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So, Polygon 'playing' Doom...

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That sounds more like a critique than a review, to me. Preferably a review would evaluate the totality of what the game has to offer so that readers can make a personal value judgment.

I don't know the taxonomical differences between a review and critique, but upon hearing 'critique' I expect a more technical evaluation of something than a review. Maybe I have it backwards?


Unconfirmed Member
i have a crazy idea. what if we stopped caring about review scores?
Ding ding ding!

I only watch gameplay videos at most and always form an opinion by myself. Couldn't give two shits what IGN, Gamespot, and Polygon have to say.


Yeah, it's really not a Polygon specific thing. It's especially bad when it comes to racing games. This is from a video of someone at Gamespot playing GT6 at TGS


Suddenly, every basic cable presentation of people playing video games has become justified.
You can suck at a game and still review it. I think people are blowing this out of proportion.

Strongly disagree.

If you can't play the game with a competent skill level you can only judge it based on graphics and story telling. For someone to properly understand the gameplay mechanics they need to actually use them. Weapons aside this game might as well be Halo or COD to the guy playing. Since he isn't taking advantage of the unique mechanics.

It's like someone reviewing Street fighter and only being a button masher.

A review should touch on all aspects and the incompetent playing lacks the required skill to appreciate them.


war of titties grampa
Ding ding ding!

I only watch gameplay videos at most and always form an opinion by myself. Couldn't give two shits what IGN, Gamespot, and Polygon have to say.
What opinion have you formed based off of the video linked in this thread?


This video reminds me of the first time my old man played a game(The Last of Us). I had to remind 20 times in 2 minutes that the left analog stick was for movement and the right stick was for camera. It didn't occur to him that you could use both at the same time and even before that he moved like one step every 10 looking for white interactive dots. 14 minutes later, were still in fucking Sarah's room. Point is video reminds me of a someone new to games


It's not exactly a secret a lot of gaming journalists aren't especially great at games.

To be fair most journalists can aim with the right stick while moving. In the video here it's pretty clear that the player is just strafing side-to-side without even touching the right stick.
So I'm reading up on some backstory here, and apparently Polygon was complaining earlier in the week that they didn't receive a review copy of Doom (despite the fact that no one else did either).
Could this footage of the game looking bad be their extremely juvenile attempt to "get back" at 2K for such a grievous insult?

Normally I wouldn't fathom something so ridiculous, but this is Polygon and Gies we're talkig about here.


So I'm reading up on some backstory here, and apparently Polygon was complaining earlier in the week that they didn't receive a review copy of Doom (despite the fact that no one else did either).
Could this footage of the game looking bad be their extremely juvenile attempt to "get back" at 2K for such a grievous insult?

Congratulations on your conspiracy theory.


It kinda looks like the guy is playing on a TV with high input lag. If this is the case, it might be no wonder that the dude is struggling with twin stick controls.


Shouldn't y'all's greater concern be that a game is so easy that it enables someone who clearly has no idea what they're doing to progress?

Difficulty settings exist to accommodate players who otherwise would not be able to experience a given game. This is the easiest mode.
well this aint nearly as bad to be fair

I also dont know the context but im more inclined to understand someone having issues with a specificil wheel considering its far more unusual than a controller with 2 sticks we've been using for years

this'll happen to pretty much anyone using a wheel with a viewpoint outside the car, it's not really a skill thing. he's looking for visual feedback from the car for its direction and that's always going to give him a lot of delay and will lead to constant overcorrection. although why he is using that viewpoint with a wheel to begin with..
So I'm reading up on some backstory here, and apparently Polygon was complaining earlier in the week that they didn't receive a review copy of Doom (despite the fact that no one else did either).
Could this footage of the game looking bad be their extremely juvenile attempt to "get back" at 2K for such a grievous insult?

Normally I wouldn't fathom something so ridiculous, but this is Polygon and Gies we're talkig about here.

That just sounds like conspiracy theorizing. It's much more likely someone is just bad at the game/genre/controller they were using. Occam's razor and all.
So I'm reading up on some backstory here, and apparently Polygon was complaining earlier in the week that they didn't receive a review copy of Doom (despite the fact that no one else did either).
Could this footage of the game looking bad be their extremely juvenile attempt to "get back" at 2K for such a grievous insult?

Normally I wouldn't fathom something so ridiculous, but this is Polygon and Gies we're talkig about here.

How would it get back at 2k? It just makes Polygon look bad.


If I were a developer I'd be terrified at the thought that these people might one day review my game, a review that probably the public and definitely the publisher will take seriously because it counts in the metacritic score.
Yep just like you ignored the relevant point (visuals) to highlight the irrelevant (narrative) in my post, opposed to having a more honest discourse in which you would have ignored the irrelevant to more aptly address the relevant. I stated previously I did not expect DOOM to have a narrative. I was not speaking exclusively of DOOM.

I can't tell you anything about how the car handles, but man its paint job I can review in FULL. Are you kidding with this visuals thing?


This video reminds me of the first time my old man played a game(The Last of Us). I had to remind 20 times in 2 minutes that the left analog stick was for movement and the right stick was for camera. It didn't occur to him that you could use both at the same time and even before that he moved like one step every 10 looking for white interactive dots. 14 minutes later, were still in fucking Sarah's room. Point is video reminds me of a someone new to games


I let my dad play Tekken against me once years ago (bothered him as he was watching that he should have a go) and he just shook both sticks wildly when the fight started. it aint something you think about how someone would be driven to that instead of instantly assuming the focus was on the face buttons.

really off-topic but you gotta wonder how much further down in generations that shit will be hard-wired to everyone. My little niece can use a touch screen as well as me.

well, with the sticks maybe never since control methods are changing


Will advanced players still need the service of a review to know if they want to play Doom or not? This is purely theoretical since there's no review in question but in my case, for genres I'm passionate about, I generally do not depend on reviews for a purchase.
I guess it depends. With lots of shooters to pick from I tend to look at reviews to form a final opinion. Though admittedly I also rely on sites that I already know will kind of match my taste.
Personally I just figured that Polygon was meant to address hardcore gamers, after all is it a whole site dedicated to videogames.

Edit: The above Gran Turismo TGS video may not be totally fair, though. I'm not great at hardcore racing games, but I can play them—and yet I might look like that if I sat down to try a racing demo with a wheel as part of the set-up. If you aren't used to wheels, they can be super tricky to get the hang of. And I play all racing games in third person, so come at me.
Yeah, that has been my experience as well. The first time I used a wheel it looked pretty much like that. Now that I think about it, perhaps whoever played that Polygon video never used a controller before?
It's not exactly a secret a lot of gaming journalists aren't especially great at games.

If you look at footage from almost any tradeshow, you will see a lot of videos where the journalist is really struggling to get through the demo level.

I remember an Alice preview where the player couldn't manage to jump between two slow moving platform about five times in a row.

Yep. The reaction is more surprising to me than the skill of the player. Once long form/streaming video became a thing years back it was immediately obvious that the average skill of the gaming press was much lower than I had assumed. Which I still can't reconcile because you would think if your job is dedicated to writing, playing, discussing, and thinking about games regularly that skill would have to naturally improve over time. It is a strange thing.

At the same time everyone on the internet is an armchair speedrunner esports hero in their head.
That just sounds like conspiracy theorizing. It's much more likely someone is just bad at the game/genre/controller they were using. Occam's razor and all.
I admitted it was ridiculous, but again this is Gies we're talking about. I haven't exactly followed his entire career but considering he's been in the business of reviewing games for a while now, I would think he's capable of manipulating two sticks at the same time.
From what I can see, it's either someone intentionally playing bad or someone who is new to playing FPS games.. and I'm having a hard time believing that someone who is new to playing FPS games would be assigned to do a 30 minute video of Doom.
How would it get back at 2k? It just makes Polygon look bad.
"lol this game looks like shit" - average youtuber after watching video


Strongly disagree.

If you can't play the game with a competent skill level you can only judge it based on graphics and story telling. For someone to properly understand the gameplay mechanics they need to actually use them. Weapons aside this game might as well be Halo or COD to the guy playing. Since he isn't taking advantage of the unique mechanics.

It's like someone reviewing Street fighter and only being a button masher.

A review should touch on all aspects and the incompetent playing lacks the required skill to appreciate them.

Anyone of any skill level, background, etc, can review any game for any reason. You have the right to disregard any review you want, as well. Unfortunately, you may not know what the reviewer's skill level is, but their skill level doesn't invalidate their opinion of the game, which is all a review is.

Again, you're allowed to ignore a review at any time if you don't think the reviewer was skilled enough to give an opinion that you deem valuable.

The most detrimental thing you can do for a review or reviewer is to ignore it/them. You now know this player's skill level and can continue to ignore their reviews.

Personally, after years of following gaming sites/press, I've found reviewers who share similar tastes to me, or ones that have opinions that I value, and I follow them on twitter/youtube and refer to their reviews.


No, I watched it. Spoken like someone who realizes theres a very wide gap between "first time holding a controller" and "elitist behavior on GAF"

Spaniard cmon

I mean, that gap exists but this is not the case. person playing is never moving both sticks at the same time, ever. on a video on the Polygon channel labeled as them playing. It is absolutely very similar to someone having to deal with 2 sticks at the same time for the first time ever

that's all this is about. it's unusual, to this degree at the least
Do reviews have to be 'in FULL'. Can I not review a game from a purely aesthetic lens?

I wouldn't find much value in a review that said "I didn't really get it but boy I loved/hated the visuals." Again this would be like "reviewing" a car based on its paint job. You sure could, but it wouldn't be a good review.
It kinda looks like the guy is playing on a TV with high input lag. If this is the case, it might be no wonder that the dude is struggling with twin stick controls.
That's really, really, really, really not what it looks like. It just looks like someone having a lot of trouble getting their head around using one stick to control the character and the other to control the camera at the same time.


I would like the person playing the game, who is likely going to be doing a review, to have some experience playing games... Because if you've ever played a dual analog shooter in your life, some of the controls are intuitive off the bat. This looks like it's being played by someone who has never played a shooter before.

Would you like someone who doesn't watch many movies to review movies? It just doesn't make sense.


The notion of a journalist having even adequate skill in every genre (where is this checklist?) in a world where MOBAs and fighting games exist is unrealistic.

Should you maybe practice a game you'll exhibit publicly for your own sake? Probably.


Almost every other time people have criticized journalists gaming abilities, I've chalked it up to humblebragging and blowing things out of proportion...

...But man, that gif is bad. Looked like they didn't have the whole two sticks thing down yet.

Even if you're only playing Doom for the first time, moving while aiming is pretty fundamental to any modern shooter...


The video looks exactly like when my young kids were going through the learning curve of figuring out how to move in a 3D environment using a twin stick controller. Lots of side to side, forward to back movement with no aiming.

Why would any media outlet release an early look video showcasing gameplay from someone that is still learning how to use a controller?
Yeah... Hopefully the player was just distracted or something, because it really does look like they are struggling to manipulate both analog sticks at the same time. I don't demand a skill threshold for reviewers or anything (god knows I'm not too hot myself), but this is suspect.
Nobody said you need to know how to make games to review them. Your comparison is flawed.

Now, if Ebert didn't have eyes or ears and still miraculously ended up being a legendary film critic, then you might be on to something.

The person streaming on Twitch isn't passing themselves off as a professional games critic.

I can't believe I'm trying to argue why it's important that someone who is paid money to review videogames be able to handle using two analogue sticks at the same time.

dude, you don't need to competently consume media to cover it for a website

You mean the guy who can beat Doom on the hardest difficulty? Why didn't they give the controller to him.

he beat it on ultra-violence and it was an ordeal

he also has yet to beat Romero's new level after multiple tries

he's not bad, but I wouldn't exactly call him adept
Yep. The reaction is more surprising to me than the skill of the player. Once long form/streaming video became a thing years back it was immediately obvious that the average skill of the gaming press was much lower than I had assumed. Which I still can't reconcile because your would think if your job is dedicated to writing, playing, discussing, and thinking about games regularly that skill would have to naturally improve over time. It is a strange thing.

At the same time everyone on the internet is an armchair speedrunner esports hero in their head.

It's pretty simple. Ignoring the fact that ironically, I bet many people in the games press actually have less time to play games than many people on this forum (ie. 30 year people with meetings and such to go to at work plus a girlfriend and other social obligations versus a 21 year old single person in college going to three easy classes), somebody in the games press is ping ponging from game to game to game to game.

It's easy to "git gud" if you can only focus on one game for hundreds of hours at a time. If you're going from an RPG to a shooter to a fighting game, you're never going to have awesome skill at any one game unless they really love a game and play it on their own time.


this'll happen to pretty much anyone using a wheel with a viewpoint outside the car, it's not really a skill thing. he's looking for visual feedback from the car for its direction and that's always going to give him a lot of delay and will lead to constant overcorrection. although why he is using that viewpoint with a wheel to begin with..

Because he's probably used to playing racing games with a pad. This is exactly what it looks like whenever I use a wheel and I'm generally pretty ok at racing games otherwise.

I'd probably feel pretty shitty if someone made a video of me struggling with a wheel and making condescending comments about my game playing abilities on the internet.

Stop being elitist pricks people, it's a seriously annoying thing of internet gaming culture.
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