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Sony defends decision to block crossplay: "A responsibility to our install base."

Omfg........ if you think that this is nothing other than a way to recoup/ own all the numbers for this game( maus and all that) then something is wrong.

They want ownership of these players under their umbrella and that is it! Genuine my ass.. if it was THAT important, how come they are not bending as well? Or trying to come to some sort of an agreement between the 2 services?

I busted a gut laughing and the little sentimental gestures he put on. I'm not a Phil hater and you won't find me trolling anyone or anything, but I seriously can't believe what I am reading.

But I'm done with it. I really hope you guys get what you want, and I'm being straight up.
i don't care about any of that though mS's MAU is not my concern. if they take this as an opportunity to boost that, I don't give a fuck. I just want to be able to play the most up to date version of Minecraft and with my friend on Xbone which this update offers.

Purest 78

They have no issue with uplay, origin or any other publishers account systems. They should have no issue with live either.

They are not in Direct competition with Sony. This is really not as complex as people are making it out to be.

In my business I'm not advertising my competition in any way. Do you really expect Sony to allow a game that YOU need to sign in to live to play?
They want ownership of these players under their umbrella and that is it! Genuine my ass.. if it was THAT important, how come they are not bending as well? Or trying to come to some sort of an agreement between the 2 services?

Take off the Sony goggles for a sec and you'd see how obvious the answer is. This initiative is to get all players under one umbrella, and "bending" in order to accomodate multiple networking platforms defeats the whole purpose.

They are already "bending" by taking on the full costs of server purchasing, management and upkeep. They're already "bending" by allowing them a key to get in.

Sony threw the key on the ground and spit on it, and now you want Microsoft to "bend" to pick it up and try again?

get real
Bending as well? I mean... what are you actually suggesting they should be doing here? Having run Minecraft the way they have been on PS4 up to this point is at least meeting them halfway.

If Rocket League can't get crossplay between Xbox and PlayStation going, with the developers literally saying they would be willing to implement whatever is required for it to happen, I'm not sure what sort of concessions you're expecting MS to make here, which would also sit well with every other platform owner the game needs to work with.

Whatever issues they have with Rocket league, is with that game. Roast Jim Ryan's ass as you see fit. But don't tell me that phil and MS "just want Minecraft players to play together " and that video of him, is him being genuine!

I asked a question on them coming to an agreement if this update is so important to them. it is, for the reasons I said earlier. Nothing more or less. i didn't know support for your own game was meeting a platform halfway? What? It's their game... those players were and should be important to them regardless.


They are not in Direct competition with Sony. This is really not as complex as people are making it out to be.

In my business I'm not advertising my competition in any way. Do you really expect Sony to allow a game that YOU need to sign in to live to play?

A shitload of people made that point, don't worry. Just like it has been repeatedly asked why does Nintendo allow it and why does Sony also block Wargroove and Rocket League. You have an answer?


i don't care about any of that though mS's MAU is not my concern. if they take this as an opportunity to boost that, I don't give a fuck. I just want to be able to play the most up to date version of Minecraft and with my friend on Xbone which this update offers.

That's no point you can't get through to them. They are more interested in supporting a company than caring if other gamers are able to game together. Which is strange to me, they are paying to support Sony,it not even like Sony is paying them, all those post about from Sony pov, why the fk would I care about Sony POV. Why not Sony look from the view of gamers, you the 4gamersthing?
They are not in Direct competition with Sony. This is really not as complex as people are making it out to be.

In my business I'm not advertising my competition in any way. Do you really expect Sony to allow a game that YOU need to sign in to live to play?
They are already advertising the competition by allowing their game on their platform.

Yes, signing in to use a required service is entirely reasonable.
That's no point you can't get through to them. They are more interested in supporting a company than caring if other gamers are able to game together. Which is strange to me, they are paying to support Sony,it not even like Sony is paying them, all those post about from Sony pov, why the fk would I care about Sony POV. Why not Sony look from the view of gamers, you the 4gamersthing?

Does anyone here speak Japanese who would help me clean up whatever Google Translate did to this? I'm hoping to tweet about this to Shu, in Japanese as a sign of respect.

Yeah, screaming into the internet void sure, but whatever, crazier things have happened.


私は長い間PSシステムを愛していましたが、私はMinecraftやRocket Leagueのようなタイトルでクロスプラットフォームのプレイをブロックするという決定に失望を表明する必要があります。(2/5)


私はソニーに再度検討を促すでしょう。ソニーは#4のプレイヤーであり、多くの人が彼らを見ることができて喜んでいるでしょう。#unitetheplayers (4/5)



so sony decided not to agree to crossplay MS is going to hold updates hostage. this is a game they already sold on psn and updated prior to this. its as much MS fault as it is sonys. they could do the updates without crossplay, they are choosing not to do so.

My should MS devote extra attention to the version being arbitrarily bastardized by Sony?
They are not in Direct competition with Sony. This is really not as complex as people are making it out to be.

In my business I'm not advertising my competition in any way. Do you really expect Sony to allow a game that YOU need to sign in to live to play?


Rocket League
Pure Chess

None of those require XBL in any shape.

Purest 78

A shitload of people made that point, don't worry. Just like it has been repeatedly asked why does Nintendo allow it and why does Sony also block Wargroove and Rocket League. You have an answer?

The same reason MS didn't allow Crossplay even on PC as recent as this generation. Because they are top Dogs and don't have to it's really that simple. Nintendo is trying to regain ground after the disaster wiiu.

If MS was in the position Sony are in They wouldn't care about Crossplay. Because when they were in that position they didn't allow it.


Whatever issues they have with Rocket league, is with that game. Roast Jim Ryan's ass as you see fit. But don't tell me that phil and MS "just want Minecraft players to play together " and that video of him, is him being genuine!

I asked a question on them coming to an agreement if this update is so important to them. it is, for the reasons I said earlier. Nothing more or less. i didn't know support for your own game was meeting a platform halfway? What? It's their game... those players were and should be important to them regardless.
Oh of course
Microsoft is playing the evil long con and swindled Nintendo into it too!
Sony is the only company smart enough to stop their evil Minecraft empire!!!


Whatever issues they have with Rocket league, is with that game. Roast Jim Ryan's ass as you see fit. But don't tell me that phil and MS "just want Minecraft players to play together " and that video of him, is him being genuine!

I asked a question on them coming to an agreement if this update is so important to them. it is, for the reasons I said earlier. Nothing more or less. i didn't know support for your own game was meeting a platform halfway? What? It's their game... those players were and should be important to them regardless.

You say "support for your own game" as though these companies just dump all their first party content on competing platforms...

"Just work something out" is a super fucking hollow suggestion, unless you have reason to believe they're not actually trying... which seems unlikely given everyone else they're managing to work shit out with. The Rocket League situation is relevant, because it makes it clear that even ripping Xbox Live out of the game doesn't mean that Sony will let the two platforms combine.

I'm not on any of that "these billion dollar companies just want us to be happy" bullshit... but there's even less reason to believe it's a simple case of them being stubborn and not willing to make any concessions. Nobody else is managing to get Sony to budge either, and plenty of them have made it clear that they're willing to make plenty of concessions to get there.
The best advertisement for the competition to Minecraft fans on PS4 won't be a MS login, it'll be not having the latest and greatest Minecraft on the system. That'll drive some to look elsewhere rather than keep them on PS4.
The best advertisement for the competition to Minecraft fans on PS4 won't be a MS login, it'll be not having the latest and greatest Minecraft on the system. That'll drive some to look elsewhere rather than keep them on PS4.
It would have to be sizable amount of people for Sony to notice and care. The beauty of Minecraft is that it's highly accessible.
He's right that Sony's "keep our gamers safe" argument is full of shit. But XBox Live in general does not do a good job regarding moderating in-game chat and harassment.

So 'genuine'.

But then, is anyone actually doing a good job?
Actually Sony's lack of cross-game-chat last gen helped this IMO

Honestly, I'm surprised by Nintendo's agreeing to enter into this, given they still have friend codes on their modern console. I wonder if Nintendo have insisted on adding any extra safeguards here...

the vast majority of people who play Minecraft aren't on playstation
So maybe that factors into Sony's decision here?


The same reason MS didn't allow Crossplay even on PC as recent as this generation. Because they are top Dogs and don't have to it's really that simple. Nintendo is trying to regain ground after the disaster wiiu.

If MS was in the position Sony are in They wouldn't care about Crossplay. Because when they were in that position they didn't allow it.

Do you misstake this explanation as defense?

You have yet to explain the games
You say "support for your own game" as though these companies just dump all their first party content on competing platforms...

"Just work something out" is a super fucking hollow suggestion, unless you have reason to believe they're not actually trying... which seems unlikely given everyone else they're managing to work shit out with. The Rocket League situation is relevant, because it makes it clear that even ripping Xbox Live out of the game doesn't mean that Sony will let the two platforms combine.

I'm not on any of that "these billion dollar companies just want us to be happy" bullshit... but there's even less reason to believe it's a simple case of them being stubborn and not willing to make any concessions. Nobody else is managing to get Sony to budge either, and plenty of them have made it clear that they're willing to make plenty of concessions to get there.

Then they will get it and playstation won't. None of us know why Sony won't budge but, you have your thoughts on it, and mine differ.

Ill leave it at that.
That shit is straight up fantasy..
My 10 year old daughter, 8 year old niece and 7 year old nephew couldn't give 2 shits about Minecraft anymore, or at least how you are making it seem..

They play games together and they have beaten: Dragon quest builders, Mario 3d world, ratchet n clank, Yoshi wooly, fab five Freddy on PC, and a bunch of stuff I never knew existed. Road blocks is up there too... (I don't even know what that is!)

My daughter actually guided me thru RE7, cause she watched her favorite YouTuber (kenshi?) play it to completion.

I have a hard time believing some one​ or kid are gonna beg for this or an Xbox at all, not that they're not worth owning, but for an updated version of Minecraft with any basic PC being able to run it.

If you're gonna pile on Sony for not wanting Xbox logins on their (for crying out loud) at least come.correct or with some real shit man. What you said is ridiculous.

And that's with all due respect to everyone's argument, cause if you want it that bad you should let em know. But c'mon.

I guess we will just have to disagree.

I'm glad that your children are no longer beholden to Minecraft, I can assure you my niece/nephew still are. They are right in at the needing the creeper backpack phase.

Now I didn't quite say they will beg for it, I was highlighting what they will be missing out 'Better Together' (Ultimate?) update. But what they will do is snub the PS4 version because of it. More so once it goes live on the other platforms and they start talking about it more, YouTubers joining in dedicated servers. The texture packs. Etc.

Fwiw, it was still #6 in last months NPD (ironically with more copies sold on PS4), and #6 the month before that. And so on..

But if you think this will not affect sales of that title on this platform in anyway then that's your belief. I believe it will - I guess only time will tell.

Then again, this probably isn't the thread, it was more directed to those whom seem to underestimate the reach of Minecraft in agreeing(?) or supporting Sony in this stance, I,e, - "Its only Minecraft, who cares"
so since sony's versions are the least populated, they opt out of cross play?

Maybe. I'm not at all surprised the Sony would refuse to have their customers have to create an XBL account to play a Playstation game. I'm surprised Nintendo has agreed, but then I would think there'd be a certain number of users/dollars that would justify changing that position.

The Rocket League situation is different however given cross-platform-play is already supported to an extent, and we haven't had any explanation at all for that.
Maybe. I'm not at all surprised the Sony would refuse to have their customers have to create an XBL account to play a Playstation game. I'm surprised Nintendo has agreed, but then I would think there'd be a certain number of users/dollars that would justify changing that position.

The Rocket League situation is different however given cross-platform-play is already supported to an extent, and we haven't had any explanation at all for that.
Refusing your consumers to get XBL isn't at all the same as not considering a smaller user base. That's two different subjects and even if Sony's reason is the former I'm still not okay with it. I'd gladly make an XBL if that's all it took to play this game with my friend on Xbone
Refusing your consumers to get XBL isn't at all the same as not considering a smaller user base. That's two different subjects and even if Sony's reason is the former I'm still not okay with it. I'd gladly make an XBL if that's all it took to play this game with my friend on Xbone

You seem like you're trying to have an argument with me. I didn't say those things were the same. I consider the XBL account to be a major factor in the decision, but that enough users should outweigh that. I know Minecraft is huge, but what percentage of worldwide players play on Playstation?

I think Sony should support Cross-platform play. Although MS insisting on using their infrastructure would usually be unreasonable. But given this is an MS owned game, it's surprising(and obviously a different MS to what we had last gen) that Minecraft has continued to support PS4, and launched on Vita! So in this specific case, I think they should make an exception.


Update from my side is that I actually bought Minecraft on the Switch yesterday because this update has me quite excited. Wish I could have gotten it in my PS4, but I guess Sony has to miss out in their cut.


You seem like you're trying to have an argument with me. I didn't say those things were the same. I consider the XBL account to be a major factor in the decision, but that enough users should outweigh that. I know Minecraft is huge, but what percentage of worldwide players play on Playstation?

I think Sony should support Cross-platform play. Although MS insisting on using their infrastructure would usually be unreasonable. But given this is an MS owned game, it's surprising(and obviously a different MS to what we had last gen) that Minecraft has continued to support PS4, and launched on Vita! So in this specific case, I think they should make an exception.

Credit where credit is due, Microsoft has managed Minecraft with perfect platform neutrality. Consider this: They had 4J rush out a port of the current console version to Switch within the first three months of the platform's life in order to jump start the userbase in the launch window (giving the Switch a meaningful boost in the process). They did this even knowing that this version of the game would be replaced completely by the Bedrock Engine version coming later.
Credit where credit is due, Microsoft has managed Minecraft with perfect platform neutrality. Consider this: They had 4J rush out a port of the current console version to Switch within the first three months of the platform's life in order to jump start the userbase in the launch window (giving the Switch a meaningful boost in the process). They did this even knowing that this version of the game would be replaced completely by the Bedrock Engine version coming later.

I was giving credit where credit is due. ;) They supported the Vita when Sony no longer would...
It's almost like Microsoft wants ownership of the online space and they want everyone playing on their network. They've got Nintendo and PC Gamers on their network now and if Sony would have joined in everyone would be playing through XBL. Anybody trying to play a console game online would have been playing through XBL regardless of their platform. Ain't that crazy! XBL would become the de facto online service for gamers all around the world regardless of platform! Damn son! And all Sony had to was hand over the keys to good guy Phil and we would all ride off into the sunset together. Damn Sony why you trying to keep MS from being #1. Shame on you Sony!

It's obvious that Sony would have come out much better in this if they had just not commented. That story Ryan threw out was just not a good answer at all and all it did was shine a brighter light on all this, for better or worse. It's insane how dense some of the people in this thread are though. Like it isn't glaringly obvious that cross play hurts Sony while simultaneously benefiting the other 2 platforms.


It's almost like Microsoft wants ownership of the online space and they want everyone playing on their network. They've got Nintendo and PC Gamers on their network now and if Sony would have joined in everyone would be playing through XBL. Anybody trying to play a console game online would have been playing through XBL regardless of their platform.
It's almost like Microsoft wants ownership of the online space and they want everyone playing on their network. They've got Nintendo and PC Gamers on their network now and if Sony would have joined in everyone would be playing through XBL. Anybody trying to play a console game online would have been playing through XBL regardless of their platform. Ain't that crazy! XBL would become the de facto online service for gamers all around the world regardless of platform! Damn son! And all Sony had to was hand over the keys to good guy Phil and we would all ride off into the sunset together. Damn Sony why you trying to keep MS from being #1. Shame on you Sony!

It's obvious that Sony would have come out much better in this if they had just not commented. That story Ryan threw out was just not a good answer at all and all it did was shine a brighter light on all this, for better or worse. It's insane how dense some of the people in this thread are though. Like it isn't glaringly obvious that cross play hurts Sony while simultaneously benefiting the other 2 platforms.

What are you talking about? In the case of Minecraft the infinite worlds stuff uses MS servers. Of course you need to connect to them.

The other games like Rocket League have nothing to do with XBL as far as I can tell.

I hope you are being sarcastic.


It's almost like Microsoft wants ownership of the online space and they want everyone playing on their network. They've got Nintendo and PC Gamers on their network now and if Sony would have joined in everyone would be playing through XBL. Anybody trying to play a console game online would have been playing through XBL regardless of their platform. Ain't that crazy! XBL would become the de facto online service for gamers all around the world regardless of platform! Damn son! And all Sony had to was hand over the keys to good guy Phil and we would all ride off into the sunset together. Damn Sony why you trying to keep MS from being #1. Shame on you Sony!

It's obvious that Sony would have come out much better in this if they had just not commented. That story Ryan threw out was just not a good answer at all and all it did was shine a brighter light on all this, for better or worse. It's insane how dense some of the people in this thread are though. Like it isn't glaringly obvious that cross play hurts Sony while simultaneously benefiting the other 2 platforms.


It's almost like Microsoft wants ownership of the online space and they want everyone playing on their network. They've got Nintendo and PC Gamers on their network now and if Sony would have joined in everyone would be playing through XBL. Anybody trying to play a console game online would have been playing through XBL regardless of their platform. Ain't that crazy! XBL would become the de facto online service for gamers all around the world regardless of platform! Damn son! And all Sony had to was hand over the keys to good guy Phil and we would all ride off into the sunset together. Damn Sony why you trying to keep MS from being #1. Shame on you Sony!

It's obvious that Sony would have come out much better in this if they had just not commented. That story Ryan threw out was just not a good answer at all and all it did was shine a brighter light on all this, for better or worse. It's insane how dense some of the people in this thread are though. Like it isn't glaringly obvious that cross play hurts Sony while simultaneously benefiting the other 2 platforms.

No. What about non XBL games (e.g. Rocket League)? What's your defense in that case?

The only folks being dense are those who don't want this. Unless of course your a Sony stock holder. Then by all means continue. But be prepared to be labeled anti-consumer.


Why they're taking this stance now when Nintendo and Microsoft are finally comfortable with cross- play, I'll never know. The fact there doesn't seem to be any effort made to the excuse makes this even worse. Can't someone make like petition?
I'm not sure how or why my comment makes me anti-consumer or pro Sony. Nowhere in my comment was I defending their decision nor was I endorsing there choice. I'm guessing it's because I'm not raw raw for crossplay, nor am I part of the lol sony brigade. I guess that automatically puts me on the opposite side of the spectrum?
You seem like you're trying to have an argument with me. I didn't say those things were the same. I consider the XBL account to be a major factor in the decision, but that enough users should outweigh that. I know Minecraft is huge, but what percentage of worldwide players play on Playstation?

I think Sony should support Cross-platform play. Although MS insisting on using their infrastructure would usually be unreasonable. But given this is an MS owned game, it's surprising(and obviously a different MS to what we had last gen) that Minecraft has continued to support PS4, and launched on Vita! So in this specific case, I think they should make an exception.
maybe I misinterpreted what you said before


I'm not sure how or why my comment makes me anti-consumer or pro Sony. Nowhere in my comment was I defending their decision nor was I endorsing there choice. I'm guessing it's because I'm not raw raw for crossplay, nor am I part of the lol sony brigade. I guess that automatically puts me on the opposite side of the spectrum?

Not worth the effort
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