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Silent Hill film director says there are "several" games in development


Gold Member

The director behind the Silent Hill film from 2006 has revealed a few more tidbits about the multiple Silent Hill projects currently in development.

Speaking with French outlet MaG( opens in new tab), Christophe Gans - who directed the first and soon another Silent Hill film - once again gave fans an insight into the Silent Hill multimedia universe reportedly currently in development with Konami.

As translated by a very helpful Resetera(opens in new tab) user, Gans reportedly said that there are "several" Silent Hill games in development "as we speak." According to Gans: "There are several teams on [the games]" which will eventually go on to "revive the franchise." As mentioned in a previous interview, Gans claims that Konami was inspired by Capcom's success with the Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Resident Evil 4 remakes and so want to give Silent Hill another chance to shine.

In the same interview, Gans got a bit more cryptic when asked who is developing the games rumored to be in development. Gans said: "It's Konami, there are several games." When the subject of The Medium and Blair Witch developer Bloober Team came up, the Director simply said: "Yes" before revealing that "there are several teams" working on these games. Which, considering Bloober did enter a "strategic partnership" with Konami last year, isn't too much of a surprise to hear.

Talk of some kind of Silent Hill revival has been floating around for what feels like forever now. We did get one of the biggest hints yet just the other day though when a new Silent Hill game was rated in Korea. The game is reportedly called 'Silent Hill: The Short Message' but other than that, not much else is known about the project. We'll just have to wait and see what Konami, and Gans, have up their sleeves for now.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Not sure about the wisdom of trying to revive the franchise with so many projects.

I mean, if they are significantly different from one-another, its kinda muddling the image of the franchise. If they are all similar then the risk is that they end up burning it altogether if they miss the mark.

Teaser, Remake, New version sounds like a cool trifecta on paper but the reality is that they are 3 quite different products in terms of appeal - each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Its a bit of a strange situation in prospect.


I guess that semi-confirms Bloober got their hands on the IP. Worst timeline kind of shit right there (for me, anyway).

Hopefully they're making their own seperate side game. Keep them away from the SH2 remake or the bigger mainline title being worked on. At least then I could just ignore it.
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Gold Member
A name is just a label. Calling something Silent Hill is fine, but show me you understand and can translate what it is again. I'd love for the essence of peak Silent Hill to return, and I'll hold out a sliver of hope, but I'll remain skeptical until shown otherwise.


I'll believe it when I see it.

And then I'm probably gonna vomit because it's gonna be trash anyway. I've zero faith in anything that comes out of Konami's fetid asshole these days.
I'm just amazed that Gans is even allowed to discuss this stuff so openly. Normally you must fall in line and don't reveal anything until those in charge have prepared a speech.

But holy cow. The Game Awards is under 2 months away now. The 8th of December, in fact. So I can say I'm gonna be tuning in that night.

Maybe as an added bonus, Capcom will announce a new Resident Evil game too...
Friendly reminder that Konami had a golden opportunity to revive the Silent Hill franchise.

It was called Silent Hills.

and they fucked it. They fucked it royally.

None of this other crap will be worth a damn.
It will be worth a damn if its Masahiro Ito and Akira Yamaoka working on it. Thats real Silent Hill. I will take what they cook up over Kojima. I feel like they are going to be bringing back “real” Silent Hill. Not outsourced low budget eurojank Silent Hill, but something more in the vein of SH 1-4. Konami leaders be like “We need a real Silent Hill for modern times. Hire as much of the old team to work on it as we can”. And its unreal engine 5 i bet.
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Well, I don't think the series is necessarily dead because of the cancellation of Silent Hills. Besides, I don't see what's so special about that P.T. demo anyway. It was an overrated walking simulator with jump scares. There was no combat in that demo. No nurses. No Pyramid Head. No rust. Nothing. Nothing that remotely looked like you were even supposed to be playing a Silent Hill game.

Nothing about that teaser reminded me of the previous games. It could have passed off as another horror game, like those on Steam, until they show Norman Reedus and the name of the game, which was never completed.

The same with the Kitchen demo for RE7, really. Even the final release of RE7 overall doesn't make me think of previous RE games in any case, as only spin off games had the first person viewpoint in prior entries. This game had a family and mould monsters as the primary threat. Nothing we got in any prior RE sequel before. You also don't see the face of the main character Ethan, who you control for most of the game. Yet you occasionally play other characters, and we see them in the story scenes. So that is off putting. That game was also very slow paced in some sections.

Chris probably only appeared in it because Ethan was a normal protagonist not accustomed to the series, and Capcom needed something thrown together quickly for the fan appeal. So they inserted Chris in the game for the brief ending scene and then the DLC, which felt rather random and weird giving the storyline, and that's not just because the man didn't resemble Chris from RE5 and 6 either. But this is clearly where both franchises have changed so much. And Capcom will do anything for cash.

But really. Team Silent leaving Konami was what truly led to the franchise becoming crap, and Capcom milking RE to death has had an adverse effect on their franchise a lot as well. Besides, I don't think Silent Hill is staying dead forever. More so, it's just on a long hiatus until Konami finally reveals official news about it, which I suspect will be relatively soon. Then if they mess it up, I think there won't be any more games with a big budget again. Then it will be dead by my definition of the phrase.

What would be the point?
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4-Time GIF/Meme God
The Slient Hill movie was decent. It may not have been great and it wasn't shit but it sure looked phenomenol.
It has the atmosphere, but lacks the soul of the games. Looks more a really good fan movie

yeah, but how he knows this? Also, games are pitched everyday by a lot of devs, so a Silent Hill being "in works" could be anything and also nothing
I don't want more western Silent Hill games, I want a new game from the team that gave us 2 and 3.

It feels like a cruel joke if the series came back with a plethora of new entries, all save for one by the guys that made the series what it is in the first place?

I don't understand why even if internal game development at Konami is no longer a thing, why outside developers like Booper Team can't hire some of the key original Team Silent staff.

It's been nice having a decade long break from shit like Homecoming, Downpour and Book of Memories, I don't want more games like that, heck, I'd settle for Climax for coming back because I like Shattered Memories a lot, but it doesn't sound like that's going to be the case either.

If it can't be the original talent I'd rather the series stay dormant than outside developers creating games that just aren't going to feel like the real McCoy.
I think games in all those franchises are likely.
My suggestions to the property rights holders would be a demons souls like castlevania starring simon belmont, and a straight forward open world remake of metal gear and metal gear 2 solid snake where we get to explore open world outer haven. Something like Days Gone.
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I'll reserve my opinions on Bloober Team and Konami for when I see some in-game footage, a trailer, or whatever. Not just some concept art. :)

Maybe they can take the ball and run with it. Who really knows? But until then, I don't want to say it's going to suck if there hasn't been anything officially revealed.

However, with the RE2 remake, Capcom instantly soiled the bed in my eyes. Do you recall that E3? They decided to show a Dulvey beer bottle as the first piece of eye candy. Yes, that really was the first thing they chose to reveal, in a goddamn trailer for a remake of RE2 - with the original RE2 being the best RE game ever, in my book. But that's from RE7.

Why would you do something like that? Honestly! :D
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