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Seeming surge of hate crimes, assaults, intimidation in wake of Trump victory

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Maybe you're taking into account the people who didn't vote, but I thought it was what 47.5% of voters wanted.

I think they meant eligible voters cuz ~55.6% of eligible voters voted so 47.5% of the votes means only ~26% of the eligible voters voted Trump.


I might be wrong, but it's my understanding that avoiding this very situation is why the Electoral College was conceived.

The idea being that a demagogue might amass such fervent support that they could win the popular vote, but that it would be impossible to appeal to a wide range of diverse communities across so many different states, and so this would be the protective, preventative measure.

It didn't account for how well hate would transcend state lines.

That is completely right. The irony of life I guess..


I'm ready for trumps gestapo and trump youth.


They're not afraid anymore.

They're not afraid anymore.
This one was allegedly some idiot "ironically" flying the flag as a backwards show if protest. When his neighbor complained that as the child of Holocaust survivors, it was horrible to see in his neighborhood, it was taken down, and he replaced it with what looked to be some variant of a rainbow flag.

Though that still raises the question, who the hell just has a Nazi flag lying around, ready to go?


Enjoy your Brexit moment america. The very same happened over here in the UK when the leavers won. Every racist shit bag came crawling out of the wood work.
Makes me want to vomit over them all in loathing and disgust.

This is probably a word we're going to be hearing a lot as defenses for all of these crimes.

Absolutely terrible all-around, this shit can't fly. If they're going to have people going around doing horrible acts of intimidation and violence, we need to have people protecting their targets. These past few years have sure as fuck shown that (for the most part) neither the police nor our politicians will be doing that.



If it is any reassurance [although I am sure someone has already mentioned this] we went through a similar process in the UK after Brexit. Suddenly all the closet bigots and racists thought they had carte blanche to go mainstream with their vile bullshit. They interpreted the vote as a validation of their racism by the majority, confirmed by the system. There were a flurry of incidents similar to the ones in the OP of this thread. However, this seems to have died down now AFAIK.

It hasn't look at my last post, it is just reported less.
It's in Dolores Heights, in San Francisco. Here's a local article about it.


A Nazi flag appeared Wednesday on the flagpole of a Mission district home, raising immediate concern on the internet, and in the neighborhood. The homeowner who put up the flag says he wanted to make a provocatively semi-ironic "statement about our President elect," but of course his visual statement could be interpreted in a number of ways, especially outside of San Francisco — and especially with some of the anti-Semitic vitriol spouted by Trump supporters.

Stupid person, or "it was just irony, bro!"


i was at the gym yesterday, and a couple of guys were heckling me by the free weights.

"You sure you can lift that, fatty?"

"You're not losing weight fast enough!"

"You being here is making us look bad"

"We all know when you go home all you'll be lifting are burgers and beer."

"Trump wants 10s in this country. You're a 1."

That's so horrible. Those guys are essentially 80s movie villains. In fact, I could easily see that exact same scene playing out in an 80s film. Just replace Trump with Reagan.
Anybody getting intimidated in OKC please message me and let me know. If you feel unsafe or have been threatened we need to spread that awareness and make sure those that are spreading fear or violence are brought to justice and are made public.

Also, protect yourself please. This is sickening.
I need to steel myself against this because im just getting more and more depressed the more i hear about these incidents. Fucking hell.
What if we all got together, legally married some foreign 'black' individuals, brought them into the country in large numbers, would it be possible to make people of African descent the majority?

I know it's a silly thought, but these white supremacists need to be the minority for once. Screw this piece of shit country.


Enjoy your Brexit moment america. The very same happened over here in the UK when the leavers won. Every racist shit bag came crawling out of the wood work.
Makes me want to vomit over them all in loathing and disgust.

If only people actually listened when others told them to take the election seriously because brexit proves anything can happen. Instead they got laughed at and dogpiled on.


I now have two friends who have been harassed on separate occasions by Trump supporters. A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook. I cannot believe this.

"First racist encounter in this post-Trump world. I proudly have an "I'm with her" sticker displayed on my car. I came out from the gym to a woman spitting on my trunk. I caught her red-handed. I asked her what she thought she was doing. She said that this was "our country" now and people like me (Hillary supporters) "can crawl in a hole and die." I asked her why she was so angry and she asked me if I was a Jew because I looked like one, and that if I am, "get ready for your next exodus lady, because we're about to clean out this country." I am crying uncontrollably and am just in shock and fear I DONT RECOGNIZE THIS COUNTRY ANYMORE AND I NO LONGER FEEL SAFE. This wasn't in the Middle East or North Korea. This was in Albuquerque, New Mexico. God save us all."


Neo Member
This whole election cycle has been disheartening and truly worries me. I've always looked for the best in people but the reactions to Trumps presidency are truly depressing. I honestly hope that we can truly heal as a nation but i'm starting to lose hope.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
A horrifying collection of many more incidents


A swastika and the words “MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN” (seen above) were spray painted on a baseball dugout in Wellsville, NY (p. ~5,000). A black baby doll was also found with rope around its neck in an elevator on campus at Canisius College outside Buffalo, NY. — The Buffalo News

Campus police at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette received a report that a female UL Lafayette student was attacked and robbed by two males, one allegedly wearing a white Trump hat. Her wallet and hijab were stolen. — The Daily Advertiser

The student-run newspaper at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette found phrases like “FUCK YOUR SAFE SPACE” and “BUILD WALL” tagged around campus. The University is investigating. — The Vermillion, The Daily Advertiser

A swastika and the words “Seig Heil 2016” were spray painted on a storefront in South Philadelphia. The Anti-Defamation League issued an official statement in response to the incident, saying that “while we view this as an isolated incident, we cannot allow this behavior to become routine. Everyone has a role to play in combating bigotry — we must advocate, educate and investigate until hate is no longer welcome in our society.” — Philly.com, The Anti-Defamation League
I now have two friends who have been harassed on separate occasions by Trump supporters. A friend of mine posted this on her Facebook. I cannot believe this.

"First racist encounter in this post-Trump world. I proudly have an "I'm with her" sticker displayed on my car. I came out from the gym to a woman spitting on my trunk. I caught her red-handed. I asked her what she thought she was doing. She said that this was "our country" now and people like me (Hillary supporters) "can crawl in a hole and die." I asked her why she was so angry and she asked me if I was a Jew because I looked like one, and that if I am, "get ready for your next exodus lady, because we're about to clean out this country." I am crying uncontrollably and am just in shock and fear I DONT RECOGNIZE THIS COUNTRY ANYMORE AND I NO LONGER FEEL SAFE. This wasn't in the Middle East or North Korea. This was in Albuquerque, New Mexico. God save us all."

the real terrifying part, since the 505 is generally liberal city.

this shit makes me angry man


Christ at all the tweets on that page. Bringing tears to my eyes.
What has become of us

Is none of the news covering these incidents?!

They are acting like nothing is happening.

Van Jones addressed it on CNN but everyone else is only concerned with politics and what Fuhrer Trump plans on doing next year.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
As a minority, I will not travel into a red state as long as that orange idiot is in the White House.


Kind of freaky atmosphere around town today. Someone spray painted some graffiti with a fist in the air saying RESIST underneath. Walked to a corner store and saw some people arguing and yelling at some people asking if they voted for trump.

Mind you this is in a super liberal town. Our county voted nearly 70% Democrat.


As a minority, I will not travel into a red state as long as that orange idiot is in the White House.

It's not about red and blue states, but about rural and cities. If you're driving in a rural area, you're driving in Trumpland, and it doesn't really matter which state you're in. The same goes for being in a city. The division in America isn't between north and south, but city and urban. A quick look at the county based voting will show you this.

For example, bluest of blue, New York:
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