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So, Polygon 'playing' Doom...

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does the console have sticky aim?
looks more like an assist issue with aiming that a user problem.
controllers need sticky aim to function well


That's really, really, really, really not what it looks like. It just looks like someone having a lot of trouble getting their head around using one stick to control the character and the other to control the camera at the same time.
I mean.. this isn't so dissimilar to how I played Black Ops 3 on my friend's TV without game mode.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
it doesn't need to be humorous to be valuable. people just straight up hate polygon and will use anything as wedge to be offended.
Oh please. It's true that there are some who have a hate hard-on for Polygon, but in some cases, the derision is 100% justified (remember that pie chart thing, for example?).

This video is embarrassing, plain and simple. If they had put a disclaimer saying something about the person being a first-time player, or something showing an intention of humour, it'd be different, but it was posted like normal early gameplay footage impressions.

Yep just like you ignored the relevant point (visuals) to highlight the irrelevant (narrative) in my post,
Well, I'm glad you admit to talking about irrelevant things, I guess...
opposed to having a more honest discourse in which you would have ignored the irrelevant to more aptly address the relevant. I stated previously I did not expect DOOM to have a narrative. I was not speaking exclusively of DOOM.
And you ignoring/trimming once again my post where I do address your comment about visuals is an example of "honest discourse"?

Please, you're better than that.

LOL, that's better

Shouldn't y'all's greater concern be that a game is so easy that it enables someone who clearly has no idea what they're doing to progress?
Maybe they're playing on easy? I don't know, to me, that post sounds like concern trolling after having ran out of arguments.

i have a crazy idea. what if we stopped caring about review scores?
Who has mentioned review scores?

I can't tell you anything about how the car handles, but man its paint job I can review in FULL. Are you kidding with this visuals thing?
Seriously. Review or not review, demonstrating gameplay footage isn't just about showcasing the visuals. Especially in a gameplay-oriented action game like Doom.


So I'm reading up on some backstory here, and apparently Polygon was complaining earlier in the week that they didn't receive a review copy of Doom (despite the fact that no one else did either).
Could this footage of the game looking bad be their extremely juvenile attempt to "get back" at 2K for such a grievous insult?

Normally I wouldn't fathom something so ridiculous, but this is Polygon and Gies we're talkig about here.

I don't think this is because the review copies. Polygon sometimes just don't take some game more serious. Like when they dismissed Rock Band. Being blasé you are not serving well your audience.


Even if she was still passionate about games and wanted to have her own site?

sure? then start your own site?

regardless of what this video is, and what you think of it, it's hard to argue with this reception that it reflects badly on them, an established journalism site made from people with large backgrounds in the industry.


I recently bought a console and the vid is the same as me struggling with the ungodly twin-stick setup after playing m&kb my entire life. It's just awful. Even looking around the environment is painful. Seriously considering some crazy-looking 3rd party gizmo that replaces analogue sticks with a mouse.
he beat it on ultra-violence and it was an ordeal

he also has yet to beat Romero's new level after multiple tries

he's not bad, but I wouldn't exactly call him adept

So, somebody isn't "adept" at a game unless they can defeat a game at the highest difficultly level with absolutely zero problems. Come on, really?


I'm sorry but you should be relatively familiar with an analog style controller to review FPS games. They don't need to be great or even good, but this is embarrassing.

I recently bought a console and the vid is the same as me struggling with the ungodly twin-stick setup after playing m&kb my entire life. It's just awful. Even looking around the environment is painful. Seriously considering some crazy-looking 3rd party gizmo that replaces analogue sticks with a mouse.

Na just keep at it. It will eventually click and will be worth it. I still love M/KB combo but I'm pretty damn good with a controller after playing a lot of FPS on consoles. Hell, I even plug in my Elite controller to play Singleplayer FPS games on PC because its so damn comfortable.


Not sure if the journalist just tried Doom on a whim or they scheduled someone who aims by moving their character to cover a FPS. Hoping the first.

Edit: At least that montage in the OP with that music made me smile.
It's pretty simple. Ignoring the fact that ironically, I bet many people in the games press actually have less time to play games than many people on this forum (ie. 30 year people with meetings and such to go to at work plus a girlfriend and other social obligations versus a 21 year old single person in college going to three easy classes), somebody in the games press is ping ponging from game to game to game to game.

It's easy to "git gud" if you can only focus on one game for hundreds of hours at a time. If you're going from an RPG to a shooter to a fighting game, you're never going to have awesome skill at any one game unless they really love a game and play it on their own time.

Perhaps. I've been operating under the assumption that not everyone is motivated by skill improvement. You can see this evidenced by things like the rise of narrative and "just wanting to get to the end" and other such things. Which is fine, not everyone is wired the same way. I was just surprised to see such a concentration of this personality type in media outlets. I don't really let it ruffle my feathers, though.


Okay? Then don't read my review. Plain and simple.
Why? Just because they suck at the controls means they can't add input on the visuals, or sound, or story (not that I expect one in Doom), or dozen other elements that go into a game? Like I said, the only cause of concern for this is if this specific reviewer writes about how the controls behave badly when it's them not doing well that is the issue.

Rather reductive set of criteria for the evaluation of a performative game. At a level of proficiency this low, the player is literally incapable of interacting with the product and its systems in the way in which they were designed to work. It isn't simply that s/he will perceive interface and tuning differently than players with moderate environmental awareness and who enjoy the ability to simultaneously move and aim in different directions. Their entire experience and perception of the product will differ dramatically. None of the design decisions will make any more sense to him/her than the allusion, metaphor, and word play in a literary novel will to readers whose libraries are comprised of Star Wars novels and little else. This hypothetical reader's take on, say, Pale Fire isn't at all invalid. But it's likely to interest only fellow Star Wars novel fans, as well as marketing people and an author interested in exotic extremities within the range of reader response. That said, you'd also expect the critic to clarify their special perspective same as you would want an NYT book reviewer for whom the literary novel is a foreign concept to say so.


This is not about spending a lot of time playing one game.

How to use a controller is basically universal between games! Yes they have different configurations but using one stick for movement and one for camera is standard so if you play many different games like reviewers do that should stick.

Its used in third person games and FPS games!

My dad used to play like this but after Uncharted 1 he got the hang of how to play properly. That was basically his first top teir 3rd person shooter.

That is one game and he has played us2,3, last of us and tomb raider and more in the simmilar genre.
That skill of how to control a game transfers even if the game is different is my point!!

This has to be someone that has never played a first person shooter before. It has to be.
Or maybe someone just did not tell them how to play properly.


So there needs to be a skill threshold for reviews?

Oh come on, I don't agree that someone needs to exhibit mastery of a game in order to have valuable opinion but the video looks like someone learning what video games are for the first time.


Unconfirmed Member
So there needs to be a skill threshold for reviews?

Absolutely. How can you speak intelligently about gameplay or game mechanics if you dont have the skill required to even begin to use them properly? Sure, you can still review certain other aspects of the game, but is that really the standard you are going for; a "professional" game reviewer incapable of reviewing several important aspects of most video games?
Get back to work please.

But posting on GAF is what I do all day at work.

I didn't say it was a review, I addressed your point on reviews and then equated it to a really bad preview which in a similar way doesn't accurately represent a game.

I don't know how you're equating a review to a preview. And this preview is probably more accurate than anything the developer releases, or anything high-skill players may publish since they're pulling off things the majority won't.


Amazed at the amount of defense this is getting. It's the equivalent to, say, Top Gear publishing a review by someone who has never driven or even been inside a car before.
sure? then start your own site?

regardless of what this video is, and what you think of it, it's hard to argue with this reception that it reflects badly on them, an established journalism site made from people with large backgrounds in the industry.

Like the people behind Polygon formed their own site?

Clearly if they were worried about perception they would not have posted the video, its their site to do as they please

I just choose not to shit on sites in topics and go find a different one to watch gameplay and get impressions on games

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Spaniard cmon

I mean, that gap exists but this is not the case. person playing is never moving both sticks at the same time, ever. on a video on the Polygon channel labeled as them playing. It is absolutely very similar to someone having to deal with 2 sticks at the same time for the first time ever

that's all this is about. it's unusual, to this degree at the least

He does, though! Not to a big degree, but the player displays understanding of how these games work (uses melee when up close, follows the targets at a decent speed, etc). You hand that intro to someone who doesnt play videogames and trust me, the results would be way, way worse.

Does he/she have shitty aim? yes, are they bad at the game? Well its not great, but I think its very much a non issue.


I just choose not to shit on sites in topics and go find a different one to watch gameplay and get impressions on games

that's okay. I dont mind sharing an opinion publicly on something that a site publicly aims at me. since you know, they do work on feedback

we're different like that!


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
So, somebody isn't "adept" at a game unless they can defeat a game at the highest difficultly level with absolutely zero problems. Come on, really?

Adept means someone who is "very skilled and proficient at something" so yes.


Not being elitist, but they need to get other people to do the job if they obviously arent competent enough to play the game.

That guy racing in the gif should not be doing first impressions on a racing simulator if it only has a racing wheel input. Instead, they need to get someone who specializes in using wheels in racers.

That "whoever that guy/gal is" should not be playing doom on the polygon video. Instead, they need to get someone who knows shooters, and has possibly played the older dooms before. It's not hard people. Get the right guy for the job. That isnt being elitist. That is just keeping it real.

I wouldn't want the guys from Car and Driver magazine reviewing a car and they couldnt push it to it's limits around the track without fucking up. Those guys record times. Times which need to be accurate.

This dude cant even shoot in the same direction of the monster? Oh hell naw.


I don't know the taxonomical differences between a review and critique, but upon hearing 'critique' I expect a more technical evaluation of something than a review. Maybe I have it backwards?

I'm not sure that there is a stringent one, but I don't think of critiques as necessarily dealing with technical aspects, but rather as more of an in-depth analysis, whereas I feel reviews more meant to be a mainstream evaluation for consumers to read to see what they'd be getting out of something (a game, a movie, a book, etc.)

It probably wasn't the best distinction I could have made, and it possibly exists mostly in my head. My bigger qualm is actually with the idea that a review could deal exclusively with the narrative, visual, audio, etc. elements in a game. Each of those things don't exist within a vacuum when received in the 'game' package (obviously you could, for instance, review Tropical Freeze's OST completely removed from the game). Gameplay influences opinions on atmosphere which influences opinions on sound design which influences opinions on visuals which influences opinions on etc., etc., etc.

It's fine if you think that people should be able to write reviews without being able to play the games as well as the developers had probably hoped. I agree, people obviously should be able to do that. But their reviews aren't going to be as cohesive since they are going to be missing at least one major aspect of the game in question, and since most people are interested in the totality of what they'll be getting for their $60, those reviews are not going to be helpful to those individuals. Go ahead and write that review though, as I think that most people in this thread advocating for a "minimum required skill level" are more actually just trying to express the point I just made, rather than arguing those folks shouldn't be allowed to write reviews.
I don't trust the majority of reviews. The IGN guy who reviewed Heroes of the Storm gave it a 6.5/10 and said the game pretty much sucked.

The chap who reviewed Stellaris for IGN didn't know there was a quick menu to managing his empire's planets, so he spent 80 hours playing the game in a fundamentally flawed way.

Another reason why having a community like GAF is so useful. You'll have a much better experience if you parse through reactions here than just going off of 'professional' reviews.
But posting on GAF is what I do all day at work.

I don't know how you're equating a review to a preview. And this preview is probably more accurate than anything the developer releases, or anything more high-skill players may publish.

You would hope that a preview would show off a game in a nice middle ground between extreme high and low skill, an average. This doesn't. This is extreme low, and any game will look really bad played at such an extreme. It might represent the average person- most of who will never play Doom- but it doesn't represent the average consumer interested in Doom. That is why it fails as a preview in much the same way a review unable to analyze most aspects of the game would be a failure as a review. Clear enough for you?


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
guys did you know dual analog controls is an important skill taught in journalism school

Must be an optional course just like Making Pie-Charts 101.
It's pretty simple. Ignoring the fact that ironically, I bet many people in the games press actually have less time to play games than many people on this forum (ie. 30 year people with meetings and such to go to at work plus a girlfriend and other social obligations versus a 21 year old single person in college going to three easy classes), somebody in the games press is ping ponging from game to game to game to game.

It's easy to "git gud" if you can only focus on one game for hundreds of hours at a time. If you're going from an RPG to a shooter to a fighting game, you're never going to have awesome skill at any one game unless they really love a game and play it on their own time.

I'm pretty sure most people on this forum are adults with jobs and responsibilities and aren't nearly as bad at games as this person is.

You don't need to make up excuses for why they suck at playing games, I only get a limited amount of time to play games each week, yet I switch between consoles/controllers/genres and have no issue doing so. Someone that's good at games in general has no issue switching between genres or playing new games for the first time. People like the one in the footage are not good at playing games period. There's no reason to take offense to that or make up excuses for them, its just the way it is.

I do understand your point about playing one genre exclusively making you better at it. And there's an important distinction to make that while I could play a game for the first time ever and be in the top 3 players, I could not pick up a game I've never played and even hope to stand a chance against a pro player that exclusively specializes in that game.

When I go to PAX each year, I always rank in the top 3 leaderboard of every game I play the first time I walk up and play it so it's not an excuse to say that these people suck at games because they play so many different titles when other people can walk up to any game and do well.


The racing wheel one isn't even comparable. It's obviously someones first time using a controller. Which is a good indicator they don't play video games!
But posting on GAF is what I do all day at work.

I don't know how you're equating a review to a preview. And this preview is probably more accurate than anything the developer releases, or anything high-skill players may publish since they're pulling off things the majority won't.
Because they're both things consumers use to decide if they're going to purchase a product or not. The whole point of a preview is to show the general public what the game is like.

If I watched that GIF without the context of knowing it's just a person playing poorly I would have to assume that the game controls poorly. So the best case scenario is that this preview is simply unhelpful and the worst case scenario is that it's misleading.

Either way it's not doing its job.
Oh okay I see now on the bottom of page 2. So this was just some random person from around the office who doesn't really play games? A poor choice for a first look of DOOM.

Agreed. Whether this is someone who works for Polygon or someone they got from accounting, it reflects horribly on Polygon.


I get the point of the video is to show off the game and it does so poorly but I really do think this has been way overblown.

It's right above "______ got tons of (dis)likes on youtube" on the list of recent shit people shouldn't care about but do for some reason.
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