get 'messy' and he hopes his supporters voices are heard, then threatens to grind the democratic convention to a halt. I'm not saying A connects to B which connects to C; but I'm sure his BernardorBust supporters are good at connecting the dots.

Anyway, this is why I originally advocated for him getting no say at the convention. Start from a place where he has to beg to be relevant, to select a few delegates. The fact the DNC so quickly acquiesced into letting him have a large say has led to another faux temper tantrum where he gets to claim the establishment is out to get him because he can't have everything he wants.

This is petulant childish behavior and there is no other way to spin it now. DNC needs to look through their convention rules and just find ways to oust him. Dude has long since worn out his welcome in the primary and in the democratic party.

As an aside, I still want to know how he thinks he can win this primary. I know he is like banking on a miracle in California, and also the superdelegates to magically decide to drink his Kool-Aid. But with his behavior as of late - how is he working toward either of those goals?!
I wish I had your sense of oneupmanship but this isn't about being right, it's about the future of our planet. Sanders may be a joke to you but of the three remaining players he's the only one not planning to ratchet up war. War. Yes, an ambiguous and overused term for us here in the US but it is very real for the people of Syria and the people of Europe by proxy.

Hillary has plans for Syria and for the world. Oh, she won't tell you or me, but she will tell the Council on Foreign Relations. [URL="http://www.cfr.org/radicalization-and-extremism/hillary-clinton-national-security-islamic-state/p37266"]Listen for yourselves, or don't. [/URL] If you actually care to learn about your candidate, you might notice the difference in her tone from the speeches you get to hear. She is composed, certain, and specific about how Syria and Iran haven't seen the worst of what the greatest military the world has to offer.

But it ain't over until l it's over and as a Californian I plan to do my part to keep this hawk out of office.

She won't tell us guys, but she'll keep what she really thinks a total secret on this youtube video that anyone can easily see.

You're all blind sheep!!!


Not enough support.

Enough to cause a ruckus and run an independent bid with. Enough to demand changes to the DNC platform. Some folks might not like it and rage to hell and back but they'll certainly have to digest it aka deal with it. Those clamoring for "unity" should most of all understand the benefits of giving Bernie his due. I guess the expectation of some was for him to go out like a sore loser with a tail between his legs. I guess people get too caught with Hillary's concession in 08 but if you really think about it; what did she lose in Obama's platform? Exactly.
That all sounds good? So maybe he feels staying in the race is the only way to push these issues?

Hillary literally is for all these issues (shit Sanders even lifted the Flint issue right from her)

But like Barney said, if you don't agree with Sanders completely you're a shill who is against the world and the world is behind Bernie, but the corruption just won't let the light shine through


This is so upsetting, especially after the DNC just gave in to some of his demands and gave him nominating privilege for the committee (and he fucking chooses lunatic West, fuuuuck)

Good luck making it onto any state ballots when basically all of the filing deadlines are before the DNC.

Sue the DNC to change their deadlines, of course. That seems to be the goto move for Sanders and primaries. Berniebros recently filed for an injunction in Cali to change the primary registration dates and to push back the vote itself.


Enough to cause a ruckus and run an independent bid with. Enough to demand changes to the DNC platform. Some folks might not like it and rage to hell and back but they'll certainly have to digest it aka deal with it.

He's too late to run independent.
Again, what does replacing Very Progressive Barney Frank on the committee actually do besides satisfy a personal vendetta from someone?


Enough to cause a ruckus and run an independent bid with. Enough to demand changes to the DNC platform. Some folks might not like it and rage to hell and back but they'll certainly have to digest it aka deal with it.
That time is past.
If I were Frank I'd tell Bernie this:

If Bernie wins California, I'll step down.

If Bernie loses California, he has to drop out of the race and give a rousing endorsement speech the day after.


I want to give Bernie the benefit of the doubt. I want to believe the best about him. But damn is he making it difficult. This is so shitty. He's putting so much at risk over an fucking purity contest.

The last thing we need is a Green Tea Party.

Democrats are not Republicans, all it will do is fracture the liberal vote into the fundamentalists and the pragmatists.

While the GOP votes Lock step in pure fear and hatred resonated in their echo chamber.

Get a fucking grip progressives. You're fighting the wrong battle and betting the war.
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