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Sliding the Switch in and out of the dock will inevitably scratch the screen


PSA DO NOT BUY THIS CABLE. It will not supply enough power to the Switch, based on reading the reviews there.

I've been running Zelda for the past hour and it is sitting at 100%. It seems to be working for me.

No clue. I'll keep the game running all day to see if anything changes and report back.

edit: For clarity, I'm also charging a Pro controller through the Dock.

Screw it. I'm getting one.


My Switch just kind of free falls into the dock. It's not snug at all and would probably rattle around quite a bit if I was inclined to shake it.


I got worried about this thread since I first read it this morning at work.

I have 2 switchs from Saturday morning and they have been taking hard use from me and my 5-7 year old sons. After checking them, really carefuly today, I found 0 scratches on them (even on the screen itself which I thought may already had some scratches from my sons).

I am sorry for you guys with problems, but it is really something not to find in every unit.


put a book inside the dock, or SNES cartridge
somebody in this thread tried this for a day or two and said it worked . I have not tried it yet
I think I have a SNES cart in a box somewhere, I'll have to dig it out and give it a try. I really want to avoid any further damage to my system. I've only noticed two scratches (one on each side) so far, but I don't want to do nothing and end up with a ton. :(

Did they mention anything about applying a heat source to it or did they just wedge the cart/book in and leave it for a day or two?
I think I have a SNES cart in a box somewhere, I'll have to dig it out and give it a try. I really want to avoid any further damage to my system. I've only noticed two scratches (one on each side) so far, but I don't want to do nothing and end up with a ton. :(

Did they mention anything about applying a heat source to it or did they just wedge the cart/book in and leave it for a day or two?

no, they just put the stuff in there. the plastic is very flexible, so I think it will work without heat


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The book definitely made my dock wider.
Initially it was pretty hard for me to put the switch in there in general. Now it seems to go in without issue.


no, they just put the stuff in there. the plastic is very flexible, so I think it will work without heat
I just wonder what would keep it from re-warping over time. I mean it warped the first time, why wouldn't it eventually drift back?

I should track down one of those caliper style measuring tools on my way home from work tonight so I can actually do some measurements and compare after a few days.
After looking carefully at my unit, I found scratches, which I find unacceptable this quickly after the unit came out. I'm likely going to return the system once I hit the deadline, and repurchase it when these flaws are fixed. My next unit will get a tempered glass protector immediately.
I've had a book inside my dock for about a full day now. Almost exactly 24 hours. It is most certainly wider. There is no resistance when sliding the console in and out of the dock where before it wasn't a lot but it was very noticeable. I'm going to leave the book out now for awhile and see if it returns to it's inward slant state (which was pretty bad) or if it stays in it's new form. I'll be sure to report back. but this does seem like an insane work around to an equally insane oversight on Nin's part.
I've had a book inside my dock for about a full day now. Almost exactly 24 hours. It is most certainly wider. There is no resistance when sliding the console in and out of the dock where before it wasn't a lot but it was very noticeable. I'm going to leave the book out now for awhile and see if it returns to it's inward slant state (which was pretty bad) or if it stays in it's new form. I'll be sure to report back. but this does seem like an insane work around to an equally insane oversight on Nin's part.

nice, thanks for the feedback


I've had a book inside my dock for about a full day now. Almost exactly 24 hours. It is most certainly wider. There is no resistance when sliding the console in and out of the dock where before it wasn't a lot but it was very noticeable. I'm going to leave the book out now for awhile and see if it returns to it's inward slant state (which was pretty bad) or if it stays in it's new form. I'll be sure to report back. but this does seem like an insane work around to an equally insane oversight on Nin's part.

Depends of the plastic used by Nintendo, some plastics have "memory" and return to their original shape after some time .

Maybe a book plus a heat gun to apply on the bend zone for some seconds could cause a permanent fix.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I've had a book inside my dock for about a full day now. Almost exactly 24 hours. It is most certainly wider. There is no resistance when sliding the console in and out of the dock where before it wasn't a lot but it was very noticeable. I'm going to leave the book out now for awhile and see if it returns to it's inward slant state (which was pretty bad) or if it stays in it's new form. I'll be sure to report back. but this does seem like an insane work around to an equally insane oversight on Nin's part.

Did you contact Customer Service? I would think you could send the dock in for a replacement and keep the tablet.
Wow. Yeah, if you have one that's bent inward like that I understand how you might have issues. Mine seems very straight, and there's plenty of wiggle room. The dock doesn't tightly hug the Switch at all, as it seems some do.

While this might be true I just tested mine since I have a normal dock and not a bent one...it's still ridiculously close to the tablet and it can easily touch and scratch it over time, I'd imagine. So no, I think this is a genuinely widespread issue for every owner of the system. They need to do a recall and send us new docks. That's the only way to fix this. And the people who've already gotten scratched should be allowed to send their systems in to get replacements.


If it's what I thought was a scratch (and it looks a hell of a lot like what I had), you can wipe it off. Takes more than just a standard wipe attempt, but it comes off. Don't know where it comes from, but it's not a scratch if it wipes off.

I'm beginning to wonder how many people actually have scratches like OP or have whatever this photo is showing.

I'm a little worried that so many people are adding potentially damaging extra padding to their docks and trying to bend them and such, all based on the op video (which I also think is suspect) and some pics in this thread (several of which are clearly smudges).


Before you put a screen protector on it, see if you can clean it off.

Me and another guy just mentioned earlier that we had those same white streaks that can only be seen from reflected light and, we removed those white streaks by cleaning it off.

I used Windex Electronics Wipes since water wasn't enough. Use what you can to clean it off, it shouldn't be a scratch that is permanent damage. It should be a mark that is removable.

So yours looked like that? But only visible in very direct light? Interesting, it sure didn't seem removable, but I will give it a shot later today.

Luckily, I wouldn't be playing in direct light anyway, and it is on the bezel not the screen.


If it's what I thought was a scratch (and it looks a hell of a lot like what I had), you can wipe it off. Takes more than just a standard wipe attempt, but it comes off. Don't know where it comes from, but it's not a scratch if it wipes off.

I'm beginning to wonder how many people actually have scratches like OP or have whatever this photo is showing.

Great to hear. I'll see if I can get this off later today.


Good video thanks for sharing

lots of interesting stuff in there

"Screen protector should be mandatory"

-___- ugh

That jerry rig video actually made me feel better about it.

I missed the delivery Friday so won't get my switch until today, but after watching the video I'm pretty sure that the rail design is actually intentional so that whatever scratches accumulate, accumulate on the bezel of the device and not on the lit portion of the screen, so that kids who are rough with the device still have an acceptable game play experience, even if the device itself is scratched to shit.

Also interesting to hear the plastic is thick.this makes me think you may be able to buff out any screen scratches using something like meguiars plastic scratchx polish. My only real hesitance to it is that I don't know a ton about capacitive touch screen construction and how deep one would need to go to ruin the touch aspect.
Did you contact Customer Service? I would think you could send the dock in for a replacement and keep the tablet.

I did not contact them. Of the few on the board who did, only one of them was able to get nintendo to ship a box to replace the dock. But nintendo said that they weren't aware of an issue, so who knows if the "new" one would be any better. So far it's holding the new straight shape.
I'm a little worried that so many people are adding potentially damaging extra padding to their docks and trying to bend them and such, all based on the op video (which I also think is suspect) and some pics in this thread (several of which are clearly smudges).

Bending it isn't going to do anything bad.


Figured I would add a data point here. This is from carefully docking and undocking the system a few times. I can't be 100% sure something else didn't cause it, because I didn't notice it until later. It is only visible in direct bright light, but it definitely has me worried.

Was going to put some soft velcro on my dock, but apparently that could cause more problems according to this thread.

Just going to go with a screen protector I guess.

So here is my question. You say you carefully undocked it, but there is no way you end up with a zig zag scratch unless you are pulling it out sideways. That is a solid continuous scratch, meaning your dock had constant contact with the screen and moved all over the place.


Question for you guys here. I just opened my switch and inspected the dock even before looking at the system.

Mine is bent.

BUT after putting the screen protector there is still some clearance, and even when all the way inserted I can "rock" the top of the system between the tight, bent in section and it has some wobble. Meaning it never really touches or applies pressure to the system.

I assume im in the clear? The people that are having issues, are your docks literally squishing your system? no wobble at all because its pinching it?
So here is my question. You say you carefully undocked it, but there is no way you end up with a zig zag scratch unless you are pulling it out sideways. That is a solid continuous scratch, meaning your dock had constant contact with the screen and moved all over the place.
If half an inch of drift either way when removing the console is "moving it all over the place," I don't know who this product is for.

If you have to use robotic precision every time you dock or undock the console (the one designed for use by children, mind you), that is extremely poor design.

Your post smacks of "it's your fault you weren't careful enough," which is horseshit.
The dock is janky as shit. Not only is the design terrible, but it feels and looks beyond cheap. Why is the damn screen even covered anyway? And how was something like this not caught? Not like this is some crazy user path. It's damage from expected user use cases... Like hooking the Switch up to your tv. Who's gonna do that? lol

Luckily I saw the complaints just before opening my system and rigged some thin foam padding in there. Because it definitely appears that my dock is bending in torwards the screen. I'm sure now I'll have scratches on the back instead.
I'm a little worried that so many people are adding potentially damaging extra padding to their docks and trying to bend them and such, all based on the op video (which I also think is suspect) and some pics in this thread (several of which are clearly smudges).

Yes, the video is obviously fishy. Anyway, some people believe everything they see on the internet. Even obvious surreptitious advertising like this.

These tips will more likely damage the Dock or Switch than leaving it in its original state. Because it seems the Dock is not scratching the screen at all.


If half an inch of drift either way when removing the console is "moving it all over the place," I don't know who this product is for.

If you have to use robotic precision every time you dock or undock the console (the one designed for use by children, mind you), that is extremely poor design.

Your post smacks of "it's your fault you weren't careful enough," which is horseshit.

No, i'm not saying it was his fault. I'm asking a question.

If you lift even remotely straight out of the dock, allowing a little deviation, you'll still get roughly a straight line. His scratch isn't even remotely a straight line. In fact, it completely reverses direction at one point. So no, my question is not "horse shit"


So here is my question. You say you carefully undocked it, but there is no way you end up with a zig zag scratch unless you are pulling it out sideways. That is a solid continuous scratch, meaning your dock had constant contact with the screen and moved all over the place.

So, what is your question? :)

That zig zag is like 1 cm. Maybe it happened when I was trying to find the proper position to dock it. Trust me, I was careful.
No, i'm not saying it was his fault. I'm asking a question.

If you lift even remotely straight out of the dock, allowing a little deviation, you'll still get roughly a straight line. His scratch isn't even remotely a straight line. In fact, it completely reverses direction at one point. So no, my question is not "horse shit"
And my question is what does it matter? It could be a literal zigzag and it would still show nothing but a horrible design flaw.

That line would not exist if the dock was not making contact with the screen. I don't see how shifting the console left and right by less than .5" makes any difference at all to anything.

Your question seems like you are "just asking questions."


So, what is your question? :)

That zig zag is like 1 cm. Maybe it happened when I was trying to find the proper position to dock it. Trust me, I was careful.

Yeah i'm not saying you weren't careful un docking it, I'm just asking if it was possible something else made that scratch as opposed to blaming the dock.


Question for you guys here. I just opened my switch and inspected the dock even before looking at the system.

Mine is bent.

BUT after putting the screen protector there is still some clearance, and even when all the way inserted I can "rock" the top of the system between the tight, bent in section and it has some wobble. Meaning it never really touches or applies pressure to the system.

I assume im in the clear? The people that are having issues, are your docks literally squishing your system? no wobble at all because its pinching it?

I'm curious about this as well. I have only used the Switch undocked so far. I was going to dock it tonight but this thread is making me worried I will scratch the screen even if I carefully dock it.

The tempered glass screen protectors are out of stock for another few days, so screen protectors are not an option for now.

Should I be able to carefully dock the Switch without the screen/bezel touching the rails? Of course, I will check if mine is bent before I do so, but the post I'm quoting has a bent unit and still has some wiggle room. Some of this thread is making it sound like the dock is literally pinching the Switch. Is that actually the case for some?


I'm curious about this as well. I have only used the Switch undocked so far. I was going to dock it tonight but this thread is making me worried I will scratch the screen even if I carefully dock it.

The tempered glass screen protectors are out of stock for another few days, so screen protectors are not an option for now.

Should I be able to carefully dock the Switch without the screen/bezel touching the rails? Of course, I will check if mine is bent before I do so, but the post I'm quoting has a bent unit and still has some wiggle room. Some of this thread is making it sound like the dock is literally pinching the Switch. Is that actually the case for some?

Yeah, we need to distinguish the real issue here. Maybe most/all have some degree of bend. With my bent unit I can insert and remove without touching and have wiggle room.

Why dont you get a regular screen protector? I was able to apply mine without issue/dust/bubbling and it was quite easy. Is that your concern?


So far I just set up my switch and charged it and just waiting for my screen protector to comes before I start playing it and taking it out with me. I am scared the screen will get scratched lol.


Hey guys,

I have some confusion with my system as I just set it up.

- what is the USB for on the dock?

- how should I power down my system? hold for 3 seconds and completly turn off? press once to sleep?

-what happens to the unit when its completed its charging cycle IN the dock? I noticed I turned mine 100% off, but it woke up when I docked it to charge.

im basically just concerned with how power is allocated and controlled in all the various modes.


Why dont you get a regular screen protector? I was able to apply mine without issue/dust/bubbling and it was quite easy. Is that your concern?

The tempered screen protector is getting good reviews and looks very nice. Also, tempered glass is harder than plastic, so the docking station shouldn't scratch the protector.

I would rather wait a week for the tempered glass instead of buying a regular one now and having to spend more later. I don't generally even buy screen protectors and have had no issues, but this docking situation is making it pretty much essential if it's really unavoidable to keep the rails away from the screen.


Got my Switch today. The first thing I did was to apply the screen protector that came with the official case. Thanks for the warning, guys.


The tempered screen protector is getting good reviews and looks very nice. Also, tempered glass is harder than plastic, so the docking station shouldn't scratch the protector.

I would rather wait a week for the tempered glass instead of buying a regular one now and having to spend more later. I don't generally even buy screen protectors and have had no issues, but this docking situation is making it pretty much essential if it's really unavoidable to keep the rails away from the screen.

glass is nice, I would have purchased one myself if I located one.

I got the biogenics? EBgames/gamespot brand of screen protector. It came with 2 and has a 6 month warranty. I asked about peeling issues due to heat, and they said I can exchange it if it does that. Better than most other warranties.

The thing about screen protectors is that they are disposable. I have a glass one on my current phone, and previous phone. they both cracked/chipped at some point during its lifetime.


Hey guys,

I have some confusion with my system as I just set it up.

- what is the USB for on the dock?

- how should I power down my system? hold for 3 seconds and completly turn off? press once to sleep?

-what happens to the unit when its completed its charging cycle IN the dock? I noticed I turned mine 100% off, but it woke up when I docked it to charge.

im basically just concerned with how power is allocated and controlled in all the various modes.

1. That can be used for a USB to USB - C cable to charge the Switch Pro Controller, not much other use for now.

2. You can put it to sleep if you want (If you are in a game it will suspend the game as well) and use up a bit of power so when you come back to play you can wake it up and hop right back into your game. OR you can power it down completely (It will charge both the system and the Joy-Con if they are attached either way.)

3. If it is 100% charged and the Joy-Con are 100% charged and it is in the dock with will just draw off the USB-C Power until you remove it from the docking station.
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