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Sanders campaign requests removal of 2 DNC members, threatens to halt convention

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It's amazing how a year can change someone's opinion. I went from liking Bernie Sanders, to being indifferent, to now just wishing he would go away and stop.

At this point I really feel Barney Frank's 1991 assessment of Sanders was 100% correct.

"His holier-than-thou attitude - saying in a very loud voice he is smarter than everyone else and purer than everyone - really undercuts his effectiveness"

"To him, anybody who disagrees with him is a crook; there are no honest disagreements with people. Bernie's view of the world is that the great majority of people agree with him on all the issues and the only reason he does not win is that the Congress is crooked"
Now that's funny! I guess this whole mess isn't very surprising then, huh?


Good. Sanders, his campaign, and his supporters should do everything in their power to fight and disrupt the DNC and the Hillary campaign.

Your country needs a political revolution. It would be a poor revolution if they just gave up.

Even if it won't change the result, these things have impacts that last into future elections and generations. i.e. "What we do in life echoes in eternity".
As a minority within the lgbt and immigrant communities, you have a lot of nerve to say that, considering you don't even live here, seem amazingly well off, thus don't have anywhere near as much to lose.

This is completely unnecessary and he's causing this mess.
The essence of Sanders encapsulated in one gif.


Good. Sanders, his campaign, and his supporters should do everything in their power to fight and disrupt the DNC and the Hillary campaign.

Your country needs a political revolution. It would be a poor revolution if they just gave up.

Even if it won't change the result, these things have impacts that last into future elections and generations. i.e. "What we do in life echoes in eternity".

This primary has pushed me from apathetic and at least moderately anti-establishment to firmly pro-establishment Democrat.

I'm not interested in a political revolution led by crybaby conspiracy-theorist dipshits who probably fantasize about throwing bricks through Starbucks windows during WTO protests.


Fail out bailed
If he does it's because Hillary isn't inspiring people to vote for her, not because of Sanders.

I am getting reeeeeeaaaaallllll sick of this weird "guns don't kill people - people kill people" bullshit coming from people who should know better.
Talk to me about being all right when you have things like Universal Healthcare that the rest of us enjoy.

Oh yes, Tabris the Great here again to lecture us savages. How will we ever survive without such sage advice as "Hey get Universal Health Care like I already have" without any actual understanding how our country works.

Please take a course or two on US Government or stop commenting on these threads. You are extremely ignorant about our society and our lives.


Good. Sanders, his campaign, and his supporters should do everything in their power to fight and disrupt the DNC and the Hillary campaign.

Your country needs a political revolution. It would be a poor revolution if they just gave up.

Even if it won't change the result, these things have impacts that last into future elections and generations. i.e. "What we do in life echoes in eternity".

Hundreds of millions of Americans are OK to happy about how things are now with many fo them opposing the type of revolution that Sanders wants. There's more to a country than how progressive it appears to the outside world.


Tabris is a wealthy Canadian who hopes the U.S. enters another recession so that he can profit off of it.

I'm being completely serious.

Curious as to what his wealth has to do with UNC? Or wanting the US to progress forward on issues? Or forcing his platform on the DNC?
It's amazing how a year can change someone's opinion. I went from liking Bernie Sanders, to being indifferent, to now just wishing he would go away and stop.

At this point I really feel Barney Frank's 1991 assessment of Sanders was 100% correct.

"His holier-than-thou attitude - saying in a very loud voice he is smarter than everyone else and purer than everyone - really undercuts his effectiveness"

"To him, anybody who disagrees with him is a crook; there are no honest disagreements with people. Bernie's view of the world is that the great majority of people agree with him on all the issues and the only reason he does not win is that the Congress is crooked"
Hahah, oh wow.
Why does a revolution need to be violent in your mind? Some of the greatest political revolutions in history have been non-violent.

Sanders is pushing for a political revolution where it's not about establishment politics and down tickets and corporate interests, but empowering the individual voter to push the agenda of the representative. That goes past party lines.

Yea he did a bang up job being down 300+ pledge delegates and ~3 million popular vote

Math is too conservative for this country!


I see this in a light some don't... This could be a tool in helping unify the party under sanders if done right.
Fuck it I'm going to throw out an hypothesis I've been running over in my head.

Of all the candidates Bernie Sanders is the candidate whose campaign and campaign behavior is the most subservient to money.

Clinton's backers are largely generic Democratic Party backers. They'd be donating to whoever was the favored candidate. She's got a fredom to do whatever because people aren't gonna stop donating.

Sanders though? Sanders is a different beast, especially now. His backers are largely people who have really bought into Bernie Sanders the persona, if he started shifting to accepting defeat and towards uniting the party to defeat Trump, all his money goes away because that's not what he's getting money to do.

I mean look at the crazy shit in Nevada. It's literally on his financial interest to do these things

Just an idea. I'm not saying I'm right.


Good. Sanders, his campaign, and his supporters should do everything in their power to fight and disrupt the DNC and the Hillary campaign.

Your country needs a political revolution. It would be a poor revolution if they just gave up.

Even if it won't change the result, these things have impacts that last into future elections and generations. i.e. "What we do in life echoes in eternity".

This is idiotic, and a fast track to a Trump presidency. The "revolution" failed to even spark. Clinton has all but won the primary, and by a large margin of both popular vote and delegates.

And I gag at your terrible use of that Gladiator quote.


can someone elaborate on what exactly the Sanders campaign is "threatening" to do if their requests aren't met? it seems like rather charged language. how will this grind the convention to a halt?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
This is what if have been telling people for months, including referencing that same Frank quote.

This is what started to become apparent to me since about...January or so. I had increasing problems all through the fall, but it was the start of this year where I started to really dislike his personal character
If he does it's because Hillary isn't inspiring people to vote for her, not because of Sanders.

No this is bullshit and shifts the blame away from the people that actually has the power. The Voters themselves.

If the voters can't be "inspired" enough to not allow an openly Racist, Misogynist be president.? If the Voters can't be "inspired" enough to give a shit about healthcare, police reform, Supreme court justice nominations? If the Voters van't be "inspired" enough to even educate themselves of the issues or just get off their lazy complacent asses to vote in the first place?No that not Hillary fault.

This country, not to mention large sections of the middle east was completely fucked over and almost bankrupted Under Bush Jr. NOT Because Gore or Kerry didn't "inspire". It's directly the fault of the stupid and lazy and easily frightened American electorate.
The Nevada fiasco happened *right* after I cast my ballot. Instant regrets.
Why was Nevada the tipping point for you? Some of Bernie's supporters, and in the later phases the candidate himself, have been behaving badly though most of the campaign.

For the worst behavior I experienced myself, incredibly rude behavior like this: https://youtu.be/gmj695Vwlwk?t=2h49m16s towards Barney Frank at the Maine Democratic Convention this May was quite unpleasant to experience. I know things were even worse in Nevada than Maine, but that was just an extension on past behavior. I'm sure most will come around eventually and support Hillary, but the fit some are throwing now is unfortunate.
What are you doing, Colonel Sanders?

I really want to continue supporting you, dude.

No this is bullshit and shifts the blame away from the people that actually has the power. The Voters themselves.

If the voters can't be "inspired" enough to not allow an openly Racist, Misogynist be president.? If the Voters can't be "inspired" enough to give a shit about healthcare, police reform, Supreme court justice nominations? If the Voters van't be "inspired" enough to even educate themselves of the issues or just get off their lazy complacent asses to vote in the first place?No that not Hillary fault.

This country, not to mention large sections of the middle east was completely fucked over and almost bankrupted Under Bush Jr. NOT Because Gore or Kerry didn't "inspire". It's directly the fault of the stupid and lazy and easily frightened American electorate.

The worst thing about this is it validates you to continue shitposting about how Sanders wants to destroy the world.


can someone elaborate on what exactly the Sanders campaign is "threatening" to do if their requests aren't met? it seems like rather charged language. how will this grind the convention to a halt?

Using such language is pretty good when you don't want to leave a group but want to get as close to a semblance of being kicked out to justify your cause further. That's what this is.
The DNC gives him more than he deserves at the convention is this is how he thanks them?

What a vile politician. He's lost all the respect he once had. He is destroying his reputation and turning into a bitter, cranky old man.

Nobody will bat an eye when he retires from the Senate. It'll probably be a sigh of relief to get the crazy coot out.
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