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Scalebound (XB1/PC, 2017) Xbox E3 Briefing 2016


Wow that... Didn't look so good, and that writing? Ugh.

Hopefully by the time it comes out it won't look so... rough.
I was interested in this game when they revealed with cgi, but after the real gameplay its getting worse every time they show. Seems like the design and art of this game is poorly done and also MS focus on co-op and playing with friends in every game is not so good, because without friends these are not fun due to design choices they are forcing which affect the game also.


Watching it again, it looks like the number of attacks that boss managed to get off could be counted on one hand. Even then, like 2 of them came remotely close to hitting the player. It may as well have been a punching bag. The bow was underwhelming as fuck compared to something like Dragon's Dogma. I also feel they chose the wrong perspective to follow because the other players looked like they were doing far more damage and more varied attacks. I wish they cut to other perspectives instead of just following this person who was just... piddling away with pathetic arrows.

Overall, a disappointing outing from Platinum and very unlike their other games which tend to have a frenetic pace to their combat. This was just dull, like... MMO hotkey-combat dull.


Thought MS conference was generally very good but this was just really underwhelming, assumed I'd be getting very excited about it
Game might end up being great, shooting the bow sure didn't look any fun though. I don't like when weapons lack impact and it looks like that bow was just shooting air.


It was a boring boss fight to watch. Not going to assume this will be mediocre because of that. Scalebound remains the game that most makes me want to pick up an X1.


this look's like Platinum's Too Human

The hyperbole in this thread over a single boss fight will be the greatest archive for future reference in my personal time on GAF

I still think a lot of you guys are missing the point. You guys need to think of it more like MH meets an action game, rather than just a straight up Platinum game.

Also, who the fuck shoots his arrows at the crab? Get on your damn dragon and fuck shit up.

It was intentionally played so... oddly.


I don't get the hate. Is it that everyone was expecting another straight up character action game? Given that the demo didn't get me super hyped or anything, but I think the game looks promising and was certainly one of the highlights of Microsoft's conference for me.


There is nothing else like Scalebound out there, a game mixing ation, RPG elements and dragon riding. The soundtrack and main character mannerismas might not be for every one but it's undeniable how original and technically beautiful this game looks. It doesn't have to be Bayonetta just because it's from Platinum.

And yeah like another poster said, if this was coming on PS4 too, we all know the reception here would be warmer.
The hyperbole in this thread over a single boss fight will be the greatest archive for future reference in my personal time on GAF

I still think a lot of you guys are missing the point. You guys need to think of it more like MH meets an action game, rather than just a straight up Platinum game.

Also, who the fuck shoots his arrows at the crab? Get on your damn dragon and fuck shit up.

It was intentionally played so... oddly.

Really hope the game delivers because this thread will be a treasure trove for reference.
This was really disappointing. It kind of reminded me of Lost Planet 2 but with any of the fun sucked out of it. It's really slow for a Platinum game.


Platinum games demo bad. Even wonderful 101 looked like dogshit on demo. This will be a masterpeice. Kamiya has never made a bad game, have some faith.

Drain You

I want to like this game more than I actually do judging by whats been shown so far. On one hand I feel like it doesn't seem like a game for me, but I enjoy Platinum games so I still might pick this up. I dunno.


Seems like the game is written for younsters/teenagers. So that's going to suck.

The combat has potential, like being able to jump on various body parts of large enemies, super jump, instantly mount the dragon, change form, etc. But can only be sure once we get to play it.

Will buy on PC if I can use mods, etc.


Not again!


Everything about this gif is intensely unappealing.


There is nothing else like Scalebound out there, a game mixing ation, RPG elements and dragon riding. The soundtrack and main character mannerismas might not be for every one but it's undeniable how original and technically beautiful this game looks. It doesn't have to be Bayonetta just because it's from Platinum.

And yeah like another poster said, if this was coming on PS4 too, we all know the reception here would be warmer.

Bullshit. The trailer looks boring regardless of the platform. I like Platinum but this looks bad.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Definitely not feeling this game. I'm kind of relieved that the PG worship might settle down for a bit. No, they shouldn't develop every game.
This looks garbage. Sorry. This is not the type of game people want from platinum and honestly, even if it was made by anyone else it still wouldn't be interesting.

Pretty much nier is the only thing I'm looking forward to from them now. Everything else is getting the biggest side eye possible.


Reminds me of DmC for some reason. Hopefully Capcom announces a proper DMC5 rather than a DmC 2; anyone who wants that can buy this.
That demo was utterly forgettable. Hype deflated.

FFXV also had a terrible show (but maybe I'm just biased because I can only play SB on my PC where I'd get it anyway).
The combat looks really boring. Does anyone know if there will be skills or just normal hacks and slashes? Riding the dragon looked really slow too.


Showing a big boss battle wasn't a smart move imo. Same thing happened with FFXV. Granted, it was cheesy, but watching someone grind like that is boring.


Missed the conference but I'm watching Giantbomb's view of it and man, this game looks bad like it fits in early last year in how it's designed. I just, nah bruh, no.

Jeff's reaction was perfect. He was excited but the longer it went on the worse he became. Just not interested.


Finally got to watch that. man, that does not look that good. I hope the full game will prove me wrong, but that looked so, so boring.
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