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So, Polygon 'playing' Doom...

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I've thought about it some more, and I think the word I want to use is "familiar"

The reviewer doesn't have to be an expert or possess a minimum skill level, but they do at least need to be familiar with what they're working with.

For this example, they need to be familiar with dual-analog controls. They need to be familiar with how an FPS works, and what sort of thing a Doom game might be asking them to do

There's value in having people who aren't familiar with something review it, but that's a specific use case for a specific audience
A disclaimer would be nice, but to be fair we don't get disclaimers about reviewers from pros either, and pros may have a very different experience than the average buyer.

Just keep doubling down with the 'no experience playing games required to be a professional game reviewer.' It makes a lot of sense. I can't believe people are actually making this argument. It's like you're arguing just to argue or something.


The feedback on this particular video has been heard loud and clear. We're working on additional videos, a review and preview coverage for Doom.

But just to be clear, my clarification was meant to address that this video was somehow tied to the game's review, when it is not.

That's a valid point that a lot of people are missing. It's just the unusual circumstance (in a way, one of id/Bethesda's making by not giving out review copies) that are making the previews more important than normal due to the lack of information about Doom's quality. I get that there is a rush now that embargoes aren't a factor, but (and I'm sure Polygon aren't the only ones, simply just the biggest) sacrificing quality to get a bigger piece of the pie (pun full intended) is plain shoddy journalism that doesn't benefit the consumer.


Psh, my car analogy is like a trillion times betterer.

I did mine before you! >:c

I wouldn't want the guys from Car and Driver magazine reviewing a car and they couldnt push it to it's limits around the track without fucking up. Those guys record times. Times which need to be accurate.

This dude cant even shoot in the same direction of the monster? Oh hell naw.


A person who is familiar with FPS games and is decent at them - knows when a game controls well and plays well or if a game plays janky/sluggish.

A person who is not familiar with FPS games and doesn't know how to control them very well - cannot tell a good or bad control system apart.

I would much rather have someone who knows about and plays the genre a lot to tell me in the review if the game controls well. Which DOOM does.
Just keep doubling down with the 'no experience playing games required to be a professional game reviewer.' It makes a lot of sense. I can't believe people are actually making this argument. It's like you're arguing just to argue or something.

Not "no experience playing games", obviously. But, yes, I frankly think the reactions from people on the Internet from various videos of the games press playing games over the years is completely out over the top.


Just keep doubling down with the 'no experience playing games required to be a professional game reviewer.' It makes a lot of sense. I can't believe people are actually making this argument. It's like you're arguing just to argue or something.

Is this the only type of game and control method that exist? What if they exclusively play strategy or turn based games?

This is like New Yorkers flipping out at a food critic for reviewing pizza while eating with a knife and fork.
lmao, no, it's nothing like that at all

We're not talking about likes or dislikes. We're talking about motor skills.

This isn't a guy who doesn't like Mexican food - this is a guy who drops it on the floor and tries to eat the contents using a pair of salad tongs.

Is that a valid way to eat? I mean, sure, who am I to judge? But do I want him reviewing how the food tastes?


I just noticed that the video has disabled the comments and the dislike bar. Reuploading the video with the reviewer playing might have been the smarter move
Not "no experience playing games", obviously. But, yes, I frankly think the reactions from people on the Internet from various videos of the games press playing games over the years is completely out over the top.

Are you sure the reactions are over the top? Did you watch the video?

How can you possibly even defend that? Take any argument you're going to make out of theoretical land and argue against the actual video in the OP. Defend that. Can you?

I agree that 'people on the Internet' can be unreasonable about a lot of things. But the reactions are pretty reasonable this time
Is this the only type of game and control method that exist? What if they exclusively play strategy or turn based games?

This is like New Yorkers flipping out at a food critic for reviewing pizza while eating with a knife and fork.
If they only play strategy and turn based games then they shouldn't be reviewing a shooter.



Why, yes.


Should there be a barrier to entry for skill on reviews? That's a question that I think can be answered by looking at subjectivity. Is there a direct correlation between higher skill level and understanding of a game at a mechanical level? I think so. What about story? Someone's experience in a game can easily be skewed by the perceived challenge and if they actually like to be challenged. I remember watching an IGN video someone linked me and one of their reviewers had quit Fallout 4 on normal after only a small portion of the game because he thought it was too hard. That reflected in his discussions of the game thereafter and potentially changed his views on similar games in the future. I don't think someone should have to be like me to review a game (Normally highest difficulties/greatest challenges I can get) but personally I feel they should certainly be more competent than a casual gamer for me to take them seriously. However, what I want out of a game/review is different from what others want so the reviews I follow are not generally "casual". Every review is highly subjective so there is value in a review from someone who isn't a very skilled gamer, but it should reflect that in the article. Someone who really isn't much of a gamer, or not very skilled who got into video game journalism should tell us that is the lense they look at the game through because it's pertinent to the review of the game.

TLDR: no there's shouldn't be a skill cap on reviews because of their subjective nature. There is value in casual reviews. However, reviewers should make clear the difficulty on which they played and their experience with similar titles as they have a bearing on a review.

I agree.

It comes off as very entitled to say that people with less gaming experience should not be allowed to review games or should be shamed for even trying. There are a ton of reviews/impressions from skilled players for me, no reason for there not to be some for the people just getting into the genre for the first time.
If you cant control a game, you shouldnt need to hear someone elses' opinion on how they can't control it. What can you possibly take from that kind of review?

Whether the game is any good for someone like me (of course they'd have to have the same tastes as well). Like whether there are easier difficulty modes and there are other aspects to the game other than merely shooting that would make it fun (I don't enjoy shooting even if I get to play with keyboard+mouse, where I'm certainly above average in competency). Like The Last of Us contains mandatory shooting segments but they're not that many. It's mostly stuff you can stealth through, which means I could play it (even if I had to repeat the shooting-bits 10 times each to get through them) and even enjoy it (although it was overlong).

In this particular case, it seems to be a game focused entirely on shooty bang-bang so I don't need a review to tell me it's not for me.
That may very well be true.

But the job of a review, any review really, is to give someone with a passing interest in the subject an idea of what to expect. To use the car analogy again, I wouldn't really take the opinion of someone who doesn't drive cars, or have a deep knowledge or experience with cars, on a particular vehicle. Someone is of course free to review whatever they like, but when someone asks 'Umm... Why should I take your review seriously if you're not intimately aware of the subject matter?'

Perhaps you would if your car needs are lenient and specific to its day to day use, i'm not myself deeply knowledgeable on the specifics of how cars are made, but i could give you a pretty indepth critic of how my car feels to drive, how useful it is to my day to day. That's only to show that reviews don't all coalesce so comfortably, they can come from many places and they reach very different audiences, and none would be less inherently valuable because of it. Their value would only start to depend on what their focus was.


I agree.

It comes off as very entitled to say that people with less gaming experience should not be allowed to review games or should be shamed for even trying. There are a ton of reviews/impressions from skilled players for me, no reason for there not to be some for the people just getting into the genre for the first time.

I can't believe ppl are defending this lmao. Fuck this industry.


Just keep doubling down with the 'no experience playing games required to be a professional game reviewer.' It makes a lot of sense. I can't believe people are actually making this argument. It's like you're arguing just to argue or something.
I don't really see the harm.

Honestly I get the feeling some people in this thread are just upset that they don't have a job that allows them to play and talk about games.


So there needs to be a skill threshold for reviews?

As it lends to the competency/experience of the person doing the review, yes. If you cannot use a dual thumbstick controller in an FPS game released on consoles then you have no business doing the review, as your lack of competency with a controller will undoubtedly bias your experience.

Now who knows if the person playing in the video is writing the review.
Not "no experience playing games", obviously. But, yes, I frankly think the reactions from people on the Internet from various videos of the games press playing games over the years is completely out over the top.

The video in this thread deserves every bit of the reaction it is getting.


Hail to the KING baby
The nerds on here man I swear. Basically every game needs to have some superfan reviewing it who's familiar with the mythos, an expert in the gameplay, and has played through New Game+++++ for at least 300 hours. Even though all those people for whom those things are important are such uberfans that they couldn't give a shit about reviews other than to criticize them.


Unconfirmed Member
I can only imagine that a lot of reviewers when reviewing other games are just as bad as this Polygon player and blame a game's mechanics for why it's so difficult, claiming they suck.



Congrats, you've been immortalized.

What will you do with your new-found fame?

The nerds on here man I swear. Basically every game needs to have some superfan reviewing it who's familiar with the mythos, an expert in the gameplay, and has played through New Game+++++ for at least 300 hours. Even though all those people for whom those things are important are such uberfans that they couldn't give a shit about reviews other than to criticize them.

You can't fool me, Astro. Your reputation proceeds you.


Neo Member
Yep, this was one of the first "wow, you're playing badly" videos and I'm mediocre at most games and I hate those "play better" comments on some YT vids.

Didn't help it was the first Doom single-player vid that popped into my feed.

The fact they've disabled likes and dislikes on the video is awful. At least own the fact you got a newbie to play along and make a joke of it.
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