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Sony FY2015 Q1 (PS4: 3.0m shipped) PS4 total = 25.3m shipped worldwide

Operating income increased threefold. Sony must be enjoying a very nice margin on the PS4 now. Sony was right not to drop the price last holiday, its not worth it just to secure #1 in the holiday for console warz. It will be interesting to see what they do this holiday though. Personally I'm on #teampricedrop. They can afford to lower the price, increase sales volume, ownership, software sales, and still make profit on the hardware.


FYI, because I see this all the time and people don't really understand it still:

On June 30, Moody's has placed Sony's corporate credit rating of Ba1 on positive watch. They will likely be rerating them to investment grade again soon.

The company is turning around.

nice, and to think people were calling for Kaz's head


FYI, because I see this all the time and people don't really understand it still:

On June 30, Moody's has placed Sony's corporate credit rating of Ba1 on positive watch. They will likely be rerating them to investment grade again soon.

The company is turning around.
Nice. I was wondering how their rating is doing.


Neat for SCE I guess. They certainly have done a good job at making the PS4 appear appealing and desirable to a large market. ;)

Seems as if the gaming market sniffed out a FF7 remake was on the horizon and purchased a PS4 several years in advance in anticipation.

Could they sniff that FF7 remake was going to be multiplatform? (but first on PS4)

Anyway, in reality, most people are probably buying PS4's just to play mainstream games on it. ;) (FIFA, CoD, GTA V, Assassin's Creed, LEGO games)

Like everyone lol

Smartphones, Movies, Home Electronics ( read TVs) keep decreasing.

Movies won't really keep decreasing, Columbia Pictures / Sony Pictures has a better release slate for fall 2015 and 2016 than they've had so far in 2015.

Movie business can be quite volatile for some film studios, depending on their release slate.

Universal Pictures is a prime example.

They made big losses in 2013 due to big-budget flops with R.I.P.D. and 47 Ronin, but for 2015 they're the studio/distributor with the highest cumulative gross so far. (thanks to Fifty Shades of Grey, Furious 7, Jurassic World, Minions)

Sony Pictures is another good example, they had a great year with 2012 and were one of the top-grossing studios/distributors for that year thanks to hits like Skyfall, Men in Black 3, Hotel Transylvania, Looper [fantastic film by the way, one of my favourites..], 21 Jump Street, The Amazing Spider-Man, Django Unchained, but they had a very bad year in 2013 (due to After Earth and White House Down flops) and so far in 2015 as well.

Home Entertainment & Sound will probably remain flat. Their operating income slightly increased despite slight decrease in revenue.

Smartphones can go either way I think.

I'm feeling like I should go get one of these things. Like I'm missing the console zeitgeist.

I really don't recommend getting something just because it's popular.

Microsoft and Nintendo got complacent with last gen, Sony came back stronger this gen - it's a cycle.

We need all three console manufacturers to be successful in the marketplace as a monopoly will help no one.

Huh, how did Microsoft and Nintendo get complacent? Not complacent at all to me.

Microsoft really expanded on the featureset of the XB1 compared to X360 and MS Studios is producing a lot of first-party games.

I am quite happy for all the big 3 are going back on the right track on their main business:

Microsoft: Windows 10 is well accepted so far by media/journalists and seems have a bright future;

Nintendo: profits, toys business - Amiibo is enjoying good sales;

Sony: PS4 is dominant.

Toys business is Nintendo's main business? :p

PS4 is also not really Sony's main business either to me. I guess you could say it's one of their main businesses.

PS3 cratered and vita is vita:(. I really need to finish off the last of my PS3 games so I can pack it up. It's hogging a hdmi port.

PS Vita is =).

Imagine if Sony's 1st party studios had hit the mark and delivered a couple more must-haves... probably 28-30 by now.

Not sure at all. It is not guaranteed that those 1st party games would have had mass-market appeal to generate a 5 million boost in PS4 sales. Even if they were well-received games..

Besides, most consumers buy consoles to play mainstream games (FIFA, COD, GTA, Assassin's Creed..)

Also Pixels... which is HORRIBLE.

You seen it? Looked pretty fun to me.


I can't imagine what the sales will be like once the price is finally cut. If they do it in time for the holidays it'll just be fucking nuts.

Why take a price cut? PS4 is still selling incredibly well. Plus, Sony has marketing deals/bundles for two of the biggest games this holiday season.


FYI, because I see this all the time and people don't really understand it still:

On June 30, Moody's has placed Sony's corporate credit rating of Ba1 on positive watch. They will likely be rerating them to investment grade again soon.

The company is turning around.
Kaz and team are doing a fine job. Funny that not long ago people were saying the conpany was destined to go bankrupt.
Really good sales, it really is no wonder Sony first party are not rushing out their games since 3rd parties are doing all the heavy lifting. The PS4 is pulling in these kinds of numbers without any of the big franchises having released yet from SCE, for the rest of the year Sony are also going to rely on 3rd parties to take care of business again. What PS4 shows is that (obviously) exclusive games mean very little from a sales perspective, WW the PS4 is going to quite easily outsell the XB1 this holiday, not going to be close. Also NPD seems more insignificant now than ever before, the PS4 sales in US don’t make up more than 35% at best so it sucks big time we don’t get solid EU sales.

On a sales perspective it’s going to be very interesting to see how upcoming PS4 exclusives like UC4 are going to do, by the time UC4 releases there should be more than 30 million consoles sold. It does not seem a stretch at all to say that UC4 is going to be the best selling game from the franchise yet, the PS4 install base is very active and reckon it will reach 5 million sold before end of 2016. God of War and Gran Turismo however were on the decline, will be interesting to see if their PS4 games can change that, IMO those two games suffered from releasing in the same year as PS4, GT6 in particular releasing AFTER the PS4 released was stupid at fuck.

I got a PS4 because of first party though, would be nice for GT7 and GOW 4 to get announced this year, that would be fucking lovely. :)


I remember a user with a FF avatar that was always active in the Sony financials threads, she always had good insight, what happened to her?

I've never been more scared of something in Bloodborne.

On topic: I certainly didn't expect PS4 to do better numbers then last year. It's quite impressive.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Kaz and team are doing a fine job. Funny that not long ago people were saying the conpany was destined to go bankrupt.

In my opinion, Kaz has moved too slowly. But this happens with massive corporations, particularly in Japan.

I think the worst is over, but they've missed a lot of "boats" when it comes to growth potential (mobile). Though, in reality, nobody's growing anything in phones except Apple. On the other hand, they are investing heavily in their non-consumer businesses like image sensors so I think Sony has a good long-term plan for the future.

It's just that Sony of 2000 and Sony of 2020 will look very different!


Operating income increased threefold. Sony must be enjoying a very nice margin on the PS4 now. Sony was right not to drop the price last holiday, its not worth it just to secure #1 in the holiday for console warz. It will be interesting to see what they do this holiday though. Personally I'm on #teampricedrop. They can afford to lower the price, increase sales volume, ownership, software sales, and still make profit on the hardware.

Price drop right before the holidays seems like a bad idea to me. Instead, offer huge sales. Sales are going to drive people. Seeing "PS4 for $250, $150 off regular price!" will sell more consoles than "PS4 for $250, $50 off regular price!"

Save the price drop for February.


It would be better spent on the holidays, much better.

Yeah, Holiday sales last year for PS4 were 40-45% of their annual sales, price drops would have a much bigger impact in the holidays, especially when bundled with big games like CoD, Battlefront, & The Nathan Drake Collection.


Thoughts on the rest of my post? :p

Sales don't quite have the same effect, a true price drop will give a much larger boost.

And personally I'm expecting a $100 price drop, as has been the case with the first price drop for every PS console, as that would make the most sense and have the biggest impact. A $50 price drop would be a waste.


FYI, because I see this all the time and people don't really understand it still:

On June 30, Moody's has placed Sony's corporate credit rating of Ba1 on positive watch. They will likely be rerating them to investment grade again soon.

The company is turning around.

I saw that too. Slowly turning things around
FYI, because I see this all the time and people don't really understand it still:

On June 30, Moody's has placed Sony's corporate credit rating of Ba1 on positive watch. They will likely be rerating them to investment grade again soon.

The company is turning around.

Outstanding. So glad Sony is bouncing back, and doubly glad that console gaming is alive and well. I'm a PS guy, but I also take pleasure in X1 selling well and I REALLY want Nintendo to give us a console next year that take the industry by storm.

Good times, you guys. Everyone should be happy.
Next year is going to be crazy being we still haven't seen price drop, nor their exclusives killer apps. Uncharted is going to kill the first part of the year.
Outstanding. So glad Sony is bouncing back, and doubly glad that console gaming is alive and well. I'm a PS guy, but I also take pleasure in X1 selling well and I REALLY want Nintendo to give us a console next year that take the industry by storm.

Good times, you guys. Everyone should be happy.

Return of the King indeed. But it looks like a price drop is needed if Sony wants to stay ahead of PS2 sales.

Well, the PS4 is outpacing PS2 without benefit of a price drop.
Operating income increased threefold. Sony must be enjoying a very nice margin on the PS4 now. Sony was right not to drop the price last holiday, its not worth it just to secure #1 in the holiday for console warz. It will be interesting to see what they do this holiday though. Personally I'm on #teampricedrop. They can afford to lower the price, increase sales volume, ownership, software sales, and still make profit on the hardware.
Err they did that with the PS2, the most successful console of all time, didn't they? It's not that simple. Do you take a 50$ price cut and get a few extra million? Add PS+, controllers and games they buy, and that's something they can certainly make up. Wasn't there an article of March 2014 stating they were losing 5-10$ or breaking even? Who knows how much they're making now, especially with the new model.

Uncharted has a good chance of hitting 10 million when it drops at this pace. -_-
You seen it? Looked pretty fun to me.

Yeah. I was in the press screening yesterday. It's absolutely horrendous. It's on the same level of shittiness as Mortdecai. Dinklage and Sandler do their worst to make that cliche fest even worse. It's a game movie which isn't even a game movie. It just sucks. :/


Well, the PS4 is outpacing PS2 without benefit of a price drop.
But with the benefit of a closer worldwide launch. If you align regions to PS2 launches I believe it's only ahead in PAL regions now.

I guess they will still report them they release whole FY results. Or maybe not. Hopefully they will.
Hopefully. I still wish we could get an actual final PSP figure out of them for posterity.


25.3m as of end of June.

My projections...

End of September: 28.8m (+3.5m)
End of December: 35.8m (+7.0m)
End of March: 38.3m (+2.5m)

I really really wants to see Sony shipping over 40m this FY but I guess they will fall just a bit ahead 38m.


Why take a price cut? PS4 is still selling incredibly well. Plus, Sony has marketing deals/bundles for two of the biggest games this holiday season.

Lot of people are pushing the price cut because they haven't bought a PS4 because they are waiting for a price cut.

It makes no sense to cut the price right now, because lots of BIG games are coming and it will sell loads of consoles at $400.
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