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Spring 2011 Anime Thread PART TWO return of sex hair, ghosts, and ZAWA

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Anohana 9

... I don't even know anymore.
What is this story about, again?
And where is it going?
First, there's that "can Menma only write stuff in her diary?" thing, which I don't even... Then they go back to some sinister theories, "oh, surely they're just kidding... there you go, just some teen romance and love triangles, because that's apparently what the show was all ab- OH NO POPPO WHAT IS THAT? (and you're drinking in Jintan's cup, too? am I even supposed to notice that?)".
And then, there's the whole thing with the river, at the end. So unnerving. Not sure how much of it was on purpose exactly, but that only makes things worse. "Fuck, did Menma die again?! I guess she could, seeing how she's basically a mute invisible girl! ... Oh, wait, no... But I was meant to think about that, right? Oh, fuck, Jintan is reenacting Menma's death! ... Or not. What are you doing to me, show? And what's that last shot?! What are you hinting at? The (lack of) shoes? The shadows? There is something significant there, right?!"

I'm not sure how hopeful I should be about the conclusion, but I'm intrigued, at the very least...


Impressions dump!

Hanasaku 10

I'm not seeing the point in this anymore. Granted, it's a slice-of-life, but god; these are such mundane slices. It's not bad to the point of dropping, as it's still charming, and it's production values are as through the roof as ever, but damn. It's hitting me like K-on does atm.

Nichijou 9 (I'm like a perpetual ep behind)

This ep... wasn't all that funny, but that's expected; We only get a funny ep about every 3 eps. I will say one thing though, I've seen the light, and can totally agree with one of the arguments K-On defenders use. It's completely possible to enjoy a show off the quality of the production values. I never felt this way before, but it feels as if KyoAni is using this show as a testbed of new techniques, and I fucking love it. The scene with mosquitos being an example.

Yondemasu Yo Azazel 9

This was hilarious, absolutely hilarious. The main guy doesn't show up throughout the series as often as you'd be led to believe initially, but whenever he does it's a damn riot. His response to the otaku obsessions killed me. Anybody have any numbers for this show? I'd be interested in seeing how it's doing.


This isn't doing much for me. I can't exactly put my finger on why either, as I actually enjoyed the assistant teacher arc in the manga. It was nice to see the homeroom teacher again though.
God, let her be an upcoming conquest, please

Blue exorcist (current ep)

I swing between hating this one, and loving it. I'm in hating mode right now. I know we're in character introduction mode and all, but I haven't cared for any characters since Shiemi.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Izayoi said:
The... the possibilities!

Just imagine, you have a girl on the screen VN Style. You bring the controller up to a part of her body. You press a button on the controller, freezing that frame on the screen of a controller. You press on the touch screen of the controller and the corresponding action appears on the television screen.


All Hail Glorious Nippon!

The U in Wii U
Is for WaifU


Extollere said:
'stroking my head'? :p

Trojita said:
Just imagine, you have a girl on the screen VN Style. You bring the controller up to a part of her body. You press a button on the controller, freezing that frame on the screen of a controller. You press on the touch screen of the controller and the corresponding action appears on the television screen.


All Hail Glorious Nippon!

The U in Wii U
Is for WaifU

It's... glorious.


Trojita said:
Just imagine, you have a girl on the screen VN Style. You bring the controller up to a part of her body. You press a button on the controller, freezing that frame on the screen of a controller. You press on the touch screen of the controller and the corresponding action appears on the television screen.


All Hail Glorious Nippon!

The U in Wii U
Is for WaifU
Hire this man, Nintendo.
Shangri-La 2:

WTF count = 7

So far so good, Gonzo. You increased the WTF count from the first episode! Also, the joke about Kuniko's friend being a transsexual is old now. But you're not going to stop, are you? You're going to have him mention how much of a transsexual he is in every second or third sentence he utters the rest of this series, aren't you? Because I'm not planning on watching 24 episodes of this dreck, now I'm just humoring you another episode or two before I drop this, no matter how good the OP is!


Trojita said:
Just imagine, you have a girl on the screen VN Style. You bring the controller up to a part of her body. You press a button on the controller, freezing that frame on the screen of a controller. You press on the touch screen of the controller and the corresponding action appears on the television screen.


All Hail Glorious Nippon!

The U in Wii U
Is for WaifU

ahahaha! Perfect.


Trojita said:
Just imagine, you have a girl on the screen VN Style. You bring the controller up to a part of her body. You press a button on the controller, freezing that frame on the screen of a controller. You press on the touch screen of the controller and the corresponding action appears on the television screen.


All Hail Glorious Nippon!

The U in Wii U
Is for WaifU
Wasn't there some weird rail-shooter type game they released for the 360 kind of like this? GalGun, or something?
Sounds like an easy port.
Shangri-La 3:

WTF count = 4

I just don't even know anymore. Somebody, somewhere thought it was a good idea to fund this. They didn't fund it all that much, as the animation is pretty bad in a lot of places. When characters' faces change shape from scene to scene, you know the budget wasn't big. But the fact there was even a budget at all, somebody was losing money on this project, and the question is, why did they even approve it to begin with?
Shangri-La 4:


Transsexual jokes are soooooo funny, aren't they, Gonzo? Aren't they? AREN'T THEY?!

The scope of the world in Shangri-La is pretty impressive. I hope whoever drew the backgrounds and environment art for this show is working somewhere better than Gonzo now. The characters are all atrocious, especially transsexual dudes #1 and #2, they are just really fucking annoying. I wonder if the show will ever explain why Kuniko wears a school uniform, nobody else in the world does as there are apparently no schools in this dystopian future.


AnoHana - 9
Simply ridiculous.

Why take until the end of Episode 8 to reveal what we, the audience, have been speculating about only to be at a point where the characters are unmemorable? Why have Menma in Episode 9 move kitchen appliances to serving food in front of her friends and proving her presence to them now and not earlier in the story? This show lacks an identity of what it truly wants to be and it's showing.

My worse episode of this series.

Erigu said:
Anohana 9


I'm not sure how hopeful I should be about the conclusion, but I'm intrigued, at the very least...
I never thought Episode 9 would hint at a possible ending
where Menma could be revived.
Shangri-La 5:

WTF count =
Cole: "Look at all that juice!"
Baird: "Hey, Marcus. How much do you think all that Imulsion's worth?"
Marcus: "I don't think I can count that high."

All right, I've dropped this. I'm amazed I lasted 5 episodes. In the end it wasn't the terminally annoying main characters that did me in. It wasn't the jumping constantly to all these side characters who might matter later on but right now they're just wasting screen time. It wasn't the voice acting at all, the various people who did the voices were actually reasonably competent considering what the hell was going on around them. In the end, it was just the abysmally bad animation, everybody's faces quite literally looked different in every scene! Well, I had come to hate Kuniko's transsexual companion roughly 30 seconds after seeing his first scene and he's always with her, and Kuniko is the protagonist, so he's always there! Fuck you, Gonzo! >:|

I can see why this show was the end for Gonzo. You would think that a studio who knew this might be their last project would have tried a little harder, but I suppose it's always a mistake to overestimate Gonzo.


Anohana 9
Geneijin said:
Why take until the end of Episode 8 to reveal what we, the audience, have been speculating about? Why have Menma in Episode 9 move kitchen appliances to serving food in front of her friends and proving her presence to them now and not earlier in the story?
That was my problem last week. And then, this week,
they actually acknowledge that
, and... wait, what? I really don't know what to make of it...

I never thought Episode 9 would hint at a possible ending
where Menma could be revived.
I'm still a bit puzzled over her looking "older"... When the show began, all sorts of crazy theories came to mind because of that, and I kinda forgot them over time... but then
they bring that up again in this week's episode
, and there again, I'm not sure what to make of it. If there is something to make of it at all, for that matter.

It's like that for a bunch of stuff on the show (Jintan's mother, for example: is that actually linked to the main plot, or just backstory?), and while I appreciate surprises, I often feel like I'm at a loss as to what the show is trying to do/be (again with
Menma interacting with the physical world: "it's just played for laughs and we're not supposed to take that literally, right? oh shit, yes, we are, after all!"
... or
Menma's mother: "ohshit, plot twist: is she blaming them for her daughter's death?! ... okay, apparently dealt with within minutes of the next episode, move along...
), and I'm not convinced that's actually intended.

A filler episode.* The first half was pretty dumb, then Haqua showed up for the second half and redeemed it. I'm assuming the final arc will take up 3 episodes, then they'll slap on an anime-only ending and call it a series. ;_;

*I'm told that these episodes occur because that's what happens in the manga. I still consider them fillers.


Unknown Soldier said:

A filler episode.* The first half was pretty dumb, then Haqua showed up for the second half and redeemed it. I'm assuming the final arc will take up 3 episodes, then they'll slap on an anime-only ending and call it a series. ;_;

*I'm told that these episodes occur because that's what happens in the manga. I still consider them fillers.

Might as well. I'm pretty sure they filled up even the starting material.


Anohana 9 - Kinda blah, i dunno even though i was kinda "LOLOLOL" about episode 8 last week, it's kinda depressing what direction the show is taking now, when i envisioned something much more emotionally involving based on the first episode and OP / ED, the actual show content doesn't live up to those things at all, and it's possible they might not even go all "MONO NO AWARE" in the last episode, like i expected it to.;_;

Well even if it does the show has failed to make me give a shit about any of the characters anyway, i can't even bring myself to care about menma anymore, and she was the emotional "core" to the show! (for me).

At least i have only two more weeks to suffer through! at least I'm kinda curious on how they are going end it.


Unknown Soldier said:

A filler episode.* The first half was pretty dumb, then Haqua showed up for the second half and redeemed it. I'm assuming the final arc will take up 3 episodes, then they'll slap on an anime-only ending and call it a series. ;_;

*I'm told that these episodes occur because that's what happens in the manga. I still consider them fillers.
The silly, nerdy 'fillers' are some of the best parts in the series. I wonder if they'll ever get to the Summer Wars chapter.


AnoHana 9
What the fuck are they trying to do with this show.
This is why you don't try to tell what you think is an emotionally engaging ensemble cast drama in eleven episodes.
Two episodes from the end and we still have near zero characterization for half the main cast and near one-dimensionality for the rest, and a handful of gaping plot holes.

I've never seen a show that looked so promising then went downhill so fast.

Denpa 9
Getting better, but still not back at the height of the early episodes. It did make me switch my character tiers to Erio > Meme, though.


[C] 9 - This show is weirdly the polar opposite of anohana right now this started off mediocre (while anohana started off good) and these last two episodes have actually been really awesome compared to the rest of the series, still have no idea on how they are going end this series, but I'm enjoying the ride a lot right now, it's even starting to feel more like a nakamura show now!

I got a feeling the whole meaning of the series is going be related to the declining birthrates and the future of japan, because that's what the last two minutes of the episode hinted towards lulz.

Also on a another note Masahiko OTSUKA did the storyboard for this episode of [C] http://www.animenewsnetwork.com.au/encyclopedia/people.php?id=7736


Subete no aware
Meme is god tier.

Also, I have no real expectations for AnoHana anymore. They went full ghost and it didn't give them anything. AnarAtsu happening would probably the completely unexpected and hilarious ending though... although, I get the feeling that Yuki is only trying to hit on Anaru because it's the only way he can get back at Jintan.


Somehow, I get the feeling that you're really really excited for Pengindrum.
I mean, you even went to the trouble of capturing a frame from the commercial that was onscreen for all of a split second.


Articalys said:
Somehow, I get the feeling that you're really really excited for Pengindrum.
I mean, you even went to the trouble of capturing a frame from the commercial that was onscreen for all of a split second.

I only do it because of my deep love for 7th. One day he and I will be one. <3


I actually feel kind of bad that I've never seen Utena so I can't get into all the Ikuhara hype. I'd put it on my Netflix queue but the availability date is unknown.

Here's a fun fact -- on Netflix, Utena is classified with the following tags:
Genres: Anime & Animation, Anime Fantasy, Anime Action
This show is: Goofy, Feel-good

I suspect something is fishy there.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
LMAO at The World God Only Knows. I'm on the second season.

If a company made a game like this, they'd be burned to the ground. (In reference to the target girl being in love with another guy)

Also you got to love Keima being Snoopy.


cosmicblizzard said:
Baka updates has it listed as a comedy. I figured it was more comedy than drama. The synopsis is pretty wacky.

It's funny in a "kids say the darndest things" sort of way. Humor isn't really a big draw for the series though.
flawfuls said:
It's funny in a "kids say the darndest things" sort of way. Humor isn't really a big draw for the series though.

Yeah, I figured from the preview.

I'll still watch it since I like the premise (though I ended up dropping Otaku no Musume).


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
[C] 10
Couldn't be happier with how this series has handled the shift in tone.
And it didn't get all sappy lovey like I was worried about.
Inukami 01 - It's like a bad Urusei Yatsura ripoff, but newer and with male nudity instead of female. This is clearly a pretty bad show, but the episode did have some amusing moments -- that the MC guy actually does go after girls, but his green-haired girlfriend hurts him for it, obviously comes straight from UY, but it's not all just a clone, there's a mild mystery aspect as well. And all that male nudity, a lot of it from our hero, when the girl teleports his clothes away when she's angry with him. He spend several nights in jail for that... In this episode, they have to stop a vile fiend who can make clothing disappear. Hilarity ensues.

This isn't a good show, and I don't know if I want to watch more, but it's not THAT bad either, and at least it's a little bit different if not much. I was moderately entertained I guess.

Street Fighter II V 08-10 - Wha... I don't get it, Ryu and Sagat are friends and allies? This goes against everything I have ever known about Street Fighter!

Also, Sagat doesn't have his scar yet here. So is this series a prequel to Street Fighter 1?

Anyway, in these episodes Ken and Ryu go to Thailand. Once they arrive, Ryu gets arrested and thrown in jail for posession of heroin. He was set up though, it was done by one of the guys who attacked the dojo in ep. 7. Apparently they're connected to a big international crime syndicate based in Thailand. Through Ken's connections to the US government (remember, Ken's father is super ultra wealthy) he gets Ryu out, but not before Ryu learns about the evils of drugs and makes friends with Sagat, the top guy in the prison.

Yes, here Sagat is good, not evil. He befriends Ryu and refuses to work with the crime syndicate, choosing a longer sentence instead of working with the drug gang and also, along with Ryu, resists the corrupt, abusive prison warden. He's good friends with Ryu by the time Ken gets Ryu out. Isn't Ryu nice, making friends with all these guys during his travels... never mind that Ryu and Sagat are bitter enemies in actual SF canon, here they're quite the opposite. Oh, also, of course, these episodes serve to be the antidrug episodes. There are a few somewhat heavyhanded speeches, but it works overall; the focus on the evils of drug gangs are quite obviously accurate.

In the end of course, after some drama, the badguys are taken down and our heroes move on to go to India and meet Dhalsim, who Sagat tells them is apparently the master of the Hadou, which Ryu really wants to learn about. Um... okay. That doesn't sound too much like SF canon either. I think this is definitely in some alternate universe... :)
Oh, I forgot one.

Princess Princess 01 - Crossdressing anime about a boys' school which has certain, prettier boys dress up as girls for the greater good of the rest of the student body. Our MC, a new transfer student, is completely weirded out by the place. Of course he'll be one of them soon enough. Um, there's nothing wrong with crossdressing at all (I prefer magical transformation stuff, but crossdressing's alright too), but their excuse for it here is really bad... really really bad. It hurts the show a bit.

Also, this show is slow -- at the end of the episode our hero still hasn't learned whether he's going to be one of them yet or not. Of course anyone who saw the OP knows he of course will. (Oh, and the ED seems like it's suggesting BL themes.) Overall it was okay, but could have been better with better pacing and a better reason for the crossdressing. Oh well.


sparkle this bitch
duckroll said:
Are you from the future?
Not anymore!


Princess Princess: They have a bunch of side stories too for the universe. And I'm pretty sure the artist makes a lot of Yaoi Doujinshis.

Keima is pretty amazing if you think about it. Can YOU play games while swimming? More importantly, is your PSP waterproof like Keima's PFP is? :lol

A Black Falcon said:
Inukami 01 - It's like a bad Urusei Yatsura ripoff, but newer and with male nudity instead of female. This is clearly a pretty bad show, but the episode did have some amusing moments -- that the MC guy actually does go after girls, but his green-haired girlfriend hurts him for it, obviously comes straight from UY, but it's not all just a clone, there's a mild mystery aspect as well. And all that male nudity, a lot of it from our hero, when the girl teleports his clothes away when she's angry with him. He spend several nights in jail for that... In this episode, they have to stop a vile fiend who can make clothing disappear. Hilarity ensues.

This isn't a good show, and I don't know if I want to watch more, but it's not THAT bad either, and at least it's a little bit different if not much. I was moderately entertained I guess.

Inukami is awesome. One of the few harem shows where the guy with the harem ISN'T the main character. Also, dog girls.


Unknown Soldier said:
More importantly, is your PSP waterproof like Keima's PFP is? :lol

That could be a transparent waterproofing cover on the unit. I think they actually sell those for the PSP too!
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