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[SPOILERS] Star Wars: The Force Awakens - It's True. All of it.

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I do like how poe is so strong in the force and went around discovering hew awakened power. Kylo ren just seemed week but im sure the training will make him a stronger adversary since the story needs that, otherwise its gonna be straight up Ls for the dark side. Seriously, the dark side has gotta win sometime


Grand Moff Tarkin would take one look at General Hux, shake his head in disgust, and tell him to get on his hands and knees and shine his boots.

The First Order whippersnappers have nothing on the Empire when it comes to sophisticated despotism!
She was Han's daughter originally.

They ruined it IMO. But she might as well be Skywalker.

She needs to be Luke's.

Because I don't want that little shit of Kylo being the only Solo AND Skywalker left.
If Rey turns out to be Han and Leia's daughter then I quite like the brother vs sister showdown it sets up.


I can't disagree with any of this. I actually really like the fanatic angle and it fits his character/costume perfectly.


Kylo Ren being an unhinged brat is exactly what I wanted. I never really hated the character of Vader, but I wanted Chewie to fuck Ren up. I love that I dislike the character of Ren and that he isn't some one-dimensional op Sith lord.


So when trolls spoil TFA, what are they actually spoiling?


Pretty much exactly what I was thinking the whole drive home. There really isn't that much to spoil, and even then Han dying didn't seem like all that huge of a deal.

I hope Ren's injuries were enough to make him keep that mask on.

It seemed too obvious for Abrams to have Rey be Luke's daughter so I am guessing she is Yoda's kid.
Nothing 100% confirmed.

But leaks that got 80% right (so can't be a fluke) stated she was.

The leaks never said one way or the other. What happened there was a couple sites basically started speculating based on their own spoilers, and started pushing that pretty hard, so people came to basically believe they were one and the same. But they weren't. I remember Making Star Wars specifically having to back off their certainty somewhere after June.

But the leaks never definitively pointed at Rey as being Skywalker or Solo. They did however point straight at Kylo being Han & Leia's.
Grand Moff Tarkin would take one look at General Hux, shake his head in disgust, and tell him to get on his hands and knees and shine his boots.

The First Order whippersnappers have nothing on the Empire when it comes to sophisticated despotism!

You're joking right?

Empire: "We blew up Alderaan and some rebel ships with the Death Star."

First Order: "Well, we blew up a cluster of planets with a single blow and we reload off stars."


Beat EviLore at pool.
Pretty much exactly what I was thinking the whole drive home. There really isn't that much to spoil, and even then Han dying didn't seem like all that huge of a deal.

I hope Ren's injuries were enough to make him keep that mask on.

It seemed too obvious for Abrams to have Rey be Luke's daughter so I am guessing she is Yoda's kid.

Han dying and Kylo being his kid is the only true spoilers. Other then that is a new fancy New Hope.


Luke is going to have a kid somewhere I have a feeling. It is either going to be Poe or Rey. Fuck what if Han was sleeping around and Poe is his kid.

Chances are Lukes kid is Rey though no matter what it just makes sense.

It's not Poe. That has already been explained in the Shattered Empire comics.

EDIT: Beaten


I found both, Kylo and that general, to be miscasted. Kylo looks like an utter milk face. I dunno, I would have liked someone like Loki, or something else entirely. The general overacted SO hard it was cringeworthy at some points. He also doesn't seem to really fit. I also can't seem to take him serious in that role, because I always see as a whimp due to Frank and About time.


semen stains the mountaintops
When do I get my Punished C3PO spin off? C has come to.



You're joking right.

Empire: We blew up Alderaan and some rebel ships with the Death Star.

First Order: We blew up a cluster of planets in a single blow and we reload off stars.

I'm not talking about military power - I'm talking about class and sophistication.

These First Order types are all flash, no cash!
Does anyone else think there's a chance Rey could end up with a Darth Maul / staff saber ? Seems like that was being hinted at with her using the staff for everything, but it also seems that Anakin's saber has some sort of magic to it. Would also be cool to have each main character have some kind of physically unique weapon.


Anyone else feel Han meeting face to face with Ben the first time above a giant chasm subconsciously foreshadowed his death a little too much? I mean, maybe that's the point, to pay homage to all the other Star Wars films where people are flung down into a bottomless pit, but it really felt like it was barreling straight towards that conclusion a little too hard.

Maybe if they at least treated the pit as an inevitable metaphor that Han treated with an urgency and desperation to change, it could have been an even more emotionally compelling scene for 2 characters we never see together before, but as it was, it was a shock but a little disappointing since Han didn't even seem to see it coming. Even a hint that he knew he could be facing his death would be pretty powerful.

Oh, he knew. His facial expression when he decided to confront Ren was that of a man who knew the odds were better than not that he was going to die.
I'm not talking about military power - I'm talking about class and sophistication.

These First Order types are all flash, no cash!

Strictly speaking, it took shit that has literally never been done before in history to pull off that assault (hyperspace into atmosphere). If someone can do that, you just tip your hat. Empire or First Order.
Crap, this is moving too fast.
I feel like the only person who thought it was clear that Luke isn't her father.

When Maz is talking about her waiting for her parents and she says, "You know the truth, the people who left you aren't coming back for you. But there is one who might."

Don't think it necessarily means that, we don't know who left her there, it's possible Luke had others (the people who left her there that aren't coming back) take her so he wouldn't know where she is but her (re)connecting with the Force and through its will, leads her and Luke back together... Or something. I think who her father is doesn't really need to be a mystery when as already said the bigger mystery could be who her mother is instead of a parentage of no existing or established character. Anakin's lightsaber calling to her I think makes it clear she's from the Skywalker bloodline just as Kylo the helmet of Darth Vader seems to be his thing and the symbolism that exists there. With obviously the lightsaber being Anakin's connection to the Jedi and the light side while obvious the Vader helmet the connection to the dark.

In a way it could also be a spin on the Jacen/Jania story but with cousins instead, at least from what little I remember of it.

Maybe that's Han's fetish?


I enjoyed the movie but I also echo the sentiment that the movie is a rethread of new hope. Sterile it's in approach and lacking anything new that I would hope would come from the imagination of JJ Abrams. My negatives are the score was lacking, Phasma was underutilized and Snokes seemed silly.

I don't understand the non attempt to establish Captain Phasma as a bad ass character! They could've made that big brute and his lady friend capture bb 8 at Maz Kanata's cantina to sell to the highest bidder. And have Captain Phasma confront and fight them both. But instead we got that stupid scene that just deflates her character into an incompetent tin foil can stormtropper with a female voice. Another negative I have with the movie is the supreme leader Snokes (stupid ass prequel caliber name). Might as well call him jersey shore Snooki. If he really is as big as his projections we are going into Zentradi territory... in Star Wars.

Overall despite harping on negatives. I'm glad Star Wars is back!!! Liked Ren, Rey, Fin and Poe and can't wait to see what happens next.


I found both, Kylo and that general, to be miscasted. Kylo looks like an utter milk face. I dunno, I would have liked someone like Loki, or something else entirely. The general overacted SO hard it was cringeworthy at some points. He also doesn't seem to really fit. I also can't seem to take him serious in that role, because I always see as a whimp due to Frank and About time.

Agreed. Maybe the dude playing him is a great actor in other roles but I didn't think he pulled off the Ren role at all. Once the mask came off he was just about the least intimidating person on the planet. That scene with Rey was awesome, except when they cut to him and he just looked like he wet himself, even before she started fighting back. At least get someone who can look sort of mean and scary if you need to show him without a mask. That guy just looks petulant.
I'm not talking about military power - I'm talking about class and sophistication.

These First Order types are all flash, no cash!

They're the upstarts, the right wing splinter group, the castaways, the leftovers. The Empire had the luxury of being the establishment, picking the finest of the Republic's officers.


Aweosme movie felt,like a child

So is Rey Han or Like daughter? They hinted at her being Han

Alan Rickman Jr was good,as Kylo Ren

Impossible for her to be Han's. Han and Leia both met her and neither acted in any way shape or form as if she was.

She is either Luke's, or someone we don't know. If she was Luke's, then even Han and Leia probably didn't even know he had a child. My guess is she isn't Luke's daughter, but Luke either knew her parents or took care of her before she was left on Jakku.

It feels to me like whoever left her on Jakku had no other choice, so I doubt it was Luke who did so.


Agreed. Maybe the dude playing him is a great actor in other roles but I didn't think he pulled off the Ren role at all. Once the mask came off he was just about the least intimidating person on the planet. That scene with Rey was awesome, except when they cut to him and he just looked like he wet himself, even before she started fighting back. At least get someone who can look sort of mean and scary if you need to show him without a mask. That guy just looks petulant.

The whole point of his character is that he isnt some walking badass sith lord. Hes just a wannabe little shit


If Rey turns out to be Han and Leia's daughter then I quite like the brother vs sister showdown it sets up.

That would have been amazing, they even had many scenes where Rey and Han had a lot of common points.

Down the pooper.

Also, I was spoiled about Han's death.

It made it better.

I would have been an angry fanboy if I had found out watching the movie.

Made me appreciate his scenes more knowing what would happen. They also tweaked the murder scene a bit from what I had read, and it was much better. (showed Kylo actually hesitating)


Agreed. Maybe the dude playing him is a great actor in other roles but I didn't think he pulled off the Ren role at all. Once the mask came off he was just about the least intimidating person on the planet. That scene with Rey was awesome, except when they cut to him and he just looked like he wet himself, even before she started fighting back. At least get someone who can look sort of mean and scary if you need to show him without a mask. That guy just looks petulant.

When you think about it though Anakin was petulant as fuck and Kyle wants to be just like ol grand dad.
But there is a Republic...

It's in like the third line of the opening crawl.

The Republic was formed after Endor, demilitarized sometime after but they still secretly fund the Resistance (led by Leia) who carry out clandestine operations against the FO
Who gives a shit now though, its established on a planet they created for this movie and gets one-shoted in its only appearance.
We waited 30 years for a sequel to Jedi and the only sign of that success gets destroyed instantly in its first second of appearance.
I honestly can't believe how so many are overlooking that horrendous part of the movie.

It ruins the OT.


Beat EviLore at pool.
If Rey turns out to be Han and Leia's daughter then I quite like the brother vs sister showdown it sets up.

It is going to be a cousin showdown. If Rey was Leia's something would of been said. She is probably Lukes kid. Got all the good jedi traits from the father and the mother probably got killed by Ren when he went on a rampage. Luke probably brought Rey to safety so nothing happens. Exactly like Obi-wan did.
here's my guess: Leia was pregnant when Han left and she decided to hide Rey so she wouldn't become a Sith.

Rey was hidden at like, age 5 though.

There's no way she's Han & Leia's. Not just because even IF Luke was looking to mindwipe people (which isn't even ability we know he has, yet) to hide her from Kylo or Snoke, you can't mindwipe EVERYONE who knows Han & Leia. Someone would have known that she was pregnant, and then gave birth again - much less raised a daughter for 5 years and sent her, along with Kylo, to Luke's academy.


One issue I can't shake off is how the Starkiller Base's defences were so weak. How come they couldn't defend themselves from one squadron of X-Wing fighters? When Hux said to release all squadrons it still felt as if they were only a handful of ships. Not to mention how the Han, Finn, and Rey just felt like they were all over the place in that huge base. The scale of the base's interiors felt so small.

I hope we get to see more of the Knights of Ren in the second film. Would be cool if Snoke had another favored powerful pupil hidden from Kylo in case he keeps messing up his missions.


The whole point of his character is that he isnt some walking badass sith lord. Hes just a wannabe little shit

A wannabe little shit who is apparently second in command of the leaders of the galaxy? Ok.

When you think about it though Anakin was petulant as fuck and Kyle wants to be just like ol grand dad.
That's why they got an equally bad actor! It makes so much sense now. Thank you!


Who's this Supreme One? And why did they choose full CG instead of some the great practical makeup effects they have...?


I think maybe that Rey has already been trained as a young kid and for what reason she was placed in hiding. Maybe Luke hid her and wiped her memory and when she got near the saber she had flash backs of the knights of Ren. I think thats why she has some knowledge of the force powers.

What if she is not going but returning to Luke


Who's this Supreme One? And why did they choose full CG instead of some the great practical makeup effects they have...?

Cause Serkis wanted a job.

I think maybe that Rey has already been trained as a young kid and for what reason she was placed in hiding. Maybe Luke hid her and wiped her memory and when she got near the saber she had flash backs of the knights of Ren. I think thats why she has some knoledge of the force powers.

Yep, almost certain. She mysteriously doesn't remember living on another planet, but is old enough to remember her parents leaving her. Unless they all lived on Jakku when she was even younger.
Oh, he knew. His facial expression when he decided to confront Ren was that of a man who knew the odds were better than not that he was going to die.

This is why I liked it so much and I think people misunderstand it. The movie wasnt trying to fool you. It knew that you had figured it out, and it used that fact to build tension. Everyone knew the outcome, even Han. But he refused to back down, he had to try. He died loving his son regardless of his own safety. Han made his point, and I suspect this moment may come back into play in a later movie regarding Ren's personal struggles.


Everything adds up to Rey being Luke's daughter or a really good misdirect. All the winks, hints, implications, etc. strongly suggest the former.


Some Ls that I noticed for the movie:
Ben looked goofy and sounded even goofier with his mask on.
Ben's master is Smeagol.
No sex scene between Han and Leia(huge missed opportunity)
No signs of incest.
Planet pokeball had no pokemon.
Where were the super saiyans?


Beat EviLore at pool.
I think maybe that Rey has already been trained as a young kid and for what reason she was placed in hiding. Maybe Luke hid her and wiped her memory and when she got near the saber she had flash backs of the knights of Ren. I think thats why she has some knowledge of the force powers.

What if she is not going but returning to Luke

Most likely I think Luke taught his daughter at a young age and sent her away when her cousin went on a rampage.
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