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Sledghammer: Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare not coming to Wii U, Treyarch not on game


I will hold my Wii U extra tight tonight

Yo I saw the new wiiu window jpg on the first page but this one is so much better.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure this makes it much worse on Nintendo this gen (About as bleak as it can be already). Nobody wanting 3rd Party titles was seriously considering the Wii U for those type of games. That said, it does reflect how far Nintendo has fallen. They seriously need to take a good long look in the mirror and do some hard self evaluation. As a Wii U/3DS owner I love their software but they must realize they need 3rd Parties and they need to do whatever it takes to get Third Parties on board.

The unified architecture will help them with the droughts, but I really hope they aren't doubling down on that and giving up completely on 3rd Parties. They need the yearly major releases like COD, Madden, NBA 2K, AC, Need for Speed, Battlefields, etc.... They don't need as much as other Platform holders, but they do need more than the Wii U received.
Oh c'mon. CoD is a franchise that has established 90% of their fanbase on Playstation and Xbox. People buy the version most of their friends will get (and that's PS4/Xbone). Since the franchise is getting an update almost every year, people got used to CoD being on those systems. They got used to their friends being there.

CoD will never sell well on a Nintendo console because the fanbase is somewhere else, the Wii was an exception. The Wii U successor will not come out earlier, because "OMG, CoD is not selling!".

Having CoD on the system is not enough to convince the dude-broish gamers to get a Nintendo console, so it really doesn't matter if CoD is on Wii U or not. I myself want new FPS IP's or sequels to successfull Wii shooters on Wii U to fill the FPS gab.

I agree with that from a gamers perspective. I love Nintendo games on Nintendo systems, and I have been used to the droughts on Nintendo systems for multiple generations. That being said, I also realise that Nintendo needs third party support (even if its shovelware) to carry on making the games I want to play. The Wii had support from Ubisoft and activision until the very end, and the Gamecube had some third party support towards the end too. The Wii U has no support at all.


"I relley want it for Wii U please bring it to the console"

I'm sure they're hopping right on that.
Activision should make an official "no Wii U" confirmation, if for no reason other than to put this poor snowyday2 guy out of his misery. If they don't, he'll probably keep this up all the way up until November 4th, and then show up at stores expecting to find it in stock...


The lack of third-party support for WiiU continues to amaze me. With so much of this support gone, chances of a long tail for WiiU really diminish once Nintendo starts developing for whatever platform comes next.

Seeing Call of Duty go away is something I kind of thought would happen, but at the same time, I (foolishly) thought ATVI would give WiiU one last shot at the IP.

Now you've got pretty much none of the perennial best-selling third-party games for WiiU. No Madden. No FIFA. No AssCreed. No CoD. No NBA 2K. No GTA remaster. If anything is going to sell on WiiU-- or even more ideally, to sell hardware-- Nintendo now assumes 98% of that responsibility, while also struggling to keep its handheld platform from fading away.

It will be very interesting to see how (or even IF) third-party publishers approach whatever Nintendo's follow-up to WiiU is. Right now, there's zero reasons for publishers to want to come back. Nintendo will have to do something-- or have an amazing plan to go it alone.


Unless they're being funded by Nintendo ala Bayo 2, third party AAA games on Wii U really aren't a thing anymore.

And really, it doesn't bother me. That's what my PS4 is for, and the Wii U versions would be inferior anyway.

It is sad to see pretty much everyone but indies abandon the poor console, but Nintendo did it to themselves.
So... what 3rd party games are still coming out on Wii U?

Off the top of my head.

Watch Dogs
Just Dance
Project Cars

And thats all. I am sure there are some Japanese games I am totally forgetting.

Phil S.

So... what 3rd party games are coming out on Wii U for the rest of the year? (and in 2015)

Off the top of my head.

Watch Dogs
Just Dance
Project Cars

And thats all. I am sure there are some Japanese games I am totally forgetting.

Skylanders: Trap Team
Disney Infinity 2.0
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2
LEGO Batman 3

Project Cars is next year, I think. It was delayed for Wii U.

edit: Looking at the news story on Nintendo Everything, has the comments section always been this... really bad?


Feel bad for the team at Treyarch. They have been doing great work for the better part of a decade on these ports, and really made the wiimote aiming work well.

Feel bad for console players who continue to play shooters with dual analog, which is so vastly inferior to every other control scheme for shooters that it's not even worth discussing.

Don't feel bad for the Wii U, it's a dud and doesn't sell games that don't have Mario in them. It's got great games, but most of them are and will likely forever be first party.


Anyway, then What happen to Treyarch's Wii U or Nintendo console team?

I'm contacting through A_Trey_U's twitter account. I'll post about this when it updates.


Good luck with that. We (as a COD Wii U community) have tried contacting him since his last tweet on March 4. I am predicting he is no longer in the same position.

Here's something weird I think. So, the original tweet that went to Michael Condrey was from a Twitter user who only had a single tweet to his record. Does anyone find that odd at all?


One tweet. Like I said before, us as the COD Wii U community have tweeted at Sledgehammer Games, Treyarch, Michael Condrey, etc etc for the past few months inquiring about a Wii U release, and never got a response. But, this Twitter user, who has never tweeted before today, got his one and only tweet answered?
Good luck with that. We (as a COD Wii U community) have tried contacting him since his last tweet on March 4. I am predicting he is no longer in the same position.

Here's something weird I think. So, the original tweet that went to Michael Condrey was from a Twitter user who only had a single tweet to his record. Does anyone find that odd at all?


One tweet. Like I said before, us as the COD Wii U community have tweeted at Sledgehammer Games, Treyarch, Michael Condrey, etc etc for the past few months inquiring about a Wii U release, and never got a response. But, this Twitter user, who has never tweeted before today, got his one and only tweet answered?

What if he didn't get clearance from Activision PR to state it before today?

These things can't always be said nonchalantly in public venues...


Most likely because 3arc is gearing up for their next title and want all hands on deck

At least they have tried to keep up with the releases all these years.


What if he didn't get clearance from Activision PR to state it before today?

These things can't always be said nonchalantly in public venues...

I can understand that, but we have tweeted at A_Trey_U for months, asking about upcoming patches for Ghosts on Wii U, etc. So, it is almost like he either 1) Doesn't care, or 2) No longer in his position.

A_Trey_U has been the COD Wii community manager for years, but has gone MIA since March.
I'm pretty sure one of the CoD DS games sold more than than CoD Black Ops 2 and Ghosts did on Wii U combined. I was always at least a little surprised that they didn't even give it a shot on the 3DS. I'm sure the Declassified deal didn't help, but even a shitty spinoff probably would have done decently on the system.
I'm pretty sure one of the CoD DS games sold more than than CoD Black Ops 2 and Ghosts did on Wii U combined. I was always at least a little surprised that they didn't even give it a shot on the 3DS. I'm sure the Declassified deal didn't help, but even a shitty spinoff probably would have done decently on the system.

The majority of the Call of Duty DS games would fit that description.


Also confirmed by Eurogamer: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2...re-dev-confirms-there-wont-be-a-wii-u-version

In an interview with Eurogamer Italy at Gamescom Activision Publishing boss Eric Hirshberg said: "All I can say is we analyse each game and the platforms we think are appropriate for each game each time. It's a judgement call each time. This is the judgement we made.

"We want to make sure we're bringing the games to the platforms where the audiences for our games live. Nintendo's a great partner. They've continued to be a great partner and we're going to continue to support them with the IP it makes sense with."
Wow, I'm behind. I had no clue there was a third developer working on Call of Duty games as well. I thought it was just Infinity Ward and Treyarch.
Wow, I'm behind. I had no clue there was a third developer working on Call of Duty games as well. I thought it was just Infinity Ward and Treyarch.

Well, as of the moment there's 4. Sledgehammer are making the current-gen versions of AW, and High Moon are doing the last gen versions, alongside Treyarch and Infinity Ward who are working on new CoD games for 2015 and 2016 respectively.

Still not quite as insane as the number of studios that worked on AC: Black Flag!


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Skylanders: Trap Team
Disney Infinity 2.0
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2
LEGO Batman 3

Project Cars is next year, I think. It was delayed for Wii U.

edit: Looking at the news story on Nintendo Everything, has the comments section always been this... really bad?

Sonic Boom.


Skylanders: Trap Team
Disney Infinity 2.0
Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2
LEGO Batman 3

Project Cars is next year, I think. It was delayed for Wii U.

edit: Looking at the news story on Nintendo Everything, has the comments section always been this... really bad?

Fatal Frame Wii U anyone?




Well, that sucks big time. I guess I know where I'll be getting my CoD fix this year... rebuying Black Ops 2 for the Wii U.



And there we have it; this one seals the deal. Probably flew under the radar for a couple days because the source article was in Italian.

Straight from the horse's (Horshberg? Okay, terrible joke...) mouth. No Wii U version this year.

I GUESS this doesn't 100% rule out next year's game if Treyarch makes all versions, especially if Wii U has a monster holiday. But I sure hope that snowyday2 guy on twitter doesn't get his hopes up again. He'll be in for another year of pain, loss, and sorrow.

FAKE EDIT: Just looked at his feed, and his current theory is we may get a different game, a la Modern Warfare 2 Reflex. Just stahp... -_-

Well, it's confirmed confirmed now. No way to take that statement any other way. Ghosts is essentially the last cod on wiiu. Treyarcs game won't even be on the wiiu.

Well, TECHNICALLY, he said they evaluate each time and make a decision etc etc etc, so it's not "ruled out". But yeah... end of an era. :'(
FAKE EDIT: Just looked at his feed, and his current theory is we may get a different game, a la Modern Warfare 2 Reflex. Just stahp.

I was thinking maybe they will release some kind of dlc for blops 2 on the wii u when the new call of duty releases just as a token gesture to cod players on wii u. Just seems weird they patched in nuketown after all this time.


Were the CoD game(s) on Wii U at least playable?

My last and only Activision game on Wii U is 007 Legends and the controller sensitivity is insane. Even when I turn it down to the lowest setting it's still way too sensitive, almost unplayable. And when I put it on the highest setting a little touch of the control stick will make 007 spin around like a madman. It's as if noone playtested that game.

Oh and no pro controller support - of course (only for the multiplayer).


Which is the better Wii U cod? Blops 2 or ghost?

Black Ops 2. That goes for comparing all versions of both games. BO2 is just a better game then Ghosts due to it having the better map design, load/leveling out system, you don't die instantly, and a better campaign. Just hit detection is suppose to be off compared to Ghosts.

Now I have to decide where I want to play this game if I do end up wanting to play it. That's always been a big iff for me as I've tried of CoD and well military shooters in general. PS3 or PC as I still haven't decided between a Xbox One and PS4 yet. I don't trust CoD games on PC unless they're from Treyarch.
Which is the better Wii U cod? Blops 2 or ghost?

I personally prefer blops 2. I find the maps on ghosts a bit too big. Blops 2 has a larger player base also (around 2000 vs 750) which can help sometimes if you prefer something other than team death match.


Which is the better Wii U cod? Blops 2 or ghost?

Short answer: Black Ops 2.

Longer answer: Ghosts is marginally better in the lag department, and significantly better in the hit detection department. You'd think those would be huge factors, and they are, but the problem is everything else is worse. Especially the maps. Black Ops 2 also had on average around double the player count of Ghosts these days. Black Ops 2 all the way.


To all the people saying "So what, there are many other platforms to play the game on" they don't quite understand what made these versions of COD so unique.

For starters you cannot use pointer/ IR controls on any other platform this was exclusive to the Wii & Wii U. These controls were far more accurate and arguably more fun then dual analog controls, especially once you've mastered them. Treyarch deserves high praise for dedicating a talented small team over the years fine tuning these controls. Now that is no more. The loss of a superior way to play a console FPS is the real tragedy in Activsion's decision. Outside of maybe a possible Metroid Wii U game, Ghosts will likely be the last FPS you will ever be able to play this way.

In addition to the controls, the WIi U versions of these games had other exclusive features including off TV-Play, dual screen multiplayer, plus the ability to view maps and select load-outs from the gamepad.

Major bummer.

In general, MUCH better than how they sold on the Wii U.

CoD sold perfectly fine on DS and Wii.

This is incredible. As far as I know the CoD DS games got little-to-no marketing (or word of mouth) and probably didn't even get optimal shelf space. I guess it's a testament to how well the DS actually sold and the power of the CoD name.
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