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So, Polygon 'playing' Doom...

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Why, yes.




The nerds on here man I swear. Basically every game needs to have some superfan reviewing it who's familiar with the mythos, an expert in the gameplay, and has played through New Game+++++ for at least 300 hours. Even though all those people for whom those things are important are such uberfans that they couldn't give a shit about reviews other than to criticize them.

It was already established a few pages back that having a MLG pro player wasnt necessary. -.-


The nerds on here man I swear. Basically every game needs to have some superfan reviewing it who's familiar with the mythos, an expert in the gameplay, and has played through New Game+++++ for at least 300 hours. Even though all those people for whom those things are important are such uberfans that they couldn't give a shit about reviews other than to criticize them.
That's the completely other end of the spectrum; how about reading some actual posts opposed to your viewpoint before stereotyping them?

Great way to preface your post as well.

EDIT: Wait, did I fall for bait? Fuck.


semen stains the mountaintops
I want reviews by people who are knowledge about the subject that they are reviewing. This person clearly has no idea how to play FPS games since they can't use both joysticks at the same time.

I don't want a movie review from a person who has only seen a handful of movies in their lifetime, in the same vain, I don't want a review for an FPS game from a person who has no idea how to play those games.

It's really weird to me how some are okay with people reviewing things that they clearly have no understanding of.
Is this the only type of game and control method that exist? What if they exclusively play strategy or turn based games?

This is like New Yorkers flipping out at a food critic for reviewing pizza while eating with a knife and fork.

This thread is turning into a who can make the worst analogy contest.


I'd like to see a project where games are thoroughly reviewed each time by a fresh, novice gamer/writer in another field overseen, co-written, and edited by a hardcore, all-around good gamer and writer. Played entirely straight, of course. That could be incredibly useful and interesting. There have been plenty of shows like this, but to my knowledge nothing this specific. Most of the time it's played for laughs, no?

As far as major gaming outlets that are for fans and enthusiasts like Polygon go—concerning general previews and reviews, yes, I do agree there should be something of a "competency threshold," but not a stringent one. I like and I think there should be diverse opinions. I agree with too many reviewers and bloggers out there. I already have a small, invisible list of the ones I tend to agree with the most I look to for recommendations. I have one for those I respectfully disagree with too, but it's comparatively much too small. I'd love more challenges.


For those saying skills shouldn't be required for reviews.

You do realise that reviews from these gaming websites are more than just personal opinion, it's supposed to be a verdict on the quality of the game from the perspective of a player who is credible and one of the basic requirements for being credible is that they know how to play the game they are reviewing.

A person who never plays strategy game is going to be terrible at it and as such will have a bad experience resulting in a bad review even if the game is fantastic. It misses the poin, every game is made for a specific target audience and by having it reviewed by someone who is not part of that audience you will only be doing the game and the gamers who want a verdict on the game, a disservice !

You won't have wanted a non book reader to review a book or someone like the late Roger Ebert to review games.


People are defending this? This is like an illiterate person working for a literary publication, or a deaf person working for a music publication.
I agree.

It comes off as very entitled to say that people with less gaming experience should not be allowed to review games or should be shamed for even trying. There are a ton of reviews/impressions from skilled players for me, no reason for there not to be some for the people just getting into the genre for the first time.

Unless Polygons audience is 100% casual gamers than no, sorry, you should have some familiarity with video game mechanics and controls that have existed for over a decade now. My opinion of Polygon aside, I would have absolutely no regard for a website like theirs and any of their reviews if I found out their staff all had no experience with modern video games.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
That has to be a joke right?

How was this person controlling the game?
I honestly wonder if the decision to publish this was even a mistake. The more people make fun it, the more views it will get. Bad videos are a profitable business on YouTube. But it also serves as ammo for Twitter bombing runs any time in the future that people suspect a Polygon review conclusion was informed by lack of skill on the player's part. If we are seeing this, what string of game play failures are they declining to upload? Given the site's reputation, this seems like short term gain for long term pain.


I'd actually prefer someone who wasn't excellent at the game reviewing it.

I'm not excellent at a lot of games (most). So it's nice to get a similar point of view


This thread is seriously fucking me up

You guys think it's okay for people that can't play games to review/show them off?

Why? It's just going to show off the game negatively in either scenario. This has to be a joke.
The nerds on here man I swear. Basically every game needs to have some superfan reviewing it who's familiar with the mythos, an expert in the gameplay, and has played through New Game+++++ for at least 300 hours. Even though all those people for whom those things are important are such uberfans that they couldn't give a shit about reviews other than to criticize them.

And now it's becoming a 'most exaggerated strawman from someone who hasn't watched the video' contest.


That is a poor representation of the game and they shouldn't have published that poor excuse for video footage. People on here have viewed my various gameplay clips from YT, and not all of it is elite level skill, but I always attempt to show the best footage possible with competent skill. Polygon seems to have played and captured the first 30 mins and just ran with the footage. There is no reason they couldn't have replayed the area once they got an understanding for the controls or whatever.

It makes the game look bad because the player is awful. A game reviewer doesn't need to be MLG level of good, but aiming the gun and being able to shoot the lone enemy with 50% accuracy is a must. This individual could hardly shoot the game without issue.


This thread is seriously fucking me up

You guys think it's okay for people that can't play games to review/show them off?

Why? It's just going to show off the game negatively in either scenario. This has to be a joke.

Where does the insecurity of the game being shown negatively come from? Why does that matter to you? It's one person's experience and there is always going to be some bias. It also doesn't mean they still can't have a positive experience.


That is a poor representation of the game and they shouldn't have published that poor excuse for video footage. People on here have viewed my various gameplay clips from YT, and not all of it is elite level skill, but I always attempt to show the best footage possible with competent skill. Polygon seems to have played and captured the first 30 mins and just ran with the footage. There is no reason they couldn't have replayed the area once they got an understanding for the controls or whatever.

It makes the game look bad because the player is awful.


At worst, it makes the game look bad. At best... It gives you no valuable information, because this is not the experience that the average consumer will have.

Where does the insecurity of the game being shown negatively come from? Why does that matter to you?

Because it's not fair to the team who I'm sure has spent years of blood, sweat, and tears putting together what they hope is a worthy addition to a legendary franchise?
This thread is seriously fucking me up

You guys think it's okay for people that can't play games to review/show them off?

Why? It's just going to show off the game negatively in either scenario. This has to be a joke.

If there was a console you could buy whose sole purpose was to destroy all your games and prevent you from ever playing a videogame again, there would be people willing to defend it.

People get outraged over/defend the most ridiculous things.


aka IMurRIVAL69

I thought that gif in the OP was cherry picked but skipping around it's actually 30 mins of that. I really hope that isn't the reviewer playing.


Just as Polygon get criticised for publishing ridiculous articles or even misleading ones, which they then edit without a retraction, here they decided to block all criticism for the video purely because they can - but of course they won't take the video down for the sake of the views.

Seemingly Polygon are critics that can't be criticised.


This thread is seriously fucking me up

You guys think it's okay for people that can't play games to review/show them off?

Why? It's just going to show off the game negatively in either scenario. This has to be a joke.

It must be a joke right ? Please be a joke!!!


A blind man can not review paintings.
A deaf man can not review music.
An illiterate person can not review the written word.

This isn't a debate nor is it an argument, this is just the way it works. With a lack of understanding of the fundamentals of modern video games this reviewer lacks the necessary tools to evaluate the medium. There is no way to establish the quality or craftsmanship of the video game title presented due to the reviewer's apparent inability to evaluate the experience on any level.

A person who can't play video games can not review games.


If I were to read a review, I'd rather it be from someone who has similar experience as myself, i.e. suck absolute ass at playing first person games on a controller.

What? How would that even be a fair or reasonable review?

No one experts the reviewer to be an ace at the game, but someone being this freaking bad is just not acceptable. I am 100% sure even you wouldn't be as bad blindfolded.



At worst, it makes the game look bad. At best... It gives you no valuable information, because this is not the experience that the average consumer will have.

Exactly. Video footage is meant to give the watcher an idea of what the game will offer. That video shows nothing of any substance. It's just a poor video.

Edit: It's like the player was using an N64 controller to play the game and didn't know you could use the C-buttons to move the camera.
Is this the only type of game and control method that exist? What if they exclusively play strategy or turn based games?

This is like New Yorkers flipping out at a food critic for reviewing pizza while eating with a knife and fork.
It's absolutely nothing like that, because the point of reviewing a pizza isn't about how you eat the pizza, it's about how it tastes. Whereas with video games, how something controls factors very heavily into its quality. It being in the review is at worst, a pointless addition. It's certainly not skewing the review in the slightest.

The only way the method of eating something would even factor into a review is if the slice was so messy that you couldn't eat it like a normal piece of pizza. Otherwise, describing how you eat a pizza does absolutely nothing to tell the reader how the actual pizza is.

What a terrible analogy.
Where does the insecurity of the game being shown negatively come from? Why does that matter to you? It's one person's experience and there is always going to be some bias. It also doesn't mean they still can't have a positive experience.
Because I, and everyone else in this thread are the ones who are supposed to use this content to educate our opinions on if we want to spend money on a product. This video doesn't help anyone in the slightest. I can't imagine why watching someone obviously bumble their way through something would sway your opinion on how the product looks either way.

It's obviously not a very good representation on how the game is supposed to work, and considering that's the entire point of a preview, the video fails at its job.


I haven't watched the video, but is the skill displayed in the gif persistent through the entire thing? Because honestly, my aiming can be quite a way off when I'm settling into a new game. It's probably quite easy to pick out moments that make anyone look like that.


A review is also about putting it against other similar products, which, if you can't even control the game correctly, cant.


I haven't watched the video, but is the skill displayed in the gif persistent through the entire thing? Because honestly, my aiming can be quite a way off when I'm settling into a new game. It's probably quite easy to pick out moments that make anyone look like that.

The entire video is terrible. It's like they didn't know you could move, shoot, and move the camera at the same time. Everything is so disjointed.


I haven't watched the video, but is the skill displayed in the gif persistent through the entire thing? Because honestly, my aiming can be quite a way off when I'm settling into a new game. It's probably quite easy to pick out moments that make anyone look like that.
The player isn't much better at the 25 minute mark. Whoever is playing rarely uses the left and right analog sticks at the same time.

And hey, it's fine for someone to play like that. Everyone had to get used to a controller, but it's just silly and weird to put this out as a first impression video from a big gaming website.


A person who never plays strategy game is going to be terrible at it and as such will have a bad experience resulting in a bad review even if the game is fantastic. It misses the point, every game is made for a specific target audience and by having it reviewed by someone who is not part of that audience you will only be doing the game and the gamers who want a verdict on the game, a disservice !

Well said. Plenty of games are not attempting to capture a universal audience, so having a casual gamer review the game is doing it a serious disservice. Even if you do have a casual gamer reviewing the game, I feel like it should be noted throughout the review so that the reader can properly contextualize the perspective of the reviewer.
I kind of expect a book reviewer to be literate so I don't think it's unfair to expect some level competency out of game reviewers. It would be a symbol of their credentials and experience. Else what's the difference between their opinion and a fart in the wind?


It's absolutely nothing like that, because the point of reviewing a pizza isn't about how you eat the pizza, it's about how it tastes. Whereas with video games, how something controls factors very heavily into its quality.

The only way the method of eating something would even factor into a review is if the slice was so messy that you couldn't eat it like a normal piece of pizza. Otherwise, describing how you eat a pizza does absolutely nothing to tell the reader how the actual pizza is.

What a terrible analogy.

I don't see why this player would be unable to give his impressions on the graphics, performance, story, sound ect.... I don't see why his entire experience should be discounted because like the food critic he's still tasting and eating it.


I don't care if a game reviewer is bad at a game, you don't need to be a master to review it, but they need to be competent in playing the game. This isn't competent play. If you can't use both sticks at the same time you shouldn't be reviewing a FPS. A reviewer must be functional enough with the basic gameplay elements to understand the systems at play to give a competent critique. I don't really see whats so controversial about thinking that.
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