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Star Wars Mafia |OT| A Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy


"time" (=votes) is running out, i'm not a fan of rushing this now.

and I really want to ask each and every one of you to reconsider your stance on Czar. Yes - he's rubbed me the wrong way since early in the game and so have others, BUT I have reconsidered/changed my opinion/openly admitted my mistakes in some instances, yet of CT I get more and more suspicious with every day. He's Keyser Soze.
Look at his decisions, look at what they led to. Consider his activity level and the impact he has on this game - and ask yourself: would he still be around if you were Mafia (and he's not)?

quote edit in italic
To be honest, Rymuth would probably had stayed if he was anything but Ordinary Rebel. It's sort of a bit boring as it is, and I'm trying to do my best to be active, but I've not been able to muster the motivation to do so in the past few days as I did when I joined. Vanilla townie role is kind of .... meh. Just loads of nonsense postings then dogpiling at the last minute >____>

It's not exactly much fun.

But who knows. Maybe redhood is Palpatine and we are all screwed.


To be honest, Rymuth would probably had stayed if he was anything but Ordinary Rebel. It's sort of a bit boring as it is, and I'm trying to do my best to be active, but I've not been able to muster the motivation to do so in the past few days as I did when I joined. Vanilla townie role is kind of .... meh. Just loads of nonsense postings then dogpiling at the last minute >____>

It's not exactly much fun.

But who knows. Maybe redhood is Palpatine and we are all screwed.
I wish I had some Palpatine gifs but I'm out of a computer for a couple days. But if you want to lose go ahead and vote for me, but if you want to win then go ahead and don't vote me!
"time" (=votes) is running out, i'm not a fan of rushing this now.

and I really want to ask each and every one of you to reconsider your stance on Czar. Yes - he's rubbed me the wrong way since early in the game and so have others, BUT I have reconsidered/changed my opinion/openly admitted my mistakes in some instances, yet of CT I get more and more suspicious with every game. He's Keyser Soze.
Look at his decisions, look at what they led to. Consider his activity level and the impact he has on this game - and ask yourself: would he still be around if you were Mafia (and he's not)?

I agree with this.

And I dont think he's actively going after the Hutts. I think if you guys go back and see his timing on casting his final votes, you can tell that they were safely cast once their fates were almost certain.

But yeah, the one thing that felt off was how everyone who had voted for him (Lord of Castamere and Zipped) were eliminated. And he really pushed hard for Zipped, saying that townies had nothing to worry about cuz we still have two mislynches in our pockets .... the very detainment that now landed us in this precarious moment.
I'm not comfortable clearing YesNo just because Rumuth wouldn't have left if he had a more interesting role- we can't know what his actual reasons for leaving were.
Personally, I think those who pushed hard against Zipped's detainment last time is suspicious and especially the one who has tunnelled hard like whoa against him from the get go.

So I suggest, as part of crow-eating penance, that we listen more to the people who has been better on the money ! :D

We had two for two since I joined up and you can check my voting patterns, and see which two HUTT names came up solid. And I dont flip flop. I dont mind people who does really (I think it's a valid play style)........ but not my style.

But yeah, voting pattern is a good mirror to hold the players up against, if anything is to go by, dont you think? So, fellow Rebels, who do you think has more pro-town profile?
  • Me: Voted Makai, OceanicAir (2 Hutts) - and refused to vote for Zipped (Rebel)
  • MattAttack: Voted and Voted and Voted for Zipped until he ded


*Anecdata: When I was young I thought of this expression as in the lawyer slamming his briefcase down against the table to conclude his speeches. IDK why. It seems fun.


Countdown reminder (I hope I can just quote this):


Vote count:

YesNOnoNOYes (0)

redhood56 (1)
Countdown reminder (I hope I can just quote this):

Vote count:

YesNOnoNOYes (0)

redhood56 (1)

It warms me old 'eart to see my name up there *_____* Senpai noticed me~ >///////<


Oh it is only 1 day and 11 hours left? :O Where are them votes, me mateys!

As for mine, I am yet undecided....... ^^;;;;; I can't justify a redhood vote though. I feel that he's Rebel....

Matt where do you stand today? Who's a Hutt?

Longer post from me incoming shortly.

Right now, I'm focusing on the group of eJawa, YesNo, and AB. I think there's a decent chance that both the IA and what is hopefully the final Main Hutt are in this group.

CzarTim, while I still personally believe you're Town, I will echo raindoc's curiosity as to why you haven't been killed yet. Up until last night I could sort of see why they killed who they did, but if I were a Hutt, I think you would have been a much better kill than traube (whose ability, if it were to actually have been able to recharge, could have been valuable for another Barrylocke-like scenario).

About YesNo: I'm don't think I would base my whole argument on this (because it's potentially too meta for me), but I think it's strange that Rymuth wasn't straight-up mod killed. I think it was a little unfair to us to have to learn a new player halfway through the game, and I see little reason as to why we would need to try so hard to replace an Ordinary Rebel. Just something that bugged me from that point, but YesNo's posts generally seemed to be pro-town enough that I was able to let it slide until now (where losing is a very real possibility).


I noticed that Lord of Castamere was the only one that voted for Czar at first. He was Hutt-eliminated that night.

Later on, Zipped voted for Czar, the only other one that did so. Then OA voted for Zipped. Then Czar drove Zipped off the cliff.

This utterly ridiculous to the point that I laughed when I read it. Come on, dude.

You need to read this wiki page, because a lot of your arguments / cases so far seem to ignore it: http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=WIFOM

Not only that, it's factually inaccurate. I was suspicious of zipp day one and voted for him. I said I was very suspicious of him day three. I said I thought he was a Hutt before he even voted for me day five. Was I inconsistent with my feelings?

Which is a little funny seeing how he championed his last vote as a "pro-town" push....
I didn't though. I said finding the thief was the pro-town vote. I said everyone should vote for who they think is the thief. I also said I thought zipp was the thief, and that was obviously wrong, but I really just wanted to find the thief.

Yeah, yeah, sure. Everyone theorizes and makes mistakes and of course he is sowwy.
For the millionth time this game, being wrong doesn't equal scum. You are going to be wrong more than you're right in mafia. I know for a fact you are wrong about me. What can you do when you're wrong other than apologize?

The only thing that matters in mafia is intent. I wrote over a thousand words on why I thought zipp was scum. Do you think I was insincere? Do you think I was forcing a bad argument to get someone lynched? Why would I do that as scum? Could a town member reasonably get that wrong?

If you come away from all of that thinking, "Yes, a scum would make that argument" then okay, but basing your case on me being wrong one day after being right three days in a row is just not a good case.

We had two for two since I joined up and you can check my voting patterns, and see which two HUTT names came up solid. And I dont flip flop. I dont mind people who does really (I think it's a valid play style)........ but not my style.

Big noooooooope to this you had zero sway over either of those Hutt votes and the fact that you are trying to use it as street cred is dumb. You were a new player who went along with the rest of town each day. Also you did flip flop day four on OA when everyone else backed off.

I think you are cool, and I think you have the ability to be a good mafia player. It's clear you are already putting more thought into the game than most players do. I'm not trying to take away from what you've done this game, but I do not think it's fair to use the fact that you replaced in at a time when we had actual evidence as proof you've always been right.

I dont think he's actively going after the Hutts. I think if you guys go back and see his timing on casting his final votes, you can tell that they were safely cast once their fates were almost certain.

Nope, I spent all day four pushing Mak on his b.s. and all day five maintaining the OA vote even though others were wavering.

4) CzarTim. Why are you still alive? You're running this game. You're manufacturing opinions with your posts. You're the most dangerous player and - IMHO - in any other Mafia game but this you would've been killed days ago.
Unless, of course, you are Mafia.
CT is a cunning player who knows what he's doing... and he led us here, into this shitty position. Beginning with his insistence on lynching on Day 1, ending with his campaign against Zipped yesterday - he helped bringing the rebels down like noone else.
My vote goes to either CzarTim or redhood today. I'm leaning heavily towards CzarTim and I hope you guys follow me for once.

Yeah why wouldn't the Hutts kill someone people thought was the IA when they could kill confirmed roles that weren't the IA? A true mystery of our time. There's like a zero percent chance I'll be night killed at this point with people so suspicious of me.

You're done nothing all game but play Captain Hindsight and get angry that we didn't chose your completely wrong way of playing over someone else's completely wrong way of playing. It feels like you've only skimmed this thread as posts have come in, and put zero thought or effort into the game other than the most surface level reads. Your the kid who huffs in the corner when you don't get your way. Well mafia is a team sport. If you can't manage to convince half the town of something, there's probably a good reason for it. Either make a better case or stop acting indignant.

If we lose this game it will be because most of our town power roles completely imploded or misplayed on day one and two. I had nothing to do with any of that. If we had played your way LoC would have never shot swamped, and we would have never caught Mak and OA in a lie. I've by no means been perfect, but acting like you've been right from the start is crazy talk.

The only two people who didn't find zipp suspicious yesterday were Palmer (who never said why other than gut feeling) and Yesno (who was on the fence.) If 80% of the town feel a certain way, there's probably a good reason for it right or wrong.

So let me ask you, if the top two suspects yesterday were zipp and redhood and today's are redhood and me, why would I push so hard for zipp yesterday? Shouldn't I have just gone along with redhood vote and push zipp today? What's the difference? Unless redhood and I are on the scum team together, it doesn't. Is that what you think?

All game you've never given me credit when I was right, only docked me when I was wrong. As much as I appreciate that you think I'm some Machiavellian puppet master, I am just not that good as scum. I wish I was, but I'm not.


I wasn't kidding when I said I'm super sick. Sitting up for this long hurts, so I'm done posting for a bit. Still following the thread from my ipad. Do what you feel is best.


Yeah why wouldn't the Hutts kill someone people thought was the IA when they could kill confirmed roles that weren't the IA? A true mystery of our time. There's like a zero percent chance I'll be night killed at this point with people so suspicious of me.

That's complete BS, even if someone other than me uttered that thought, the majority of the Town was/is following your lead.

You're done nothing all game but play Captain Hindsight and get angry that we didn't chose your completely wrong way of playing over someone else's completely wrong way of playing. It feels like you've only skimmed this thread as posts have come in, and put zero thought or effort into the game other than the most surface level reads. Your the kid who huffs in the corner when you don't get your way. Well mafia is a team sport. If you can't manage to convince half the town of something, there's probably a good reason for it. Either make a better case or stop acting indignant.

This whole paragraph, bold part the TL:DR version, makes no sense at all. I did not just complain afterwards, I offered alternatives.
Why the town didn't follow? Because others, mostly you, were more convincing. I admit that, no point in arguing. I'm not a great public speaker and even less so in a foreign language.
Underlined part: is getting personal and making up stuff (bold part) the only defence you have left? You really must be sick.

If we lose this game it will be because most of our town power roles completely imploded or misplayed on day one and two. I had nothing to do with any of that. If we had played your way LoC would have never shot swamped, and we would have never caught Mak and OA in a lie. I've by no means been perfect, but acting like you've been right from the start is crazy talk.

If we had played my way, we wouldn't have killed our armorer No 1 on Day 1 and he wouldn't have role claimes, resulting in more shields handed out, which could've prevented more losses and we would now not be one or two nights away from defeat.
I also would not have forced role claims from the CBs or the 2nd armorer, all of which happened due to an overly aggressive playstyle you introduced for the most part - and stuck to it, despite failure after failure.
I fail to see completely how I would've influenced Mak's and OA's accidental reveals, again your defense by attacking me personally is sub-par.

The only two people who didn't find zipp suspicious yesterday were Palmer (who never said why other than gut feeling) and Yesno (who was on the fence.) If 80% of the town feel a certain way, there's probably a good reason for it right or wrong.

a cunning player.

So let me ask you, if the top two suspects yesterday were zipp and redhood and today's are redhood and me, why would I push so hard for zipp yesterday? Shouldn't I have just gone along with redhood vote and push zipp today? What's the difference? Unless redhood and I are on the scum team together, it doesn't. Is that what you think?

the difference is that you can make this exact argument right now.

I wasn't kidding when I said I'm super sick. Sitting up for this long hurts, so I'm done posting for a bit. Still following the thread from my ipad. Do what you feel is best.

Get some rest.

VOTE: CzarTim


TB opened the game with an aggressive vote, as did traube and LoC. All three town. How is the aggressive game my fault? I never voted for ex and defended him. I wanted to vote Rymuth and look here we are.

As for Mak and LA you wanted to vote palmer. We only caught them in a lie after forcing them to role claim purely based of suspicious posting.

Sorry for personal attacks, really drugged up right now. No excuse.
This utterly ridiculous to the point that I laughed when I read it. Come on, dude.

You need to read this wiki page, because a lot of your arguments / cases so far seem to ignore it: http://wiki.mafiascum.net/index.php?title=WIFOM

Not only that, it's factually inaccurate. I was suspicious of zipp day one and voted for him. I said I was very suspicious of him day three. I said I thought he was a Hutt before he even voted for me day five. Was I inconsistent with my feelings?
Hey at least I made you laugh even though you are sick :D

I enjoy prodding. Give me more words.

I didn't though. I said finding the thief was the pro-town vote. I said everyone should vote for who they think is the thief. I also said I thought zipp was the thief, and that was obviously wrong, but I really just wanted to find the thief.

Nah. I dont buy it. You even mocked other people's vote even if you said everyone should vote for who they think is the thief. Action speaks louder. You may say "go ahead and vote for your conviction!" ... but your follow up reaction was ... of poor form.
For the millionth time this game, being wrong doesn't equal scum. You are going to be wrong more than you're right in mafia. I know for a fact you are wrong about me. What can you do when you're wrong other than apologize?

The only thing that matters in mafia is intent. I wrote over a thousand words on why I thought zipp was scum. Do you think I was insincere? Do you think I was forcing a bad argument to get someone lynched? Why would I do that as scum? Could a town member reasonably get that wrong?

If you come away from all of that thinking, "Yes, a scum would make that argument" then okay, but basing your case on me being wrong one day after being right three days in a row is just not a good case.

Yeah. I wasn't convinced by your many-worded argument. Sorry :<
Big noooooooope to this you had zero sway over either of those Hutt votes and the fact that you are trying to use it as street cred is dumb. You were a new player who went along with the rest of town each day. Also you did flip flop day four on OA when everyone else backed off.

I think you are cool, and I think you have the ability to be a good mafia player. It's clear you are already putting more thought into the game than most players do. I'm not trying to take away from what you've done this game, but I do not think it's fair to use the fact that you replaced in at a time when we had actual evidence as proof you've always been right.

Nyaaa, i didn't say I had sway. I was comparing myself to MattAttack's voting pattern, whom I was responding to. Which of us has more pro-town profile from our voting patterns? He didn't respond to this, in turn :<

And please, I only postponed my OA vote for another day. That was my first vote in the game, too.... which in fact, my first in any Mafia game ever. I learned afterwards not to be swayed to and fro.

Im not using the fact that Im replacing midgame as much as I have pointed out how I have been pro-town in my posts AND VOTES. I was 100% sure that Zipped was Rebel, that was why I did not change my vote.


I wasn't kidding when I said I'm super sick. Sitting up for this long hurts, so I'm done posting for a bit. Still following the thread from my ipad. Do what you feel is best.


Rest up. Ipad GAFfing is painful >____<


The only person I mocked for their vote was you, and only because you were voting for one of the two people who couldn't be the thief. I clearly laid out why I thought getting the thief first was important. Did you disagree with it? Because you never said why if so, or I missed it.

I didn't ask if you believed my case on zipp, I asked if you thought I believed it. If I am a main hutt then I knew for certain that he was not a main hutt, so why would I make that case? What purpose would it serve? Why would I push SO hard for someone who almost certainly would flip town?

Also " I was 100% sure that Zipped was Rebel, that was why I did not change my vote. " did you say this yesterday? Did you defend him? Or did you say you were on the fence? I seem to remember the latter. Very easy to say you're 100% convinced after the fact.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
Right now, I'm focusing on the group of eJawa, YesNo, and AB. I think there's a decent chance that both the IA and what is hopefully the final Main Hutt are in this group.

If there is only one main hutt left, I couldn't be it, since that would make me the theif. The thief struck night 2, which was also the night Setre investigated me. I think YesNo might be the agent, but I doubt he is the theif. I don't have a good read on AB yet, which also makes me think agent. I'd rather vote for someone who I think is main hutt, since it would take away their night action. There is also the chance that anyone I think is hutt, might actually be the agent.

On the subject of Czar, I don't see him being a main hutt. He was quick to vote for both Makai and OA. The only way I see him doing that is he saw no chance in saving either of them and quickly threw them under the bus to gain our trust. Yes, OA was a lost cause, so anyone voting for him isn't exactly evidence for innocence, but I don't think a hutt would be so quick to sacrifice 2 of their own back to back like that. I could see him maybe being the agent, but I can seeing anyone being the agent.
The only person I mocked for their vote was you, and only because you were voting for one of the two people who couldn't be the thief. I clearly laid out why I thought getting the thief first was important. Did you disagree with it? Because you never said why if so, or I missed it.

Yep. Disagreed. I thought I was clear enough why I had voted for eJawa instead. I made a stupid big about it. With reasons and stuff. Mocked anyway. And you weren't sick back then, were you? Cuz it seems to me that resorting to personal jabs is quite a thing for you.

I would guess you had meant that I didn't make enough efforts, by your standards, to dissuade you from going after your so-called "getting the thief first is the most important and that the thief is zipped".

Well. I don't know what to say but it's not exactly easy going against the person with the most post counts in the game, who claims to be veteran at it, and who had been leading the discussions chiefly. I tried to present my case... But it had fallen on deaf ears.

It was kinda disheartening.

I didn't ask if you believed my case on zipp, I asked if you thought I believed it. If I am a main hutt then I knew for certain that he was not a main hutt, so why would I make that case? What purpose would it serve? Why would I push SO hard for someone who almost certainly would flip town?
I think you did it because you wanted to dwindle the townies population, even by daylight, and you think highly of your own mafia game skills. And you were assured enough that you have everyone in your pocket and you are somewhat confident that you can argue your way out of the jam, afterwards.

Also " I was 100% sure that Zipped was Rebel, that was why I did not change my vote. " did you say this yesterday? Did you defend him? Or did you say you were on the fence? I seem to remember the latter. Very easy to say you're 100% convinced after the fact.

If I was on the fence, I'd have commented and posted about my doubts and I would have made some changes to my vote. I didn't.

For example, I haven't voted for you now because I'm not quite certain yet. This demonstrates my state of mind. But I didn't alter my position on eJawa yesterday. It wasn't easy, let me tell you. I felt the pressure to buckle and to bandwagon. But I didn't.


Yep. Disagreed. I thought I was clear enough why I had voted for eJawa instead. I made a stupid big about it. With reasons and stuff. Mocked anyway. And you weren't sick back then, were you? Cuz it seems to me that resorting to personal jabs is quite a thing for you.

It wasn't meant to be a personal jab. It was just a joke. I apologized when I realized you had taken it personally.

I would guess you had meant that I didn't make enough efforts, by your standards, to dissuade you from going after your so-called "getting the thief first is the most important and that the thief is zipped".

Well. I don't know what to say but it's not exactly easy going against the person with the most post counts in the game, who claims to be veteran at it, and who had been leading the discussions chiefly. I tried to present my case... But it had fallen on deaf ears.

Looking back the only thing I see from you about this is that you did not think there was an item left to steal, so getting the thief didn't matter. But this wasn't my reasoning for getting the thief first at all. It had everything to do with the possible number of hutts left. You were willing to risk 1 of 2 or 3 mislynches to see if someone is a hutt when we could just as easily clear him by looking for the thief first.

I do not buy this whole "he was the most posts and is the most convincing therefore scum" argument at all. It's insulting to everyone else in this game. People are allowed to decide whatever they want, and me typing 'lol bad vote' shouldn't sway a bunch of people on a video game forum. Play however you want and don't take it personally, fam.

I think you did it because you wanted to dwindle the townies population, even by daylight, and you think highly of your own mafia game skills. And you were assured enough that you have everyone in your pocket and you are somewhat confident that you can argue your way out of the jam, afterwards.

So you think redhood and I are scum and I was trying to save him? Or you think just I am scum and tried to get one townie killed over another for no reason?

If I was on the fence, I'd have commented and posted about my doubts and I would have made some changes to my vote. I didn't.

So this?

Reading the exchange between Czar and Zipped, I'm still on the fence with Zipped. I think there was someone in a few pages back that picked up that Zipped tried to give Makai the blaster, and this is still nagging in the back of my mind. I should retrace and find the trail of discussion about this.
It wasn't meant to be a personal jab. It was just a joke. I apologized when I realized you had taken it personally.

Looking back the only thing I see from you about this is that you did not think there was an item left to steal, so getting the thief didn't matter. But this wasn't my reasoning for getting the thief first at all. It had everything to do with the possible number of hutts left. You were willing to risk 1 of 2 or 3 mislynches to see if someone is a hutt when we could just as easily clear him by looking for the thief first.

I do not buy this whole "he was the most posts and is the most convincing therefore scum" argument at all. It's insulting to everyone else in this game. People are allowed to decide whatever they want, and me typing 'lol bad vote' shouldn't sway a bunch of people on a video game forum. Play however you want and don't take it personally, fam.

So you think redhood and I are scum and I was trying to save him? Or you think just I am scum and tried to get one townie killed over another for no reason?

So this?


One post is BEFORE my vote. LINK HERE.

MY VOTE. Link here.


How hard is it to understand that I was on the fence before I voted and NOT AFTER.


you so hilar. go rest up, silly czar, and maybe when you come back chronological post order will make more sense to you.


And now for something completely different:

I do not feel super comfortable saying anyone is scum right now. I could make an argument both for and against everyone. I was going to reread the thread one more time today, but that ain't happening at this point.

I feel less sure about redhood than anyone, but I don't know. Honestly wouldn't mind getting voted out either because if rh is really an OR, I feel like I'm going to go tomorrow and that would definitely be a lose case. I really think at this point there are 2 hutts left so we'll see either way.


Yo yesno, my friend, I am commenting on the fact that you said you were 100% sure zipp was town yesterday. Not that you were sus of ejawa. These things can co-exist, ya? If you felt that way, that's fine. I just didn't see it!
No its okay, I totally see your points, I thought it was clear but now I see that I should not rely on implied path of reasoning! My bad.

Im really worried about you being sick, btw. You should drink plenty of fluids and try to sleep good lengths of sleep at a stretch.


Wow this thread got spicy when I was away. I think czar just fucked and he isn't a hurt. It's to easy now. Again vote me if you must but I am an OR. My laptop charger is busted so if I make it out of today I will probably use mobile for half of the next day too by the way.


I can confirm I am not a hurt.

Also no worried, yesno. And thanks. I am drinking lots of water and watching netflix movies so alls good!

I don't blame anyone for being sus of me, I've been sloppy this game and I apologize if it turned anyone off of mafia.


Blah. I got a little excited when I saw that a bunch of stuff happened, but it's not really anything concrete.

Czartim has become extremely defensive. It kind of strikes me as a frustrated Mafia player lashing out a bit. or IA. He's still my dark horse candidate for that. He says protecting swamped wa just a coincidence, or he could have been linking them to make it easier for the Hutts. I'm no stranger to dropping hints in early posts.

Fuck it.

Vote: Czartim
Wow this thread got spicy when I was away. I think czar just fucked and he isn't a hurt. It's to easy now. Again vote me if you must but I am an OR. My laptop charger is busted so if I make it out of today I will probably use mobile for half of the next day too by the way.


On topic: I'm still not really convinced that Czar is a Hutt. I've gone back through the thread multiple times at this point and nothing has really stuck out to me as shady that wasn't day 1 stuff, or stuff that was explained.
I also think that was super funny, from reddy XD

But I am glad we have established that Czar isnt a Hurt :D

Czar, great :D Fluids and movie = best way to heal :D


If the plan is if rh flips OR today then I go tomorrow, then I'd rather go today so you guys can make an informed decision tomorrow. You'll have more info with me gone (i.e. better reads on some) and I don't have to spend all day defending myself again. Like my opinion will be useless tomorrow if I'm still around. At least I'll be able to drop some truth bombs before I bounce to give you something to go on. All I ask for tomorrow is everyone try to reread the thread one more time before deciding.

If AB or Matt is a hutt, then we're going to lose anyway because I just can't get a case on them that makes sense.


I don't know about czar I got a bad feeling about this. See Palmer this is why you don't rush votes.

I'm just impatient this close to the end of a game, when we have nothing solid to go on.

Here's my list, I've been notching people back and forth on it for the last two day phases:

Player - Thief?(1 being LEAST likely) - UI? - Total

Redhood56 - 3 - 2 - 5
eJawa - 1 - 5 - 6
Czartim - 4 - 4 - 8
Matt Attack - 5 - 1 - 6
YesNo - 2 - 3 - 5

Individually, I have people I suspect more of being Thief or UI than Czar, but he's high on both of my lists at this point.


I'm just impatient this close to the end of a game, when we have nothing solid to go on.

Here's my list, I've been notching people back and forth on it for the last two day phases:

Player - Thief?(1 being LEAST likely) - UI? - Total

Redhood56 - 3 - 2 - 5
eJawa - 1 - 5 - 6
Czartim - 4 - 4 - 8
Matt Attack - 5 - 1 - 6
YesNo - 2 - 3 - 5

Individually, I have people I suspect more of being Thief or UI than Czar, but he's high on both of my lists at this point.

That's not easy to read. Here:

Thief, from most suspicious to least:
Matt Attack

Everything there is essentially gut feelings except for eJawa. If we had better proof of anything, we'd be voting better.

eJawa - Oddly, his defense against being the Thief makes me wonder if he's the UI.
Matt Attack


How'd you go from voting rh to him being middle of your list so quickly?

He got bumped down 1 on my thief list when you got bumped up earlier. I was previously voting mostly based on the the Thief list.

There's also an element of insurance here. If Redhood has tricked me, so be it. If the top poster in the game fools me, than I was really an idiot.


would probably like a hook in his jaw for that matter
eJawa - Oddly, his defense against being the Thief makes me wonder if he's the UI.

In that case... Uh, I could totally be the thief, with a role that prevented Setre from detecting me.

I can't speak for the actual agent, but If I WAS the agent, I wouldn't have gone after both Makai and OA back to back, even if it threw some suspicion on me. I would have tried to steer the vote elsewhere, to someone I didn't think was a hutt. Helping detain 2 probably hutts doesn't help the hutts at all, even if I thought it would keep me hidden.


I don't feel good about a rh vote tbh. I was going to go along with it today, because hey, I was wrong yesterday so who knows. But if we're setting this up so that I'm really the target tomorrow, we're on a definite path to losing (assuming rh is town), and I want to avoid that.

So I want you to vote me today. These are the scenarios in my mind:

6 scum

Me today - I flip town, you have a better read on everyone tomorrow. RH is still an option tomorrow, but you can discuss other options.

Me today - I flip hutt, nuff said.

RH today - He flips town, raindoc doubles down on me claiming I somehow manipulated town once again with this amazing reverse psychology post of mine because I'm apparently the best scum of all time.

RH today - He flips hutt. lol I'm dumb, vote for me tomorrow anyway.

6 scum

Me today - I flip town, we lose. Sorry. But if rh is not a hutt we are losing either way. If rh is a hutt then lol I'm dumb.

Me today - I flip hutt, nuff said.

RH today - He flips town, we lose.

RH today - He flips hutt. lol I'm dumb.

Honestly think that's the best option unless we are 100% guaranteeing I won't be lynched tomorrow, which is obviously really dumb.

Just please don't hammer me unless I'm around so I can make a final thoughts post.
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