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Snake Pass |OT| Snake Had A Hard Life

Would my 4-year-old be able to have fun playing his game? She doesn't care a ton about beating levels and finding collectibles, but she does enjoy just moving characters around in 3D spaces. She HATES dying, though. Is that a thing in Snake Pass?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Would my 4-year-old be able to have fun playing his game? She doesn't care a ton about beating levels and finding collectibles, but she does enjoy just moving characters around in 3D spaces. She HATES dying, though. Is that a thing in Snake Pass?

There's an alternative "Easy" control scheme that may make the game playable for her (the default takes some time to get used to and is probably too awkward for younger kids). It's possible to fall to your death, but there's no penalty aside from respawning at the most recently triggered checkpoint/save point.
Would my 4-year-old be able to have fun playing his game? She doesn't care a ton about beating levels and finding collectibles, but she does enjoy just moving characters around in 3D spaces. She HATES dying, though. Is that a thing in Snake Pass?

I've not played it yet but the controls seem to be difficult/ complex. I don't know if there's an easy control option though. And yes, you can "die" in Snake Pass and afaik you have to activate checkpoints to save your progress during a level.


I've not played it yet but the controls seem to be difficult/ complex. I don't know if there's an easy control option though. And yes, you can "die" in Snake Pass and afaik you have to activate checkpoints to save your progress during a level.

There is an "easier control" setting.
I've not played it yet but the controls seem to be difficult/ complex. I don't know if there's an easy control option though. And yes, you can "die" in Snake Pass and afaik you have to activate checkpoints to save your progress during a level.

Hmmmm. Might not get it, then. The game looks awesome, but I don't have time to play it at the moment with Zelda and Shovel Knight.
This is going to take forever on my work's shitty internet. If I leave wireless range, will the download just resume when I get back home?

As excited as I am to try this, it's pretty shitty the game wasn't put up until 7. I won't get to play it until tomorrow now.

first world problems, I know
I remember the 4 games that released last week on Switch did not launch until around 10AM. I dont know if that will be the norm for the console, but it means I won't give Snake Pass another hour just to check,

I will get you tomorrow Snake Pass!


Have any reviews from the big games press sites/publications come out yet? I don't really trust mom-and-pop bloggers and wanted to know if there were any issues with the Switch version that make the game LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE (caps for exaggeration).


Seriously where are the reviews


Gotta big train journey tomorrow and need to know if it's a goer

(anyone else going to EGX R?)


I have both games and have no idea hey had HD rumble. Just felt like regular rumble to me. I guess it's just a marketing feature for the most part then, or maybe not well utilized by every game.

you make it sound like your opinion is fact. There have been a lot of people who said that the rumble feature in fast is a good enhancement.

You could say 'to me its more a marketing feature'. Dont talk in absolutes


Just went to store, bought the game with my credit card, received the SMS confirmation from Visa and when i went to see how the download was going there was nothing, went to the eShop again and it shows as if i haven't bought the game...Wtf Nintendo!

I'm afraid to try again because, as i said, i received the confirmation from my credit card operator. Anyone else with this problem?


Only played a tiny bit of the PC version so far but this game seems really excellent. Gameplay, graphics, and innovation are everything I wanted so far.


you make it sound like your opinion is fact. There have been a lot of people who said that the rumble feature in fast is a good enhancement.

You could say 'to me its more a marketing feature'. Dont talk in absolutes
People talk like that all the time. Just because someone isn't adding a condition to their statement doesn't mean it isn't an opinion. Like... We all understand that here.

Anyways, I'm dying to get home to play this! I'm glad impressions are positive so far. :)
Just went to store, bought the game with my credit card, received the SMS confirmation from Visa and when i went to see how the download was going there was nothing, went to the eShop again and it shows as if i haven't bought the game...Wtf Nintendo!

I'm afraid to try again because, as i said, i received the confirmation from my credit card operator. Anyone else with this problem?

Have you turned the system off and see if it took effect?


People talk like that all the time. Just because someone isn't adding a condition to their statement doesn't mean it isn't an opinion. Like... We all understand that here.

Anyways, I'm dying to get home to play this! I'm glad impressions are positive so far. :)

perhaps, but in his other comments he was very agressive sounding. So i dont think in this case it was 'just a way of talking'.

Can someone confirm if time trials is in snake pass on switch? I heared before its not in?
Just went to store, bought the game with my credit card, received the SMS confirmation from Visa and when i went to see how the download was going there was nothing, went to the eShop again and it shows as if i haven't bought the game...Wtf Nintendo!

I'm afraid to try again because, as i said, i received the confirmation from my credit card operator. Anyone else with this problem?

Did you actually buy the game or just add funds? I am not trying to be snarky, it would be an easy mistake to make, and would explain what's happening.
Just went to store, bought the game with my credit card, received the SMS confirmation from Visa and when i went to see how the download was going there was nothing, went to the eShop again and it shows as if i haven't bought the game...Wtf Nintendo!

I'm afraid to try again because, as i said, i received the confirmation from my credit card operator. Anyone else with this problem?

Check your download list. Something similar happened to me with Shovel Knight.

Gripping stiffens the body of the snake. It will help you in cases you feel like the snake is gonna slide off while you're still moving around. It's good to grip while reaching out to a collectible for example. I don't use it much though.

Lifting takes the weight off from the back/tail. It can save you in some cases if you almost completely slid off and you have mostly the head struggling to hang on. By lifting the tail you may be able to recover. I use this one all the time, bit of a panic button.

Puzzles beyond the fourth level will demand the use of the gripping, especially. Well, when you're going for the gatekeeper's gold coins anyway. Its use, for me at least, is to hold a position as you assess a tricky traversal path that could end up in death immediately. The lift is more hit-and-miss, sometimes I use it if I'm going straight across a bamboo pole or at the tail end (heh) when I make a leap to a ledge and need to balance myself out.

Thanks guys! Makes a lot more sense now
Is the complete soundtrack on youtube? Damn, I can't wait to hear it. David wise is probably the best video game composer ever.

....ahh...no, I don't want to listen to the OST on on youtube. I can wait a few hours.


Have you turned the system off and see if it took effect?

Just tried that, but no luck :(

Did you actually buy the game or just add funds? I am not trying to be snarky, it would be an easy mistake to make, and would explain what's happening.

I aways only add the necessary amount to buy a game, i just checked again and my balance is $0.00...

Check your download list. Something similar happened to me with Shovel Knight.

It isn't there, unfortunately.

Thanks for the help guys, i'm gonna contact Nintendo.

UPDATE: I contacted Nintendo and they are not seeing my purchase so apparently it wasn't charged, they said it was secure to buy it again. So i went and bought a prepaid eShop card from Amazon and bought the game. It's downloading now.

Well, lesson learned, i'm not going to purchase directly from the eShop from now on. I just hate those remaining cents on the balance...


I'm interested to know what the resolution/fps difference is before i purchase, although for me it's switch vs pc

Impressions seem to peg the game at a steady 30 fps, though there does seem to be some debate as to what the actual resolution of the game is, as it has either some of the most aggressive TAA, or it's being upscaled from a lower internal resolution, even in portable mode.
The HD rumble implementation in this game really is surprisingly terrible. Has a weird metallic sound to it and feels like it's cranked up way too high.

Had to turn off vibration but game has been fun and relaxing to play as of yet with a good soundtrack.


First impressions on the Switch handheld mode. I got good news and bad news.

The Good News: FPS is solid. They seem to have prioritized a locked 30 as far as I can tell and it feels very smooth. The graphics and art are pretty and probably beyond anything else we've seen on the system besides maybe Fast RMX. No hiccups or stutters.

The Bad News: Either my eyes are going or this is not native resolution.

Will try docked mode after I cook and eat something.


First impressions on the Switch handheld mode. I got good news and bad news.

The Good News: FPS is solid. They seem to have prioritized a locked 30 as far as I can tell and it feels very smooth. The graphics and art are pretty and probably beyond anything else we've seen on the system besides maybe Fast RMX. No hiccups or stutters.

The Bad News: Either my eyes are going or this is not native resolution.

Will try docked mode after I cook and eat something.

Let us know if you unlock time trials after beating the first world!


Imma say... 648.

Seems about right for the minor blur. It's locked from what I can tell, though, even panning the camera doesn't seem to stutter.
Just played level one on Switch, it is definitely subnative. UI seems to be rendered at 720p though, and the AA is strong enough to cover jaggies, it just looks quite blurry.

Probably somewhere between 540p and 720p.
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