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Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (PS3/4/Vita/360/XB1/WiiU/PC) Kickstarter [800K/400K Funded]

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WayForward made further comment on her skin color:

Creator WayForward about 2 hours ago
Hi friends! Since there were a lot of comments regarding skin tone, we lined up all the Shantae artwork from past games, and the skin tones are all over the board. We've always left this to artist discretion in the past. However, this new artwork does stand out as the lightest she's been since back in the GBC days, so I'm sure we'll adjust it once we have our character lineup established. This is a great example of Kickstarter comments shaping the eventual product, so please make your opinions heard!

I'd consider that addressed. Mona I feel like going on a Shantae binge on my 3DS.
Figured, I guess. But yeah, after looking for examples, they are really inconsistent about it anyways. :p

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Does WayForward know how to make a new IP anymore?

oh right, Mighty Switch... Still. Kind of lame that they're doing Shantae again.


A little basic color correction:


Easily like a million times better. She looks so pale for some reason.


Santa May Claus
I really don't see the skin tone as being a malicious, deliberate change. People spoke out and they're going to take a look at it (re: change it).

Frankly, she looks more attractive with a little tan on her.


I really don't see the skin tone as being a malicious, deliberate change. People spoke out and they're going to take a look at it (re: change it).

Frankly, she looks more attractive with a little tan on her.

They didn't say they'd change it back as much as they'd adjust it to make sure it fits with the other characters in the game. If you look at the color-corrected image that keeps being passed around in this thread, you'll notice that Shantae's skin is now noticeably darker than the rest of the characters in the scene. Even the characters with blue and green skin have a light and/or pale tone.
I was gonna say I didn't like the art when I saw the gif showing her progression from the pixel sprites. Seeing the in-game footage changed my tune entirely, it looks great. Now to wait for them to properly brown her up again.


Unconfirmed Member
I asked the following:

Any chance you'll include codes for Risky's Revenge or the upcoming 3DS game as part of higher reward tiers? I played the first game on the 3DS VC and loved it. I would easily drop 50 or 60 bucks for a reward tier containing all 3 games.

The reply:

We currently have no plans to add new reward tiers but that is a great idea and if there is enough interest from other backers we'll look into how possible this is.

Thanks for the suggestion :)

Anyone else interested in this?


Gives all the fucks
A bundle where you can get the upcoming 3DSware game or perhaps one with a bundle for download codes for each game in the series would make for good rewards. I'd probably back it if I got a bundle of all 4 games & give/sell the code for the GBC one.


I say she doesn't need to be as dark as that edit in here, but I was thinking something like this, if not even a tad lighter, just to at least be in the same range:

edit: Koko I see your responses to Shantae lately and I'm starting to get reminded of Sonic1Sonichedgehog and "hentai quills" :p
I say she doesn't need to be as dark as that edit in here, but I was thinking something like this, if not even a tad lighter, just to at least be in the same range:

I mean yeah, at least she looks like she's not sickly in this one compared to the real one.

Still a bit too light though. I still like the darker edit better.


I say she doesn't need to be as dark as that edit in here, but I was thinking something like this, if not even a tad lighter, just to at least be in the same range:

Yeah, I might've actually skewed a little far the other way compared to most of her character art. The original GBC palette's about that dark, but everything since then's been a bit lighter.

That said, I always liked the old GBC look the best to begin with.
More Shantae now, 3DS is also getting an exclusive game so let Vita fans have some of this girl too. Also Wii U version for me. Damn that soundtrack was good.


It's been almost a year since Shantae and the Pirate's Curse was announced for 3DS. It was back in November. Anyway, I really hope this one gets funded along with Ghost Song and Mighty No. 9. I wouldn't mind an HD port of Pirate's Curse too!
Whoa, a Dungeon Mapper game? I've never heard of that before, sounds interesting. Do I need to have played any of the other 3 games or can I just dive into 4?

Nope! Just jump into 4, that's what I did.

Hell it's probably better to do that at this point because it's more accessible.
Whoa, a Dungeon Mapper game? I've never heard of that before, sounds interesting. Do I need to have played any of the other 3 games or can I just dive into 4?

You can play 4 and not worry about it, they aren't related story wise.

I should say that a remake of the 1st game is coming out next month for the 3DS. But you could play any, they are all amazing.
They're all self-contained, so you don't have to worry about that.

Nope! Just jump into 4, that's what I did.

Hell it's probably better to do that at this point because it's more accessible.

You can play 4 and not worry about it, they aren't related story wise.

I should say that a remake of the 1st game is coming out next month for the 3DS. But you could play any, they are all amazing.

Awesome, thanks! Amazon has it for $32 and it looks like it comes with a CD and an art book? :O


Wait this thread got someone to buy Etrian IV? SCORE! My only Etrian game I've played, and one of the best JRPGs in ages IMO.
Not crazy about how this looks compared to the other entries in the series. The backgrounds make me think of the Ducktale backgrounds although a bit better. I know that Wayforwards child is Shantae so I hope they manage to succeed with this kickstarter even if I have yet to try any of the games.


Wait, why is her skin tone different in the OP? Also, does she get any other attacks? Whipping your hair back and forth the whole game seems kinda boring.


Wait, why is her skin tone different in the OP? Also, does she get any other attacks? Whipping your hair back and forth the whole game seems kinda boring.

In the first two games there are various magic attacks. The third game seems to move to pirate abilities and I'm not sure what has been said about this game yet.


One of the costumes looks like 3DS shantae, and another the Mighty Switch Force girl...

And in the next tier there's one that looks like Guppi from Xtreme Sports. I wonder if the other one may be Scarlet from Sigma Star Saga, but the ponytail throws it all off.


wait a white Shantae :/

why this keep happening to female video game characters?


Kat from Gravity Rush

It didn't happen to kat from GR, the color profiles are exactly the same under like lighting conditions. Look at the picture of her from GR and look at her shoulder. She didn't get white washed in PSABR it's just that the lighting is much more natural in that game as oppose to the more colored lighting in 99% of GR. I swear everytime I see this it just screams how many people never played GR in the first place.

She's being lit from behind in that GR shot where as she's being lit from the top down in that PSABR shot. Her skin color is exactly the same and they are using different shading between the two.


Yeah, I might've actually skewed a little far the other way compared to most of her character art. The original GBC palette's about that dark, but everything since then's been a bit lighter.

That said, I always liked the old GBC look the best to begin with.
I think there's something to like from every iteration, but I've been hoping they'd all eventually converge. So much for that, then? :p

I think it's weird that it's been inconsistent, but at least that's been the case the whole time...? I dunno.


Up to 60K now. It's doing roughly 10K/hr, but that could easily die down. (would hit 7.2MM if it stays that rate the whole campaign)
I was hoping it was a HD or Remastered version of Shantae, Risky's Revenge, and Pirate Curse for Wii U and/or 3DS/Vita.

This is cool though. I am a bit surprised by Shantae's lack of a tan. o_O
I know this sounds crazy, but I don't like the clean look to 2D games. They do remind me of flash games compared to the pixel art.
I want to thank Mauricio for turning this into an Etrian Odyssey thread. It's my second most played game after Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Now I will go make a Dancer named Shantae. What should her subclass be? Hmm..


I know this sounds crazy, but I don't like the clean look to 2D games. They do remind me of flash games compared to the pixel art.

It depends, for me. Divekick looks like you average Flash game, but Skullgirls looks significantly better. I had more fun with Divekick, though, so art quality isn't everything.

From the video, Way Forward didn't seem to be using vector art, even though that's what the results look like. Unless they were using the drawing pen in Illustrator, but it looked like PhotoShop or similar.


So, this makes Megaman (sorta) and Shantae coming back to life through Kickstarter. Take notes, Namco, we need a Klonoa game!
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