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Square Enix at Gamescom '15: FFXV headlines main stage, other "reveals" teased

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Crystal Bearer
I'm really curious when it'll land. At this point it feels like we will possibly be getting KH3 and XV next year. Plus quite a few other Square games (Eidos and Japan).

The latter parts of it is my thoughts. Get that holiday money.


According to what? Square isn't doing badly financially.

And my reaction would be more along the lines "well that's a pity".

Sorry, I mean the FF franchise.

And yeah, it would be a pity but I bet you wouldn't be surprised. No one would.

Because deep deep deep deep down you are all just like me... you just don't want to admit it lol.
Sorry, I mean the FF franchise.

And yeah, it would be a pity but I bet you wouldn't be surprised. No one would.

Because deep deep deep deep down you are all just like me... you just don't want to admit it lol.

Not even that is inaccurate. FF14 is very successful and legitimately fantastic.


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
Kingdom Hearts III ready for end 2016 I think is a bit optimistic considering the last video released still looks like test footage. Probably Summer/End of 2017 is more realistic.
Kingdom Hearts III ready for end 2016 I think is a bit optimistic considering the last video released still looks like test footage. Probably Summer/End of 2017 is more realistic.

I didn't get that impression at all from the video. More like" wow, this is developing well then."


Kingdom Hearts III ready for end 2016 I think is a bit optimistic considering the last video released still looks like test footage. Probably Summer/End of 2017 is more realistic.
you might be surpise though after all nomura did say he got basics for the game done and they just need to the detail right now
Kingdom Hearts III ready for end 2016 I think is a bit optimistic considering the last video released still looks like test footage. Probably Summer/End of 2017 is more realistic.

The main things I noticed are that the UI isn't finished and some of the visual effects could do with some polish. I didn't get the impression that it's more than a year off at all.




I wish...


She personally read and verbally commented on one of my GAF comments addressed to her.


Junior Member
I've only seen that pic in one other thread on GAF....

Wait Yoko is the main composer of FFXV? Wow didn't know that, I always wanted her to compose for a main Final Fantasy game one time, I loved her Parasite Eve and Legend of Mana work (and offcourse her legendary Super Mario RPG work). I wonder how the music will sound like.
Wait Yoko is the main composer of FFXV? Wow didn't know that, I always wanted her to compose for a main Final Fantasy game one time, I loved her Parasite Eve and Legend of Mana work (and offcourse her legendary Super Mario RPG work). I wonder how the music will sound like.

You can go listen to the tracks from the demo right now. And they're legitimately fantastic.


Wait Yoko is the main composer of FFXV? Wow didn't know that, I always wanted her to compose for a main Final Fantasy game one time, I loved her Parasite Eve and Legend of Mana work (and offcourse her legendary Super Mario RPG work). I wonder how the music will sound like.
i think she shines in her kingdom hearts music she composers
Kingdom Hearts III ready for end 2016 I think is a bit optimistic considering the last video released still looks like test footage. Probably Summer/End of 2017 is more realistic.

What aspect of the video looked like test footage? From my perspective, I saw really, really polished animation, nice lighting, fleshed out combat and well-integrated gameplay mechanics. Watching the video a few times actually made me think that the game was much further along than I had previously suspected. Admittedly I have never developed a game, but from my perspective they've already solved a lot of the technically challenging tasks; if all that remains is asset generation and polish, that's not a super long task.

One analysis video I watched assumed the UI was placeholder because the resources (such as MP) never drained, but that could easily have been a debug-mode setting for the sake of producing a flashy, action-filled trailer.


Junior Member
You guys joke about a new Chrono game, but with the FF7 remake actually happening, I think nothing is impossible now with the current Square Enix.

And none of you have any idea how much I wanted a new Chrono, one that is being made by the original team ( Masato Kato, Yuji Horii, Gooch, Yasunori Mitsuda).


Junior Member
Nomura said that the release date for KH III has already been decided.
yeah nomura in a intivew already said kingdom hearts 3 has a release date that he wont talk about just yet
Nomura said they have an internal release date in mind, but are not confident enough to publicly state it. That's probably what they mean.
Ah thank you. I guess i missed this. Really seems like 2016 is possible then.
yup very likely i would believe

You guys joke about a new Chrono game, but with the FF7 remake actually happening, I think nothing is impossible now with the current Square Enix.

And none of you have any idea how much I wanted a new Chrono, one that is being made by the original team ( Masato Kato, Yuji Horii, Gooch, Yasunori Mitsuda).

Why is everyone talking about a new Chrono game as-if it is likely happening? Did I miss a quote/hints somewhere?


You guys joke about a new Chrono game, but with the FF7 remake actually happening, I think nothing is impossible now with the current Square Enix.

And none of you have any idea how much I wanted a new Chrono, one that is being made by the original team ( Masato Kato, Yuji Horii, Gooch, Yasunori Mitsuda).

Horii has no intentions, and Kato is far and distant from what SE is doing nowadays.

At least FFVII has a lot of the original staff.
Main thing about KH3 that seemed rough to me was the lack of aliasing.

To me the biggest odd sign was that they revealed the Tangled world without any more context than the tower appearing in the footage. I would have at least expected renders of the characters ya know?


Thirteen flew over the cuckoo's nest
To me the biggest odd sign was that they revealed the Tangled world without any more context than the tower appearing in the footage. I would have at least expected renders of the characters ya know?

Everything feels like a placeholder, including battles and monster placements. Imho they don't have much on their hands for now and they're still testing mechanics while building worlds and enemies. Not even much cutscenes were in that trailer, and it tells alot. This is like LR: FFXIII first teaser trailer: nothing more than a project really really behind with development. mid-end 2017.


Everything feels like a placeholder, including battles and monster placements. Imho they don't have much on their hands for now and they're still testing mechanics while building worlds and enemies. Not even much cutscenes were in that trailer, and it tells alot. This is like LR: FFXIII first teaser trailer: nothing more than a project really really behind with development. mid-end 2017.
um i don't think still testing mechanics i think they have the basic foundation done by now as fro cutsenes i think want to reveal the worlds first before any cutsnces or characters get show maybe they will show tangeld cutscenes or rapunzel at the d23's in august i still say 2016 is not far feched as peoplee may think
I really wish SE would talk to Uematsu and Sakaguchi and let this happen:

Nobuo Uematsu Wants To Make A 2D RPG With The Final Fantasy VI Team

"but they both feel that there’s still more they can do with 2D games". I think a high quality 2D sprite based RPG would be received well with how big retro gaming has become over the last decade. They could even do a multiplatform release on the PS3/PS4/Vita/3DS/PC.

I can dream right? My only hope is that Uematsu and the Gooch are already secretly working on something.


I really wish SE would talk to Uematsu and Sakaguchi and let this happen:

Nobuo Uematsu Wants To Make A 2D RPG With The Final Fantasy VI Team

"but they both feel that there’s still more they can do with 2D games". I think a high quality 2D sprite based RPG would be received well with how big retro gaming has become over the last decade. They could even do a multiplatform release on the PS3/PS4/Vita/3DS/PC.

I can dream right? My only hope is that Uematsu and the Gooch are already secretly working on something.

LOL, I was thinking exactly the same. Around the same time when that interview came out there was the first announcement about a new Console JRPG Studio being funded which we now know as Tokyo RPG Factory and also a few weeks later there was this big feature Famitsu had with Sakaguchi and Kitase reminiscing about the FF franchise. I speculated that they were hinting at a new oldschool JRPG with Gooch, Uematsu and Kitase made by that new studio :p


I really wish SE would talk to Uematsu and Sakaguchi and let this happen:

Nobuo Uematsu Wants To Make A 2D RPG With The Final Fantasy VI Team

"but they both feel that there’s still more they can do with 2D games". I think a high quality 2D sprite based RPG would be received well with how big retro gaming has become over the last decade. They could even do a multiplatform release on the PS3/PS4/Vita/3DS/PC.

I can dream right? My only hope is that Uematsu and the Gooch are already secretly working on something.



FFXV is a 2016 title. Something AWFUL has to happen for that to change.

Now, KH3 is a different story....I was not expecting UE4 to make it look the way it looks so soon. It's really a toss-up here, it can be 2016 (hold my heart if SE's Big 2 actually drops next year) but it could also be 2017.

I personally try to cap my optimism a bit, so I think XV will happen anytime from May to October next year and KH3 MAY make it into FY 2016 but it will release in 2017 (January-March), don't see it going past June 2017. The moment we get XV's release narrowed down (hopefully in 14 days) we'll be able to make more accurate guesses :)
Everything feels like a placeholder, including battles and monster placements. Imho they don't have much on their hands for now and they're still testing mechanics while building worlds and enemies. Not even much cutscenes were in that trailer, and it tells alot. This is like LR: FFXIII first teaser trailer: nothing more than a project really really behind with development. mid-end 2017.

Ah, I see where you are coming from. From my perspective though, stuff like battle and monster placements are fine-tuning; if they already have a working battle system, figuring out the best placement and composition of encounters is pretty trivial, especially given that they're using Unreal and likely have excellent tools. The cutscenes thing is more substantive, but that might be because they're planning to withhold story elements until D23.

Worst case, this looks like a game that is in excellent technical shape but still deep in the asset generation and balancing/tuning phase of development, which doesn't scream mid-end 2017 to me. Honestly I think there is a non-trivial chance we'll see KH3 before FFXV, where we know with confidence that Luminous still has a ways to go.


yeah i can see where the reastic 2017 is coming from for kh3 but in all hoselty the way the handing the game and them revealing the worlds now the 2016 is not far fetched as people think it is and we could get kh before ff xv


I'm betting FFXV is coming around mid-2016 - if they're kicking off the 'big marketing push' at Gamescom there's no way that's going for more than a year.

In KH3's case I'm convinced the leaked video was real (I highly doubt someone got a Leonard Nimoy soundalike to record lines for a fake leak) and it's Winter 2016. A theory I heard is that that video is the trailer for the D23 Japan Expo in November, and they showed it privately to journalists at E3 who won't be able to go to Japan so they could still report on it when it comes around.

FFVIIR will probably be 2017 - they're going to want to get it out for roughly the 20th Anniversary of the original game, the marketing potential is really strong. Plus, if it really has been in development for over a year, that would mean a development period of about 3.5 years assuming a Holiday 2017 release, which seems believable given how much of the groundwork for the game (story, characters, world design, etc.) is already complete. If it comes in 2018 I think it'll be because something went wrong.


In KH3's case I'm convinced the leaked video was real (I highly doubt someone got a Leonard Nimoy soundalike to record lines for a fake leak) and it's Winter 2016. A theory I heard is that that video is the trailer for the D23 Japan Expo in November, and they showed it privately to journalists at E3 who won't be able to go to Japan so they could still report on it when it comes around.

It's a fake. There's a video on YT from the guy who made it.


To me the biggest odd sign was that they revealed the Tangled world without any more context than the tower appearing in the footage. I would have at least expected renders of the characters ya know?

I honestly had no idea it was a Tangled world until I read more about the trailer. Nothing but the tower is recognizable.


Crystal Bearer
Looks like whatever they plan to reveal will take place on Wednesday, August 5 - the first press day of the show.
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