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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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I do wish we had something more to go on the Shovel Knight rumor than just two guys saying he's (probably) in due to a source. What did the source say? Why are they saying this? Is there more to this than just word of mouth? Has the source actually been proven true on past Smash leaks, or is this the only thing they are saying? Have people seen screenshots and videos or something? How could they possibly know when he'd be revealed? Why does the source seem convinced that he's playable and not anything else? Why did the source come forward at the same time everyone else came forward about the Amiibo and why is this source different?

Driving me nuts.
There's more than one source claiming the Shovel Knight thing, but I think there is a 'main' source, who has leaked things in the past.

He hasn't leaked anything Smash related before to my knowledge, but he's claiming to know about Shovel Knight through retailers. He said that Amazon would be selling DLC codes for Nintendo games, and a few days after the rumor broke, this turned out to be true. I believe they only started selling Smash codes recently, but I could be wrong.

That's at least my understanding of it.
I'm at the comfortable stage where I don't care which characters get added from the ballot (cause every character in the game is fun as hell anyway), the only thing I really need is Wolf back. Voted for K.Rool anyway, with some lingering regret about Wonder-Red.
There's more than one source claiming the Shovel Knight thing, but I think there is a 'main' source, who has leaked things in the past.

He hasn't leaked anything Smash related before to my knowledge, but he's claiming to know about Shovel Knight through retailers. He said that Amazon would be selling DLC codes for Nintendo games, and a few days after the rumor broke, this turned out to be true. I believe they only started selling Smash codes recently, but I could be wrong.

That's at least my understanding of it.
Looking back on the original Nintendolife report, he claims the Amiibo and Smash Bros. fighter go hand in hand, but after the Amiibo was revealed to not be SSB related, he then says the two are not related originally. I dunno, the timing on that just strikes me as odd, and I don't necessarily buy it that the rumor was actually unrelated to the Amiibo after all.
Smash is so popular in Japan it's even in anime!


They were playing the "3DS" version
Don't forget that time American Dad
's Facebook page
of all things hyped up Smash Bros.'s release.
Looking back on the original Nintendolife report, he claims the Amiibo and Smash Bros. fighter go hand in hand, but after the Amiibo was revealed to not be SSB related, he then says the two are not related originally. I dunno, the timing on that just strikes me as odd, and I don't necessarily buy it that the rumor was actually unrelated to the Amiibo after all.
Tamaki said that the rumor was related to DLC codes in a Skype chat with PushDustin and another Smashboards mod before the Amiibo was revealed, and before it was public that retailers would be selling codes. They're both backing him up on it, too. When it broke that the source predicted Amazon selling the codes, I think PushDustin even pointed it out before Tamaki did.

The idea that the amiibo and DLC character go hand-in-hand just seemed like his speculation, and I don't really blame him for thinking that when he's got a source telling him Shovel Knight is a fighter.

I don't believe the rumor. I'm not telling anyone to believe it, but there seems to be a lot of misinformation floating around.
(Technically) Unrelated to the Tamaki rumor specifically, but wasn't someone saying earlier that a few SmashBoards mods were claiming to have seen footage of Shovel Knight in Smash?
Tamaki said that the rumor was related to DLC codes in a Skype chat with PushDustin and another Smashboards mod before the Amiibo was revealed, and before it was public that retailers would be selling codes. They're both backing him up on it, too. When it broke that the source predicted Amazon selling the codes, I think PushDustin even pointed it out before Tamaki did.

The idea that the amiibo and DLC character go hand-in-hand just seemed like his speculation, and I don't really blame him for thinking that when he's got a source telling him Shovel Knight is a fighter.

I don't believe the rumor. I'm not telling anyone to believe it, but there seems to be a lot of misinformation floating around.
Okay, you seem to be on top of this. Do we know when the source contacted Tamaki? I'm curious what the time difference was between that knowledge and knowledge of the Amiibo was.


Calling Shovel Knight is irrelevant is really weird. At this point he already is one of the most iconic indie characters, up there with Quote and Shantae. Sure, he isn't as popular and big as characters like Inklings, Dixie Kong, King K. Rool, Ridley, etc... But irrelevant? Right, whatever you say.

Yes, he is irrelevant. A vocal group of people can cause a lot of influence, as you know. His game was never released in Japan. It has limited distribution in Europe. It's an indie character, of all things. And rightfully so, he is not Nintendo property, so his likelihood should automatically be unwarranted especially because there are much more deserving characters like the Inklings or any veterans.

I'm not trying to be biased here either. I think the same with Quote. At least Shantae has some slight history and connection with Nintendo, even before this "indie" business was a thing.

How can Skull Kid be a playable character even though Lana already has a Skull Kid DLC costume? You know where I'm going with this.
You sly devil. Don't you know that fan speculation logistics resulted in the findings of pre-determined rules? For shame.
(Technically) Unrelated to the Tamaki rumor specifically, but wasn't someone saying earlier that a few SmashBoards mods were claiming to have seen footage of Shovel Knight in Smash?
I think it was SaikyoBro who said that, but, correct me if I'm wrong, he later said that he only heard that the SmashBoards mods knew something about it.
(Technically) Unrelated to the Tamaki rumor specifically, but wasn't someone saying earlier that a few SmashBoards mods were claiming to have seen footage of Shovel Knight in Smash?

IIRC, Smashboard mods also clamed the ESRB leak was incomplete. They're nobodies for the most part, as in they know as much (little) as the rest of us.
(Technically) Unrelated to the Tamaki rumor specifically, but wasn't someone saying earlier that a few SmashBoards mods were claiming to have seen footage of Shovel Knight in Smash?
This is completely false to my knowledge. I think whoever said that was mistaken about PushDustin and Neo Zero, who have stated the exact opposite.

Okay, you seem to be on top of this. Do we know when the source contacted Tamaki? I'm curious what the time difference was between that knowledge and knowledge of the Amiibo was.
No idea. I don't think Tamaki reported on the rumor immediately after hearing it. Maybe finding out about the amiibo's existence gave him extra confidence in what his source said?

I really can't say.


Maturity, bitches.
Wasn't there also a rumour that the mods had collaborated on the ultimate fake which some people suspected the ESRB to originally be?
Yeah, by the time I think you had people showing how they 'faked' the ESRB leak to try and save the guy who'd originally shared out the video clips those clips had already spread out to a ton of different circles, though mostly Brawl modding ones I think. I saw the Shulk one roughly a day before someone just said 'fuck it' and uploaded all of them to /v/.

At least in-game footage of Duck Hunt wasn't a part of those short clips so you had something to look forward to at least.

I think it was SaikyoBro who said that, but, correct me if I'm wrong, he later said that he only heard that the SmashBoards mods knew something about it.

This is completely false to my knowledge. I think whoever said that was mistaken about PushDustin and Neo Zero, who have stated the exact opposite.
Ah kay, thanks for the clarification! Don't post on Smash Boards anymore so I wasn't sure if it was already bunked or what.


Nintendo should say 'we're putting Callie or Marie in Smash, but only one can make it, so we're holding a Worldwide Splatfest to decide.' That would just be about the most genius and evil thing they could ever do.
Nintendo should say 'we're putting Callie or Marie in Smash, but only one can make it, so we're holding a Worldwide Splatfest to decide.' That would just be about the most genius and evil thing they could ever do.

haha holy shit.

I don't even know which one I'd pick, and that's not even mentioning how I'm still salty cats were robbed, lol.


With the suggestions from NWPlayer that we ought to be getting a Direct detailing a Splatoon update in the coming week falling concurrently with a number of credible (however arguable) Twitter dudes popping up today claiming they have info on a certain Nintendo character being slated for reveal, saying things like "not necessarily the most voted for but one that makes a lot of sense", and "social media will be blowing up" I have to wonder whether or not all of this will culminate with another Splatoon related blowout this month that also confirms them as the next newcomer DLC.

I swear I'm not wearing rose-tinted glasses.


Maturity, bitches.
Sometimes I wish people either spilled the beans or stayed quiet. Being told they know something doesn't fill me with excitement. Big whoop. I know what you did last summer, you don't see me going on about it.

Here's a teasers about the upcoming DLC character; people will be pleasantly surprised but I suspect there will also be a lot of anguish because it's not a certain someone else. That's all I can say. What do you mean you learnt nothing from that? Well good thing that generic sentence was completely made up then.


Junior Member
With the suggestions from NWPlayer that we ought to be getting a Direct detailing a Splatoon update in the coming week falling concurrently with a number of credible (however arguable) Twitter dudes popping up today claiming they have info on a certain Nintendo character being slated for reveal, saying things like "not necessarily the most voted for but one that makes a lot of sense", and "social media will be blowing up" I have to wonder whether or not all of this will culminate with another Splatoon related blowout this month that also confirms them as the next newcomer DLC.

I swear I'm not wearing rose-tinted glasses.
Source? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to analyze the tweets for myself.


Maturity, bitches.
It is either K.Rool or Inklings first IMO which would be delish either way to stomp on that thing about costumes being consolation prizes ha ha :)

While I don't consider the K Rool costume a consolation prize, I certainly don't see the Inklings as one. They were clearly marketing material for Splatoon.


Junior Member
While I don't consider the K Rool costume a consolation prize, I certainly don't see the Inklings as one. They were clearly marketing material for Splatoon.
Agreed, especially in the case of the Inklings. As I've said numerous times in this thread, the bulk of the Inklings' popularity came after the release of Splatoon. This is especially true for Japan.


Source? Not that I don't believe you, I just want to analyze the tweets for myself.


These guys have been tweeting the most about it today. The source seems to stem from the third one though. The latter two have a bit of a hand in the Smash community and I know at least Warchamp7 seems to be believing it - though they are telling people not to overhype themselves despite the news supposedly being pretty hype.

But like my spoiler implies, my Inkling comment is really only a rose-tinted view of it lmao


Maturity, bitches.
"News is hype guys, but also not hype, also there's no way it can leak cos there's literally nothing to leak but that's not to say that it's not real cos it totally is. This guy like tots told me all the deets."

Dr. Buni

(Technically) Unrelated to the Tamaki rumor specifically, but wasn't someone saying earlier that a few SmashBoards mods were claiming to have seen footage of Shovel Knight in Smash?
Well, one specific mod told me he have reasons to believe the Shovel Knight rumor is legit. That's about what I can say, but last time he said a rumor was likely legit, it ended up being real.
Nintendo should say 'we're putting Callie or Marie in Smash, but only one can make it, so we're holding a Worldwide Splatfest to decide.' That would just be about the most genius and evil thing they could ever do.
I don't want Callie and Marie, I want the Inklings >_> Callie and Marie should appear in the Splatoon stage, a la K.K. Slider in Smashville.

...Inklings are my most wanted character. D:



These guys have been tweeting the most about it today. The source seems to stem from the third one though. The latter two have a bit of a hand in the Smash community and I know at least Warchamp7 seems to be believing it - though they are telling people not to overhype themselves despite the news supposedly being pretty hype.

But like my spoiler implies, my Inkling comment is really only a rose-tinted view of it lmao

Hmm...Zef and Stealth are friends of Rogersbase.

These next couple of weeks shall be interesting.

These guys have been tweeting the most about it today. The source seems to stem from the third one though. The latter two have a bit of a hand in the Smash community and I know at least Warchamp7 seems to be believing it - though they are telling people not to overhype themselves despite the news supposedly being pretty hype.

But like my spoiler implies, my Inkling comment is really only a rose-tinted view of it lmao
Is that the same Stealth who helped out with some of the Taxman Sonic remasters? If so I'd lean towards trusting him.


Junior Member

These guys have been tweeting the most about it today. The source seems to stem from the third one though. The latter two have a bit of a hand in the Smash community and I know at least Warchamp7 seems to be believing it - though they are telling people not to overhype themselves despite the news supposedly being pretty hype.

But like my spoiler implies, my Inkling comment is really only a rose-tinted view of it lmao
I knew about Roger, but not the other two.


Is that the same Stealth who helped out with some of the Taxman Sonic remasters? If so I'm lean towards trusting him.

I'm pretty sure that's a different Stealth though I do recall asking myself that question a few months back when I first stumbled across their Twitter account lol

These teases are such attention seeking bullshit.

"Guys I know this top secret information and its very exciting omg hype!!!"

"Why is everyone bothering me I never said it was 10/10 hype"

To be fair the only real claim being made here is that Nintendo has some sort of Smash news lined up, most likely a Nintendo newcomer reveal, either this week or next. Whether it's going to be super exciting is arguably subjective but a lot of people extrapolate ridiculous theories out of such regardless (i.e the fact that people assume Roger knows the ballot results which is what he was responding to when he told people to calm down).


These teases are such attention seeking bullshit.

"Guys I know this top secret information and its very exciting omg hype!!!"

"Why is everyone bothering me I never said it was 10/10 hype"


Junior Member
These teases are such attention seeking bullshit.

"Guys I know this top secret information and its very exciting omg hype!!!"

"Why is everyone bothering me I never said it was 10/10 hype"
Roger does actually have sources in NoA, so him I believe. And as stated before, Stealth__ does have some connections within the industry.


Junior Member
This dude says it's specifically a Nintendo character.
Sounds like he's describing the Inklings. Not necessarily ballot winners, but they make the most sense. Then again, that logic could apply to a number of other characters, including Wolf & Chibi-Robo. Though of the three, social media would only really go crazy for the Inklings & Wolf.


Is that the same Stealth who helped out with some of the Taxman Sonic remasters? If so I'm lean towards trusting him.

I'm pretty sure that's a different Stealth though I do recall asking myself that question a few months back when I first stumbled across their Twitter account lol

No, that's a different Stealth. "OCStealth" is the guy that's helped out Taxman and is from the Sonic mod/hack community.

Stealth and Zef are Roger's friends. He probably just told them in DMs or something.

Edit: Honestly I kind of hope it isn't the Inklings because they would be much more welcome in the next entry. It seems too soon despite them having cool moveset possibilities.


Sounds like he's describing the Inklings. Not necessarily ballot winners, but they make the most sense. Then again, that logic could apply to a number of other characters, including Wolf & Chibi-Robo. Though of the three, social media would only really go crazy for the Inklings & Wolf.
Non-ballot leaders with high social media craze to me sounds like Inklings or Bite-Sized Ridley. Maybe Isaac if he's not a leader. Or Dixie Kong for an early they're-not-going-to-put-two-more-DK-reps upset.

Whatever. It's fun to speculate.
Isn't a ballot character and will have a big social media presence?

Yea, that's basically describing Inklings.

Maybe Wolf, although I don't think he'd have the social media thing because it'd basically be a bunch of long time Smash fans sighing a collective sigh of relief.

Or Snake. He'd be huge.


Non-ballot leaders with high social media craze to me sounds like Inklings or Bite-Sized Ridley. Maybe Isaac if he's not a leader. Or Dixie Kong for an early they're-not-going-to-put-two-more-DK-reps upset.

Whatever. It's fun to speculate.

Yeah I just figured I'd post about it here to get the ball rolling a little bit. Partially also cause I found the Smash talks oddly circumstantial what with Splatoon's main dataminer heavily suggesting we're getting something major for it later this month (with that game getting something Octoling related seemingly). If nothing else all we lost were a few posts and further affirmation about our fellow Twitter verse friend scoops haha
I'd say Inklings if it's going to cause a stir in social media, but yeah Dixie also fits the bill for a character who likely wasn't too high up on the poll compared to veterans or K. Rool/Shovel Knight, but still 'makes sense' as DLC.

I can't think of too many other Nintendo characters who'd fit the bill since I imagine every remaining veteran is really high up on the poll which seems to go against their description.
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