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tactics has as much of a reason as 1 and 2 all of these have mobile versions.
I doubt crisis core or dirge will ever make it.
Kero Blaster. It's from Pixel, who made Cave Story. It has a frog with a gun. That's right. A FROG WITH A GUN.

Yes I know, I enjoyed Cave Story and that's the main reason I'm interested in Kero Blaster.

Heard lots of good things about Shovel Knight too though. Hmm...


Why is Tactics considered mainline and not things like Crytsal Chronicles? Because of Ivalice?

Both are technically not mainline, same with Type-0. Not sure why they're treated as mainline, but CC isn't.

If we're doing them all:

CC games
FFMQ (confusing since Seiken Densetsu (Final Fantasy Adventure) is called Mystic Quest in Europe)
Chocobo Racings
Chocobo Mystery Dungeon game
FF Dimensions
All the Bravest is garbage
Dissidia games
Theatrhythm games (including the DQ one)

Other Square:

SaGa series:

SaGa/FFL games
Romancing SaGa games never came here except the PS2 remake of the first
SaGa Frontier games
Unlimited SaGa sucks

Mana / SD series:

SD/FFA/Mystic Quest/Sword of Mana
SD2/Secret of Mana
SD3 never came here
Legend of Mana
Dawn of Mana
Children of Mana

Chrono series:

Chrono Trigger
Radical Dreamers never came here
Chrono Cross
Chrono Break (lol)

Kingdom Hearts series (how did I forget this)

Ehrgeiz no one gives a shit about
Einhander is awesome
I know nothing about Musashi
Bushido Blade games
Bahamut Lagoon didn't come here
Treasure of the Rudras ditto
Treasure Hunter G ditto
The Bouncer
Hanjuku Hero series never came here
Live-A-Live also never came here
Super Mario RPG is never happening for obvious reasons

Front Mission
I think Gun Hazard is the only one not here

Really old stuff that's highly unlikely:

Cruise Chaser Blassty
Death Trap series
Kings' Knight

If we also did Enix, there's more:

DQ series (including the many spin-offs)
Quintet games
Jesus games are probably too old/too obscure platforms
A number of other too old/too obscure PC games
Star Ocean series
Itadaki Street / Fortune Street games
Tactics Ogre / Ogre Battle series

I'm sure I'm missing lots so just tell me


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
The updated Final Fantasy Steam list, if IX hits soon:

X and X-2 were in the recent database leak. I'd bet money they're coming in 2016.


irresponsible vagina leak
JUJU looks good. Any impressions here?

EDIT: Nevermind just got it gifted I shall find out myself pretty soon xD

Acknowledge your queen!!!!!!

Also the best combat system in the entire series

Never pegged you as a Leblanc fan.


So how long do you think FFXV will take? I could see that being within a year of console release. Especially if they let a good port company handle it.
so then, styx? how about it?


I'll post my impressions from a few days back. I finished the game yesterday and came away pleasantly surprised.

It plays a lot like Dishonored at times. The game consists of seven chapters and each chapter consists of multiple levels where you have a main objective and a side objective. The levels themselves are mostly large and very open allowing for lots of possibilities. It's great fun trying to figure out the best route to your objectives. So don't expect another Thief with its disappointing linearity. The stealth relies both on shadows and a lot on verticality.

Styx is a pure stealth game and combat is discouraged. The hardest difficulty makes it so that guards kill you in one hit. Also, the combat itself is not that interesting. On each chapter you can earn insignia's for a certain playstyle. Shadow (no alerts), merciful (no kills), swiftness (timebound) and thief (steal all the collectibles). You receive experience after each chapter (extra for side-objectives and insignia's) which can be spent on skills. The most distinguishable skill is cloning in which you can produce clones to solve puzzles and distract guards.

It is however a fairly low-budget game so don't expect the polish of Dishonored either. The voice-acting is fairly forgettable, the graphics and animations aren't all that hot and some jank should be expected.

I also have to add that I found the story to be rather interesting. It's not the typical thief looking for treasure or trying to take vengeance storyline.


The updated Final Fantasy Steam list, if IX hits soon:
  • Final Fantasy I
  • Final Fantasy II
  • Final Fantasy III
    [*]Final Fantasy IV
    Final Fantasy IV: The After Years​
    [*]Final Fantasy V
    [*]Final Fantasy VI
    [*]Final Fantasy VII

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
    Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII​
  • Final Fantasy VIII
    [*]Final Fantasy IX
  • Final Fantasy X
    Final Fantasy X-2​
  • Final Fantasy XI
  • Final Fantasy XII
    Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings​
  • Final Fantasy XIII
    Final Fantasy XIII-2
    Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
    Final Fantasy Type-0​
  • Final Fantasy XIV
  • Final Fantasy XV

You use the INDENT tag.

I'm surprised X/X-2 HD haven't hit yet. But I expect that will happen some time next year.
Just ran across Gods Will Be Watching in my discovery queue. I remember the trailer being quite attention grabbing but I never really hear it pop up in game recommendations. Can anyone point me to aye or nay on this?
Oh yay, I just had an email from Steam saying someone tried to log into my account from another PC. Earlier this week someone in Brazil tried to log into my Instagram account. No major information was leaked my arse...


Anyway for these sales I've bought:

- 60 seconds;
- Avernum: escape from Pit;
- Quest for infamy;
- Cities Skyline;
- Papers please;
- Sunless sea;
- The Quest.


Every year I swear "this will be the year I actually make/get a gaming computer and finally take advantage of steam sales" and every year nothing happens.
Maybe this year will be the year. Ah, who am I kidding.
I bought all my games form this sale ages ago but I feel like I want to buy more, I've no idea why.

I think it's this talk of Styx, I did like Dishonored...


ff9 and 12 are the two final fantasies i hope to complete someday since i never got too far in either of them, but the one i would love to see on steam the most would be tactics

cos that game is fucking rad and i wanna play it again

i wish they made a tactics 2 also, that world and those systems and those fucking GORGEOUS semi-serious semi-cutesy sprites

omg so goooood


A little "janky", sure, but the most rewarding stealth experience since Thief. No, not that Thief. The other Thief.
I'll post my impressions from a few days back. I finished the game yesterday and came away pleasantly surprised.

I also have to add that I found the story to be rather interesting. It's not the typical thief looking for treasure or trying to take vengeance storyline.
yeah, will probably bite. it's only $4~


Hurray, achievements work again in Mind: Path to Thalamus! To bad they cranked up the god rays to 11, can barely see what I'm doing half the time.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I have a bit more money to spend this sale, I had spaced on Grow Home and Styx, so will pick up.

Any recommendations for games in the $10 or less range that have really good atmosphere and would recommend?


Just ran across Gods Will Be Watching in my discovery queue. I remember the trailer being quite attention grabbing but I never really hear it pop up in game recommendations. Can anyone point me to aye or nay on this?

I've only played through the first few chapters so I can't give impressions on the whole game. I think overall it's okay. It's got an interesting story and it's got a lot of situations that force you to make difficult choices. But it's also not exactly that easy to get into as well, and many of the choices end up being fairly binary.

It's worth the money but only if you like that style of game. It's more akin to a visual novel than a P & C adventure. I enjoyed it, but the person I was playing with did not, so we haven't revisited it. I should get around to finishing it someday.


Mine is pretty and pink
As I bought all the games on day 1 it feels like I bought nothing this sale, kinda.
I want to buy more but I think I'll save the money for ROTR when it releases sometimes in January.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller


Wait a minute.
Yesterday the storepage read

That's right,
9981 titles on sale across Steam

Today it's

That's right,
9961 titles on sale across Steam

Umihawaraka or whatever it's called makes 3 games. What are the other 17
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