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So, Polygon 'playing' Doom...

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Uhm what on earth. If you can't talk and play games better then a five year old mashing sticks at the same time maybe you shouldn't be live streaming? Especially a twitch based FPS. Holy crap thats bad.
So there needs to be a skill threshold for reviews?

yeah there should. just like there's a reasonable threshold for a review for any other medium other than the novelty "_____ does _____ for the first time" scenarios.

i don't want someone who never drinks beer, or doesn't like beer, reviewing my potential beer purchases, for example. they can, their opinion will just hold zero weight about it


Maybe he was talking at the same time?
That's really bad play... Wonder if he's used to PC controls or something. Definitely isn't super accustomed to dual sticks.
Been gaming all my life and still struggle with twin-stick controls. Even controlling the camera properly on games like Uncharted and Xenoblade X always screw me up.

So this gif is about my level of play.
Agreed. Whether this is someone who works for Polygon or someone they got from accounting, it reflects horribly on Polygon.

yeah it's a real shame they didn't get their best MLG pro gamers assigned to do this video, they're probably going to stop getting all those moneyhats from AAA publishers if they don't show the games exactly how Bethesda wants them to!


I don't expect reviewers to be great, or even that good, at games, but I do expect them to have a basic understanding of how a dual analog controller works. Doom isn't using a brand new control scheme, bit faster than the average current FPS, but at the core is the same, nearly two decade old, twin stick set up. Considering the uncertain nature of whether this would be a "true Doom" game, this is an awful preview that does the game a massive disservice. Hoping their review doesn't follow, but this is Polygon...


Maybe he was talking at the same time?
That's really bad play... Wonder if he's used to PC controls or something. Definitely isn't super accustomed to dual sticks.

Just from what I've observed, people unaccustomed to console shooters tend to whip the camera around like crazy. This looks like someone who literally does not understand they can move both sticks simultaneously.


Heh, watching this video it felt like trying to play modern doom using the keyboard-only non-vertical control scheme of the original.


If you all took a look at Polygon's youtube channel, you see they have a bunch of recurring "The first X minutes" or just "x minutes" videos of gameplay for new and upcoming games. Each and every one of those shows someone who I would at least call competent at playing video games, playing that game. Or at least I can assume so given me skimming the first 5 minutes of each, and the lack of massive downvoting on any of the videos.

Why exactly is Doom the odd one out? Why was the Doom video the one where they decided to pick someone (or someone volunteered), who didn't know how to play an FPS with a controller? Why did anyone think this was a good look for the site?


People should be allowed and encouraged to play whatever they want. They should also review whatever they want. I want reviews from total novices as well as pros. The whole point of reviews is to get a wide variety of perspectives on a game. Gamers should not be so obsessed with forming a critical narrative about a game.

Absolutely, but even a novice needs basic competence to provide a useful review. I'm not so good at SF for example but I can give a solid assessment of SFV for anyone with newbie-to-modest skill. What good is my opinion if I can't do basic jumping, blocking and fireball moves and my experience boils down to "I don't know the controls"? Knowing how to pull off any game's basic mechanics is a big deal if you plan to tell people of any skill level your thoughts on said game.

So there needs to be a skill threshold for reviews?

Yes, it doesn't need to be a high one, but it needs to be above "I'm basically incompetent at the game I'm playing to an extent that it compromises standard gameplay and my opinion of the game."


yeah it's a real shame they didn't get their best MLG pro gamers assigned to do this video, they're probably going to stop getting all those moneyhats from AAA publishers if they don't show the games exactly how Bethesda wants them to!
Naaaaah, man. No mlg... They just need to know how to hold a controller. It's quite simple really.
The racing wheel one isn't even comparable. It's obviously someones first time using a controller. Which is a good indicator they don't play video games!

you can compare them, like as if they show the opposite thing. pretend the polygon video is showing what appears to be lag, while the racing wheel video is showing actual lag.
the people defending this are hilarious

i'm sure you'd appreciate a car review where someone sits down in the drivers seat and points at parts of the dashboard going "and this doo-hicky right here does... something. and this round thing... i'm not sure. here we have a weird stick in between the seats, not sure what i'm supposed to do with that." yes, that would be a very useful and informative review that would be worth watching and weighing your opinion of that car on /s


I don't expect a lot of review outlet people to be any good at games, but when you are this bad at them any critique you can offer becomes almost non-relevant.

You don't need to be great or even good, just competent. This is way down there.
the people defending this are hilarious

i'm sure you'd appreciate a car review where someone sits down in the drivers seat and points at parts of the dashboard going "and this doo-hicky right here does... something. and this round thing... i'm not sure. here we have a weird stick in between the seats, not sure what i'm supposed to do with that." yes, that would be a very useful and informative review that would be worth watching and weighing your opinion of that car on /s


The person playing the game in this video is not the one writing the review.

Video game outlets are not a single hivemind where everyone has the same skills and tastes in games.
Why exactly is Doom the odd one out? Why was the Doom video the one where they decided to pick someone (or someone volunteered), who didn't know how to play an FPS with a controller? Why did anyone think this was a good look for the site?

That's the first video I saw. Could you post the others? Are they as hilarious? :)


I mean since we've already established this is just gameplay, II'm not going to judge the gameplay.

But since this thread has gone into the whole Reviewers should be competent enough to give a review of a game, I thought I would add my 2 cents.

As someone who loves FPS games I enjoy watching reviews for FPS titles. Now if the reviewer cannot aim and move and shoot at the same time, he/she should not review those games. Sorry.

To the guy who said "can I not just review the aesthetics?" That's like someone who can't drive, going into a car and start talking about how lovely the stiching is on the Aston Martin, how comfortable the seats are, then skip out on the whole driving performance and other important details.

You either review the game in full with someone who knows some knowledge of how to play the game genre, or just don't. Simple.
Yes, it doesn't need to be a high one, but it needs to be above "I'm basically incompetent at the game I'm playing to an extent that it compromises standard gameplay and my opinion of the game."

exactly. there's a huge area of wiggle room between speedrunning doom on the hardest setting and picking up a controller and going "the fuck is this?"




the people defending this are hilarious

i'm sure you'd appreciate a car review where someone sits down in the drivers seat and points at parts of the dashboard going "and this doo-hicky right here does... something. and this round thing... i'm not sure. here we have a weird stick in between the seats, not sure what i'm supposed to do with that." yes, that would be a very useful and informative review that would be worth watching and weighing your opinion of that car on /s

They have every right to make such an awful review and you have every right in the world to ignore their review. Doesn't mean they can't make a review. They just won't be very successful at it (unless people like it ironically).

Preview of the review


There has to be a line somewhere. I don't think either of my parents have ever touched a controller. If I let them play Doom for 20 hours or so, how much would you value their opinion?

Well, I'd probably be more interested in reading that than reading a serious review.

hemo memo

Gold Member
What's so hard in assigning your staf based in their interest in a specific genera? That way he/she will be comfortable with the controls and write a more accurate review?


Bwahaha. I love when he transitions to the canned melee animations. It's a brief moment of "Oh hey, the player looks competent!" and then it's back to sliding around and shooting the ground.


the people defending this are hilarious

i'm sure you'd appreciate a car review where someone sits down in the drivers seat and points at parts of the dashboard going "and this doo-hicky right here does... something. and this round thing... i'm not sure. here we have a weird stick in between the seats, not sure what i'm supposed to do with that." yes, that would be a very useful and informative review that would be worth watching and weighing your opinion of that car on /s

Cars are not playthings.

There has to be a line somewhere. I don't think either of my parents have ever touched a controller. If I let them play Doom for 20 hours or so, how much would you value their opinion?

Their opinion would not be useful to me as a buyer, but it would be interesting to me as someone who follows the industry, and it would potentially be useful to other new gamers. Since I know that not everything in this universe is about me, I am okay with the fact that other people have different experiences than me and are allowed to express that.
I'm pretty sure most people on this forum are adults with jobs and responsibilities and aren't nearly as bad at games as this person is.

You don't need to make up excuses for why they suck at playing games, I only get a limited amount of time to play games each week, yet I switch between consoles/controllers/genres and have no issue doing so. Someone that's good at games in general has no issue switching between genres or playing new games for the first time. People like the one in the footage are not good at playing games period. There's no reason to take offense to that or make up excuses for them, its just the way it is.

I do understand your point about playing one genre exclusively making you better at it. And there's an important distinction to make that while I could play a game for the first time ever and be in the top 3 players, I could not pick up a game I've never played and even hope to stand a chance against a pro player that exclusively specializes in that game.

When I go to PAX each year, I always rank in the top 3 leaderboard of every game I play the first time I walk up and play it so it's not an excuse to say that these people suck at games because they play so many different titles when other people can walk up to any game and do well.

To your first part, from what I've seen, there's a definite lean on GAF toward people in their early to mid 20's.

As for the rest, ignoring the fact this isn't somebody reviewing the game, that sure you could do that in your own home, paying attention to the game. Now, the question is, could you do that on video while also putting forth informative and entertaining patter about the game. Not that this is that specific thing, but most of the "omg video game journalsits sucks at game" videos are usually video where the main goal of the video is talking about the game, not being the best at the game.

The chap who reviewed Stellaris for IGN didn't know there was a quick menu to managing his empire's planets, so he spent 80 hours playing the game in a fundamentally flawed way.

Another reason why having a community like GAF is so useful. You'll have a much better experience if you parse through reactions here than just going off of 'professional' reviews.

Oddly enough, Paradox actually had a much better reaction to said review than the fanbase and as Austin Walker pointed out on the latest Beastcast, said reviewer has played a hell of a lot of Paradox games.

He does, though! Not to a big degree, but the player displays understanding of how these games work (uses melee when up close, follows the targets at a decent speed, etc). You hand that intro to someone who doesnt play videogames and trust me, the results would be way, way worse.

Does he/she have shitty aim? yes, are they bad at the game? Well its not great, but I think its very much a non issue.

Right. I think people on the Internet highly overrate the ability of even 'average' video game players.

Perhaps. I've been operating under the assumption that not everyone is motivated by skill improvement. You can see this evidenced by things like the rise of narrative and "just wanting to get to the end" and other such things. Which is fine, not everyone is wired the same way. I was just surprised to see such a concentration of this personality type in media outlets. I don't really let it ruffle my feathers, though.

I don't see why that's a surprise. Most people in the games press are writers and other creative types, not people only interested in gameplay and graphics. Of course they're largely going to lean toward narrative over pure gameplay. But, that hasn't stopped gameplay intensive games such as Dark Souls getting high praise from the games press at large.
They have every right to make such an awful review and you have every right in the world to ignore their review. Doesn't mean they can't make a review. They just won't be very successful at it (unless people like it ironically).
I don't think anyone is saying they don't have the right to do it. Just that it's a pretty poor decision to do so because then the review isnt doing it's job very well.

A person who is competent at a genre of game can at least do his best to describe the game for both newcomers and veterans, as that person has been both a newcomer and a veteran to the genre. A person who has never played a game in the genre before is only going to be helpful to others who have never played the genre before. It's a limited analysis and I don't see the point in ever using it.


Given the lack of Doom advance codes they probably just told some video person "get video up as fast as humanly possible! I don't care if you're bad at it! We need the Benz clicks!"
Of course there's a lot of hyperbole about pro play and nonsense but this seems a lot like trying to talk about a book but being borderline illiterate.

It's not a good look for polygon which is a shitty site to begin with. Not sure how they are still around.
Should there be a barrier to entry for skill on reviews? That's a question that I think can be answered by looking at subjectivity. Is there a direct correlation between higher skill level and understanding of a game at a mechanical level? I think so. What about story? Someone's experience in a game can easily be skewed by the perceived challenge and if they actually like to be challenged. I remember watching an IGN video someone linked me and one of their reviewers had quit Fallout 4 on normal after only a small portion of the game because he thought it was too hard. That reflected in his discussions of the game thereafter and potentially changed his views on similar games in the future. I don't think someone should have to be like me to review a game (Normally highest difficulties/greatest challenges I can get) but personally I feel they should certainly be more competent than a casual gamer for me to take them seriously. However, what I want out of a game/review is different from what others want so the reviews I follow are not generally "casual". Every review is highly subjective so there is value in a review from someone who isn't a very skilled gamer, but it should reflect that in the article. Someone who really isn't much of a gamer, or not very skilled who got into video game journalism should tell us that is the lense they look at the game through because it's pertinent to the review of the game.

TLDR: no there's shouldn't be a skill cap on reviews because of their subjective nature. There is value in casual reviews. However, reviewers should make clear the difficulty on which they played and their experience with similar titles as they have a bearing on a review.


And these are the people who can influence a multi billion dollar industry based on review scores.

It's kind of frightening.
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