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Sony FY2015 Q1 (PS4: 3.0m shipped) PS4 total = 25.3m shipped worldwide


Ps4 should drop in price this holiday tbh. Yeah, they lose out on console revenue, but make up for it with game sales, digital downloads, ps+, accessories, etc.

Plus it increases the gap between them and the competition.

But they are already sitting nicely on top. Why compete?


Also you have to remember that PS2 numbers are production shipments where as PS4 numbers are retail shipments.

Hence why PS2 numbers dont have a trend of low Q2/high Q3 like PS4.

But yeh, PS2 really did well early on and continually as well.

That's interesting, didn't realize that.
2016 will see The Last Guardian, Uncharted 4, Street Fighter 5, Final Fantasy XV, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and a number of other big titles too. So yeah PS4 sales will only increase next year.

If Sony does score a special Battlefront bundle for Black Friday and beyond lord knows how much that will sale. Along with the other big one the MGSV bundle, it could be a crazy rest of the year.


This holiday is going to be gangbusters. Fallout 4, Battlefront, CoD, and then right after the dust settles, Uncharted 4. Great time to be a gamer.


I'm no econ major, but seems silly to drop the price when your product is selling better than it ever has.

It's an ecosystem though, the price of entry isn't the only money Sony receive. They get a cut of every ps4 game sold as well as all the subscriptions and licensed accessories. Games are a large part of a platform holders profits.


But they are already sitting nicely on top. Why compete?

To increase their marketshare? Software licensing fees & first party sales are still by far the biggest money makers in the console business.

Hardware profits are peanuts compared to the profits Sony will make from licensing fees coming from Call of Duty & Battlefront.


Sony is definitely dropping the price this holiday. Kaz has already said he's going to rigorously push for a larger install base. It'd be silly not to with Microsoft almost definitely dropping down to $299 this holiday. Sony's not going to want to lose the US market. At $350 they'll make less money on the actual hardware but can make up for it with PS+, software sales, and accessories. Plus a larger install base gives them more customers to sell Morpheus to.
PS4 being up YoY must be very hard to swallow for the "consoles are front loaded, sales will collapse" people.

Lol funny because even in Thai thread I've seen a couple of posts like that. We're coming up to 2 years into the cycle,3 if you include Wii U and the PS4 hasn't had a price cut yet.

I don't think Microsoft can expect any significant growth until they introduce a new slim model. Could give them a second wind because all of the rapid price drops they've been doing haven't done the job it would seem.


Gold Member
To increase their marketshare? Software licensing fees & first party sales are still by far the biggest money makers in the console business.

Hardware profits are peanuts compared to the profits Sony will make from licensing fees coming from Call of Duty & Battlefront.

Sony is definitely dropping the price this holiday. Kaz has already said he's going to rigorously push for a larger install base. It'd be silly not to with Microsoft almost definitely dropping down to $299 this holiday. Sony's not going to want to lose the US market. At $350 they'll make less money on the actual hardware but can make up for it with PS+, software sales, and accessories. Plus a larger install base gives them more customers to sell Morpheus to.



To increase their marketshare? Software licensing fees & first party sales are still by far the biggest money makers in the console business.

Hardware profits are peanuts compared to the profits Sony will make from licensing fees coming from Call of Duty & Battlefront.

Exactly, not to mention selling more PS+, accessories etc. and setting a bigger stage for Morpheus.
2016 will see The Last Guardian, Uncharted 4, Street Fighter 5, Final Fantasy XV, Ratchet and Clank, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and a number of other big titles too. So yeah PS4 sales will only increase next year.

If Sony does score a special Battlefront bundle for Black Friday and beyond lord knows how much that will sale. Along with the other big one the MGSV bundle, it could be a crazy rest of the year.

Even if they did and It will be limited still just like GTA V last year.


To increase their marketshare? Software licensing fees & first party sales are still by far the biggest money makers in the console business.

Hardware profits are peanuts compared to the profits Sony will make from licensing fees coming from Call of Duty & Battlefront.

If that's the case, then a holiday price drop with bundled third party games should be a sure thing.
That is impressive. Selling so many units while missing "traditional" playstation titles. Imagine what it will do with FF, uncharted and sf5 release. Yes, i know ff isnt exclusive but im sure its release will mive units for sony. Impressive feat.


That is impressive. Selling so many units while missing "traditional" playstation titles. Imagine what it will do with FF, uncharted and sf5 release. Yes, i know ff isnt exclusive but im sure its release will mive units for sony. Impressive feat.

At least globally, FF15 will motivate people who haven't bought a new-gen system yet to buy at least one of them... and if FF history is anything to go by, it'll skew HEAVILY towards PS4.

This really is insane that it's doing this well and their biggest games haven't even come out yet.


Despite the PS4 doing surprisingly well, I still expect a price drop to $299 either in September or October. I still think most bundles will be $349, though, while the 500GB standalone will be $299. A 1TB Star Wars Battlefront bundle would do amazing numbers, just based on the hype for Episode VII alone.


Ps4 should drop in price this holiday tbh. Yeah, they lose out on console revenue, but make up for it with game sales, digital downloads, ps+, accessories, etc.

Plus it increases the gap between them and the competition.

You do know that Sony as a company while is not generating huge profits. There gonna milk that PS4 price as much as it can. At this point, Sony doesn't care if they came in 2nd this gen (highly unlikely) all they care about is profits.


Gold Member
Despite the PS4 doing surprisingly well, I still expect a price drop to $299 either in September or October. I still think most bundles will be $349, though, while the 500GB standalone will be $299. A 1TB Star Wars Battlefront bundle would do amazing numbers, just based on the hype for Episode VII alone.

Agreed. Disney will have tons of ads and commercials with Sony cross marketing the game and movie. Guaranteed to see an add with the PS4 ding at the end during the trailers at the theater for Episode VII.

Wouldn't be surprised if there was a free movie ticket bonus for purchasing Battlefront on the PS4.


At least globally, FF15 will motivate people who haven't bought a new-gen system yet to buy at least one of them... and if FF history is anything to go by, it'll skew HEAVILY towards PS4.

This really is insane that it's doing this well and their biggest games haven't even come out yet.

Both FFXV and MGSV will heavily favor the PS4 in sales.

Also expecting FFXV to have a significant impact for the console in Japan, especially since DQXI is also supposed to be hitting next year.


Lol funny because even in Thai thread I've seen a couple of posts like that. We're coming up to 2 years into the cycle,3 if you include Wii U and the PS4 hasn't had a price cut yet.

I don't think Microsoft can expect any significant growth until they introduce a new slim model. Could give them a second wind because all of the rapid price drops they've been doing haven't done the job it would seem.

I think Microsoft's quarterly price drops are a big mistake, consumers aren't seeing an instant large price drop, they're seeing gradual price drops every few months, a price drop this holiday for XB1 would be far less effective than it would have been if the console didn't already get a small price drop earlier this year.


Price drop would keep it above the PS2 sales for the fall. 200 million lifetime sales is still on the table for the PS4 at this rate. Its the PS2 generation all over again. This is what happens when you combine rabid brand loyalty with a fantastic product.


Agreed. Disney will have tons of ads and commercials with Sony cross marketing the game and movie. Guaranteed to see an add with the PS4 ding at the end during the trailers at the theater for Episode VII.

Wouldn't be surprised if there was a free movie ticket bonus for purchasing Battlefront on the PS4.
LOL, free movie ticket would be amazing. Anyway, let's not forget Sony also has AC Syndicate and COD BO3 marketing and Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection for this holiday season. If they were smart, they would have numerous bundles. I mean, something like a 1TB Star Wars Battlefront & COD BO3 bundle for $399 would do incredibly well.


Price drop would keep it above the PS2 sales for the fall. 200 million lifetime sales is still on the table for the PS4 at this rate. Its the PS2 generation all over again. This is what happens when you combine rabid brand loyalty with a fantastic product.
LOL, is this a joke post? 200 million is impossible. Even my prediction of 120 million before being discontinued is considered optimistic by some.
LOL, free movie ticket would be amazing. Anyway, let's not forget Sony also has AC Syndicate and COD BO3 marketing and Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection for this holiday season. If they were smart, they would have numerous bundles. I mean, something like a 1TB Star Wars Battlefront & COD BO3 bundle for $399 would do incredibly well.

Too many bundles would be a burden on stores.

I'd say 2 strong all-holiday bundles (rational choices being CoD and Battlefront), and 1 special Black Friday Bundle.


It would have crushed it without delaying the game too

Yeah & to think PS4 has already outsold Dreamcast , Gamecube & Xbox without a true system seller. It will also be above Nintendo 64 before Uncharted is released that's amazing to me.
A cut to $299 in autumn makes a lot of sense to me. There's precedent for Sony to do this given how they've handled price drops for previous consoles, and, more importantly, the Assassin's Creed bundle allowed Microsoft to eat significantly into Sony's market share last November and December. Sony won't want that to happen again, and Microsoft will likely be even more aggressive this holiday.


You do know that Sony as a company while is not generating huge profits. There gonna milk that PS4 price as much as it can. At this point, Sony doesn't care if they came in 2nd this gen (highly unlikely) all they care about is profits.

& they'll make significantly higher profits from a huge marketshare.

I don't think you understand how the console business works (especially looking at the bolded comment), the vast vast majority of profits come from software licensing fees & first party software sales. Accessories & subscriptions also make a significant amount of profit. Hardware profits are nothing.
Agreed. Disney will have tons of ads and commercials with Sony cross marketing the game and movie. Guaranteed to see an add with the PS4 ding at the end during the trailers at the theater for Episode VII.

Wouldn't be surprised if there was a free movie ticket bonus for purchasing Battlefront on the PS4.
Call Disney/Sony. This is a spectacular marketing punch.


Too many bundles would be a burden on stores.

I'd say 2 strong all-holiday bundles (rational choices being CoD and Battlefront), and 1 special Black Friday Bundle.
Yeah, I forgot to take this into consideration. Still, I reckon a Star Wars Battlefront bundle would do really well on its own.


I wonder if the Xbox One is going to drop to $299 this holiday. I know everyone's on the Microsoft Desperation Train™, but trying to sustain a loss leader strategy, especially when behind by so much, can't be pleasing investors.
I wonder if the Xbox One is going to drop to $299 this holiday. I know everyone's on the Microsoft Desperation Train™, but trying to sustain a loss leader strategy, especially when behind by so much, can't be pleasing investors.
Do investors really care about the Xbox division, one way or another?


Gold Member
Call Disney/Sony. This is a spectacular marketing punch.

I'm gonna be "that nerd" and purchase Battlefront at Hollywood Studios gift shop exiting Star Tours here in Florida, lol.

Just like I said I would purchase Kingdom Hearts 3 at one of the Magic Kingdom Main St shops.

Don't ask, just feels right making purchasing decisions more fun.


Agreed. Disney will have tons of ads and commercials with Sony cross marketing the game and movie. Guaranteed to see an add with the PS4 ding at the end during the trailers at the theater for Episode VII.

Wouldn't be surprised if there was a free movie ticket bonus for purchasing Battlefront on the PS4.

I doubt they do something like that but if they managed that it would be a huge marketing opportunity.


I think the Nathan Drake Collection will replace The Last of Us & be bundled with every PS4 from October till Uncharted 4 launches.

Black Friday bundles will probably be UC+Battlefront, UC+Call of Duty, & probably a family bundle of Tearaway + Lego.


I wonder if the Xbox One is going to drop to $299 this holiday. I know everyone's on the Microsoft Desperation Train™, but trying to sustain a loss leader strategy, especially when behind by so much, can't be pleasing investors.

$299 won't be enough.
I think the Nathan Drake Collection will replace The Last of Us & be bundled with every PS4 from October till Uncharted 4 launches.

Black Friday bundles will probably be UC+Battlefront, UC+Call of Duty, & probably a family bundle of Tearaway + Lego.

It looks like Amazon replaced the TLoU bundle with the Batman bundle. They no longer have TLoU bundles in stock.


People said this generation was supposed to be front loaded. When does the front load end?

well to be fair I said all along it wouldn't keep up with Wii which was insane numbers... more like ps2 numbers although they need a bit of a boost to not cross streams with ps2 as well.... I wouldn't say its flattening out but its not on pace to be the best selling console ever, so I guess theres always room for improvement.

price cut will be 50 dollars maybe by xmas ... my prediction... why wreck some good profits with a 100 dollar price cut? makes no sense.


I wonder if the Xbox One is going to drop to $299 this holiday. I know everyone's on the Microsoft Desperation Train™, but trying to sustain a loss leader strategy, especially when behind by so much, can't be pleasing investors.

Mmm, I don't know, might be too quick. They were at the "promotional" price of $349 for 8ish months before officially making it that price last month. To then drop it down to $299, even as a (heh) "promotion" for this holiday, especially when they have Halo 5 coming out, might be too big of a hit to the division's bottom line within a year.
I wonder if the Xbox One is going to drop to $299 this holiday. I know everyone's on the Microsoft Desperation Train™, but trying to sustain a loss leader strategy, especially when behind by so much, can't be pleasing investors.
Dropping the price again hard in the same year would be financial suicide. They're better off adding more value to bundles instead of straight up dropping the price.


I wonder if the Xbox One is going to drop to $299 this holiday. I know everyone's on the Microsoft Desperation Train™, but trying to sustain a loss leader strategy, especially when behind by so much, can't be pleasing investors.

While short term it may be good for MS and certainly great for the consumer. I think this is terrible decision for them to make.

They'll most likely be eating losses for the entire gen if they do this. and who's to say people won't just wait around for the next price drop next year if they do this.

Nah MS will stick with Halo and make attractive deals around that.
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