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Seeming surge of hate crimes, assaults, intimidation in wake of Trump victory

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
This is what the people want. This is why democracy is fucking scary.
It's still a better system than authoritarianism. Democracy is only as good as the people who exercise it. That it has gotten to this point shows the true nature of the American electorate


Trump isn't anywhere near as bad as what people are making him out to be as the narrative on him is the easy target and if the primary vote to get him in office was to be liberal you would have heard something totally different. He is the classic management type, tell a specific people what they want to hear to get their support then do whatever you want. The whatever he wants bit is what we have no idea about.

Trump is just a fucking a populist as every politician but he is the dangerous type of populist.

The problem is the causes his willing to champion to get populist and he doesn't draw the lines where he won't cross. He just keep pandering to please his user base. How far he is willing to go to please the masses?

He doesn't care about minorities, they are disposable sacrifice pawns, as long he keep in power by pleasing the masses.

His real personal opinions are irrelevant as long his action as leader and enabler of actions that legitimize and normalize the action of sacrifice a minority.

And minority here is any small group in comparison with the big masses.


I'm a huge Black Friday shopper and we usually go to Wisconsin for it since that where my father lives. However I might feel better sticking it out here in Illinois. I would probably end up killing someone up north for being a racist out in the open.......god I can't imagine how brutal it's going to be this shopping season when you are going to have folks openly out probably "hunting" minorities
I'm falling deeper into depression with this. What a putrefact, sad world we live in. Fuck everyone who voted trump and allowed this pieces of shit to be validated on their views.
I'm falling deeper into depression with this. What a putrefact, sad world we live in. Fuck everyone who voted trump and allowed this pieces of shit to be validated on their views.

Take your time and self-care to get back on your feet, but don't let these four years get you down. Use this to power through it and use that to get back our future.


Unconfirmed Member
America was already a very divided country in many ways. But if Trump isn't careful ( yeah I know) with his words and actions as President he could very well violently rip it in half.


Well, more than half of the voters can't be that wrong right ?
Remember that one out of two american people endorsed that shit.


This is what the people want. This is why democracy is fucking scary.

This a type of democracy, the bad one.

Majoritarian democracy = its tyranny of the majority whereby the majority in society could oppress or exclude minority groups.

What we need is a
Consensus democracy = a decision-making structure which involves and takes into account as broad a range of opinions as possible


Well, more than half of the voters can't be that wrong right ?
Remember that one out of two american people endorsed that shit.
Sadly, that's not quite true. If voter turnout had been anywhere close to 100% this almost certainly wouldn't have happened.


I can understand the motivation for trying to spread a "let's get positive!" attitude, but it can only fall on deaf ears right now when minorities have to literally fear for their lives, and girls now get their crotches grabbed at school.

"Let's unite and heal the wounds" isn't particularly helpful advice to Muslim women who feel like it's open season on them now. The more pragmatic advice would be "you should probably buy a gun".
Well, more than half of the voters can't be that wrong right ?
Remember that one out of two american people endorsed that shit.

1 out of 4 endorsed him.
1 out of 4 rejected him.
2 out of 4 are okay with him (People who can vote but didn't)

So roughly 3 out of 4 Americans are accepting of Trump to varying degrees.
Trump is just a fucking a populist as every politician but he is the dangerous type of populist.

The problem is the causes his willing to champion to get populist and he doesn't draw the lines where he won't cross. He just keep pandering to please his user base. How far he is willing to go to please the masses?

He doesn't care about minorities, they are disposable sacrifice pawns, as long he keep in power by pleasing the masses.

His real personal opinions are irrelevant as long his action as leader and enabler of actions that legitimize and normalize the action of sacrifice a minority.

And minority here is any small group in comparison with the big masses.

He is dangerous but not necessary in the way people have been suspecting, such as the stuff with Russia.

Potentially the biggest threat he is posing is the interior destabilisation which the CIA, FBI, militaries and global forecasters have all had at the top of their list of biggest threats to peace of the United States. Like you say politicians of the past have lines they wouldn't cross to prevent this but he has willingly jumped across multiple lines to grab votes. For a country that has a diverse make-up it has always had a delicate balance and the question from the outside has always been how in a country that has such strong divisions does it get along in the way it has been especially considering there are so many large militarised hate groups of all kinds.


For you.
Well, more than half of the voters can't be that wrong right ?
Remember that one out of two american people endorsed that shit.
The kicker is that Clinton got more votes. But the US has a very shitty system, so they are now stuck with Trump, despite the will of the people.


I imagine these hate crime numbers will virtually disappear shortly after he's sworn in, if only because that designation will be reserved only for crimes against cops now. I can't even tell people to exercise their second amendment rights to stay safe because that would be a death sentence for a PoC, whether it happens on site or before a white supremacist judge and jury.


So you want mandatory voting? Not asking disingeniously because afaik that still exists in some (even western) countries.
The *ideal* scenario is that the parties are able to motivate their voting base to get out and vote, obviously. If mandatory voting is enforceable and it would have stopped this from happening then I'd probably support it.

Low voter turnout has played a large put in two horrible electorate decisions this year. :(


Expected yet tragic all the same. As an outsider looking in, it just baffles me how this is possible. You would look at a compilation reel about everything Trump has ever publicly said and you would laugh out loud to the idea of him actually having any real chance at presidency.


Man, remember the crazy shit people said when Obama was elected? "The blacks are going to enslave us! White people are going to be lynched in the streets!" etc etc etc. But guess what? Nothing happened. Nothing fucking at all. Instead, we made progress in this country on nearly all levels. Not enough progress of course, but some.

One day after Trump gets elected and it's like we're back in the 1950s (or earlier). We will have to fight for civil rights once again. Will this shit just keep happening?

Its called projection.


For a lot of us it's not exactly the easiest thing to do much else.

I completely understand and respect your position here, and I recognise this is the reality for many. Realistically however, it is not the case for everyone, and as a minority myself this in particular is something I find immensely frustrating.

I'm seeing it more and more frequently. People wring their hands over a topic online and proceed to take absolutely no action. They get to feel progressive inside for pointing at The Bad Thing, collect their retweets/quotes/likes, and get on with their day.

So many people claiming to be outraged on my behalf, or the behalf of others. Yet at the end of the day I rarely see evidence of a single one of them visibly making an actual contribution, beyond their angry post. Not all of these people work 14 hours a day, or 7 days a week, or have kids to take care of.

Again, this is not aimed at anyone in particular. I'm not pointing my finger at anyone who ever made an angry post. There are however people out there doing exactly what I'm describing, over and over again, and no one seems to call them on it. It's slacktivism, it's disingenuous, it's apathetic and in my opinion it actually feeds into this horrible landscape of ignorance. I see these attitudes helping the hatemongers gain power, because in my opinion this practice gives these people (who claim to be outraged, but are obviously mildly disgruntled at best) the release they need in order to be comfortable staying quiet in their day to day life.

Why should they actually go and do anything about it? Why even bother voting? They already feel self satisfied, people already know their opinion on the matter. After all they've already voiced their extreme disapproval on two social networks and a forum thread only this morning.
We all knew this was coming, and it's just as horrifying we expected to be. Fuck everyone who feels emboldened to commit these hateful acts because an all around horrible parasite was elected.
I fucking dare any one of those sexist jackasses to even touch me; my stun gun should make my message loud and clear.


The images in the OP are disgusting and Trump needs to come out and condone this behaviour


This shit is expected directly after election night. Tension and excitement still fills the air and the press will report stuff that day to day would usually be ignored or not given much focus.

After Brexit there were stories of racism and racist attacks and they were horrible to read but guess what...

Few months later and Britain is fine. There is still tolerance, still multiculturalism, still plenty of immigrants living and working happily here in complete safety. Britain didn't suddenly change over night into an intolerant racist nation. Crime didn't suddenly surge and stay at high levels. Society didn't break down. Im confident the same will hold true for America.

You have no idea what you are on about. Hate crime is very much still on the rise since and because of Brexit.


Didnt Trump say "Even if I shot someone on the street, I'd still get elected"?

Even neonazis use more carefull rhetoric


It's what a quarter of the voters wanted. Which makes me feel let down. How can it truly be a democracy when a quarter of voters get to decide this for the entire nation

Yeah. My gf was pretty confused after reading that majority voted for Clinton and Trump still got elected (we live in Finland), so I explained to her how electoral college system works and she just said "well, that isn't really democracy then".


All the Trump supporters gives no fucks towards this though. This is truly a joke, I'm living in that black mirror episode with that blue cartoon.
i was at the gym yesterday, and a couple of guys were heckling me by the free weights.

"You sure you can lift that, fatty?"

"You're not losing weight fast enough!"

"You being here is making us look bad"

"We all know when you go home all you'll be lifting are burgers and beer."

"Trump wants 10s in this country. You're a 1."


Yeah. My gf was pretty confused after reading that majority voted for Clinton and Trump still got elected (we live in Finland), so I explained to her how electoral college system works and she just said "well, that isn't really democracy then".

I might be wrong, but it's my understanding that avoiding this very situation is why the Electoral College was conceived.

The idea being that a demagogue might amass such fervent support that they could win the popular vote, but that it would be impossible to appeal to a wide range of diverse communities across so many different states, and so this would be the protective, preventative measure.

It didn't account for how well hate would transcend state lines.


for some reason after reading the thread title I though democratic supporters were doing it against Trumpers. what a crazzy thought lol


Expected yet tragic all the same. As an outsider looking in, it just baffles me how this is possible. You would look at a compilation reel about everything Trump has ever publicly said and you would laugh out loud to the idea of him actually having any real chance at presidency.
America looked at that same compilation reel and decided they don't have to vote because he has no real chance at presidency.
I'm a huge Black Friday shopper and we usually go to Wisconsin for it since that where my father lives. However I might feel better sticking it out here in Illinois. I would probably end up killing someone up north for being a racist out in the open.......god I can't imagine how brutal it's going to be this shopping season when you are going to have folks openly out probably "hunting" minorities

Black Friday and the holiday season will be very interesting this year.

If it is any reassurance [although I am sure someone has already mentioned this] we went through a similar process in the UK after Brexit. Suddenly all the closet bigots and racists thought they had carte blanche to go mainstream with their vile bullshit. They interpreted the vote as a validation of their racism by the majority, confirmed by the system. There were a flurry of incidents similar to the ones in the OP of this thread. However, this seems to have died down now AFAIK.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
America looked at that same compilation reel and decided they don't have to vote because he has no real chance at presidency.

Almost 60 million Americans looked at it and decided it really spoke to their economic insecurity.


It's what a quarter of the voters wanted. Which makes me feel let down. How can it truly be a democracy when a quarter of voters get to decide this for the entire nation

Maybe you're taking into account the people who didn't vote, but I thought it was what 47.5% of voters wanted.
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