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Well, that depends. Is as likely as the day 23 March 2016 happening. I mean, the universe might implode the day before, but i'd still say that 23 March 2016 happening is pretty much definitive regardless.

There are several issues with assuming FFX/X-2 is 100% confirmed.

Steamdb listings have never been 100% accurate. There is significant precedent for companies abandoning an app if they change strategy or another person marking the listing with whatever name they chose.
There is also no precedent for these Sony exclusive PS2 HD games being ported to PC. It's been theorized that they use proprietary Sony software to assist with the ports.

Like I said, the port is likely but jumping the gun on confirmations is disingenuous.


There are several issues with assuming FFX/X-2 is 100% confirmed.

Steamdb listings have never been 100% accurate. There is significant precedent for companies abandoning an app if they change strategy or another person marking the listing with whatever name they chose.
There is also no precedent for these Sony exclusive PS2 HD games being ported to PC. It's been theorized that they use proprietary Sony software to assist with the ports.

Like I said, the port is likely but jumping the gun on confirmations is disingenuous.

oh don't be like this, not today
Don't stop believin'~~~ hold on to the feeling!


For you.
There are several issues with assuming FFX/X-2 is 100% confirmed.

Steamdb listings have never been 100% accurate. There is significant precedent for companies abandoning an app if they change strategy or another person marking the listing with whatever name they chose.
There is also no precedent for these Sony exclusive PS2 HD games being ported to PC. It's been theorized that they use proprietary Sony software to assist with the ports.

Like I said, the port is likely but jumping the gun on confirmations is disingenuous.

SE has been continuously bringing Final Fantasies over and over and over again. Considering the entry exists, it means that a port was definitely started at some point. Them going back on their intentions is extremely unlikely. And if the proprietary Sony issue wasn't dealt with already they wouldn't start working on it at all so I don't think that's relevant anymore anyways.
I'm fairly tempted :p

so far I think since there are no timers counting down on dailies I been able to restrain myself a lot better, and I have not purchased a single thing just yet, but my wishlist exploded.
Same here. 90 games in my wishlist... but let's be honest, most of them will stay here forever.


Not a mod, just a bot.
This is a scheduled automated repost on behalf of Shadownet, who is running this raffle.

ModBot said:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

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D4: Dark Dreams Dont Die -- MB-FB1BF500B78A97F4 - Taken by ctw0e. 47 entrants total.
Tales from the Borderlands -- MB-D1A0B84B1CEC080B - Taken by dave is ok. 33 entrants total.
Undertale -- MB-486EDA05FBD2F922 - Taken by Man Puncher. 47 entrants total.

By the way, there were some errors processing your keys...
Note: The key you added for Tales from the Borderlands was already listed in ModBot from a previous giveaway of yours, but was not taken. Updating key info to match new giveaway.
Note: The key you added for Undertale was already listed in ModBot from a previous giveaway of yours, but was not taken. Updating key info to match new giveaway.



2016 will be the second Year of Dreams.


lemme tell you all how I see 2016

RoF, Yakuza games and NG gets announced for PC, Danganronpa is on steam
FFX, X-2 HD on steam and these are great ports
Rockstar hints RDR, Yakuza HD is released, it's great success
FF12 IZJS is announced for PC, DQ iOS ports hinted
Finally Wheelman is rereleased, together with Blur
Steins Gate gets released next, it sells bazillion copies day one.
Trails TC gets announced and released the same year
Bayo and Vanquish announced for PC

OK, I'll stop for now


lemme tell you all how I see 2016

RoF, Yakuza games and NG gets announced for PC, Danganronpa is on steam
FFX, X-2 HD on steam and these are great ports
Rockstar hints RDR, Yakuza HD is released, it's great success
FF12 IZJS is announced for PC, DQ iOS ports hinted
Finally Wheelman is rereleased, together with Blur
Steins Gate gets released next, it sells bazillion copies day one.
Trails TC gets announced and released the same year
Bayo and Vanquish announced for PC

OK, I'll stop for now

What a shit year


Verdun sounds like a game I'd be interested in, I've wanted to see a WW1 FPS for a while now and I don't know how this slipped past me. My only qualms are how populated it is and whether or not it's actually any good


Someone in the other thread mentioned those are just some "Rifftrax"? So, those ain't even the movies? HOW LAME

I thought the Rifftrax would just be the publisher fo the movies or something.


oh don't be like this, not today
Don't stop believin'~~~ hold on to the feeling!

Happy fucking New Year.

SE has been continuously bringing Final Fantasies over and over and over again. Considering the entry exists, it means that a port was definitely started at some point. Them going back on their intentions is extremely unlikely. And if the proprietary Sony issue wasn't dealt with already they wouldn't start working on it at all so I don't think that's relevant anymore anyways.

And I've postulated those same arguments, and many more, in the past for FFX, FFVIIR, FFXV, and Kingdom Hearts 3.

How can you be 100% certain that was Square's application? Your arguments don't preclude my point on this situation.

How can you be 100% certain Square didn't run into a licencing issue and cease development (the app hasn't been touched in months)? Again, your arguments don't preclude this situation either.

At the expense of sounding like a broken record here, I'm not saying the port isn't likely, it very much is, I'm saying that you cannot 100% confirm it's existence as that post was doing. Everything on that post that was crossed out had either been released or officially confirmed. FFX/X-2 is neither, hence the point.

Different situation tho, because of certain reasons, not comparable to the other way around.

Because reasons.

Sony exclusive previously, I get it. Just shining light on the strange word choice.

Complaining about port begging is worse than port begging

What about those people who complain about those complaint about the port begging?

Takes a special kind of person to do that.


Steam is doing great. Just a few more FF games left :D

  • Final Fantasy I
  • Final Fantasy II
    [*]Final Fantasy III
    [*]Final Fantasy IV
    [*]Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
    [*]Final Fantasy V
    [*]Final Fantasy VI
    [*]Final Fantasy VII
  • Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
  • Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII
    [*]Final Fantasy VIII
    [*]Final Fantasy IX
  • Final Fantasy X - Unconfirmed
  • Final Fantasy X-2 - Unconfirmed
    [*]Final Fantasy XI
  • Final Fantasy XII
  • Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
    [*]Final Fantasy XIII
    [*]Final Fantasy XIII-2
    [*]Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
    [*]Final Fantasy Type-0
    [*]Final Fantasy XIV
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • Final Fantasy Tactics The War of the Lions
  • Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
  • Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift

How do I make blockquote like chronomac did in his list?

i rather them add FFIV complete edition from the psp. The one that is 2d...
Should work

ModBot said:
Instructions for arts&crafts:
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Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 9 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

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Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Lumino City -- MB-272A38C7C3B996E8 - Taken by someguyinahat. 3 entrants total.
Ollie Ollie -- MB-2ABEBEB06967D79A - Taken by Widdly Scuds. 3 entrants total.
The Last Remnant -- MB-A2810DA7857A2FF0 - Taken by His Majesty. 2 entrants total.
Bedlam -- MB-B2E15837A38B15C3 - Taken by Eila. 3 entrants total.
Murdered Soul Suspect -- MB-BD2133B7A3695641 - Taken by hooijdonk17. 7 entrants total.
Let There Be Life -- MB-7DFF10E72B7410F1 - Taken by Loptous. 1 entrants total.
Unium -- MB-F868C0829381869B - Taken by PenDynasty. 2 entrants total.
Nightfall Escape -- MB-C2200950BCF66652 - Taken by The_Monk. 1 entrants total.
Life Is Strange Episode 1 -- MB-C7C2041EB5BB82F5 - Taken by impliedsignificance. 1 entrants total.



Someone in the other thread mentioned those are just some "Rifftrax"? So, those ain't even the movies? HOW LAME

I thought the Rifftrax would just be the publisher fo the movies or something.
Exactly its just people telling bad jokes over top of bad movies.
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Earth 2150 Trilogy -- MB-F4CBABC210F085AD - Taken by Demon Lizardman


Getting there on the Final Fantasy games.
And very sad news for Umihara Kawase & Code of Princess :( I was hoping they'd mantain current sales somehow.



It's going to be a phenomenal year for PC alone, I doubt that.

yeah, me too, I mean not buying any games the same as in 2015

Should have just said 2016, because you'll probably scroll through sales come morning and realise you forgot a title or two.

No, I'm really gonna try hard not buying any. Yes, it's gonna be a wonderful year for PC, and especially PS4 but the games won't run away, and I want to change the way I handle my library. I want to complete games now, and spent my money on other much more important stuff. I feel like I'm ready, to go a year without buying any games, and instead stabilize my economy. I did it once before, I think it was back in 2011/12 were I didn't buy a single game all year, and I want to repeat that.
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