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Splatoon | Review Thread


Heh, this is great.


If they are going to release 9 new maps until August (as shown in the Splatoon Direct), they are either already completed or very easy to do/balance.

Of course they are working on many maps the same time. That said the effort that balancing maps takes shouldn't be underestimated. Especially in a game like this you just need to release one map that isn't in perfect balance to do serious damage to your game. Part of balancing maps is countless of hours gameplay testing in near finished stages.

Yet I do believe at least part of the reason behind hold up is providing players an extra incentive to come back each week to play more Splatoon. Keeping up the online population might be one driving factor behind doing it like this.
Of course they are working on many maps the same time. That said the effort that balancing maps takes shouldn't be underestimated. Especially in a game like this you just need to release one map that isn't in perfect balance to do serious damage to your game. Part of balancing maps is countless of hours gameplay testing in near finished stages.

Yet I do believe at least part of the reason behind hold up is providing players an extra incentive to come back each week to play more Splatoon. Keeping up the online population might be one driving factor behind doing it like this.

Heck, even the paintbrush looks done and won't be available for a while.

I doubt that's for padding.
I think the fact that Nintendo has revealed a tight schedule for post-launch content helps in softening the blow. It kinda makes sense why they would do it, whether the content is finished or not, as a way to get people coming back and not abandon the game a month from now. Friend lobbies are the biggest miss at launch, and maybe that truly does need more work before they can launch it. The base game works well and has singleplayer content which probably deserves the scores it gets.

Plus, not having friend lobbies until August kinda keeps the mystery of whether or not Splatoon will eventually get voice chat like MK8 or Smash's friend lobbies huh.


Yeah it's amazing to see how well people are doing with the charger. I want to give it a shot since I didn't get enough time with it on the testfire. He's not using his grenades either, which I find is a good tool to keep players from running away.

The problem with them is that they take up so much ink. I use them a lot but I admit I run in the lack of ink constantly.
I still wonder how the hell Evolve got all those E3 awards and not Splatoon. This game is legit.

To be fair, the core concept of Evolve rules, and it would demo super well (especially if you have a rep guiding you). It's when you peel back the layers to reveal how hollow it is that it starts to fall apart.
-Splattershot Jr.
-Bubbler ready to pop
-Full ink
-1 minute left
-"I'm not going down to the middle, that's just a clusterfuck"


I wish he would change his header. I mean, he was doing alright before but I guess people are getting more familiar with the game now.

News time!
Since I wrote this review for Ars Technica, here's the corresponding explanation (also in the review) -

"You'll want to switch to joystick-only controls as quickly as possible for one reason: the motion controls will frequently turn your joystick off in the heat of battle, effectively making it impossible to quickly turn around when, for example, a paint-rolling opponent is about to run you down."

I'm very confused as to why this was happening to you. It never happened in my few hours with the game, and I haven't seen anyone else mentioning this experience with either the testfire or review copies. I love the gyro controls, they feel way more precise than standard dual analog.


Since I wrote this review for Ars Technica, here's the corresponding explanation (also in the review) -

"You'll want to switch to joystick-only controls as quickly as possible for one reason: the motion controls will frequently turn your joystick off in the heat of battle, effectively making it impossible to quickly turn around when, for example, a paint-rolling opponent is about to run you down."
You got any video of this, because that sounds like a hell of a bug?


Seems like Nintendo can do whatever they want and still score high, wow.

If by whatever you want means smash out a large range of diverse titles with new and interesting mechanics and nail it, then yeh it certainly seems thats way.

Wii U, it doesn't get a lot of games, but Nintendo is delivering the goods on fun factor.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I'm excited. Wish I didn't have a bunch of stuff to do on Friday. I'm not worried about the lack of content. I, and everyone I know, typically stick to the few standout maps and modes in games like this.


Wow, the guy had on a bubbleshield and the enemy had the long range gun, dont know what it is called, but the other guy was pushing him back with the shield on till it was gone.

Interesting, the bubbleshield has some drawbacks.
Seems like Nintendo can do whatever they want and still score high, wow.

It sounds like the core game is enjoyable enough that the lack of content, while a negative, doesn't detract enough from the experience to warrant a lower score. Even still, it's not like it's getting straight 9-10s; at least nine sites/publications have rated it below an 80 (using MC scores), with another nine giving it an 80 thus far. It sounds like a good game with some flaws, room for improvement and that's currently lacking in content. (We know they'll at least address the lack of content.)


Since I wrote this review for Ars Technica, here's the corresponding explanation (also in the review) -

"You'll want to switch to joystick-only controls as quickly as possible for one reason: the motion controls will frequently turn your joystick off in the heat of battle, effectively making it impossible to quickly turn around when, for example, a paint-rolling opponent is about to run you down."

During the demo i always thought it wasn't turning for me either,
then i noticed that i was pushing the stick north-east instead of completely sideways in panic.
The y-axis being disables screws with noticing this.


I could play the same arena and same mode for days.

The game is THAT fun.

(I could also play a few other shooters that are that good like that without it getting stale)

You don't need 500 arenas and 17 modes to have a good time.

It just seems the core of the game is so good that it still is scoring well in the state it's in.

Oh believe me, I know that more does not equal better, and going to the other end of the spectrum is also problematic as you get modes that not enough people play or maps that are just skipped over completely. Every big FPS that has tons of modes runs into this problem, but there is a nicer middle ground so as to make it seem to have some variety and the newer maps should help out.

I think its pretty clear that the lack of content is a major reason these scores are in the 8 range. From the reviews, it sounds like a fantastic game that would have scored in the 9-10 range if it weren't for the lack of content.

Maybe 8.4 is the lowered score. There's no magical formula as to what content is worth on a point by point rate.

Besides, this isn't a matter of Nintendo not delivering on what was promised. They've been pretty upfront as to what will be released at a later date, and giving time frames.

Yup, there is no magic checkbox of what needs to be checked off and the final score places give it, it really boils down to the person who writes it and how they feel with the game. That being said, a game that does lack some features is kinda odd getting perfect scores (fine from some non gaming outlets).

My major point is that if say, Activision, or Ubi had said the same thing, released a game that was actually technically and mechanically competent but said the same thing about the DLC, I'm sure gaming outlets would be out for blood. I'm sure this will be brought up the next time one of the other big publishers want to do something similar.

Lol, this crap again.

So you want to actually debate something I said or just want to do a drive by shit post?


I'm excited. Wish I didn't have a bunch of stuff to do on Friday. I'm not worried about the lack of content. I, and everyone I know, typically stick to the few standout maps and modes in games like this.
I think that's exactly the reason why they're handling the modes and the maps this way. Certainly it's a good "coincidence" that it allowed them to release the game early as well; but with such a fresh, innovative concept it leaves to players the time to get familiar with the mechanics, while keeping them interested with new content (and, most importantly, keeping them actually interested IN the new content).


Ye guys shouldn't bother mass quoting comments like nampad's. Most of the time those posters never return to the thread. They're effectively baiting you.

The Best Buy Splatoon bundle is gonna make it to Mexico via Liverpool Stores, consider me pleasantly surprised. Aaaah, the wait, it burns...
My major point is that if say, Activision, or Ubi had said the same thing, released a game that was actually technically and mechanically competent but said the same thing about the DLC, I'm sure gaming outlets would be out for blood. I'm sure this will be brought up the next time one of the other big publishers want to do something similar.

I'm trying to think of a similar situation happening with another publisher (when the game is still tehnically competent, and the publisher has been upfront for weeks or more that conent would continue in the months after release), because I'm not sure I agree that they'd be immediately torn apart. Especially in Nintendo's case, where they aren't repeat offenders.

At the end of the day, the idea that people don't hold Nintendo to blame the same way they would with an Ubisoft, etc does hold some nugget of truth if only because Nintendo is generally pretty good about being upfront with people, and not making it look like they are trying to dupe us. I'm not losing my mind that Splatoon is missing features at launch because Nintendo has been pretty open about what isn't there, and when it will be there. That's informing your customer, and letting them make a decision. So for us to expect reviewers to lower scores is a bit silly, because the expectations had been set weeks ago. None of this is a surprise.
Last I heard there were more Splatoon pre-orders in Japan than the total sales of The Wonderful 101 in North America as of March 2015


This simply cannot be true. There are a number of posters in another Splatoon thread saying this game would be a flop on the same level as The Wonderful 101!


Unconfirmed Member
Man, these streams are not getting good numbers. People haven't really been streaming the game before today, right?


Regarding the rolled out content, I know Destiny got a lot of criticism for doing something similar but that was more with regard to the single player & story being incomplete. Are all of Destiny's expansions paid dlc or are they free like Splatoon's?


Man, these streams are not getting good numbers. People haven't really been streaming the game before today, right?

It doesn't help that besides a lack of community features, the game isn't out yet, and most of the streamers are just bad.


Unconfirmed Member
It doesn't help that besides a lack of community features, the game isn't out yet, and most of the streamers are just bad.
It usually helps if a game isn't out yet, because people want to see it. But well, it's not an established IP, who knows.
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