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Sony FY2015 Q1 (PS4: 3.0m shipped) PS4 total = 25.3m shipped worldwide


25.3m as of end of June.

My projections...

End of September: 28.8m (+3.5m)
End of December: 35.8m (+7.0m)
End of March: 38.3m (+2.5m)

I really really wants to see Sony shipping over 40m this FY but I guess they will fall just a bit ahead 38m.

We shall see but who knows. Sony has some nice bundles and marketing deals. I think Destiny bundle in sept will prove to be fruitful for them. And I think the MGSV bundles in JPN and EU can provide a small boost.

But the holiday season coupled with an inevitable COD and Battlefront bundle along with the other deals retailers do could be HUGE.
Lot of people are pushing the price cut because they haven't bought a PS4 because they are waiting for a price cut.

It makes no sense to cut the price right now, because lots of BIG games are coming and it will sell loads of consoles at $400.
If they wait until no big game comes out, then it'll never get a price cut next year look like it have even more big games.


If they wait until no big game comes out, then it'll never get a price cut next year look like it have even more big games.

Precisely. They will wait until their earnings get affected by a drop in sales.

This is not the PS2 Sony that was a big spender, this is a re-structuring era where they are very careful about where to spend their money.


sörine;173491230 said:
But with the benefit of a closer worldwide launch. If you align regions to PS2 launches I believe it's only ahead in PAL regions now.

Which is the biggest growth region for consoles right now.


They are selling like hotcakes, have a great 3rd party offering for the rest of the year and an awesome list of 2016 exclusives. They are already outselling by far the competition and need this extra profit.

Price cut doesn't make sense until 2017.


People said this generation was supposed to be front loaded. When does the front load end?

I really can't see sales slowing down too much the rest of this year. Maybe a slight dip in sales for July and August. But from Sept on sales will pick up when the heavy hitting games comes out.

Then early next year if there aren't any delays. UC4, SFV, R&C. Sony has a nice stable of games both 1st and 3rd party coming early next year.
Lot of people are pushing the price cut because they haven't bought a PS4 because they are waiting for a price cut.

It makes no sense to cut the price right now, because lots of BIG games are coming and it will sell loads of consoles at $400.

I bought a PS4 at launch. They make the most of their money from selling games, so a price cut for next years crazy games might make sense. I don't know if they could handle a price cut this year with inventory though.


Gold Member
Precisely. They will wait until their earnings get affected by a drop in sales.

This is not the PS2 Sony that was a big spender, this is a re-structuring era where they are very careful about where to spend their money.

Considering their report earlier in the year projected system sales to be on the mark with a steady incline, but hardware profits lower, that is a sign of either a price cut (especially since they cut production costs), or heavy hardware discounts via sales this holiday.

My money is on the former, that way they don't cross the PS2 streams, and continue to incline market share. Temp price cuts did not work out so well for MSFT, it forced their hand for a permanent drop.


Precisely. They will wait until their earnings get affected by a drop in sales.

This is not the PS2 Sony that was a big spender, this is a re-structuring era where they are very careful about where to spend their money.

That would be silly, why wait till things slow before making a move? Better to increase sales further instead.

They also have to take other regions into account, such as Japan, where the console isn't doing so hot.

And then there's Morpheus, the console has to have a price drop in preparation for its launch.


25.3m as of end of June.

My projections...

End of September: 28.8m (+3.5m)
End of December: 35.8m (+7.0m)
End of March: 38.3m (+2.5m)

I really really wants to see Sony shipping over 40m this FY but I guess they will fall just a bit ahead 38m.

They're not gonna ship only 2.5m in the same quarter Uncharted 4 & Street Fighter 5 launch.


They are selling like hotcakes, have a great 3rd party offering for the rest of the year and an awesome list of 2016 exclusives. They are already outselling by far the competition and need this extra profit.

Price cut doesn't make sense until 2017.

Eh they'll cut the price before then. My best bet is spring 2015


3.0M Q1??!

Very strong numbers and even with all the first party development and collaborations and third party deals they are still posting profits within the sector. What sector does Morpheus development fall under?

With all the wheels spinning and Morpheus development and all that, with no price cut needed to stay on top in sales with some major releases coming throughout the year ... Very strong from Sony.

Kaz is doing fantastic work
sörine;173494263 said:
I'm not sure that's true. Biggest for PS4 perhaps but Wii U and Xbox One are doing far worse there than America.

Biggest for consoles in general i believe they mean, it just so happens that both Microsoft and Nintendo have done a great job of either making themselves irrelevant or alienated their audience so they cant take advantage of that potential growth.


People said this generation was supposed to be front loaded. When does the front load end?

I don't understand. The ongoing chart, of which there is an updated version in the OP, very clearly shows that the PS4 has fallen behind the Wii and will likely fall behind the PS2 soon.
Is it safe to say Xbox One will never recover from this WW?

Almost 40M by next March, damn.

Their chance is next to none but why should MS care though? XB1 numbers are not bad by any mean. As long as their gaming division still generates profits, MS will continue going at their pace and try to beat PS4 in NA. That's all they can do.

Next year will be crucial year for PS4. Bombs after bombs will drop when there are ~40m PS4 in the wild and also the beginning of VR era.


I don't understand. The ongoing chart, of which there is an updated version in the OP, very clearly shows that the PS4 has fallen behind the Wii and will likely fall behind the PS2 soon.

Just because it's not keeping up with the Wii doesn't mean it's completely frontloaded. It's selling very well quarter after quarter. Take a look at the WiiU and notice how sales completely flatlined after launch, now that's frontloaded.


Gold Member
I don't understand. The ongoing chart, of which there is an updated version in the OP, very clearly shows that the PS4 has fallen behind the Wii and will likely fall behind the PS2 soon.

PS2 had a $100 price cut already before this same point we are in (PS4 is double the price of the PS2 at this same life cycle). PS4 cuts it this Fall, it will continue to rise instead of cross.


Biggest for consoles in general i believe they mean, it just so happens that both Microsoft and Nintendo have done a great job of either making themselves irrelevant or alienated their audience so they cant take advantage of that potential growth.
They who? All 3 consoles did great in Europe last gen (it was also the only region where PS3 was at all competitive with PS1/2 fwiw). This gen PS4's doing a bit better but Wii and Xbox (outside the UK) have essentially fallen off the map. Is there even overall home console growth gen on gen? There certainly isn't if we add handhelds.


I wouldn't hold out for a price cut if I were on the fence with these sales numbers. Simply no reason to. Bundle games for sure, but price cut no.
I don't understand. The ongoing chart, of which there is an updated version in the OP, very clearly shows that the PS4 has fallen behind the Wii and will likely fall behind the PS2 soon.

Regarding PS2 it was in pretty different phase than PS4 is currently because they launched so differently. If I read that chart right it pretty much looks like that PS2 had holiday quarter now compared to Q1 of PS4. Next quarter the gap will shrink more but after that it will grow again as PS4 enters holiday season and PS2 has normal quarter. Not to mention PS2 had already played huge price cut card at this point of its life. Still of course I also believe that at some point it will fall behind PS2s pace.


PS4 being up YoY must be very hard to swallow for the "consoles are front loaded, sales will collapse" people.

As one of those people (not so sure I agree with the whole collapsing thing, just they this gen will have a much smaller install base than last gen by 2019) and as the Creator of that chart I disagree haha.

There is clear signs thst the overall market has contracted and that we won't see a large install base this gen.

But hey, I hope i'm wrong.


Regarding PS2 it was in pretty different phase than PS4 is currently because they launched so differently. If I read that chart right it pretty much looks like that PS2 had holiday quarter now compared to Q1 of PS4. Next quarter the gap will shrink more but after that it will grow again as PS4 enters holiday season and PS2 has normal quarter. Not to mention PS2 had already played huge price cut card at this point of its life. Still of course I also believe that at some point it will fall behind PS2s pace.

Also you have to remember that PS2 numbers are production shipments where as PS4 numbers are retail shipments.

Hence why PS2 numbers dont have a trend of low Q2/high Q3 like PS4.

But yeh, PS2 really did well early on and continually as well.
sörine;173495376 said:
They who? All 3 consoles did great in Europe last gen (it was also the only region where PS3 was at all competitive with PS1/2 fwiw). This gen PS4's doing a bit better but Wii and Xbox (outside the UK) have essentially fallen off the map. Is there even overall home console growth gen on gen? There certainly isn't if we add handhelds.

Well probably not in Europe but in rest of the world could be. Just in middle east PS4 was closing in to 1 million of sales at the beginning of this year. MS and Nintendo have always been pretty minor players in non traditional markets so if PS4 is seeing growth compared to past PlayStations the market is also growing.
sörine;173495376 said:
They who? All 3 consoles did great in Europe last gen (it was also the only region where PS3 was at all competitive with PS1/2 fwiw). This gen PS4's doing a bit better but Wii and Xbox (outside the UK) have essentially fallen off the map. Is there even overall home console growth gen on gen? There certainly isn't if we add handhelds.
Hey i was just trying to explain what i thought the other poster meant, thats all. Not too sure of the figures myself but my point regarding Nintendo and Microsoft are relevant to their positions in Europe.
Also you have to remember that PS2 numbers are production shipments where as PS4 numbers are retail shipments.

Hence why PS2 numbers dont have a trend of low Q2/high Q3 like PS4.

But yeh, PS2 really did well early on and continually as well.

Good point. Didn't remember that.
Really hope Japan / Asia come around so Japanese development will be profitable for those crews this gen on consoles. Would be a dream scenario


(07-31-2014, 01:37 PM)

The craziest thing about how fast the PS4 is selling is that it could be at over 25 million before Sony even release any of it's go to system sellers.

No Gran Turismo in sight

No God of War in sight

Uncharted will be the 1st well known "System Seller" from Sony on the PS4 & that's coming maybe at the end of next year when PS4 is most likely to have already sold over 25 million.

PS4 even crushed my prediction of 25 million by time Uncharted come out. now it's going to be over 35 million before Uncharted comes out.


This is good. Now let's get the PS4 to 25 mil sold through!

This gen is pretty much a wrap it would seem. Xbox One's only got NA to lean on and Nintendo's slowly letting the Wii U die.

How boring :/
Kaz has actually turned things around.

What a champ.

Don't forget the guys behind him. Boyes, Cerny and Co, they all were involved in some critical decisions, e.g. putting 8 GB GDDR5 RAM into it.

And let's not forget, the unknown hero (well, for me at least) who thought it would be a good idea to go with a pure - some might say boring - gaming machine which basically does only one thing (gaming), but this properly and comparably cheap.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
PS4 and imaging are the ticket for Sony right now. Considering how little of a footprint they have in subsidized smartphone markets, selling components to Apple is not a mixed bag for them like it is for Samsung or LG. Even a lot of the emerging Chinese OEMs selling unlocked phones are using Sony's camera senors.

All they really have to do at this point is start getting first party software out on time.


sörine;173495376 said:
They who? All 3 consoles did great in Europe last gen (it was also the only region where PS3 was at all competitive with PS1/2 fwiw). This gen PS4's doing a bit better but Wii and Xbox (outside the UK) have essentially fallen off the map. Is there even overall home console growth gen on gen? There certainly isn't if we add handhelds.

You're making the mistake of assuming PAL = Europe, PAL includes The Middle East & North Africa, as well as Australia.

As one of those people (not so sure I agree with the whole collapsing thing, just they this gen will have a much smaller install base than last gen by 2019) and as the Creator of that chart I disagree haha.

There is clear signs thst the overall market has contracted and that we won't see a large install base this gen.

But hey, I hope i'm wrong.

It definitely contracted in Japan & North America, but the rest of the world is making up for it as of right now.

I wasn't talking about you when talking about front loaded sales BTW lol, there were people that thought the PS4 would completely collapse after the launch hype.

Mikey Jr.

Ps4 should drop in price this holiday tbh. Yeah, they lose out on console revenue, but make up for it with game sales, digital downloads, ps+, accessories, etc.

Plus it increases the gap between them and the competition.
Anyway. You guys should know that PS4 sold better this quarter than Xbox One + Xbox 360 + Wii U + Wii + 3DS combined....
Wow -_-. Do you have a rate by any chance? 55:45, 60:40

Mikey Jr. said:
Ps4 should drop in price this holiday tbh. Yeah, they lose out on console revenue, but make up for it with game sales, digital downloads, ps+, accessories, etc.

Plus it increases the gap between them and the competition.
PS4 will be successful either way. But PS2 is the best selling of all time and they were far more aggressive than they are with the PS4.


Ps4 should drop in price this holiday tbh. Yeah, they lose out on console revenue, but make up for it with game sales, digital downloads, ps+, accessories, etc.

Plus it increases the gap between them and the competition.

I'm no econ major, but seems silly to drop the price when your product is selling better than it ever has.
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