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State of play on may 14 is gonna be about Ghost of tsushima


Gold Member
here we go boys

18 minutes (more or less) of new gameplay with combat, exploration etc.



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Gold Member
mods can you delete my topic? i didn't notice the other one already opened, thanks.
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How is this running on current-gen hardware? :messenger_fearful:

The art style will probably get slammed for being too stylized, especially the high contrast of dark shadows and color. It makes the game look slightly fantastical which I personally love. Such a great dev.


God sony is really going out with a bang. We havent seen MUCH of Ghosts but imagine its just as much a banger of TLOU...?!? Such a direct one-two combo a month a part esp in the summer!

Just like last Gen ending with tlou lol thy know what thy are doing. Keeping tht momentum from start to finish.


ill be watching this with great interest

GOT finally popped up on my radar recently, it is sounding cooler and cooler each time i see it


To sell and make bank on two of their biggest exclusives of the generation.

They can still do that AND show us something from next gen... Anything would suffice at the moment. It is May and, apart from the controller we know NOTHING about this fucking thing (tech specs not withstanding) in terms of looks or games!
I personally have 0 hype for this game. Also, Sucker Punch doesn't really have a good track record lately either. Infamous Second Son was nothing special to me personally.

Happy for those who are looking forward to the game, hope the game does well but I am not really interested for my gaming tastes.


They can still do that AND show us something from next gen... Anything would suffice at the moment. It is May and, apart from the controller we know NOTHING about this fucking thing (tech specs not withstanding) in terms of looks or games!

I know it's hilarious 😅

They'll do a sega and show it a week before release


I know it's hilarious 😅

They'll do a sega and show it a week before release

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for GOT (why they decided to wait so long for gameplay footage for this game as well is baffling) but their reluctance to show off anything PS5 baffles me, especially this late in the game. I hope they aren't becoming arrogant Sony again, because sleep now and they will allow Microsoft to come straight back in (which isn't a bad thing at all).


Gold Member
How is this running on current-gen hardware? :messenger_fearful:

The art style will probably get slammed for being too stylized, especially the high contrast of dark shadows and color. It makes the game look slightly fantastical which I personally love. Such a great dev.
quite the opposite, i saw the game getting criticized for many reason but everyone fucking love the artstyle, i saw zero negative comments about it, like zero...

a lot of people is gonna buy the game for the artstyle alone.
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They can still do that AND show us something from next gen... Anything would suffice at the moment. It is May and, apart from the controller we know NOTHING about this fucking thing (tech specs not withstanding) in terms of looks or games!

I know that it's painful to wait, and especially if you're a veteran of game console launches this game of chicken with no looks and the launch date being as little as six months away, but take note that the PS4 news cycle was actually pretty much the same timeline as this: we had seen virtually nothing of PS4 or Xbox One before E3 that year in June of 2013.

The big news of GDC before that was Occulus Rift and Ouya (yes, Ouya,) and Sony's speech at that event was basically the same chat about PS4 specs & features we got for PS5. We were still lolling at the UE4 Infiltrator demo and imaging it as a next-gen game. At the E3 the year before that, we had no official PS4 presence, but Ubisoft and LucasArts did sneak hints of next-gen into the show with WatchDogs and Star Wars 1313. There was lots of little stuff and tech demos in between (which we've had a lot of, but given that there's no "UE5" or CryEngine 4" or "Source 2", those engine demos aren't clearly delineating past-gen, next-gen, and future-gen.) It wasn't until E3 2013 that we finally got to see Titanfall and The Order and Quantum Break and The Dark Sorcerer Demo and everything that gave the green light to next-gen mania.

It doesn't feel right to me either, but somehow, it's still too early to expect too much visibility of next-gen.
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I love the approach of supporting massive triple AAA production value titles like this right up to the end of the generation.

Hope this game does super well, if it plays as well as it looks, it is going to sell a shed load.
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I know that it's painful to wait, and especially if you're a veteran of game console launches this game of chicken with no looks and the launch date being as little as six months away, but take note that the PS4 news cycle was actually pretty much the same timeline as this: we had seen virtually nothing of PS4 or Xbox One before E3 that year in June of 2013.

The big news of GDC before that was Occulus Rift and Ouya (yes, Ouya,) and Sony's speech at that event was basically the same chat about PS4 specs & features we got for PS5. We were still lolling at the UE4 Infiltrator demo and imaging it as a next-gen game. At the E3 the year before that, we had no official PS4 presence, but Ubisoft and LucasArts did sneak hints of next-gen into the show with WatchDogs and Star Wars 1313. There was lots of little stuff and tech demos in between (which we've had a lot of, but given that there's no "UE5" or CryEngine 4" or "Source 2", those engine demos aren't clearly delineating past-gen, next-gen, and future-gen.) It wasn't until E3 2013 that we finally got to see Titanfall and The Order and Quantum Break and The Dark Sorcerer Demo and everything that gave the green light to next-gen mania.

It doesn't feel right to me either, but somehow, it's still too early to expect too much visibility of next-gen.

I get that completely, but in this day and age (and after Microsoft have shown off EVERYTHING about their console) why the secrecy? Are they scared Microsoft might steal an idea? I know in the "old days" Nintendo was sometimes reluctant to show things as companies would steal ideas, but I just can't fathom why Sony needs to hide this shit. It's not like they haven't sold many PS4 consoles and it will take sales away... we ALL know PS5 is coming. Why hide it? It just pisses me off is all (and i'm impatient as well)!


About time.
Game launches in 2 months and it's probably the last big exclusive, and they've hardly shown any gameplay.

Looking forward to this

I personally have 0 hype for this game. Also, Sucker Punch doesn't really have a good track record lately either. Infamous Second Son was nothing special to me personally.

Second Son seemed to really suffer from having to be a launch window game. It had a good core with nice visuals and fun combat but it just needed more of everything. More powers, more enemy variety, more missions, more side content, a longer story, etc. It's one of the few games this gen that I enjoyed but also felt like "what? that's it?" when the credits started rolling.

They've pretty much had an entire console gen to make this one....so if they're ever going to show they are a top tier dev, this is their chance.


Looking forward to see more about this game, specially if it's like a 18 minutes long gameplay video. With some cutscenes but focusing on real gameplay, a gameplay demo running on the console hardware (or at least its testkit).

I'm wondering if they will confirm if it's BC for PS5 (I'm 100% it will be the case, but not sure if will be mentioned in the stream) and if they will mention if the game will have improvements on PS5.

I get that completely, but in this day and age (and after Microsoft have shown off EVERYTHING about their console) why the secrecy? Are they scared Microsoft might steal an idea? I know in the "old days" Nintendo was sometimes reluctant to show things as companies would steal ideas, but I just can't fathom why Sony needs to hide this shit. It's not like they haven't sold many PS4 consoles and it will take sales away... we ALL know PS5 is coming. Why hide it? It just pisses me off is all (and i'm impatient as well)!
They have two major exclusive games to be released very soon and another one has been recently released. Two of them are maybe two of their biggest exclusives of the generation so they want to have all the eyes focused on them until released.

In addition to this, there's a global pandemic that delayed TLOU2, GOT2 and very likely PS5 marketing plans too including PS5 game demos to be shown there, maybe OS/console UI/demo to be shown there and making cool promotional videos to explain what the console experience will be, devs or executives mentioning stuff and things like that.

The big PS5 reveal shouldn't be like the Inside we saw the other day recorded with crappy old webcams or something creepy like Cerny's GDC talk. It must be something way better and appealing for the mainstream player.
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I'm wondering if they will confirm if it's BC for PS5 (I'm 100% it will be the case, but not sure if will be mentioned in the stream) and if they will mention if the game will have improvements on PS5.

If I had to bet, I would think both TLOU2 and GoT will get some sort of PS5 patch/upgrade/special enhancements when the system launches, given how high profile these games are for Sony's brand and how close to PS5 they are coming out.
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If I had to bet, I would think both TLOU2 and GoT will get some sort of PS5 patch/upgrade/special enhancements when the system launches, given how high profile these games are for Sony's brand and how close to PS5 they are coming out.
Sure, I bet on this too. But I'd like to know if they will mention it in this video or if they will wait instead to the PS5 reveal, where due to time it would be just mentioned instead of showing improved PS5 gameplay.

But Sony said to don't expect PS5 news from this stream.


Finally, the true last current-gen exclusive from Sony steps out of the shadow.

Show us what you got SuckerPunch.

My money is on you, not the other game that everybody talks about.


I get that completely, but in this day and age (and after Microsoft have shown off EVERYTHING about their console) why the secrecy?

I don't think it's "secrecy" so much as strategy and gameplan as to why Sony is not doing a PS5 State of Play yet. A long time ago, they put June 2020 on the calendar as their PS5 kick-off date, they gave their developers a timeline of when to have demos and trailers ready, they did this timing once before with PS4 and everything went more or less according to plan to lead to them being the platform-generation sales leader, they've got other major current-generation titles to sell before the great magnetism of next-gen takes all the attention away... it's not on Sony to react to what Microsoft does, it's on them to roll out PS5 in the most successful means possible. And their gameplan for that seems to be centered around June, no matter what MS or Nintendo or the virus or the impatient fanbase does outside of those plans.

We'll see if the strategy is successful. MS has certainly leapt to the top of the leaderboard with Xbox Series X and all the great specs of that machine, but they've also made a few mistakes, to the point now where they're they have on paper the most powerful consumer gaming device ever built and yet the conversation currently is, "What happened to all those TFLOPS?!" It's not a sprint, it's a marathon, and Sony has run this race many times now.

...In the downtime, though, yeah, it pisses me off too. But I've got two huge new games to look forward to, and plenty to do in between (including maybe playing Gears Tactics, which didn't seem to get a lot of attention when it launched a few weeks back, almost as if Microsoft got distracted and couldn't do that AND this and do them both equally well...)


Something tells me that it's a "little" bit more work than just that. PLUS, it's more than just good art that makes this game look good.

Believe it or not, lowering the resolution is a BIG FPS booster. Recall that these graphics boards are completely limited on pixel count because they are rasterizer based. The resolution also propagates to all of the internal framebuffers (depth, stencil, shadow, render targets, etc..).

The game does look good. And I attribute it to the art direction for sure. It's not doing anything that we haven't seen in some other game.


Believe it or not, lowering the resolution is a BIG FPS booster. Recall that these graphics boards are completely limited on pixel count because they are rasterizer based. The resolution also propagates to all of the internal framebuffers (depth, stencil, shadow, render targets, etc..).

The game does look good. And I attribute it to the art direction for sure. It's not doing anything that we haven't seen in some other game.

True. It's how everything comes together throughout the whole development pipeline (from art/assets to whatever graphic features the team decides to use the hardware bandwidth on).

This is just a visually pleasing game (much like the majority of Sony exclusives).
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The nicest person on this forum
Second Son seemed to really suffer from having to be a launch window game. It had a good core with nice visuals and fun combat but it just needed more of everything. More powers, more enemy variety, more missions, more side content, a longer story, etc. It's one of the few games this gen that I enjoyed but also felt like "what? that's it?" when the credits started rolling.

They've pretty much had an entire console gen to make this one....so if they're ever going to show they are a top tier dev, this is their chance.
Definitely agree with you Second Son might be my least favourite Infamous games but it still was tons of fun, enough so I platinum it.

My biggest issues were enemy variety, especially compare to 2nd game, now that game had really good enemy variety.

Another one is.....I wish Delsin had one power but it was fully developed. In Second Son had we more powers but none of them felt that developed, it felt to me they were colour swaps.
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