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Scalebound Gameplay Demo [extended IGN First demo in OP]

What game does Scalebound most remind you of?

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I think it looks pretty cool. I guess it'll come down to deep it is and how much content it has. Surface appeal is quite decent, though, imo.


Kamiya directed Wonderful 101, Devil May Cry and Bayonetta. Comparing it to those games the combat looked rather generic (like Witcher 3) and not like something from the master of character action. But there is still time. Especially to fix the framerate. Was still very rough.

Ok let's not get crazy here :p

sure the combat doesn't looks as good as Bayonetta's or DMC but it 's obviously better and more fun than the witcher 3's combat.


The gameplay seems a bit boring. The ability to grapple huge monsters is awesome but there doesn't seem to be any challenge or tension in these fights. Hopefully it's just set on some super easy mode for the demo.

Kamiya probably did it on purpose so he can have the fun of dealing with all the abuse he is probably getting on Twitter from Ps4 owners disappointed with the framerate.


Not impressed, but then again, not what I was expecting either.

When I think about Platinum, I think about action games with deep combat mechanics.

This is a RPG and the combat seemed much more simple. It might have some depth to it, but it remains to be seen (it is a pre-alpha).

Depending on how well this goes, I might buy an xbox one.


The last big monster game I played, everyone and their mom wore headset.
TBH, Japan loves headset so I can't blame Scalebound for it.


Everything looks janky about this game, and incredibly slow. Don't see the point in the large world aside from giving the giant dragon some space to move around. I was expecting more from platinum. Not really digging the artstyle either. Looks very dry.


Ok let's not get crazy here :p

sure the combat doesn't looks as good as Bayonetta's or DMC but it 's obviously netter and more fun than the witcher 3's combat.

Yeah for real. Scalebound is looking like a step below God of War, which is still faaaar above Witcher 3.


Wow... to me this game looks absolutely amazing. Reminds me of a mix between Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter and Devil May Cry.

Not sure if it's enough for me to buy a Xbox One... but this game is definitely making me reconsider.
Yup, reminds me about Xenoblade Chronicles too and Final Fantasy XIII on chapter 11, looks absolutely stunning imo and as usual I have to double check if I'm watching the right video when reading all these negative comments. :/
People might diss me for this...


that character design...


I'm not even kidding. I rike it. It's unique and different than most bland characters these days. I don't even care if it doesn't make sense or whatever, it's like a slightly cooler Nero and yes, I EVEN LIKED THE MUSIC PLAYING DURING COMBAT.

I can tell why people don't like it, though.

Yeah, actually dig the ratitude... dialog could be a bit sharper tho

Sky Chief

Doesn't look like Platinum game at all. Most of the demo was just the Dragon killing for you too and the main character just seems like such a stereotype of DMC/Uncharted. I'm really not feeling it but I hope I'm wrong.
Interesting poll. I will say Dragons Dogma except the reason DD was such a masterpeice was due to its combat system that had style and substance. I wonder when we will be able to see the entire combat system for this game.


Dudebro version of The Last Guardian.


Anyway kamiya should stick with dmc clones. He doesn't know how to make other games. This looks dated gameplay wise

How do people get excited when they see footage like this? Boring combat, boring dragon mechanic, bad framerate, 3edgy5me protag, the list goes on and on. If I wanted to play a slow action rpg, I would play dragon's dogma. If I wanted to play a fast one, I would play DMC. The only group I can see this appealing to is the typically maligned "call of duty" player base who want big flash and action with a low skill ceiling.

Different opinions and all that, but... Sheesh!
The Wonderful 101 is the best game this generation for me and Bayonetta 2 is really fantastic so the prospect of a new PG game sounds really great...but I'm not sure how I feel about Scalebound.
Looks like they showed it off too early. The build seems rough, frame rate seems very iffy and the combat seems a bit too simple. Though I imagine it's because it's an Action RPG, games like KH still seem a lot faster and flashier. You could say it's because the guy demoing didn't know what he was doing...but it was Kamiya playing it.
The game has a long time to fix these issues and I trust Kamiya to make something great.


Looks pretty good to me..the main character was annoying as hell though and the combat and movement looked kinda rough..i guess it's still pretty early in development though.
The Multi-Unite feature in W101 was added at the last second by Kamiya without telling anyone and they didn't have time to even really bug test it.

I doubt combat is anything close to locked.


Gold Member
Wow. Not what I was expecting at all. I was expecting Devil May Cry/Bayonetta with dragons. Instead we get what looks akin to Dragon's Dogma with combat from some of Kamiya's earlier games. I'm very interested in seeing more.


Gold Member
Watched the YouTube vid and bits and pieces of the ign first

I'm not a platinum super fan, but this doesn't look like a platinum combat system. Very generic imo

Is there any direct control over the dragon or its all issuing commands?
Voted for Pac-man.

Well, it seems we'll be able to edit our character, if not I like that he looks like Nero.

Still, I want to see more of this game.
What is with that sub 20 framerate? Unless its just youtube.

Does remind me a bit of dragons dogma combined with Drakengard 3, so thats a good thing, but the guy seriously seems out of place there.

Ashe Nei

Not sure what i just saw but...i like it!!

Yeah, it's a bizarre mix between Drakengard, Dragon's Dogma, Donte's DmC character (hope we can customize it, but i don't hold high hopes on that...) and some Monster Hunter bits...(that trap/mine...).

At least it seems we can choose our weapons/class? (sorry, i'm yet to watch the extended demo from IGN...) and there seems to be some sort of multiplayer "similar" with the Souls games but with giant dragons as back up?

I don't know...seems rough, but the rough cup of tea of mine :p
Man that intro part with the dialogue, banter and headphones was hard to watch. I guess not playing a DMC game for a while i forgot how stupid the game is aside form the action. The action seemed slower than other platinum games, but it's too early to know the full extent of the gameplay. Bayonetta and DMC gameplay kind of ruined things I guess.


After a second viewing (IGN version), I'm starting to like it. At first, I guess it wasn't what I was expecting (haven't really paid too much attention since it was last shown at E3).

Can't wait to see more of the RPG side of the game.
This looks horrible to me :-/ I'm the most put off by the main character's attitude. Is this what Japanese developers think that a western audience wants out of a main character? Even worse, maybe it actually is. Ugh, I wanted to vommit listening to that guy talk.


This looks horrible to me :-/ I'm the most put off by the main character's attitude. Is this what Japanese developers think that a western audience wants out of a main character? Even worse, maybe it actually is. Ugh, I wanted to vommit listening to that guy talk.

To be fair, it is doubtful that he was made without MS's approval.


Visuals look nice, I can live with the character design.

White damage numbers and 4-player co-op make me think there will be a lame XP system in place. I hope it won't be too lame. I mean, Platinum is more likely to get this correct than many.

I'm very interested, but a little more cautious than usual.


Game looked uninspiring. Seems like it's a dmc ripoff with a pet dragon. Dante wannabe that can use nero's hook grab. Also i agree with the others, can't stand the main character.
Wow. Not what I was expecting at all. I was expecting Devil May Cry/Bayonetta with dragons. Instead we get what looks akin to Dragon's Dogma with combat from some of Kamiya's earlier games. I'm very interested in seeing more.

it doesnt look anywhere near as good as Dragon Dogma. Lots of time for improvement though.


Everything looks janky about this game, and incredibly slow. Don't see the point in the large world aside from giving the giant dragon some space to move around. I was expecting more from platinum. Not really digging the artstyle either. Looks very dry.

Could it be Platinum Games B team?


Hahaha, goddamn.

Thought bits of Xenoblade (the environment and the British-sounding soldiers in particular) mixed with Devil May Cry, the bow, shock trap, and the mounting bringing Monster Hunter to mind but otherwise far removed from that franchise. Gameplay looks rather loose at this point, not all that fond of not-Donte but don't hate him either. Meh on the dubstep.


The extended footage is very very nice!

Love the design of the rest of the map and the exploration music, it's soothing.

It's really cool how the dragon follows you from the air while you criss cross the forested waterfall-area.

And I actually like the main character - he seems like a positive and happy-go-lucky dude just hanging out with his dragon buddy - something I really enjoy after reading through this thread.
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