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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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Clone characters are made by reusing another character's base skeleton and animations. Paper Mario physically wouldn't be able to do Mario's moves without some ridiculous contorting. They're time savers, not something born out of a lack of ideas.

And has Wolf ever actually been rumored by something slightly reputable?
We don't even have all that many Marios... it's 2. In a roster of over 50 characters. I don't really understand the antagonism the idea of Paper Mario seems to breed.
and I don't even want Paper Mario or care much for his inclusion

Also Ganondorf's clone status is not at all comparable to this situation. Like, literally completely different.


Apparently there's a private video in the smash playlist. You all probably already talked about that though.

As for roster, I still think we're getting surprises. Shovel knight to me is the only possible shoe in due to numerous rumors. No one saw Ryu coming.


And has Wolf ever actually been rumored by something slightly reputable?

Just the 4chan rumour that also claimed Bomberman and K Rool were coming with him in November. That rumour has yet to be debunked and has weight since it accurately said (on September 7th) that Pirate Ship was coming to the game.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Just the 4chan rumour that also claimed Bomberman and K Rool were coming with him in November. That rumour has yet to be debunked and has weight since it accurately said (on September 7th) that Pirate Ship was coming to the game.
Pirate Ship was just the most popular stage in Brawl after Smashville. You don't need to be a fortune teller to figure out Sakurai would like to bring it back.
Ballad is on point about Wolf lol, Push is way off base here. It is like we invent stupid reasons why popular guys can't be in and twist into knots for why random surprises can be. "He is a veteran and he is a costume, so Nope! Oh but Sakurai might want to rep the indie genre or follow his vision, so let's add those guys"

He over thinks speculating even though he is a nice guy, i remember some where he said we would just get two third party reps for the last two (at the time) Mario place holders, one for Japan and one for Everyone Else: Shovel Knight and Layton. Yeah...no. And also all those posts about how 'realistically we are just getting two more fighters because spots.' Also a no.

Are we talking to a NeoGAF poster indirectly through Twitter? PushDustIn posts here, he can speak for himself.

EDIT: Also, no way was K.Rool's Mii costume done pre-ballot at random.

Why could it not have been pre ballot? K.Rool has always been popular and no other costume is of a character who places high in any of fan polls. Or is a character who casuals would fawn over if that's the alibi for Viridi or Chrom lol
Why could it not have been pre ballot? K.Rool has always been popular and no other costume is of a character who places high in any of fan polls. Or is a character who casuals would fawn over if that's the alibi for Viridi or Chrom lol
King K. Rool hasn't appeared in a single game for seven years, entirely left behind by his own series, all the while Smash 4 gives said series the coldest of shoulders, and he just happens to be one of the random choices they made after the ballot was running for a few months? I don't think so. And every Mii costume has their own reason for being in, so let's not conflate character Mii costumes with each other.
I agree K. Rool was likely due the team becoming more aware of him due to his likely huge popularity in the ballot, but there's still some Mii costumes that seem even more obscure, to the point where I doubt they're mentioned on the Smash ballot all that much either, like the Black Knight from Fire Emblem.


Pirate Ship was just the most popular stage in Brawl after Smashville. You don't need to be a fortune teller to figure out Sakurai would like to bring it back.

Maybe, but as Neoxon pointed out a lot of people thought the music being used elsewhere disqualified it. Plus there are still other Brawl stages that have yet to be added to the game which people desired as well and thus far it is the only one that has been added post-release.

The currently active rumour does specifically say it will be the last returning stage, which means if another stage from 64, Melee, or Brawl is announced then the rumour is instantly debunked. But that hasn't happened yet.

Maybe it was just a wild guess, but I think it deserves some merit since it got it right.

For reference, here is the image (for anyone that missed it) showcasing both active rumours (the 4chan one and the Shovel Knight one). It is important to note that Shovel Knight is an entirely separate rumour from the 4chan rumour. The 4chan guy doesn't mention SK at all. SK does seem to have more "evidence" though as well as more "reliable sources" (such as Tamaki from Unseen 64) claiming he has reliable information that he is in.



Doesn't the data say there's 2 more stage slots? Doesn't that kind of debunk that already.

No it doesn't debunk it. Stage slots could be any stage. They could be returning stages, sure, but they could also be brand new stages of even more cross-version stages (like how Duck Hunt just went to 3ds). The rumour also does mention a Star Fox Zero stage (which could conceivably take one of those "slots).

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
For whatever's worth, Roger Di Luigi, GAF's late Wii Will Rock You and recurrent guest to the Bitblock, tweeted this and this.

Just wanna clarify he's not a journalist, but a youtuber who covers Smash news.

edit: Turns out he did some journalistic work in the past. My apologies if you read this, Roger.


For whatever's worth, Roger Di Luigi, GAF's late Wii Will Rock You and recurrent guest to the Bitblock, tweeted this and this.

Just wanna clarify he's not a journalist, but a youtuber who covers Smash news.

This could be something, he does know a few folks at NOA and enough journalists that talk Nintendo news.

Along with the supposed information concerning a new update of sorts for Splatoon this month we're due for something.


Junior Member
For whatever's worth, Roger Di Luigi, GAF's late Wii Will Rock You and recurrent guest to the Bitblock, tweeted this and this.

Just wanna clarify he's not a journalist, but a youtuber who covers Smash news.
I know Roger from a number of our Splatoon & Smash sessions (he even gave me a shout-out in one of his Splatoon videos). Besides the fact that he's solid at both, he does have sources in NoA.

Wait, Roger was on GAF? What happened?


Traditionally Nintendo has usually had a conference or significant direct in October anyways. It's well positioned to promote their plans for the holiday season and they typically take advantage of that. So them announcing something big (whether it be a Direct or not) this month isn't all that surprising, and pretty much expected. Sometimes it isn't even just about the holiday season but also significant game announcements. For example, Bayonetta 2, Sin and Punishment 2, and Punch-Out Wii were all announced at events in October.

I am positive the Holiday DLC plans for all of their games (including Smash, Splatoon, and whatever else they are bringing DLC to this year) will be a key topic.
If/when Shovel Knight is revealed for Smash, I really do wonder how the Japanese branch is going to handle the reveal since he'll mean way less to that region, even less so then Japan-only characters make it into Smash. Has SK had an official release in Japan on any console yet?


Hmm reading deeper into his twitter, it's more than likely the Splatoon update. COULD be some Smash related stuff too, could be a direct, but I'm more than certain it's something Splatoon related.


Junior Member
Hmm reading deeper into his twitter, it's more than likely the Splatoon update. COULD be some Smash related stuff too, could be a direct, but I'm more than certain it's something Splatoon related.
I'd argue that he covers more Smash stuff than Splatoon.
Ahhh I misread that.

Bomberman replacing snake would absolutely kill me. I don't think I could handle it.
While I'm the first to say "maybe the leak os real?" even I don't believe in any leak where Konami gets a rep that isn't Snake. Snake and another Konami rep? Sure. But no Snake and someone else? Unless Nintendo bought Bomberman it really doesn't make sense at all, even less than other things that didn't make sense but were true.

If Sakurai didn't want to add Snake because of Konami bs, he wouldn't add any Konami character.


It could be me. Hell, it could be you.

Unless he outs himself, it could be anyone really.

I don't think I can hype any of these things anymore. I'll just choose to not believe any of it, and that due to budget and time and a small crew we're getting barely anything.

Not that it matters either, unless it's Ice Climbers somehow magically back in I'm not gonna get hyped much. I got my one "this character needs to be in already" choice with Little Mac.


It's pretty obvious that having three character slots in the game isn't a limitation, since before this update, there were only two. Sakurai's team clearly have the ability to add as many as they please. The same goes for stages. So either,

a) The absolute minimum amount of characters they're considering to add is three, since these slots could be preparations.
b) There could be more than three initially.
c) There could be less than three since Sakurai isn't exactly obligated by himself to fill each of them anyway.

Also I really, really, really don't want to see Shovel Knight. At all. Incredibly irrelevant and tacky character.


So a direct soon? I'll be really surprised if NWPlayer's speculation turns out to be true. Hopefully we get to see Nintendo's new president.

Nintendo just added a private video to their Smash playlist on youtube

Clearly detailing a Greninja nerf.

lol what is this tag+avatar combo?
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