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Sony FY2015 Q1 (PS4: 3.0m shipped) PS4 total = 25.3m shipped worldwide


One doesn't need multiple manufacturers performing at the same level or "race," but having multiple competitors being successful in the marketplace is much better than having a monopoly dictating those terms.

Imagine Disney being the sole movie distributor, and not having Warner Bros., LionsGate, Sony, 20th Century Fox, Universal, Paramount, competing for the same $ - it would not be good for the industry or consumers.

Even if the other 2 console manufacturers disappeared it wouldn't matter. You can still play games on portables, PC, Mac, tablets and phones. Your analogy is incorrect.


Congrats to Sony for their continuing success with PS4. 30+ Million by the end of the year should be easy for PS4.

Even if Until Dawn is not a big hit (being the only exclusive this year, unless they sneak something in at Xmas, last minute) they still have very strong 3rd Party support with games like MGS 5 and Fallout 4 to take them through the holiday with little effort and then they have the build up of Uncharted 4 and Ratchet & Clank to kick off early 2016, so their target of 39 Million by March 2016 should be very achievable too.

PS4 has no games? Until Dawn is not even out yet, dammit.


Ha! I like your optimism there =p

But wow even with a price cut I find it hard to fathom PS4 achieving those sales truthfully.

PS4 shipped 9.7M last Q3 and Q4 (Financial Q2 and Q3). If it manages to do the same this year it will ship exactly 35 million units as of 31.12.2015.

And they are actually upping their forecast...


Neo Member
Im happy that Sony doing really fine. I have a PS4 & i really like it.

But at the beginning I wanted to get an XBOX ONE in this Generation. But the only reason i didn't bought ONE coz it doesn't have Dual voltage Power supply.XBOX & PS4 doesn't officially support our country. SO we have to import it from USA. But all USA Xbox ones are 110V only. They are not even selling 220 V power supply. So i bought a PS4. Just like most of the gamers in my country. PS4 got a Dual voltage power supply that works fine in 110V - 220V. How hard is it to do a freaking Dual voltage power supply for your BOX Microsoft. That's the Question im asking from MS ? If they can just release a Dual voltage Power supply most of friends would have bought it. I know lots of people in the world having this problem.
Really? Doesn't shipment always mean sold to retailers? Any proof?
Sony used to report "Cumulative Production Shipments" rather than sell-in to retail. This ended at the start of last generation though, the figures we have for the PS3 are sell-in/sold to retail.

Also, it would be nice if people put massive images in quote tags, thanks.


Generous Member
Im happy that Sony doing really fine. I have a PS4 & i really like it.

But at the beginning I wanted to get an XBOX ONE in this Generation. But the only reason i didn't bought ONE coz it doesn't have Dual voltage Power supply.XBOX & PS4 doesn't officially support our country. SO we have to import it from USA. But all USA Xbox ones are 110V only. They are not even selling 220 V power supply. So i bought a PS4. Just like most of the gamers in my country. PS4 got a Dual voltage power supply that works fine in 110V - 220V. How hard is it to do a freaking Dual voltage power supply for your BOX Microsoft. That's the Question im asking from MS ? If they can just release a Dual voltage Power supply most of friends would have bought it. I know lots of people in the world having this problem.
The aussie ps4s have 220-240v power supplies so im presuming the Xboxes must be the same


People keep yelling for pricedrop....

When it comes it will be like NOS injection everywhere. Even if its just 50€/$.
Until Dawn is the only exclusive PS4 game this year ?

I can't think of any more PS4 exclusives left for the year now, could be wrong but most of Sony's exclusives are 2016 now. I'm looking forward to Until Dawn though, it looks like it could be a fun game and it might do well but I don't expect it to be massive like Uncharted will be.
I can't think of any more exclusives for the year, could be wrong but most of Sony's exclusives are 2016 now. I'm looking forward to Until Dawn though, it looks like it could be a fun game and it might do well but I don't expect it to be massive like Uncharted will be.

Then please think harder. The Order 1886, Bloodborne, MLB, Helldivers..

you said "being the only exclusive this year"


Nice round numbers this quarter for the current gen: X1 is hitting 15 million shipped (most likely) ...

Only if you count the last quarters really in favor for XB1 and the 360 is pretty much dead then.
I'd say the distance to 14m is smaller than to 15m.



This is photoshopped right?


Playstation 4 still going strong, and with the big JRPG push we're seeing, I hope the Japanese market too starts adopting it in droves in a year or so.

The PS2 sold about 22 million in Japan. I'll be reserved and say I'd be okay if the PS4 could snatch anywhere between 10 and 12 million during its lifetime.


I can't think of any more PS4 exclusives left for the year now, could be wrong but most of Sony's exclusives are 2016 now. I'm looking forward to Until Dawn though, it looks like it could be a fun game and it might do well but I don't expect it to be massive like Uncharted will be.

Maybe you should be stop thinking and research before stating something like a fact.


Playstation 4 still going strong, and with the big JRPG push we're seeing, I hope the Japanese market too starts adopting it in droves in a year or so.

The PS2 sold about 22 million in Japan. I'll be reserved and say I'd be okay if the PS4 could snatch anywhere between 10 and 12 million during its lifetime.

I think it will already have a tough time reaching 5 million


I can't think of any more PS4 exclusives left for the year now, could be wrong but most of Sony's exclusives are 2016 now. I'm looking forward to Until Dawn though, it looks like it could be a fun game and it might do well but I don't expect it to be massive like Uncharted will be.

I can think of at least 20 games coming to PlayStation 4 this year thst aren't coming to Xbox One.

Divide by two and you're in realistic-to-optimistic territory.

Exactly what I was going to say haha.


I can't think of any more PS4 exclusives left for the year now, could be wrong but most of Sony's exclusives are 2016 now. I'm looking forward to Until Dawn though, it looks like it could be a fun game and it might do well but I don't expect it to be massive like Uncharted will be.

PS4 has more retail exclusives in October alone than Xbox has for the remainder of the year.


I can't think of any more PS4 exclusives left for the year now, could be wrong but most of Sony's exclusives are 2016 now. I'm looking forward to Until Dawn though, it looks like it could be a fun game and it might do well but I don't expect it to be massive like Uncharted will be.

There're Uncharted Collection and TearAway Unfolded as well.
Or maybe you're a troll who should stop posting in this thread unless you have something of worth to post.

Or maybe i asked a question and a dozen people were up in arms in no time to defend their favorite toymaker - even if he never was in danger. Was just curious about their shipment numbers in 2015 and what they mean in 2015.


Really good numbers in general... And it's crazy that it's still on the original price too. Can't ever predict at this point how much it has sold at the end of the 2015.


I think it will already have a tough time reaching 5 million

I don't get this kind of comments. It won't probably do ps3 numbers sure but less than 5M? Don't people realise it will already be near 2.5M by the end of year?


I don't get this kind of comments. It won't probably do ps3 numbers sure but less than 5M? Don't people realise it will already be near 2.5M by the end of year?

5 million is extremely conservative, I think it will sell 8 million in Japan.


Or maybe i asked a question and a dozen people were up in arms in no time to defend their favorite toymaker - even if he never was in danger. Was just curious about their shipment numbers in 2015 and what they mean in 2015.

No, you made one vague insinuation and proceeded to not clarify it at all. It's taken you several pages to finally ask in plain English :lol wut are shipment numbers..


I don't get this kind of comments. It won't probably do ps3 numbers sure but less than 5M? Don't people realise it will already be near 2.5M by the end of year?

PS4 has sold 1 million over the past 12 months. Where is it going to suddenly find another 1 million in the next 5 months?
There're Uncharted Collection and TearAway Unfolded as well.

Yeah I guess so, forgot about them, with them being remasters, not that they will be bad though. I was just thinking more bigger / new exclusive games. Xbox has Forza 6, Halo 5, Tomb Raider, Fable Legends while Sony has most of their bigger games coming next year now, so there are not a lot of big exclusives for Xmas.

Not that it will make much difference as they still selling PS4's like mad but a few more bigger exclusive games for Xmas would have been nice, The Last Guardian and No Mans Sky would have filled the gap while we wait for Uncharted 4, that's all I'm saying.
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