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Shenmue 3. E3. Fund now or leave gaming.

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I heart you guys
Right back at ya.
I want to believe… but I can't

Too many years of false alarms, shattered dreams, etc

But… IF Shenmue 3 gets announced and IF it's exclusive to PS4, I'm throwing my Xbox One in the fucking sea.

It's genuinely the only game I'd buy a console for.

I highly doubt it'll be PS4 exclusive. Shenmue has history with the Xbox brand. It'll either be multiplat or Xbox One exclusive.


Sega collaboration with Sony is still in the books.... if we go by V. I still don't think it's Shenmue tho...

An HD remaster - sure. But a sequel - hell nah. A reboot on the other hand... now that would be something else.
Sega collaboration with Sony is still in the books.... if we go by V. I still don't think it's Shenmue tho...

An HD remaster - sure. But a sequel - hell nah. A reboot on the other hand... now that would be something else.

Most likely outcome is a remaster and if the sales numbers stack up then Shenmue 3 is approved.


Most likely outcome is a remaster and if the sales numbers stack up then Shenmue 3 is approved.

Nah. If that was the case then Resident Evil 2 Remake would have been given the go ahead since REMake 2015 sold gangbusters.

If a Shenmue remaster sold well they'd just see that as encouragement to Remaster more old Sega stuff, not do a new installment


Maybe the HD remasters will include a comic/story book in them to just finish off the story, because no way in hell they'd release Shenmue 3, Suzuki said himself it wouldn't finish until at last Shenmue 5....
Maybe the HD remasters will include a comic/story book in them to just finish off the story, because no way in hell they'd release Shenmue 3, Suzuki said himself it wouldn't finish until at last Shenmue 5....

He did also say at a later date, that if more Shenmue games were made, he would compress the story and wrap it with Shenmue 3.
you can use this after tomorrow too, when it's not announced :p

Holy shit. That was a good burn.

It's not gonna happen. And this is coming from a Shenmue fan. It's a great game, it has its quirks that would absolutely need to be fixed before launching into this console generation. But more than that, the game is an artifact from its time and that's where it's gonna stay. Stop falling for these Shenmue rumors already. If anything, it's going to be another Ryo cameo in a racing/fighting game. If it's a mobile game I'm going to laugh my ass off.
I'll feel bad for the 12 people who will be disappointed this year again when it doesn't get announced.

I still maintain that the game is just to niche to get a proper sequel.


Neo Member
Wasn't it confirmed that Sega won't even be at E3 this year? I just can't see this happening.

...though Shenmue 3 was totally trending on Twitter earlier today.
Stop being a jerk, there's more than 12 of us just in this thread who eagerly anticipating either a remaster or a sequel.

Hyperbole and name calling aside, I think an HD remaster is more viable at this point. Then a part 3 depending on how that does.

It has been years since I played Shenmue to the point where getting a part three doesn't even matter to me as I forget most of the first 2 games.


Stop being a jerk, there's more than 12 of us just in this thread who eagerly anticipating either a remaster or a sequel.

Don't worry, they're just jealous because they have no hopes and dreams to live for. Unlike us!

Seriously though...
Shenmue for Wii U.

The announcement would be something like direct starts. Iwata appears "Hello everybody" "We have something very special to announce. Shenmue 3 + 1+2 in full HD! Coming to Wii U!

The direct will now pause for 5 minutes while you can your loved ones"

Then the stream just shows Suzuki San playing Splatoon for 5 mins, giving everyone time to post on GAF.
Don't worry, they're just jealous because they have no hopes and dreams to live for. Unlike us!

Seriously though...
Shenmue for Wii U.

The announcement would be something like direct starts. Iwata appears "Hello everybody" "We have something very special to announce. Shenmue 3 + 1+2 in full HD! Coming to Wii U!

The direct will now pause for 5 minutes while you can your loved ones"

Then the stream just shows Suzuki San playing Splatoon for 5 mins, giving everyone time to post on GAF.

While that would be cool, I'm sure if they did announce it, Suzuki would make a personal appearance, he can play whatever he wants backstage some other time.

Dr. Buni

I would be interested in a Shenmue 3 if it isn't QTE: The game as the original was. The atmosphere and feel of the game was really good, but the gameplay... yikes.
I would be interested in a Shenmue 3 if it isn't QTE: The game as the original was. The atmosphere and feel of the game was really good, but the gameplay... yikes.

Pretty sure we'd stick with the established formula, QTE's for occasional cutscenes and to finish boss battles


My brothers. The day of reckoning is near at hand. We have endured for so long but finally the Shenmue is upon us.

The non-believers have long doubted our cause. Saying we were chasing after Suzuki's ghost, but soon all of this is over. We will have to endure the hazing and Yakuza comparisons no longer!

Let us rejoice!
My brothers. The day of reckoning is near at hand. We have endured for so long but finally the Shenmue is upon us.

The non-believers have long doubted our cause. Saying we were chasing after Suzuki's ghost, but soon all of this is over. We will have to endure the hazing and Yakuza comparisons no longer!

Let us rejoice!

As good as things are looking, I'm putting my celebrations on hold for now.

Once we get an official announcement however I am going to get drunk and party.


My brothers. The day of reckoning is near at hand. We have endured for so long but finally the Shenmue is upon us.

The non-believers have long doubted our cause. Saying we were chasing after Suzuki's ghost, but soon all of this is over. We will have to endure the hazing and Yakuza comparisons no longer!

Let us rejoice!

I would be interested in a Shenmue 3 if it isn't QTE: The game as the original was. The atmosphere and feel of the game was really good, but the gameplay... yikes.

There was much more going on in Shenmue gameplay wise than just QTE's. My main complain was Ryo walked like he had a stick up his ass and that the Virtua Fighter style fighting stuff was under utilized.


Does anyone recall that article by a journalist back in 2014 (mid-late, may even have been early) saying that he was at a press event that "may or may not have been related to Shenmue", that he was NDA'd up to the nines, but heavily suggested that it was a Shenmue-related press event.

Furthermore, the general theme of his article was "do we want something like Shenmue to be resurrected anyway?" and it suggested (heavily again) that he had seen new Shenmue stuff in action and that it disappointed him, that the rose-tinted glasses made the stuff he saw all the more bittersweet. (Was entirely possible to read it as HD remaster or wholly new entry.)

I just need to remember which website wrote the article. It was a weird one.

Ever since I read it I've been fully convinced that Shenmue is, in some shape of form, being dragged out of the grave. But in a sort of stoically committed way, not a hype way.
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