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Sliding the Switch in and out of the dock will inevitably scratch the screen


Two friends have Switches, none have scratches. None use screen protectors. I have never used any for any of my electronic devices/handhelds plastic or glass. I don't get scratches. I'm willing to chalk it up to a bad pressing of docks and/or user issues personally.


Two friends have Switches, none have scratches. None use screen protectors. I have never used any for any of my electronic devices/handhelds plastic or glass. I don't get scratches. I'm willing to chalk it up to a bad pressing of docks and/or user issues personally.

What exactly is the user issue?


What exactly is the user issue?
Not sure it's really a "user issue", but I'm sure that if the dock scratch, inserting the Switch leaning to the front will increase pressure of the rails on the screen and increase the chances of scratching (like bent docks will make things worse, most probably).

You can claim it's nintendo fanboys or whatever but there's no obvious trend that switch users that use the dock regularly are scratching their screens in large numbers. That's the facts that we can observe as time goes on.


Not sure it's really a "user issue", but I'm sure that if the dock scratch, inserting the Switch leaning to the front will increase pressure of the rails on the screen and increase the chances of scratching (like bent docks will make things worse, most probably).

Thats a design issue, if its at all possible to scratch a device, simply by using the device as intended. Last I checked Nintendo didn't provide instructions on how to put the switch in the doc properly.

If someone has scratches and called nintendo up and they said "well... are you leaning the switch back when you do it? Ah see! thats the problem, you fucked it up, its not our product, it's you, tut tut tut" It would be fucking absurd.

You can claim it's nintendo fanboys or whatever but there's no obvious trend that switch users that use the dock regularly are scratching their screens in large numbers. That's the facts that we can observe as time goes on.

Sure... but any of us can look at the dock, the way its designed and foresee the problem. If I tell you I have a screen thats scratched and tell you that every day I'm sliding it against a hard plastic rail, multiple times a day, it would be reasonable for you to say "thats probably how its getting scratched"

We have a product here that the normal, intended use of it, means you are dragging it up and down something that contacts the screen, it causing scratches is a likely outcome. An inevitable outcome. Even if the plastic itself is magic plastic, if you catch a bit of dust on it, that pressure point has a good chance of it scratching.

Does it happen every single time? No.

Will it eventually? Will it inevitably over the normal use of the product lead to scratches? I'd dare say yes.

Any time you have a product where part of the design is a hard material rubbing on the screen... scratches do seem... inevitable.


Just because your friend's and your own switches haven't scratched doesn't mean that it's our fault that ours are scratched. I treat my electronics like babies and the switch has been the first to ever scratch.
Two friends have Switches, none have scratches. None use screen protectors. I have never used any for any of my electronic devices/handhelds plastic or glass. I don't get scratches. I'm willing to chalk it up to a bad pressing of docks and/or user issues personally.


Just pulled my switch out of the dock and noticed a pretty long scratch on the bottom right. Luckily I have a screen protector on, but it's still pretty fucking ridiculous.

ACE 1991

Fucked the application of both of my amfilm protectors. This is more trouble than it's worth, I'm just gonna screw the protector and use a usb-c extender forever.


I've had my Switch for 2 weeks.

No screen protectors.

Not a single scratch. I slide it in and out the dock everyday.

Guess I'm a lucky one.


Two friends have Switches, none have scratches. None use screen protectors. I have never used any for any of my electronic devices/handhelds plastic or glass. I don't get scratches. I'm willing to chalk it up to a bad pressing of docks and/or user issues personally.

taco dock or plumb dock?


Fucked the application of both of my amfilm protectors. This is more trouble than it's worth, I'm just gonna screw the protector and use a usb-c extender forever.

How did the application go wrong?

If you contact them they will replace I bet.


Ugh. My dock is decently bent. I already have a screen protector on but am hesitant to put it in. Anyone have any luck complaining to Nintendo for a replacement dock?


Has Nintendo commented on this yet? I'm willing to bet it was a bad press of some of the docks, mine hasn't scratched and it is in and out several times a day. It does have rub marks on the screen where it rubs against the rubber pieces inside the dock, but those are easily wiped off.


Sorry I haven't kept up with the recommendation for a protective screen, is the AMfilm one the best? Just got my Switch today. Thanks!


I see some marks on my Switch's bottom-left screen; I assume it's from the dock. I have a screen protector on it so it's not a big deal. I typically don't buy screen protectors for my electronics but one came with the Official Nintendo case that I purchased and decided to use it.


Just got my amfilm protectors. Any tips you guys have to applying without dust sneaking under there during the process?

Do I need to wait a day or so before docking it?
I've taken mine out of the dock multiple times and I don't have scratches. A few scuffs though but those rub off very easily with a microfiber cloth. I think a batch of switches skipped a lot of steps during manufacturing, missing a scratch proof coating being one of them.


Just got my amfilm protectors. Any tips you guys have to applying without dust sneaking under there during the process?

Do I need to wait a day or so before docking it?

Here is the process I used and it works pretty great.

So step one is to pay attention and make sure you have it right. There will be a side that has two ear flap things, that is the side that should face up.

Then its just a matter of a little prep. I got the bathoom a bit steamy, so run the shower a few minutes, let it steam up, and then shut the shower off but keep the room closed so its still steamy, but not CRAZY steamy. But you know just humid inside.

Then clean the screen real good if you have a spare cleaning cloth. Then when its perfect. Get the protector read. Put it on how you like, so it lines up great. Then do the hinges. I put on three of the hinge stickers so it was real solid and tight. Then with the hinge open you use the wet wipe and get it good. Then the dry wipe to dry it off and make sure its clean. Look for any stray dust or fibers, whisk it away with the cloth and then peal of the plastic layer and close the hinge.

As soon as you press down in the middle youll see the screen adhering itself.

You let it do its thing a bit, and then use the card thats included to help squeeze out any bubbles, You may have one or two, left that dont want to stick down, but just press with your finger on them a bit, use the card. Don't panic just kind of finesse it and soon they will start going away and youll have a great application. And can remove the top layer and you are good to go.

Here are some videos too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUwxr998kLg



Here is the process I used and it works pretty great.

So step one is to pay attention and make sure you have it right. There will be a side that has two ear flap things, that is the side that should face up.

Then its just a matter of a little prep. I got the bathoom a bit steamy, so run the shower a few minutes, let it steam up, and then shut the shower off but keep the room closed so its still steamy, but not CRAZY steamy. But you know just humid inside.

Then clean the screen real good if you have a spare cleaning cloth. Then when its perfect. Get the protector read. Put it on how you like, so it lines up great. Then do the hinges. I put on three of the hinge stickers so it was real solid and tight. Then with the hinge open you use the wet wipe and get it good. Then the dry wipe to dry it off and make sure its clean. Look for any stray dust or fibers, whisk it away with the cloth and then peal of the plastic layer and close the hinge.

As soon as you press down in the middle youll see the screen adhering itself.

You let it do its thing a bit, and then use the card thats included to help squeeze out any bubbles, You may have one or two, left that dont want to stick down, but just press with your finger on them a bit, use the card. Don't panic just kind of finesse it and soon they will start going away and youll have a great application. And can remove the top layer and you are good to go.

Here are some videos too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUwxr998kLg


Did exactly that. Worked perfect! Thanks! How long did you wait until you used and docked it?



Picked these up from Target. Hope they work until I get a screen protector. Moving this weekend so I can't really order the amfilms one right now and didn't see any in Target.


Did exactly that. Worked perfect! Thanks! How long did you wait until you used and docked it?

I'm not sure how long is really needed. I'd bet an hour or two is more than enough. Maybe don't need to do it at all. I played some Splatoon and left it over night, just for the hell of, to be super sure.


Applied my amfilm protector yesterday. Very pleased with the results. A single piece of dust managed to make its way in, but it's barely noticeable so I'm not worried. What I'm super happy to see was that the scratches caused by the dock are now undetectable after installing the shield. Probably placebo, but I swear the screen looks better too.


Has Nintendo commented on this yet? I'm willing to bet it was a bad press of some of the docks, mine hasn't scratched and it is in and out several times a day. It does have rub marks on the screen where it rubs against the rubber pieces inside the dock, but those are easily wiped off.
Probably such a small batch affected that they'll never comment on it.


Junior Member

Picked these up from Target. Hope they work until I get a screen protector. Moving this weekend so I can't really order the amfilms one right now and didn't see any in Target.
Those things are more likely to cause scratches than just leaving the thing.


something i learned from this thread is that people who don't use screen protectors are like vegans and people who don't have a television.


With my portable force field generator, I also have never encountered any scratches on this or any of my other plastic screen devices. No item with greater than a hardness of two has ever been able to leave a scratch on my Switch screen as I leave the force field protection at two at all times. I also leave my Switch force field charged up when not using it to ensure that I always have scratch protection when I decide to be careless. Even though my dock is completely straight, I do not allow any user issues to cause scratches on my screen as I leave the force field on while putting it in and out of the dock. The title of this thread should definitely be changed to "Sliding the Switch in and out of the dock will inevitably scratch the screen (except when using a portable force field generator)" as my testing have shown this to be the truth.



I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
Plastic scratches just from rubbing a friggin tissue on the screen, particularly if there is dust around.

The key is to worry about dust, not other plastics so much.

This screen WILL scratch over time just from you wiping it to clean it!

I don't use protectors on my iPhone which costs twice as much as my switch and gets used about ten times more but I won't take my switch anywhere until its got a protector on it!


I have a few scratches on my screen protector but I'm fairly certain that will scratch farrr easier than the actual screen.

The official Nintendo protector seems just fine tho so I can see myself using them on this device.


I'm sick of seeing people come to this thread and try to downplay the issue / blame it on user error. I'm not a fucking idiot and my switch was scratched in completely normal use. Not OK. Screen protector should have shipped with the system :)


Just reporting in. Nevere posted in this thread before but I just wanted to say that I've used my dock plenty of times already and I have received no scratches on my Switch. I take it in and out slowly, and just execute care, and that seems to be working just fine after dozens of times of removing and replacing it.

No screen protector on, of that matters.
I'm sick of seeing people come to this thread and try to downplay the issue / blame it on user error. I'm not a fucking idiot and my switch was scratched in completely normal use. Not OK. Screen protector should have shipped with the system :)
I'm gonna start pretending that the error us users have made is trusting Nintendo not to design a dock that will scratch our devices. Because that's the only mistake my brother made.

I'll make sure to shame him for forgetting the 3DS fiasco. Nintendo sucks at hardware.


Plastic scratches just from rubbing a friggin tissue on the screen, particularly if there is dust around.

The key is to worry about dust, not other plastics so much.

This screen WILL scratch over time just from you wiping it to clean it!

I don't use protectors on my iPhone which costs twice as much as my switch and gets used about ten times more but I won't take my switch anywhere until its got a protector on it!

That's why you have to blow the dust off or use windex electronics wipes since cleaning with a dry cloth usually causes those marks, they are still removable, just need wipes to remove them.

hao chi

I'm sick of seeing people come to this thread and try to downplay the issue / blame it on user error. I'm not a fucking idiot and my switch was scratched in completely normal use. Not OK. Screen protector should have shipped with the system :)

I wouldn't blame it on user error, but the thread title seems sensationalist since it's based on a few reports. We don't really have any hard data on how common of a problem this is, and enough time hasn't passed to say if scratches from the dock are actually inevitable.

I wouldn't be surprised though if bent docks are a large cause of the scratches. I've watched the system as I've docked it a few times, and the screen doesn't really seem to touch the rails if I'm being careful. And I've gradually been less careful with the system as I've started playing undocked more often and I still don't have any scratches. Hopefully my luck holds up, because I don't plan on getting a screen protector for a while, if at all.


Put a protector on even though I have been using it docked and undocked without any scratches. With it being plastic I would be far more concerned with general mobile usage since dust is the enemy here in the long term.


I wouldn't blame it on user error, but the thread title seems sensationalist since it's based on a few reports. We don't really have any hard data on how common of a problem this is, and enough time hasn't passed to say if scratches from the dock are actually inevitable.
Or it's because a lot of people have taken extra steps to prevent the screen from scratching such as purchasing a USB-C male to female cable, applying a screen protector, or just plain not even connecting their Switch to the dock for fear of it scratching. Just based on what I see on NeoGAF and Reddit, I do feel Nintendo fans are overly forgiving and are willing to go out of their way to remedy the situation.

None of which you should have to do or be worried about when purchasing a $300 product. I purchased two Switch systems and both had bent docks.


Or it's because a lot of people have taken extra steps to prevent the screen from scratching such as purchasing a USB-C male to female cable, applying a screen protector, or just plain not even connecting their Switch to the dock in fear of it scratching.

None of which you should have to do or be worried about when purchasing a $300 product. I purchased two Switch systems and both had bent docks.

This lol. Day one I started using my packing bag to cover the rails so they werent rubbing and got a screen protector as soon as I could.

No need for us to be guinea pigs for Nintendo's shit design.


Still no scratches, day 1 Switch. Issue seems overblown, but it's still not acceptable for this to be happening to anyone. Still curious on the statistics, however.


Got my switch at launch and dock/undock everyday and no scratches yet. I do try and keep the screen clean from dust etc. Just give it a quick clean with lens cleaner.

Like the 3DS though, it's pretty obvious how this design could be causing scratches.

hao chi

Or it's because a lot of people have taken extra steps to prevent the screen from scratching such as purchasing a USB-C male to female cable, applying a screen protector, or just plain not even connecting their Switch to the dock in fear of it scratching. Just based on what I see on NeoGAF and Reddit, I do feel Nintendo fans are more forgiving and understanding and are willing to go out of their way to remedy the situation.

None of which you should have to do or be worried about when purchasing a $300 product. I purchased two Switch systems and both had bent docks.

People that browse forums are adding screen protectors, but I highly doubt the majority of people buying Switches are rushing to add a screen protector and avoiding using the dock in the meantime.

I agree that the dock could have been better designed so that there was no possibility of this happening, and I think Nintendo should make some sort of change to the dock, but I also think that most Switch owners - including those that don't have a screen protector, haven't had issues with scratches. Though like I mentioned before, we'll see how they hold up as time goes on, but at this point I think saying scratches are inevitable is rather presumptuous.


So I'm grabbing a PDP screen protector. Hopefully those reports of people having their screen protectors actually melt were just isolated cases.


So I'm grabbing a PDP screen protector. Hopefully those reports of people having their screen protectors actually melt were just isolated cases.

Haven't heard this about the PDP one. It was the Hori premium protector.

Application for PDP is pretty standard. I kinda preferred the normal Hori one.

My Orzly still isn't here, but I'm totally nervous about botching the install. How easy are glass protectors to get off again? Do,they leave residue?


Pretty nice guy (apart from the blue shadows thing...)
Ugh. My dock is decently bent. I already have a screen protector on but am hesitant to put it in. Anyone have any luck complaining to Nintendo for a replacement dock?

My dock was noticeably bent as well. I I've kept two paperbacks of precisely the right thickness (quite snug, but not impossible to stuff between both sets of rails) wedged in either side of the dock for a good week, flush with the USB connector. It has definitely widened. I had a glass protector on my screen from day one, so that's been fine, but I seem to be one of the few who had the unit's rear plastic case scratched by the rails.

Edit: Y'know, because screw this whole situation which quite bores me now, can anyone recommend an extremely short USB-C extension cable (less than 3ft... do they exist)?
My switch so far has been good but i'm still waiting for the glass screen protector to turn up just so I can feel a little better about the plastic screen being protected by something.
Those things are more likely to cause scratches than just leaving the thing.

Yeah, virtually all these "fixes" will eventually leave scuff marks on the acrylic finish of the screen because they're guaranteed to make contact. I'm always careful not to let the screen scrape the dock going in and out.

You all just need to take care of your things.


Pretty nice guy (apart from the blue shadows thing...)
Yeah, virtually all these "fixes" will eventually leave scuff marks on the acrylic finish of the screen because they're guaranteed to make contact. I'm always careful not to let the screen scrape the dock going in and out.

You all just need to take care of your things.

I'm absolutely not arguing with that logic, but a lot of us received docks with quite noticeably deformed/bent front plates. I suspect that's one of, if not the, most damaging risk factor(s).
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