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Sony announces partnership w/ KojiPro, New IP, 1st game "console exclusive to PS4"/PC



Like the idea of the logo, but it's way too baroc.
cleaned up some of the crap and it already looks WAY better imo.


Yeah you guys are right. I'm so fucking passionate about the video games I've played over the last 8 years. Whether it's Braid, Mass Effect, Alan Wake, Halo, Splosion Man, Fez or Max Payne 3 or Bioshock or Rock Band, etc... I've had unforgettable moments and I will continue to have that with games like Quantum Break or the next Halo or whatever.

I just feel like staying XB1-only for me is just not possible anymore. There are too many exclusives for me to ignore. And I feel this huge attachment to my gamertag that makes me want to play every game on an Xbox platform but I don't think so anymore.

I'm in Canada and PS4 Uncharted bundle shows up as $430 on bestbuy.ca. I might wait until Boxing Day depending on my itch. And honestly, I'm getting excited because getting a PS4 means I'll finally play Journey, Uncharted, and Last Of Us (I tried Last Of Us on my brother's console but didn't get far). I fucking love quirky indie games like Fez and Braid; Journey is always one game which I never played but always was intrigued by its praise.

All it takes is one game. If I want to buy a Wii U just for Smash Bros, is it worth it? In my mind, YES. I know I'm going to pour hundreds and hundreds of hours of time into it - more than I would than other games. So even if there's a few PS4 exclusives that you think you'll really enjoy, maybe you'll have a better experience with games like UC4 and will want to keep playing that game. This is why I find it silly when people play list wars between consoles when it might not even matter. If you're a huge Halo fan, you buy an Xbox One for Halo 5.

It's all about the games even if it's just a few that leave you very happy. If I didn't have a PS4, UC4 would be that game I'd buy a system for right now after playing that very fun beta.
SFV X-play w/Ps4&PC
Paragon X-play w/PS4&PC
FF14 X-play w/PS4&PC
Shenmue PS4/PC
Dragon Quest Heroes PS4/PC
Helldivers PS4/PC

Anyone notice a trend here? Lol as Y2Kev eloquently put, this is a nice strategy from Sony. Along with the stronger Indy support and rekindling the flame in Japan, (Unreal Engine putting in work) Ps4 is turning into a fantastic platform. Dragon Quest coming back to AAA console development, SE getting back on track with a huge outlook for 2016. With this news today, really seems like Ps4 has its best years ahead of it.


SFV X-play w/Ps4&PC
Paragon X-play w/PS4&PC
FF14 X-play w/PS4&PC
Shenmue PS4/PC
Dragon Quest Heroes PS4/PC
Helldivers PS4/PC

Anyone notice a trend here? Lol as Y2Kev eloquently put, this is a nice strategy from Sony. Along with the stronger Indy support and rekindling the flame in Japan, (Unreal Engine putting in work) Ps4 is turning into a fantastic platform. Dragon Quest coming back to AAA console development, SE getting back on track with a huge outlook for 2016. With this news today, really seems like Ps4 has its best years ahead of it.
Dragon Quest X will likely feature crossplay as well. :)
I'm really loving this "console exclusive" crap. As long as I get it on my PC, I'm happy.

Hopeful Kojima's new engine is as good as Fox Engine.


Really nice that Sony allowed it to come out on PC. I would imagine the publisher would have the right to dictate the platforms, so PC was its choice too I guess.
Saw this before bed last night went to bed a happy fanboy even tho mgsv was a disaster I know Kojima was forced to put out such garbage I'm glad he's away from Konami also glad ms didn't sink their teeth in Sony will give him everything he needs plus the time pretty pumped for this

The logo reminds me of the souls games tho liked the fox better but understandable why he changed

I hope the new games a mid century horror game instead of a flash light you use candles that shit would be hot


what was Kojima last non metal gear game? Botai in the Sun something? He is so going to make some quirky VR game.

I cant believe how Sony keeps coming up with the wins! Since starting with the 8GB announcement, it has been non-stop Sony entertainment for their fans! PS4 could end up being having the best-est of golden-est era in Playstation history!
SFV X-play w/Ps4&PC
Paragon X-play w/PS4&PC
FF14 X-play w/PS4&PC
Shenmue PS4/PC
Dragon Quest Heroes PS4/PC
Helldivers PS4/PC

Anyone notice a trend here? Lol as Y2Kev eloquently put, this is a nice strategy from Sony. Along with the stronger Indy support and rekindling the flame in Japan, (Unreal Engine putting in work) Ps4 is turning into a fantastic platform. Dragon Quest coming back to AAA console development, SE getting back on track with a huge outlook for 2016. With this news today, really seems like Ps4 has its best years ahead of it.

After last gen it was obvious Japanese game struggle on Xbox even when the platform was the leader.

Seems developers are talking those resources and putting it into Steam releases which do OK numbers in the long term.

Its good strategy


Surprised to hear of a PC version with SCE being the publisher.

SFV X-play w/Ps4&PC
Paragon X-play w/PS4&PC
FF14 X-play w/PS4&PC
Shenmue PS4/PC
Dragon Quest Heroes PS4/PC
Helldivers PS4/PC

Anyone notice a trend here? Lol as Y2Kev eloquently put, this is a nice strategy from Sony. Along with the stronger Indy support and rekindling the flame in Japan, (Unreal Engine putting in work) Ps4 is turning into a fantastic platform. Dragon Quest coming back to AAA console development, SE getting back on track with a huge outlook for 2016. With this news today, really seems like Ps4 has its best years ahead of it.

When you look at Omnistalgic's list you see Sony is very PC friendly.



Hoping KojiPro does great things and is very successful, and brings us many great games.

Also, hoping Konami bleeds money and goes belly up while watching KojiPro thrive and prosper.


Aside from all console war BS, I'm so excited he's got a bit of a team organized, meaning he can design the game right away.

It's a bit much to wade through. I get it, fans can be passionate on all sides but the amount of negativity (be it rubbing it in or salty tears) is taking away from what is a really wonderful announcement. This dude got out from under a HORRIBLE situation to be able to work with people that he has a great working relationship with and will give him the best chance to realize whatever vision he has for his next game. That's what should be celebrated, not which box it happened on.

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Since Metal Gear isn't attached, this is not as big of the deal as this forum is artificially hyping.

I swear, if people are like this with videogames, I don't even want to know how they think about more important subjects.

It's a bit much to wade through. I get it, fans can be passionate on all sides but the amount of negativity (be it rubbing it in or salty tears) is taking away from what is a really wonderful announcement. This dude got out from under a HORRIBLE situation to be able to work with people that he has a great working relationship with and will give him the best chance to realize whatever vision he has for his next game. That's what should be celebrated, not which box it happened on.



It's great to see Kojima with his own independent studio. I imagine he wouldn't want to work under a publisher after what went down with Konami. It's awesome to see Sony partnering with Kojima and funding his next game. It looks like Sony really respects him. I'm looking forward to whatever his new game is.


Gold Member
It is console exclusive aka not coming to Xbox one, wii u and NX. I guess people at Sony view PC as a completely different entity.

And rightfully, so. It isn't a threat to anyone and the PC community has proven supportive in many of these instances. They're more likely to buy Japanese games over X1 gamers, I imagine.

As for Nintendo's fan-base, well, that's another topic for another day.
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