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Sony announces partnership w/ KojiPro, New IP, 1st game "console exclusive to PS4"/PC


why would you think he wants to make anime?

"The focus is on digital content, so we could consider movies, animations, anything," Kojima said. "But first I think people expect games from me. That’s where I want to put my focus. Once we have an established IP in games, something solid that satisfies people, then we can consider movies and videos."

Sounds like the dude wants to do something new


Could someone explain to me why PC isn't a competition to PS4? In every one of these Console Exclusive threads you'll see one or two posters going "Fuck this, what's the point in my PS4 when I can play this on PC? I'm selling mah shit!" Isn't that competition right there?

It's a market that is a headless entity with no one organising "exclusivity" against Sony. The audience playing on PC is only partially similar to that of consoles as represented by the variation in successful games, genres, development, features, monetisation etc. Independent games flourish there and are the initial starting point of development for the majority of them due to PC being a primary developer platform with easy mechanisms to self publish and maintain a higher portion of revenue than any other platform. Importantly, developers want to be there due to the success they get, increased revenue per unit and player base. With costs of development as they are and improved tools, it makes sense to be on PC as well as everywhere else when possible, which makes agreeing and paying for full exclusivity difficult. Platform holders can not justify the cost to attain fully exclusive third party titles of large scope and scale and third parties are not so willing either compared to years ago due to what they'll miss out on.

MS are determined to get control of PC gaming, have it become a part of their revenue stream and become a competitor there. They are less willing to pick up titles and publish them on something big like Steam, betting more on having its own fully exclusive titles on its own services, at least at first, as they try to unify their ecosystems (likely with many 3rd parties not interested in publishing to a MS store front alone on PC). For Sony this isn't much of a problem, and they are having great success letting 3rd parties publish their games on PC as originally intended but grab the exclusivity with some extra money / marketing in a win-win situation. They even engage in picking up Steam Early Access titles prior to their launch.

It is entirely possible that Sony see all this and will take advantage with non-critical titles they have ownership of, and titles where the developers need extra funding, choosing to become a publisher for such games on PC thus getting a return for sales there as well for greater profit. Then again this is all guess work on my part. For all we know there might be a lot more going on behind the scenes.

Wouldn't helping more exclusives help push PC to consoles? That's the part I don't get.

The problem is that that is practically impossible. The number of excellent titles coming out on PC, where they start development, is massive. It simply isn't possible to make so many of them exclusive to console, enough that PC users would stop gaming there and move to a console. Many gamers are doing both since PCs have other uses, different features and gaming paradigms going on. Consoles and PC are not competing in the same way you think they are. If anything, they actually need each other. The two markets end up producing very different games with success varying between the platforms and their audiences
Could someone explain to me why PC isn't a competition to PS4? In every one of these Console Exclusive threads you'll see one or two posters going "Fuck this, what's the point in my PS4 when I can play this on PC? I'm selling mah shit!" Isn't that competition right there?

The people I know who are exclusively PC gamers wouldn't buy a console for exclusives anyway. They would rather just wait for a port or emulation.

Oppositely my friends who own consoles don't play anything but MOBAs on their PCs.
Call of Duty, NBA 2K and any other multiplayer games they get on PS4. It's much more inclusive since not all of us have good PCs.
Could someone explain to me why PC isn't a competition to PS4? In every one of these Console Exclusive threads you'll see one or two posters going "Fuck this, what's the point in my PS4 when I can play this on PC? I'm selling mah shit!" Isn't that competition right there?

GAF's not really a good barometer for this stuff.


Going by his actual track record outside Metal gear Im pretty sure Im 100% right, and it will also be why the new MGS that Konami is working on will sell regardless with high ratings without Kojima.
And what of Konami's track record in AAA development of the last 5 years? They are bled of all talent, wont pay for big projects and killed their best franchises and mistreated their staff.

Nevermind, didnt realize you were joking.


Junior Member
...do you want a hug or something? Somebody give Torgo a hug.

It's not really about that, it's about the fact that people are so quick to throw shit at us all the time for no reason other than because we focus on a single platform and that automatically labels us "fanboys" with no legitimate voice. But when we're right, those same people can't swallow their pride and maybe apologize (or whatever) for the abusiveness.

The fact is that I've been a gamer since before the Atari 2600, I own just about every system ever made and still play many of them.

But hey, it's the Internet, why would I have any expectations like that right? Once again, I'll remind everyone that it's videogames, this is supposed to be FUN!



Oh wow! That logo is just genius. A giant middle finger to Konami. :)

Edit: Obviously this was the inspiration for the new studio's logo:

Wouldn't helping more exclusives help push PC to consoles? That's the part I don't get.

I take it you mean, wouldn't getting more exclusives help push PC users to Consoles?

No, not at all. Again, PC users aren't playing on PC because of exclusives; they play on PC due to the inherent strengths/benefits of the platform. These natural advantages the PC has is something a console, at least the current consoles on the market, can't ever achieve. It's more than just potential graphical output, mind you.

Let's say Sony does lock up an exclusive. Even if its a strong enough title to entice a PC user to go out & grab a PS4 to experience that one game, that doesn't mean that user will suddenly become a PS4 user. Will they subscribe to PS+? Will they start purchasing other titles on the platform? Will they not just sell their console right into the used market once they're finished with that game? Heck, will that user even buy a new PS4, instead of just purchasing a used one to experience that single game?

The two platforms just do not compete. Not in any direct, meaningful way. And they don't really impact one another, not anymore at least.


Can you give us a quick breakdown. Can't listen to it right now.
I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

I'll listen to the rest when I get back home.

Mobile Suit Gooch

Grundle: The Awakening
I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

I'll listen to the rest when I get back home.

They seemed a bit salty?


I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

I'll listen to the rest when I get back home.

Wait, what??


A cyberpunk-themed visual novel please.

I wouldn't be surprised if Kojima makes the sort of game Silent Hills was supposed to have been. If Konami weren't such complete dickheads they would sell the Silent Hill IP to KP altogether. But if not some sort of spiritual successor would suffice.


I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

I'll listen to the rest when I get back home.

Those two sound contradictory to what Kojima himself said...
For its first project, Kojima said, "I’m thinking smaller-scale, not too many people, and focusing on game creation at first."
...and seem like damage control.


GAF's Bob Woodward
I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

I'm kind of just going on what you're writing here rather than a direct listen of what was said, and I know Ryan's writing history is apparently fairly Xbox orientated, but I'm not sure why an industry observer would apparently seemingly so want content creators to 'cuddle up' to Xbox tbh.

The platform a third of the market is gravitating towards? The less powerful platform? The one with a narrower creative pallet (e.g. no VR options)?

Don't mean to be harsh, but what's in it for the product to make a game exclusive to Xbox? If it's gotta be exclusive, Xbox doesn't hop off the list as the most desirable destination from a creative or market point of view.

Or maybe we're reading this wrong - maybe he's not wanting Xbox to win these deals as it is, but more just wanting to ask Phil Spencer how it got to the point where Xbox isn't the attractive destination for these deals and what he plans to do about it. But if he's perplexed as to why Xbox isn't bagging these deals so much...isn't it obvious?


I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

I'll listen to the rest when I get back home.

There is a lot of spin in this. I'm not surprised these guys are practically pundits.


Could someone explain to me why PC isn't a competition to PS4? In every one of these Console Exclusive threads you'll see one or two posters going "Fuck this, what's the point in my PS4 when I can play this on PC? I'm selling mah shit!" Isn't that competition right there?

Triple A on Ps4 will crush Pc sales and F2P / Mobas on Pc will smash Ps4.

Nothing wrong there, it doesnt matter if the game comes to Pc, people will buy Ps4´s to play this game in the milions, ads will all be on PlayStation just like SW or Black Ops 3 you see on Tv and most people wont even notice the game is on Pc or they dont care about Pc for gaming like many of us.

So its good business to put it on Pc, some more sales from Steam, not much but good enough, more Money to Sony and more gamers talking about this new game on youtube etc... Free Marketing.

Of course this will only happen on this 3rd party exclusives or 2nd party, dont expect to see Uncharted 4, Horizon, Dreams, Last Guardian, Ratchet, Infamous, DriveClub, Bloodborne, The Order, God of War, Detroit or Gran Turismo along many others on Pc anytime soon.


I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

I'll listen to the rest when I get back home.

Wait... who looked physically ill and why?


* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

Press release says clearly PS4...

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

Hahaha, of course, it was a Microsoft choice...


I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

I'll listen to the rest when I get back home.

Sounds like an entertaining mix of spin, conjecture, salt and misery. Will watch later. Tbh, I almost can't blame them. Must be a bit of a kick to ardent Microsoft fans to see Sony sweep up all these mega deals and console exclusives. But lol at Microsoft not wanting this or the first game being a PS5 title.


I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

I'll listen to the rest when I get back home.

Do they know how much Sony gave Kojima?


Sounds like an entertaining mix of spin, conjecture, salt and misery. Will watch later. Tbh, can't really blame them. Must be a bit of a kick to ardent Microsoft fans to see Sony sweep up all these mega deals and console exclusives.

What's the point of being a fan to a console and not games. These guys could surely afford another system right? They get paid to play games. They probably could play after hours in the office. I've always leaned Sony but that's because of the game, I went practically PC only last gen.


I'm kind of just going on what you're writing here rather than a direct listen of what was said, and I know Ryan's writing history is apparently fairly Xbox orientated, but I'm not sure why an industry observer would apparently seemingly so want content creators to 'cuddle up' to Xbox tbh.

The platform a third of the market is gravitating towards? The less powerful platform? The one with a narrower creative pallet (e.g. no VR options)?

Don't mean to be harsh, but what's in it for the product to make a game exclusive to Xbox? If it's gotta be exclusive, Xbox doesn't hop off the list as the most desirable destination from a creative or market point of view.

Or maybe we're reading this wrong - maybe he's not wanting Xbox to win these deals as it is, but more just wanting to ask Phil Spencer how it got to the point where Xbox isn't the attractive destination for these deals and what he plans to do about it. But if he's perplexed as to why Xbox isn't bagging these deals so much...isn't it obvious?

Don't read into it so much. Some of these journos are just die hard Xbox lovers.

Agreed with your POV though.


I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

I'll listen to the rest when I get back home.

Fuckin' loool, I like my FUD salty :D

Will check out later for the delicious tears.


What's the point of being a fan to a console and not games. These guys could surely afford another system right? They get paid to play games. They probably could play after hours in the office. I've always leaned Sony but that's because of the game, I went practically PC only last gen.

That's where I think they just fail the neutrality test, which is fine I think for ordinary folk, but much more of an issue when you're a games journalist. These are after all the guys that brought us the infamous resolution discussion, that is often branded around in GIF form, as well as that amusing Titanfall preview from Ryan. These guys are in deep. But anyway, I digress.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Don't read into it so much. Some of these journos are just die hard Xbox lovers.

Agreed with your POV though.

TBH, I listened directly there and it does sound more like he's just wanting MS's reaction to these content wins rather than wondering why they're happening. He notes it must suck for Xbox owners, but he's not personally himself saying 'oh i wish MS would get these deals'. More like 'I wonder what they're MS is thinking about these developments'. And that's all fair enough, I think someone should inquire with them about it.


That's where I think they just fail the neutrality test, which is fine I think for ordinary folk, but much more of an issue when you're a games journalist. These are after all the guys that brought us the infamous resolution discussion, that is often branded around in GIF form, as well as that amusing Titanfall preview from Ryan. These guys are in deep. But anyway, I digress.

Yeah, identity politics as usual. Probably started when they could only pick on console for christmas.


Love the av.

lol thanks, I stole it from Sn4ke. Was made by Brau.

I didn't listen to it all as I had errands to run.

* Ryan says he was thinking in Baseball terms when he made that tweet with the Sony being the Yankees and Mocrosoft as the Red Sox

* He looked physically ill when they mentioned how Sony's coddling up Tim Schafer, Yu Suzuki and Hideo Kojima. He said he will personally ask Phil about it

* IGN contemplates that the game's 5 years away and may be a PS5 launch title.

* There was some talk about how risky it is to give Kojima this much money on a new IP and that may have been a factor why MS didn't want it

I'll listen to the rest when I get back home.

( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )

He already has one.

I remember reading angry tweets from Xbox fans that he betrayed them or something crazy like that, just because he bought a PS4.

I really don't understand how a grown up man can be physically ill because a company is teaming up with some developers that are well known.
Ryan does lean more towards the Xbox lineup of stuff, (thus Sony's 2016 pro-Japanese stuff doesn't interest him comparatively ), so it's a natural train of thought for Ryan.

I think the Unlocked team is somewhat bewildered a little bit by how Sony is able to tap so strongly into the hardcore and sell so much, whereas Xbox releases exclusive games (they like), but still is struggling.

Ryan and co. much like many US-based journalist lacks the global perspective of things, and also doesn't seem to understand that Sony achieves PR wins by making strategic moves on all ends of the spectrum via positioning themselves with the biggest games in the market (CoD, Destiny, etc), not just the Tim, Kojima and Suzukis.

And also, they are kinda a bit too easily influenced by Sony, tbh. Everytime Sony does something, they would gravitate to "what's MS's response?" They see Sony's success and expects MS to basically just replicate it mostly. Even the post-PSX show was basically "MS, please do Xbox Experience."
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