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Spring 2011 Anime Thread PART TWO return of sex hair, ghosts, and ZAWA

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A Good Citizen
Unknown Soldier said:
Now she's performing the OP for Revolutionary Girl Utena, a show which certainly isn't on my watch list.
First you say most noitaminA shows sucked and now this? Somebody's gotta be looking for reactions.


Articalys said:
I know how much we all value having information ASAP, but it would be nice if just for one month, there were no leaks or scans and things could be released when they were intended. Let a surprise stay a surprise until it was supposed to be revealed. But who am I kidding, this is the internet age, that's never going to happen.

You can choose not to read the thread you know. For example, I haven't seen any of the new screens or trailers for Mass Effect 3, and I haven't read any of the previews or interviews. I think when I eventually play the game, lots of things will be surprising to me which other people probably already know about.


duckroll said:
You can choose not to read the thread you know. For example, I haven't seen any of the new screens or trailers for Mass Effect 3, and I haven't read any of the previews or interviews. I think when I eventually play the game, lots of things will be surprising to me which other people probably already know about.
No, I know I could always go on blackout, and it's not like I have a problem with it, I just think I would have too much pride as a producer or director or whatever to have everything spreading across the net before I was ready for it.
But like I said it's unavoidable, so there's no point to really arguing over it or whatever. It was just some inane rambling from someone who's really bored right now.
Aigis said:
First you say most noitaminA shows sucked and now this? Somebody's gotta be looking for reactions.

What? I'm just commenting on random songs as they come up and the shows they were attached to. I defy any of you to tell me you've watched every single show and movie listed on this setlist. Anyways, Himeka is now performing the OP for Melancholy of Haruhi, a show I also haven't seen which also isn't on my watch list! She seems to be having a good time on the stage at any rate. I wonder why she wanted to be an anisong singer anyways, with that voice she could have been the next Celine Dion. Actually, I think I know why now. >_>


Articalys said:
No, I know I could always go on blackout, and it's not like I have a probelm with it, I just think I would have too much pride as a producer or director or whatever to have everything spreading across the net before I was ready for it.

If it's important enough, there won't be any leaks. If they decide to put the same information they want to announce into a magazine which they know will hit the internet a few days before the street date, then it is clearly not that important to them that such information leaks out before hand.


duckroll said:
If it's important enough, there won't be any leaks. If they decide to put the same information they want to announce into a magazine which they know will hit the internet a few days before the street date, then it is clearly not that important to them that such information leaks out before hand.
Hmm, I guess I didn't think of it that way before. I guess I'm just jealous that all my google-fu still hasn't found the right sources and I have to use this thread as my reference. Though I'm guessing the language barrier would still make anything I find near useless.

Anyway, I still haven't decided if I'm going to focus on only a handful of shows next season and risk missing out on a few gems, or if I'm going to go for broke and risk getting overwhelmed with six hours of anime each week.
Wow, Scandal are really nailing this cover of Don't Say Lazy. :3

Is it possible to say you are doing a cover of a song that was originally performed by a fictional band?
Articalys said:
Anyway, I still haven't decided if I'm going to focus on only a handful of shows next season and risk missing out on a few gems, or if I'm going to go for broke and risk getting overwhelmed with six hours of anime each week.
I have a friend that went all out this season from the start and I don't know how he does it. He only dropped 2 shows out of it all too. I guess eventually you would drop the bad ones, unless you like suffering. I tend to wait until a few episodes are out before I decide my line up. I can't judge a show based off one episode.
duckroll said:
For those who never venture into Gaming, here's the Ufotable animated opening FMV for the upcoming Black Rock Shooter PSP RPG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=906SBSxbymo

Well I hope the game is as good as that opening FMV. Though if it's going to be an RPG and not a, well, shooter, I don't know. I would have expected BRS The Game to be something like a platformer/shooter hybrid, maybe with gameplay similar to something like Dissidia. Oh well. Weren't they planning more BRS OVAs at one point? Whatever happened to that?


duckroll said:
For those who never venture into Gaming, here's the Ufotable animated opening FMV for the upcoming Black Rock Shooter PSP RPG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=906SBSxbymo
As I said in the gaming thread, it is still astounding to me that a simple illustration that inspired a song composed with a synthesized voice has led to something like this. An entire franchise with toys, manga, a short OVA, and now a full-length retail video game.


Unknown Soldier said:
Well I hope the game is as good as that opening FMV. Though if it's going to be an RPG and not a, well, shooter, I don't know. I would have expected BRS The Game to be something like a platformer/shooter hybrid, maybe with gameplay similar to something like Dissidia. Oh well. Weren't they planning more BRS OVAs at one point? Whatever happened to that?

The game should play similar to Last Ranker. Which means there are enemy encounters like any other RPG, but instead of using a menu, you map special attacks and skills onto the face buttons, and use them in real time with limitations of the power bar recharging, or cool down animations for some moves, etc.

As for further OVAs, last I heard Yamakan jumped off a cliff in one of the early episodes of HanaIro! :D
Shoko Nakagawa is all over the OP for Gurren Lagann. And now she's doing a song from FMA.

duckroll said:
The game should play similar to Last Ranker. Which means there are enemy encounters like any other RPG, but instead of using a menu, you map special attacks and skills onto the face buttons, and use them in real time with limitations of the power bar recharging, or cool down animations for some moves, etc.

Oh, that actually sounds pretty cool. I guess I should look in the gaming thread about this.

Izayoi said:
Now that's fucking awesome. I wish Ufotable would do more stuff. ;_;

Didn't they just spend the last few years on Kara no Kyoukai? They're free now to do other stuff! :3


Unknown Soldier said:
Didn't they just spend the last few years on Kara no Kyoukai? They're free now to do other stuff! :3
They've been done with KnK for a while now, haven't they?


e: Ah, finally thought of something constructive to ask with this wasted space of a post.

What's the deal with the different anime adaptions of Fate? I know the VN has multiple endings, so is it that the series did one ending, that film did another one, and now this is a prequel or something, if I remember correctly?
And which of them are worth watching?


Unknown Soldier said:
Didn't they just spend the last few years on Kara no Kyoukai? They're free now to do other stuff! :3
Yeah! With all those projects part of their "10 Biggest Announcements of ufotable 2010", and with the tight control of the production they have, I think they will be a little busy for a while.

Unknown Soldier said:
But it says they are doing Fate/zero this fall!
And also another TYPE-MOON project, Girls'Work (http://www.girlswork-animation.com/). They're working simultaneously on TALES OF XILLIA animation production, Minori Scramble! (みのりスクランブル!) OVAs (http://www.ufotable.com/special/minori/) and, as part of that CAPTAIN ANIMATE 10th ANNIVERSARY, the Anime Tenchō × Tōhō project (アニメ店長×東方project), among other things...
It's pretty awesome watching 17,000 people rocking out to anime songs. How does the crowd know how to wave those glow sticks in sync, anyways? I guess it's an example of a self-organizing system, everyone kinda watches what the people next to them are doing and the result is thousands of glow sticks waving up and down with astonishing synchronization.

edit: Who the hell are Granrodeo and how did they get so awesome?


Articalys said:
Anyway, I still haven't decided if I'm going to focus on only a handful of shows next season and risk missing out on a few gems, or if I'm going to go for broke and risk getting overwhelmed with six hours of anime each week.
At a glance Spring looks like it'll have more worthwhile shows than Summer. If you're only going to focus on a few good ones that would be the time I guess.

Izayoi said:
I9, your new avatar.

Spring thread is now Pomf thread.


More Pendrum fap material.

Original Character Designs:

Animation Character Designs:

Art Design:





Dat Penguin:


Cast for Penguin Drum:

Kanba Takakura - Subaru Kimura

Shoma Takakura - Ryohei Kimura

Himari Takakura - Miho Arakawa

Ringo Oginome - Marie Miyake

Special Guest Appearance - Megumi Iwasaki

Edit: I'm too lazy to edit the previous post, so yeah that's Guy1, Guy2, Girl1, and Girl2 in that order.


Two too many main male characters in that Penguin Drum show.
The character designer is known for drawing a lot of yaoi works, i wonder if this show will have any yaoi? :lol

Character designs look pretty neat, that penguin is so adorable~ i want to hug it.


Here's the complete announced staff list so far:

Director: Ikuhara Kunihiko
Original Character Design: Lily Hoshino
Animation Character Design: Terumi Nishii
Concept Design: Shouko Nakamura, Katsunori Shibata
Art Design: Akiyama Kentaro, Chieko Nakamura
Color Design: Kunio Tsujita
Music Composition: Yukari Hashimoto
Animation Production: Brain Base


Lame same composer as toradora, i guess we won't be getting a soundtrack as good as the original utena.:/


Kaiji - 10

You must be yay high to be on this ride.

Please keep your arms in at all times, leave any loose items on the platform and please be aware that this ride is not for those of a nervous disposition.


Lafiel said:
Lame same composer as toradora, i guess we won't be getting a soundtrack as good as the original utena.:/
There was a very small chance of tha that happenig anyway!


Unknown Soldier said:
Tell Japan to all watch it then. noitaminA didn't fail because it was too different, it failed because most of the shows were different and also sucked. The more different something is from the norm, the harder it is to be good you know.
This is the most ridiculous thing I've read in an anime thread for sometime. Which is fairly impressive, actually.
Branduil said:
Nice, Garzey's Wing came in the mail today.
Why would you do that to yourself and others.




Articalys said:
Anyway, I still haven't decided if I'm going to focus on only a handful of shows next season and risk missing out on a few gems, or if I'm going to go for broke and risk getting overwhelmed with six hours of anime each week.

I don't see how you guys do this to begin with. I stay a season behind in most things just to save me the trouble of wasting my time on stuff that's too far in garbage land. The seasonal threads then tell me what's worth watching with my intuition and personal taste filling in the gaps. There are some shows that look really good and I'll watch as each new episode is released - Durarara, Gurren Lagann, Kurenai and now Steins Gate being the most recent ones - but for the most part I just hold off and catch it later if it's worth watching.


duckroll said:
Original Character Design: Lily Hoshino
Animation Character Design: Terumi Nishii
Continuing in my futile quest to understand an anime production team, what would be the difference in these two roles, especially for a project that's an original anime and not based on an adaptation of anything? Is it just something like concept art vs. the final designs used in the show or something?


Articalys said:
Continuing in my futile quest to understand an anime production team, what would be the difference in these two roles, especially for a project that's an original anime and not based on an adaptation of anything? Is it just something like concept art vs. the final designs used in the show or something?

You got it. The orignal character designs are basically just "concept" art; the animation character designs represent how the characters are going to look in the show itself.
Jexhius said:
This is the most ridiculous thing I've read in an anime thread for sometime. Which is fairly impressive, actually.


Shangri-La 1:

Against my better judgment, I watched the first episode of this. Wow. What the hell did I just watch? So far we have the protagonist, who inexplicably wears a bog-standard Japanese high school uniform even though the whole country is apparently an overgrown jungle-filled ruin and there are no high schools in sight anywhere. She has a boomerang which can blow up tanks. WTF?

Her best friend and mentor is apparently a cross-dresser who use the POWER OF GAY to defeat opponents. Her grandmother is trying to make her be the leader of some eco-terrorist organization, which exists because of some kind of carbon-based cap-and-trade system which has turned into the primary economic driver in the world because it is enforced by a super-national Carbon Police and the militaries of major governments. Someone should show this anime to Sarah Palin or the Tea Party or something so they can rant about it on Fox News and blame Obama.

The "carbon markets" are being manipulated by a loli (rofl) who controls some kind of supercomputer or AI which can be used to Goldman Sachs the markets or someshit. There's also some evil female leader of the people who rule this big tower thing called Atlas which is evidently where all the rich and privilege peopled live, everybody else lives in what is now an overgrown jungle but which used to be called a city named 'Tokyo'. And there's a another loli who has dichromatic irises (think of Yuna's eyes) whose role is...hell, I dunno. At the end it turns out that Kuniko, the mysterious loli #2, and generic-looking but probably not-secretly important guy who appears in the OP who is this general guy's lieutenant or something all have these knives and when someone strikes one of the 3 knives, they all resonate or some shit and a bunch of shit falls from the sky and smashes all the shit it falls through. WTF?

So, in summary, a bunch of bizarre characters are introduced with seriously ugly character designs and they all manage to be shockingly boring. There does appear to be an underlying premise but I couldn't tell you a damn thing about what that might be other than it's supposed to be like all environmental and shit. Also, nobody fucks with the BOOMERANG OF PURE PWNAGE, though it's not explained how if the boomerang can cut through metal and blow tanks up, how Kuniko is able to catch it again after she throws it. I think I was like 'WTF' out loud at least 6 times during the first episode, that's an impressive accomplishment. It's like someone tried to make a post-modern version of Nausicaa but didn't have any idea what was good or bad about Nausicaa so they just made this instead.

Out of sheer curiosity about how many more times I can WTF, I want to watch a few more episodes. :3
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