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Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (PS3/4/Vita/360/XB1/WiiU/PC) Kickstarter [800K/400K Funded]

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Screw credit card only payments.
Please make it. :(

The GBC sprite animations still amaze me for what they pulled off then.


The only thing that I'm confused about this game, is that is it supposed to be a reboot to the series? Or, is it it's own game that's going to do it's own thing?
So, this makes Megaman (sorta) and Shantae coming back to life through Kickstarter. Take notes, Namco, we need a Klonoa game!


You should have bought it on Wii.. :( Poor Klonoa.


So, this makes Megaman (sorta) and Shantae coming back to life through Kickstarter. Take notes, Namco, we need a Klonoa game!

There's a brand new Shantae game coming out for 3DS a little later this year, so I'm not sure that this is really a fair statement.


I've never played any game of this series, backed because Wayforward and it looks incredible, so I may be completely wrong about this, but from the video I didn't get the impression that it's anything mindblowingly good gameplaywise, you know, not bad at all, probably pretty good, but what really caught my attention is that something about it is just magical, it brings the feels, felt like cartoons/anime I enjoyed, felt like playing SNES Capcom games again, it's hard to describe, but it's like I'm nostalgic for a new game from a series I've never played before.

If I'm wrong and on top of that it actually does play incredibly, then I'm in for a treat.

Will definitely buy the greenlight game when it comes out.

BloodRayne Betrayal was a fantastic underrated gem. It was the only game I've played from them, but I also really wanna play the Greenlight Shantae, Double Dragon Neon, A Boy and His Blob, DuckTales and the new Adventure Time dungeon crawler game that looks sick
Up to 60K now. It's doing roughly 10K/hr, but that could easily die down. (would hit 7.2MM if it stays that rate the whole campaign)
It would take stretch goals and media coverage automatically generated by dark magic to keep that up for the campaign. As a general rule projects get the majority of their funding in the 1st and last week, with a significant chunk being the first and last 2 days. You often won't get the end surge unless you already look like you're going to succeed. Basically you want at least 50% of your goal in the first week.


I sucked six dicks to get this tag.
WTH with the super whitewash of Shantae? I just don't understand...

Almost as bad as Vanessa skin change in VF5:FS

EDIT:NVM after seeing the above comments, but goddamn for a minute.
A little basic color correction:


Aw yiss lets get dat brown on
good, I was getting worried when she was white as christmas
Yes, she does look better with tan skin.
so good.gif
Much better. Looks like her now.

They should keep her whitewashed, it's not like the series seems all that progressive. :p

I couldn't resist :3


Ugh, I want to pledge to this but I can't. I actually cancelled my Mighty No. 9 pledge since after I calculated my expected bills, it seems I won't make it. And theres Cosmic Heroine too from Zeboyd Games. Damn it, it seems I need two jobs!


(more a nerd than a geek)
Well, I paid for the $12 level -- I'm assuming this would be at least $15 when it releases, and thus I save $3.

(Yes, I only use KS if it saves me money... this makes the second title I've ever funded.)


They sent me a response as well regarding her tone

WayForward says:
We're not intending to change her ethnicity (she's actually not human, but a genie!). She has had a different skin tone in each product, for no deliberate reason. It's been left up to artist discretion. The design for this new game is still in flux, and we're aware of several comments to this point. Part of the beauty of this campaign is that we can see our fans' immediate feedback and change course along the way :) We appreciate your message, thank you for taking the time to share it with us.
When I was just looking at the pics, I thought the new art style looked stupid. Now that I finally got around to watching the video and saw the art in action though, I realize how well it works.

10/10 Will back.


They sent me a response as well regarding her tone

WayForward says:
We're not intending to change her ethnicity (she's actually not human, but a genie!). She has had a different skin tone in each product, for no deliberate reason. It's been left up to artist discretion. The design for this new game is still in flux, and we're aware of several comments to this point. Part of the beauty of this campaign is that we can see our fans' immediate feedback and change course along the way :) We appreciate your message, thank you for taking the time to share it with us.

I got the same response from them. I didn't think it was that big of a deal aside from her being almost unnaturally pale look, but I'm glad to hear they're listening.


I got the same response from them. I didn't think it was that big of a deal aside from her being almost unnaturally pale look, but I'm glad to hear they're listening.

Agreed, just that they're listening was enough for me to go ahead and pledge.


Yeah, this might barely squeak by. Usually the ones that make it either make it in the first day or 2. Or they at least get 50% of what they are asking and slowly build up. This isn't looking good.

Not sure if joking a little early to start saying that.

Backed for $35!! Nice job Wayforward!



Now *THIS* is how you do a kickstarter! Gameplay, gameplay, gameplay! No talky talk! Just the gameplay! YESSS! Inafune, I love you, but THIS is how you kickstart a game!

Risky's Revenge is one of my favorite games I have on my 3DS! (Everyone play that gem if you haven't!


Yeah, this might barely squeak by. Usually the ones that make it either make it in the first day or 2. Or they at least get 50% of what they are asking and slowly build up. This isn't looking good.

Ehh, I'm not too worried. This is pretty high-profile and already has a fanbase to help promote it. Just take Shovel Knight for instance (a game with a similar audience). For a while it was looking like it might barely squeak by, but by the end of it they had cleared all of their stretch goals and then some.


Chie is the worst waifu
This is progressing a lot slower than Mighty No.9. :/

Which I kinda expected, this.. doesn't have quite the large fanbase that Mega Man has. :p

I'm sure once word of mouth gets out it'll get a little more exposure. They're already 1/5 of the way there.

Risky's Revenge is one of my favorite games I have on my 3DS! (Everyone play that gem if you haven't!

I will once..

a) Nintendo gets their shit together and gives me an account system


b) they remember that it was just greenlit on Steam and port it there.


Currently at over $83k, and according to WayForward's Facebook page the game is 1080p/60fps

We are gonna be in for a treat.


Santa May Claus
There's no way people should be comparing this to Mighty No. 9 in terms of funding speed. MN9 has a lot going for it. Shantae's doing just fine for now.
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