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So, Polygon 'playing' Doom...

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Ban Puncher


Their job isn't to be an professional game player. I mean they're not in eSports. They write about them.

Are you a professional neogaf poster?

There's a difference between professional and reasonably competent.

If I want to see gameplay footage to inform myself if I want to buy a game, the best gameplay source would be someone like me, casually plays games and is reasonably familiar with games, and in case of Doom, shooters.
The person in the Polygon video plays like they never held a gamepad in their life.

That's the thing, the video doesn't inform me about the game, it informs me that someone on Polygon's staff never played a game in their life.
Initially I thought the Polygon was hopeless and then I started the game a basically did the same thing haha. The aiming seems slightly different to a standard console FPS, as if there is less aim assist.

Orrrrrrr I just suck equally 😰


Initially I thought the Polygon was hopeless and then I started the game a basically did the same thing haha. The aiming seems slightly different to a standard console FPS, as if there is less aim assist.

Orrrrrrr I just suck equally 😰
Check my gameplay video on last page with a controller (3rd post from bottom). :p


This is why I never listen to game journalists anymore. Word of mouth is the only legitimate source of information about actual video game quality.

EDIT: Haha, comments are disabled.


Junior Member
Their job isn't to be an professional game player. I mean they're not in eSports. They write about them.

Are you a professional neogaf poster?

When you're a professional anything, it's completely reasonable to expect a case of competency in whatever is auxiliary to their job. I'm a programmer, it's fair to expect me to be competent with computers, despite that not being 'my job'. It's fair to expect that, because it's normal to get acquainted with computers when you work on them every day. The same way, someone whose job it is to review video games would likely become tolerably competent because they deal with games every day. Lacking that auxiliary comprehension discredits, in this case, the reviewer, because it doesn't give you a feeling that this person lives and breathes video games. This is much the same way Top Gear would not have the same impact if it was given by someone that doesn't really care about cars, but really enjoys trying out a Porche. We lend our ears to "professionals", because they have the foundation, passion and experience to dissect, understand and convey how games are. When someone runs around like this, you can't but feel that this person doesn't really get it, and it's hard to not let your mind wander to thoughts of why you should believe whatever this person says.


Their job isn't to be an professional game player. I mean they're not in eSports. They write about them.

Are you a professional neogaf poster?

He would be if he got paid. And then we'd expect a basic mastery of the english language.

Kind of a weird rhetorical question to throw in there.


That was like watching my wife who doesn't play games. If every game footage preview was like that I'd never watch them again due to the sheer frustration involved.


Neo Member
I was thinking this might be someone that does not traditionally play FPSs, but then I tried DOOM on the Steam Controller (with the recommended config).

If the Polygon employee is using that, then yeah I get the difficulty. It took a little while to get use to how sensitive the track pad is, some phantom signals, etc. It is usable after you become accustom, but you will start with times randomly looking at the floor or ceiling.


Can’t stump the diablos
Their job isn't to be an professional game player. I mean they're not in eSports. They write about them.

Are you a professional neogaf poster?

They get paid to play games as an agent to a company paying people to play games.
That makes playing games part of their profession.

I do not get paid to post on neogaf or am not an agent of a company where my job requires posting on neogaf; thus it isn't part of my profession.
Would you want to read reviews of cars from someone not good enough to get a license?
Like I said a few pages back, would you listen to a car review from someone who uploaded footage of their drive that looked like this?

I was thinking this might be someone that does not traditionally play FPSs, but then I tried DOOM on the Steam Controller (with the recommended config).

If the Polygon employee is using that, then yeah I get the difficulty. It took a little while to get use to how sensitive the track pad is, some phantom signals, etc. It is usable after you become accustom, but you will start with times randomly looking at the floor or ceiling.
I don't think anyone would begrudge you time to acclimate to a new controller.

The question is, why would you upload footage of yourself looking like a ninny while doing that acclimation?
I was thinking this might be someone that does not traditionally play FPSs, but then I tried DOOM on the Steam Controller (with the recommended config).

If the Polygon employee is using that, then yeah I get the difficulty. It took a little while to get use to how sensitive the track pad is, some phantom signals, etc. It is usable after you become accustom, but you will start with times randomly looking at the floor or ceiling.

The video shows PS4 button prompts, so nope.
Would you want to read reviews of cars from someone not good enough to get a license?
This is a great point.

It seems like whenever I watch people irl play games, they always end up playing like the gif in the op. Don't know how it's so hard to control both analog sticks at the same time.


This is a great point.

It seems like whenever I watch people irl play games, they always end up playing like the gif in the op. Don't know how it's so hard to control both analog sticks at the same time.

It actually is for a non gamer, non gamers have quite bad hand eye coordination...especially when it requires both hands.
As a console gamer you probably have good control of your non dominant thumb...most people almost never use it.

Infact try giving a controller to a guy who only plays with KB/M, I have a friend who plays PC games exclusively but he absolutely sucks ass with a controller. Dude can only move or aim at one time and he's bad at both.
The reverse is true too, although sort of slightly less worse because most people know how to use a mouse even if at shit sensitivity and low DPI.
It actually is for a non gamer, non gamers have quite bad hand eye coordination...especially when it requires both hands.

As a game you probably have good control of your non dominant thumb...most people almost never use it.
I guess it's one of those things you learn at a young age while playing games and it sticks (ha) with you forever. :p
"A movie critic looked at his cellphone during a BvS screenig, review invalidated because he watched it wrong"

I think a better analogy would be if said reviewer watched BvS in a language he doesn't understand, without subtitles.

Or maybe by staring into the projector rather than looking at the screen.

Or got lost on the way to the theater and watched another review.

This is fun! Everyone, make up your own examples.


Gold Member
Maybe he only plays it on sticks and not on wheel?

Maybe but I doubt it. Given how far he's turn the wheel left and right he doesn't know how it works. IT would also help that if he'd use the breaks to slow down and get the car back under control so he's not sliding into the wall every 2-3 seconds.
It actually is for a non gamer, non gamers have quite bad hand eye coordination...especially when it requires both hands.
As a console gamer you probably have good control of your non dominant thumb...most people almost never use it.

Infact try giving a controller to a guy who only plays with KB/M, I have a friend who plays PC games exclusively but he absolutely sucks ass with a controller. Dude can only move or aim at one time and he's bad at both.
The reverse is true too, although sort of slightly less worse because most people know how to use a mouse even if at shit sensitivity and low DPI.

Yeah, I've seen exactly this. My friend was a PC-only gamer during the PS1 era. Around the time the PS2 arrived, he borrowed my N64 and had a hell of a time adapting to just one analog stick (playing F-Zero X). There's a long learning curve there, it probably took over a month for him to get completely up to speed.

Similar thing with my girlfriend. She can use 1 stick, but complains if she has to rather than the D-pad. If a game requires the right stick, she can't play it.
I think sometimes we overstate the importance of skill when we're discussing games. in the hardcore community, to appear deficient at a game usually disqualifies you from having a valid opinion of the game. I think there's something to that. if your criticism is to be taken seriously, you should probably be able to experience the game at a base control level.

but on the other hand, I also think it's kind of ridiculous that we discount the people that don't play on the hardest difficulty; or the people that might play doom just like the polygon player in the video did. more points of view should always be welcomed, if only to have a more diverse discussion about the game.

there's another layer to the conversation here: that enthusiast press or people writing about games have to be good at games, or else they don't deserve their job. not true.
all if that said, if you are bad enough at the game that you can't function in it, you probably shouldn't speak to the quality of its gameplay on any level. thats not what this video was.


Never forget when Brad died at the 2nd Goomba in the New Super Mario Bros Wii Quick Look 45 seconds in.

EDIT: He also claims somebody knocks him into it, but you'll see that nobody has touched him, haha.
Isn't Brad notorious for being shit on Quick looks? Perhaps it's the pressure of playing live with colleagues as an audience and it being recorded for others to see online. I mean he died like 2 minutes into the intro of Doom in this Quick Look.
Not judging the guy. I would die loads too given the circumstances!
Oh, you mean in the clusterfuck that is four player in NSBW? It's chaos, I do not blame anyone for dying. Let's not get carried away.

Just to clarify, that was a loving reference to Brad Time. That QL says nothing about him as a gamer or his qualifications for his role.

Love the whole GB team.


Isn't Brad notorious for being shit on Quick looks? Perhaps it's the pressure of playing live with colleagues as an audience and it being recorded for others to see online. I mean he died like 2 minutes into the intro of Doom in this Quick Look.
Not judging the guy. I would die loads too given the circumstances!

this was played on easy and brad was playing on ultra hard.
all if that said, if you are bad enough at the game that you can't function in it, you probably shouldn't speak to the quality of its gameplay on any level. thats not what this video was.

How about being sufficiently good at video games to the point where the demographic that you are targeting doesn't complain enough to require you to kill comments and ratings?


Junior Member
The video in question has almost 250k views, and the other Doom video they uploaded the next day has a bit more than 16k, but the person played "the right way" on the latter, so it isn't as controversial.


Their job isn't to be an professional game player. I mean they're not in eSports. They write about them.

Are you a professional neogaf poster?
They write about playing them. It's like writing about food but having no tastebuds. What part of this do people not understand?

That video is like watching my dad play a game for the first time, it's appalling.


Of course there's people defending polygon/reviewers here lol.

These are people who are giving their "professional" opinion to help people make informed purchases. Of course they should know what they're talking about, and at least have some skill. Crazy to think otherwise.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Their job isn't to be an professional game player. I mean they're not in eSports. They write about them.

Are you a professional neogaf poster?

This attitude is baffling to me. If you want to review movies, you'd better have knowledge about movies. If you want to commentate on sports, of course it is expected to be knowledgeable about sports.

Likewise, if you are reviewing an action game, at the very least you should be able to play the game with a passable skill threshold. Passing a responsibility for reviewing an action game to someone who doesn't have a passable level of skill is like asking someone who just got their driver license to review how a racing car perform.
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