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Star Wars Mafia |OT| A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy


lol, you missed that train by like 2 hours. Go back and read!



My only defense before today was that I am an ordinary rebel, today I am trying to give you all options on what to do to get out these scum after I die and you all realize that I really am a rebel.

Well. Everybody will say that. We don't have many hard facts and unless some power role decides do come in the open this will not change.

You were yesterday on my list of good targets.

But I'd rather go with someone less active. Si I'd rather vote for Matt or raindoc at the moment.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
I just like to do things based on circumstantial evidence. Plus I don't think there are any thing left the thief can steal. I will vote for you if the Town decides that you should go. For now, I'm more suspicious of eJawa, so my vote will stay on him.

eJawa, you haven't voted so far. I'm waiting to read your thoughts :D.

At the moment, I am planing to vote for Zipped, for the reasons I've stated already. I've been holding off on actually entering the vote, since it's not as clear cut as yesterday's vote and wanted to see what other people's thoughts were on Zipped and other people of interest.
Okay, my head is starting to hurt from going back and forth over and over. It's almost dangerous rereading the thread because while it does let you view it with a bit of hindsight, I feel like you also may be more critical of things that were meant innocently. Still, my thoughts:


1. Day 1 he flip flopped between two bandwagon votes: TWE and Exmac. I won't hold this too much against him; lots of people were voting all over the place day 1, except...

2. The main three vote trains day 1 were exmac, TWE and Zipped. We had a lot of hard fought votes on day 1. Two of them are now-dead rebels and like Palmer says:

Remember what a hard fought vote like this means. Mafia is possibly protecting one of the other vote options.

Zip is the only option not a confirmed rebel.

Now we have another person for a gun, Makai.

4. Has had a few theories, but been unwilling to really share them. He had one day two:

We have two 24 hour periods before our vote is due? As far as "low contributers". He is as good as anyone. I've been putting some thing together On a more prolific poster, but I kind of want to wait one more night period before I make my argument. Depending on who gets the gun, who lives and who dies, it may affect that hypothesis.

I'll vote tonight/tomorrow (central standard time here), I'll wait to see a bit, especially if rymuth doesn't come in to defend himself I'll probably vote for him.

5. Not a post by Zipped, but rather about Zipped. OceanicAir basically throws suspicions onto Setre because of Setre's vote that started the Zipped bandwagon on day 1 that almost resulted in his death.

6. During the insanity that ended in Traube overriding to Barry, Zip was on pretty much every main vote, often as only the second or third vote. Now to be fair, the first couple bandwagons after Makai were Zipped and Redhood, so it's not too odd that he'd jump on the Redhood bandwagon to give it momemtum away from himself. The jump to Barry (4th vote for Barry after Setre, eJawa and Traube) feels different. Why not stay on Redhood who had (I think) just as many vote as Barry?

7. Day 3: Hey guys, I still have that theory, but I'm still not going to tell you what it is!


1. Early on has several "going to look over things and get back to you" posts, but he never does come back with anything. Not even a "I checked and couldn't find anything". This is when a lot of "low posters get detained" talk was going on, but it still reeks of padding post count.

2. His exmac vote is kind of off. A lot of people, myself included, accepted that exmac was being facetious/sarcastic. Keep in mind that post in that link is after the bandwagon switched away from exmac (to Zip, oddly enough). Even his vote count request feels like he's gunning for exmac.

3. Half heartedly set up a fake power. It's not much, but it IS the sort of thing that doesn't really help rebels at all. Fake information hurts us and helps the hutts.

4. Falls in with OceanicAir on suspecting Setre. Another "going to reread the thread" claim with no follow up.

5. Even as votes turn towards him, his only defense is to once again reiterate "I claimed ordinary rebel first"

6. Jumps on the Palmer train with Makai, after it had been pretty much settled.

7. More filler. Seriously, go look, there's lots.

And that brings us to today. I was asked my feelings on Zip and Redhood, so there you are. I will say that rereading the whole thread (in addition to giving me a headache) brought some interesting perspective. I'm going to get some aspirin.


For the record, I'm still kinda mad at anyone that voted exmachina on D1. Not that my TWE push would have ended much better, but come on.
The most suspicious people to me right now are Zipped and eJawa. I still feel like I can trust redhood, but I need to call into question just how much of that trust comes from his Ordinary Rebel claim. I'm also starting to get a bad feeling about Traube, but it's just that right now- a feeling.

VOTE: Zippedpinhead

I'm really, really sorry if you get detained and flip rebel, but I find you more suspicious than anybody else. I'd be doing a disservice to the rebels if I don't see this through.

But I'd rather go with someone less active. Si I'd rather vote for Matt or raindoc at the moment.

I'm confident that I'm a rebel,- and frankly, I don't think raindoc is a Hutt either. When he posts, I think they're usually pretty pro-town (he's certainly not suspicious enough for me to vote off before a few other people).

Did that last post say edited? In on mobile and accidentally clicked the button.

It doesn't say so for me.


If traube is a Hutt and we mislynch today, he can override the vote first thing tomorrow and end the game there. That's why I said earlier that I'm willing to risk the game that he's town.


I'm confident that I'm a rebel,- and frankly, I don't think raindoc is a Hutt either. When he posts, I think they're usually pretty pro-town (he's certainly not suspicious enough for me to vote off before a few other people).

That's why I want to wait for him to add to the discussion. Being inactive and not voting is not helping us at all.
Matt attack,

At this point do you have a number 2 suspicious person? You've voted for others, but keep coming back to me (have since day 1 ). You don't have to say who (unless you want to), but since you will have to go after that person tomorrow (and since you will be distraught when I turn out rebel, you may need something to point back to on "who do I want to go after".

I do think it is weird that you went from not wanting to vote out Inactives, to begrudgingly voting for exmachina to gleefully voting for me. And you have been on my case ever since. I'm pretty sure my view on you is tainted by this, but it is something for me to think about.
If traube is a Hutt and we mislynch today, he can override the vote first thing tomorrow and end the game there. That's why I said earlier that I'm willing to risk the game that he's town.

Since we ARE going to miss lunch today, If traube is hutt then we might as well give MVP hutt to him.

If this game is won by the hutt, and there is only him and the imperial left, MattyG will probably give that award to the last hutt. Oceanic kind of gave up after Johnny outed him, makai tried but got caught. This guy, this hutt has gotten all of us fooled. Me too, he is way to smart in this game. Master player, one of the best. I'd almost say that there is no way that the imperial out plays him,

Mvp for town? No clue, especially if czartim, traube or Palmer turn out hutt. Maybe Johnny since he is a winner and he did get out a hutt based on his actions and discussion.


Since we ARE going to miss lunch today, If traube is hutt then we might as well give MVP hutt to him.

I'd totally deserve that. Bud "sadly" I am not Hutt.

And I am still at a loss of whom to vote against. With the combat buddies gone we lost or only confirmed Rebels in this game. Doesn't look like we have another useful power role left to help us out.
The only option (and I think it's a bad option) is for Palmer to tell us who his client is. If we trust Palmer's previous comments on his role, and I don't see why we shouldn't at this point - penny pound and all that, that person is basically a guaranteed Rebel. OTOH, if we a hutt remains tonight (either we mislynch or there were 2 hutts left), we stand a serious chance of losing outright if Palmer's client bites it and Palmer dies with him.


The only reason I'd say that is maybe a good idea is because if hutts kill palmer tonight we can't confirm a rebel we otherwise could.

It's up to palmer though, it's his win condition on the line.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
I know I'm getting desperate for clues when scouring through all of Zipped's posts to see if there is any significance to him using "=" instead of ":" for votes... alas, there is nothing there. I miss the last 2 days when the bad guys were easily distinguished by their pointy horns and black hats. :(

Still looking and thinking.
The only option (and I think it's a bad option) is for Palmer to tell us who his client is. If we trust Palmer's previous comments on his role, and I don't see why we shouldn't at this point - penny pound and all that, that person is basically a guaranteed Rebel. OTOH, if we a hutt remains tonight (either we mislynch or there were 2 hutts left), we stand a serious chance of losing outright if Palmer's client bites it and Palmer dies with him.

Palmer do not say your client, unless your client is about to die.

If I get voted out tonight it is a mislynch, so we could lose three in a day (assuming palmer's actions still results in a rebel death). At six left if three are hutt aligned we would get one final day (50% hutt is not majority hutt aligned). It would require every single person to lie and claim hutt and it would be insane.

Matter of fact, I think that may be what has to happen if we get down to 6 players... Those animals wouldn't know what insane is until something like that happened...
Palmer do not say your client, unless your client is about to die.

If I get voted out tonight it is a mislynch, so we could lose three in a day (assuming palmer's actions still results in a rebel death). At six left if three are hutt aligned we would get one final day (50% hutt is not majority hutt aligned). It would require every single person to lie and claim hutt and it would be insane.

Matter of fact, I think that may be what has to happen if we get down to 6 players... Those animals wouldn't know what insane is until something like that happened...

They don't have to have a majority, just "at least half", according to swamped's role post. So if there are 6 and 3 are hutts, game's over.


I'm on mobile. Can someone repost what it says for mafia victory? I'm not sure if we should be counting me or not when we consider that.
They don't have to have a majority, just "at least half", according to swamped's role post. So if there are 6 and 3 are hutts, game's over.

I think we need to have MattyG weigh in on that. With the imperial agent out there still, it is possible for a 50% hutt aligned group to eliminate a Hutt. It would only work it two groups claims hutt. The remaining two hutts that have board access would band together and vote like a block. It would take another two people to do practically the same thing at the same time without a board.

At that point you have two people, one definitely town, and the other definitely the imperial. You would need both of them to vote the same AND have them vote with the group that isn't hutt. It's a long shot BUT it does prevent a tie. Now if it is four left, two hutts that have board access? Then yeah hutts win no question, they push and rebels lose.


The only option (and I think it's a bad option) is for Palmer to tell us who his client is. If we trust Palmer's previous comments on his role, and I don't see why we shouldn't at this point - penny pound and all that, that person is basically a guaranteed Rebel. OTOH, if we a hutt remains tonight (either we mislynch or there were 2 hutts left), we stand a serious chance of losing outright if Palmer's client bites it and Palmer dies with him.

Unless they have a strongman or whatever it's called, they absolutely will not get a 2 for 1 from me. I'm protecting my target instead of myself from here to the end. If they kill me, so be it. That's still a minor victory for town, I think.
You win when Hutt Mob-aligned players are at least half of the remaining players.

Rebel or 3P, it makes no difference to the hutts. If there are 2 main hutts + the UI, we lose when there are 6 players.

Now, we can't lose tonight as far as I know. Even if detain an rebel AND they get Palmer's target and Palmer seppukus with him, that still leaves 7 players. 4 to 3 rebels to hutts.


I think we need to have MattyG weigh in on that. With the imperial agent out there still, it is possible for a 50% hutt aligned group to eliminate a Hutt. It would only work it two groups claims hutt. The remaining two hutts that have board access would band together and vote like a block. It would take another two people to do practically the same thing at the same time without a board.

At that point you have two people, one definitely town, and the other definitely the imperial. You would need both of them to vote the same AND have them vote with the group that isn't hutt. It's a long shot BUT it does prevent a tie. Now if it is four left, two hutts that have board access? Then yeah hutts win no question, they push and rebels lose.

We may actually reach a point where counter claiming Hutt or UI is a good move for town. Exmachina and Blarg were just ahead of their time.

So we need to know what happens if ONLY a UI is left. Do they get to start killing? Does 1UI/1H/2R end the game? What if you add 1N (me)? How does Traube affect everything, assuming he can reuse his ability?
I think we need to have MattyG weigh in on that. With the imperial agent out there still, it is possible for a 50% hutt aligned group to eliminate a Hutt.
I see no reason that the Hutts should fire blind during the night phase. They have already tried to get Palmer once, no reason they won't go for him first. That leaves traube as a threat since he can possibly override their block voting anyway (assuming he's not a hutt and assuming his power actually recharges).

Unless they have a strongman or whatever it's called, they absolutely will not get a 2 for 1 from me. I'm protecting my target instead of myself from here to the end. If they kill me, so be it. That's still a minor victory for town, I think.
Just wanted to throw out a worst case scenario is all.


jk but true story: I got so used to people thinking I was the IA that at some point I really double checked my role pm just to be sure.

Playing resistance with 6 other people, teaching game for a new player. Resistance passes 2 missions. Someone plays card to force me to reveal role to another player. Confidently pass my card, get called out as Spy. See my card when he hands it back, I'm a Spy. Forgot to look at it. No idea who the other two spies are. We lost badly.
I see no reason that the Hutts should fire blind during the night phase. They have already tried to get Palmer once, no reason they won't go for him first. That leaves traube as a threat since he can possibly override their block voting anyway (assuming he's not a hutt and assuming his power actually recharges).

Just wanted to throw out a worst case scenario is all.

I'm not talking about them firing blind at night, 50% hutt at night wins the game for them. 50% hutt in the day when there is still a hutt that can not coordinate with the others means that a 50% hutt group could eliminate a hutt.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
Playing resistance with 6 other people, teaching game for a new player. Resistance passes 2 missions. Someone plays card to force me to reveal role to another player. Confidently pass my card, get called out as Spy. See my card when he hands it back, I'm a Spy. Forgot to look at it. No idea who the other two spies are. We lost badly.

I did a similar thing with Resistance Avalon. I misunderstood my role and didn't realize that my role was aligned with the evil team until later, so I hadn't revealed myself to Merlin, giving us a big advantage. Whoops...

Back to the game at hand, Zipped is starting to sway me. I've looked over Matt's posts and his "vendetta" against Zipped is kind of odd. It seems to be mostly based on gut feelings. He avoided voting for Makai, but did vote for Oceanic. If he is hutt, his vote for Oceanic could have been throwing him under the bus, to try and gain our trust. Heck, they might have discussed it and that could be why Oceanic didn't really fight the detainment, though that is really risky if Matt were to be the last main hutt. Matt could also be the IA and thought the chances of both Makai and Oceanic being hutts were low.
Matt attack,

At this point do you have a number 2 suspicious person? You've voted for others, but keep coming back to me (have since day 1 ). You don't have to say who (unless you want to), but since you will have to go after that person tomorrow (and since you will be distraught when I turn out rebel, you may need something to point back to on "who do I want to go after".

I do think it is weird that you went from not wanting to vote out Inactives, to begrudgingly voting for exmachina to gleefully voting for me. And you have been on my case ever since. I'm pretty sure my view on you is tainted by this, but it is something for me to think about.

Yeah, there are a few people who I am also suspicious of. For instance, as I said in my last post, eJawa and Traube both warrant further consideration (and potentially one other person, but I'll need to see what happens tomorrow).

To explain my Day 1 vote, I felt like exmachina was a candidate who couldn't be ignored. Even the chance that he was a Hutt who really did slip up was difficult to turn a blind eye to, but I was looking for another candidate because it still felt wrong to me. I turned to you not because of our activity levels but because of the content of your posts, which gave me a gut feeling that you might be scum.

I did a similar thing with Resistance Avalon. I misunderstood my role and didn't realize that my role was aligned with the evil team until later, so I hadn't revealed myself to Merlin, giving us a big advantage. Whoops...

Back to the game at hand, Zipped is starting to sway me. I've looked over Matt's posts and his "vendetta" against Zipped is kind of odd. It seems to be mostly based on gut feelings. He avoided voting for Makai, but did vote for Oceanic. If he is hutt, his vote for Oceanic could have been throwing him under the bus, to try and gain our trust. Heck, they might have discussed it and that could be why Oceanic didn't really fight the detainment, though that is really risky if Matt were to be the last main hutt. Matt could also be the IA and thought the chances of both Makai and Oceanic being hutts were low.

1) Yes, my votes against Zipped have been primarily based on gut feeling. Unfortunately, I've been incredibly busy over the course of the game which really harmed my understanding of the players and their actions for the first few day phases. Not trying to excuse myself because it's definitely harmed the game, but I'm being honest as to why I've voted the way I have.

2) I legitimately believed Makai to be a rebel at the end- it honestly did seem to be too easy of a vote. The results of that detainment showed me though that a vote being "too easy" isn't necessarily a bad one, hence why I was able to go after OA with relative confidence. If I were a Hutt, I feel like I never would have made the last minute defense of Makai that I did- it was almost assuredly doomed to fail and would have served only to make me more suspicious. If I were a Hutt, that would have been the time to throw him under the bus.

3) I'm not the IA- I am a rebel. Even if I were the IA, while I believed Makai to be a rebel, I don't think the chance of either of them being Hutt was low no matter how you look at it- they were plainly suspicious.


If the vote is coming down to redhood vs zipp, then zipp is the best vote for town in that we get the most information from it.

If redhood flips OR we don't really learn anything new. Tomorrow will be like today just minus redhood and hutt kill. Zipp being more active than redhood won't matter if he's still a suspect.

If zipp flips OR we can reexamine matt, myself, and AB for casing him. Tomorrow we will have more to go on and a better picture of the game. redhood is still an option.

If you have reason to believe someone is more likely to be a thief, by all means vote with your gut. But if we're saying zipp and rh are both likely candidates, zipp gives us more going into our potentially final day.
So why not end the day now? I'm serious, if everyone wants me gone, I kind of want you all moving to the next Day so that you can start looking into someone else.

I know I am a rebel, I want you all to get off me and starting looking into someone else. If I have to die to get that to happen, then So be it.

Apparently, Those animals in the other thread are apparently undergoing a time dilation field which is causing their days to pass quicker now as well. I wonder if it will happen to this game as well.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
Okay, Zipped's posts strike me as genuine. I am thinking Zipped is not a hutt, so I am going with Matt. His defense didn't really alleviate my suspicions.

vote: Matt Attack


So why not end the day now? I'm serious, if everyone wants me gone, I kind of want you all moving to the next Day so that you can start looking into someone else.

I know I am a rebel, I want you all to get off me and starting looking into someone else. If I have to die to get that to happen, then So be it.

Apparently, Those animals in the other thread are apparently undergoing a time dilation field which is causing their days to pass quicker now as well. I wonder if it will happen to this game as well.
At first I didn't like this behavior but now I can relate to it. I'm not going to vote you because I know your pain brother. Unless some real shit comes up your creak.
So why not end the day now? I'm serious, if everyone wants me gone, I kind of want you all moving to the next Day so that you can start looking into someone else.

FWIW, I think Redhood is more suspicious than you are. I was asked my opinion on the two of you and I gave it with as much clarity and explanation as I could muster.

Like I said at the start of my big post, the problem with rereading the thread knowing what we know now is that even innocent things begin to look not so innocent. Like when OceanicAir tried to move the discussion to Setre who at the time was chasing you. Was he doing it because Setre was chasing you? Or just because he wanted to get rid of Setre? I can't say with any certainty; only he can and I wouldn't trust him even if he could answer.

It's also entirely possible you or Redhood has answered the comments/questions I raised in my post. If you did and I missed it, I apologize. But they're there and you are welcome to explain anything I missed or commented on. You included Redhood.


AB like I said before I can't defend my poor play in the beginning. I was post padding and I was jumping on bandwagons left and right. All of my actions in the first couple days were shady and the only reason I'm not dead yet is because of my claim. If you want to vote me go ahead, I am shady as hell, but I am an ordinary rebel.
Okay, Zipped's posts strike me as genuine. I am thinking Zipped is not a hutt, so I am going with Matt. His defense didn't really alleviate my suspicions.

vote: Matt Attack

I'm sorry my defense wasn't up to par. If you've got any lingering issues that I can provide further clarification on, I'd be happy to do so, unless you don't think it will help.

I'd also like to say that I still don't quite think redhood is Hutt. I'll focus on AB's case against him, because I find it to be pretty lacking.


1. Early on has several "going to look over things and get back to you" posts, but he never does come back with anything. Not even a "I checked and couldn't find anything". This is when a lot of "low posters get detained" talk was going on, but it still reeks of padding post count.

2. His exmac vote is kind of off. A lot of people, myself included, accepted that exmac was being facetious/sarcastic. Keep in mind that post in that link is after the bandwagon switched away from exmac (to Zip, oddly enough). Even his vote count request feels like he's gunning for exmac.

3. Half heartedly set up a fake power. It's not much, but it IS the sort of thing that doesn't really help rebels at all. Fake information hurts us and helps the hutts.

4. Falls in with OceanicAir on suspecting Setre. Another "going to reread the thread" claim with no follow up.

5. Even as votes turn towards him, his only defense is to once again reiterate "I claimed ordinary rebel first"

6. Jumps on the Palmer train with Makai, after it had been pretty much settled.

7. More filler. Seriously, go look, there's lots.

1. I suppose I can see where you're going with this, but I don't think it's a 100% thing. I'm occasionally guilty of this sort of post and I'm definitely a rebel- life just gets in the way sometimes.

2. I think that saying that his vote count request is "gunning" for exmachina is reaching. To me, it sounds like a completely legitimate question, considering how tight the actual vote count at the time seemed to be.

3. Considering how quickly he owned up to it, I don't think it's something to hold too much against him. It won't hurt to keep in mind though, I'll give you that.

4. Something else that I suppose is worth keeping in mind, but I recall Setre being a bit of a point of contention at the time. I generally believed him, but I can understand somebody finding him suspicious, especially due to the confusion as to how his role worked.

5. Yeah, I agree that he shouldn't fall back on that defense. But to be fair, he was also saying how similar the role text for OR and IA was and why they might appear similar when paraphrased. I don't think this is remotely conclusive enough to vote him for.

6. He did not jump on the Palmer train. He thanked Makai for writing a detailed post, as did CzarTim very shortly after.

7. Yeah, there's filler. I can't blame people for feeling suspicious about it (I've felt this way about some of Zip's past posts, for instance).

Basically, I'm not convinced that redhood is Hutt just yet.
I'll focus on AB's case against him, because I find it to be pretty lacking.

I want to respond because I think people are taking my post the wrong way. I was asked what I thought about Redhood and Zipped, so I posted my feelings on them. My post was never intended to be "this is why we should definitely vote to detain them", rather it was meant as "these are the things that made me suspicious". It's not going to be concrete evidence; we don't have any and are pretty unlikely to find any.

I probably should have quoted Czar's post to me to make my intentions more clear or something. I meam, I could make a post like that about most of us, myself most definitely included. The only one we can (almost) definitively say isn't a main Hutt is Palmer, who could technically still be the UI (I don't think he is, to be clear).

I mean, is there anyone alive right now who can honestly say there isn't a single other player that hasn't done something[/u] suspicious? I'd hope not.


Since there seems to have been some confusion at some point about whether or not Undercover Imperials are included in the total Hutt count and their win condition, I thought I'd drop in a confirm that yes, they are.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
I'm sorry my defense wasn't up to par. If you've got any lingering issues that I can provide further clarification on, I'd be happy to do so, unless you don't think it will help.

A big part is your basing your vote on just a gut fealing. Both with your votes for Zipped and your defense of Makai. I disagree that Makai vote appeared too easy. He was attempting to defend himself, but dug himself into a hole when he claimed to have gotten the gun. It took pressure to get to that point. Yes, your last minute defense seems like it would be a foolish attempt by a hutt, but I also think it's possible you saw what was coming with the next day's vote. Once Makai flipped hutt, Oceanic was going to be the next target and that was going to be even harder to defend. You had laid some ground work before, by showing you were suspicious of Makai, so if the vote went through, you could try to use that as a fall back.

My vote is never completly set in stone (as I have proven to my detriment), so I am open to hearing more about your reasoning for thinking Zipped is hutt.


Hi, sorry to beat this drum again, but I do not like zipp being in this game tomorrow. Zipp is someone many people (not just matt) have been consistently suspicious of this whole game. He's been a common suspect for a reason.

I do not like that people are letting him off the hook based purely on his posts made today. IMO it feels like he is a Hutt who went along with the "I should go because I'm suspicious" thing to show just how townie he is and he has become increasingly more desperate as the day has gone on. I do not like that he continually posted 'think about who you are voting when you mislynch me' so many times. We were already discussing our options and feels like him desperately trying to find another choice today. I do not like that when given an opportunity today he took the first shot to suggest we shouldn't lynch him. I do not like that he posted 'is there really no one else more suspicious than me?' This feels desperate.

If you ignore his posts today, look at yesterday. Think ejawa is suspicious because no one voted for him day 4? Look at how hard he worked to get anyone but OA voted yesterday. Look at how he only switched to OA when it was inevitable like he did with Mak day 4. Look at how scummy both those votes are. Look at how bad his cases on Matt and AB are.

It took him two days to find a reason to vote for Matt other than 'he's suspicious of me' and it was just day one voting which could also be applied to zipp. How does Matt being scum make sense? Why would a hutt latch onto an admitted ordinary rebel day one and harp on them all game when the rest of the hutt team pushed other agendas? What purpose does that serve?

Please don't let ZIpp off the hook like we did mak and OA day 3. Don't just vote based on his defense today, think about why he has had to defend himself in the first place. Zipp is scum. Vote zipp.

vote: zipp
I want to respond because I think people are taking my post the wrong way. I was asked what I thought about Redhood and Zipped, so I posted my feelings on them. My post was never intended to be "this is why we should definitely vote to detain them", rather it was meant as "these are the things that made me suspicious". It's not going to be concrete evidence; we don't have any and are pretty unlikely to find any.

Gotcha, sorry for the misunderstanding. At least some of my thoughts on redhood are out in the wild now.

A big part is your basing your vote on just a gut fealing. Both with your votes for Zipped and your defense of Makai. I disagree that Makai vote appeared too easy. He was attempting to defend himself, but dug himself into a hole when he claimed to have gotten the gun. It took pressure to get to that point. Yes, your last minute defense seems like it would be a foolish attempt by a hutt, but I also think it's possible you saw what was coming with the next day's vote. Once Makai flipped hutt, Oceanic was going to be the next target and that was going to be even harder to defend. You had laid some ground work before, by showing you were suspicious of Makai, so if the vote went through, you could try to use that as a fall back.

My vote is never completly set in stone (as I have proven to my detriment), so I am open to hearing more about your reasoning for thinking Zipped is hutt.

Sure. For starters, yes, I've had a feeling about Zip that I haven't been able to shake this far. The other primary reason? Mindset- I think his mindset has been causing the sirens to go off in my mind.

First, Zipped's voting style that he would "only vote once" from the day of Makai's detainment. That sort of voting style doesn't help the rebels- it shouldn't matter how frequently you vote, what matters is that it's a Hutt led into the wastes at the end of the day. Getting the right person matters more to me than being indecisive with your votes. It's a small thing, but it stuck out to me.

Second, Zip has frequently had this idea that his death wouldn't hurt the rebels as much as that of a power role, so while it would be a mistake to detain him, it wouldn't be as bad as the alternative. I reject this mindset, because as we can see at this stage in the game, the team's player counts matter. Every single rebel counts towards the win condition, and so I think that any rebel's detainment extremely harmful.

Many of Zip's posts lately have also taken the following stance: I'm going to be detained, I sure hope you guys have more suspects once I flip rebel. Sure, it's good advice, but the whole mindset really rubs me the wrong way. I feel like he could have done more to try to vote out a more viable candidate. If I were on the chopping block (which I may be), I'd be defending the hell out of myself (which I'm trying my best to do). Especially when Zipped is not[/] the clear cut candidate right now. Most people haven't even voted yet, so this would be the time to focus on today, not tomorrow. Again, every single rebel detainment hurts us, especially at this critical junction in the latter half of the game, and if Zip is a rebel, then he really needs to step up and fight to convince us (I'd like nothing more than to UNVOTE him because I really do sometimes feel like a crazy person).

These mindsets simply seem harmful to town, and combined with my gut feeling and the cases levied against him by other players, I just find him to be more immediately suspicious than the rest of you.

Regarding Makai being too easy, I'm honestly still in shock that he made the defense that he did. The idea that he'd received a gun over a not insignificant number of players was so absurd (and the claim so suspicious) that I could scarcely believe it's the type of lie a cornered Hutt would make up- I ended up deciding that the truth, in that situation, was stranger than fiction. I was clearly wrong, but I stand by my thought process at the time (and don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled that I was proved to be incorrect).

Furthermore, there was very little question of "if the vote goes through". Makai was detained less than two hours after I made my uncharacteristically lengthy (again, would have been a bad move for a Hutt) post.

Also, if I were Hutt, why would I be so obviously on OA's case the day of his detainment? In my first pair that day, I bring up how suspicious he looks in light of johnny's revelations. I'm one of the first people to vote to detain him (3rd, I think). After CzarTim posts a lengthy case on Zip (my primary suspect, perhaps to a fault), I proceed to carry on with the OA vote rather than try to save him. If I were Hutt, my behavior these two days would be absolutely baffling.

I am a rebel. You guys don't need to agree with me about Zip, but that's the beauty about this game, because outside of Traube and his role, a mislynch is the mistake of everybody who voted for the detainee. Vice versa, if I'm as wrong about Zip as some may believe, I can't mess it up for you guys alone. It's a team effort, and so while I can understand why some may believe in Zip, I'd also hope you can understand why I suspect him the way that I do.

Your second point is taken WAY out of context, when I made those claims was day 1 and 2. When my death would have been preferred to a power role like exmachina or blarg. We failed day 1 to convince some of the non-hutt to stop trying to detain exmachina.


If Matt attack is hutt and I get voted out tonight, then obviously his plan to always go after a rebel worked, as he would outlast me. If he is just an ordinary rebel, then he is seriously misguided. Always the outside shot he is neutral assigned to kill me, but I'm not so sure.

I'm may to flip my vote off him, but for now it stays on Matt attack.
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