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STEAM | June 2015 II - Click the Monsters You Monster

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DOA5's looking good these days.


Heh. Chun Li was always my favourite. My main. Her and Vega were abused by me so much in IV.

E: *there was definitely not that much jiggle. They clearly focused on it now.

really? I got it for 85% off

Still hurts. Why didn't any of you buy extra gift copies for us to buy. </3


Neo Member
Still waiting for a CS:GO flash sale... is there any chance of that happening? I really want to grind the game before exams


I'll post it here because it is in a way Steam related (because Chub's next game will hit Steam I'm pretty sure) and PC related, but one of the most disappointing things about that PC conference for me was them not inviting Chubigans to reveal his new game there.
That whole conference was a bore fest for me (I slept for half of it) and mostly because it was all about stuff already shown or type of games a bit all too similar.
More new games announcements (like KI coming to PC, or NMS having a simultaneous release) would have made for a more interesting PC conference as far as I'm concerned.
Still waiting for a CS:GO flash sale... is there any chance of that happening? I really want to grind the game before exams

Most likely not, it was already a daily deal but the price was exactly the same so you might as well buy it now.

That said, you can get your money back from selling skins and cases in couple of weeks
Still waiting for a CS:GO flash sale... is there any chance of that happening? I really want to grind the game before exams

It was a daily deal. It didnt get a bigger discount though, because hackers/cheaters would buy the game in bulks like they did it before to play it on 10 different accounts.


Still waiting for a CS:GO flash sale... is there any chance of that happening? I really want to grind the game before exams

Once there were good days. I got it for 3.74. :")

I was trying to buy more than 1 copy. But getting a copy for myself was a pain in the butt cause the servers was completely hammered at the time. Sorry Jesus.

I forgive you. You're always welcome in the clouds
and my loving embrace. 'sup. c;


Still waiting for a CS:GO flash sale... is there any chance of that happening? I really want to grind the game before exams

GO was a daily and it didn't get a daily discount, so even if it went to be a flash I don't think it'd get a flash discount.

Edit: beaten thrice orz.


Neo Member
Most likely not, it was already a daily deal but the price was exactly the same so you might as well buy it now.

That said, you can get your money back from selling skins and cases in couple of weeks

How does that work? Do I get item drops just like, say, Dota 2? I'd really appreciate if you could expand, I'm kind of a noob on that subject.


Was hoping for a deeper discount on DmC... not sure if I'll grab it at that price (it was cheaper after coupons on GMG a few weeks ago).

Rage worth $5? I do want something to scratch my Mad Max itch.


Does the Gunpoint Exclusive Edition worth it?

The soundtrack is really good so I'd say go for it if you can.
I can't speak for the developer commentary as I'm not familiar with it , but Tom Francis is great in his Game Maker videos so I'd expect it to be of similar quality.
Either way, the soundtrack alone is worth the extra cost in my opinion.
12 hours to go till the store updates with new dailies, if theres still no ESO, I'm just going to move on and get something else. good night guys


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Speaking of DOA, the dlc price + the amount of it...the thirst is real I guess

Deleted member 98878

Unconfirmed Member
Good luck
ModBot said:
Instructions for Flips360:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste. Your giveaway will be automatically reposted on your behalf.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Flips360, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Gunpoint -- MB-ABEA9F9DE4CBB58E - Taken by Tesseract. 4 entrants total.

21st of June is still a few days away. Be patient, I'm with you. :p
Cause I want it but im not dying for it. Ive passed on some games im interested on waiting for it, if tomorrow for example dark souls 2 is a daily but not eso, well too bad for you bethesda, you wont be getting my money, took too long and namco beat you to the punch. We'll see tho, maybe tmrw will be trashy deals and thatll give bethesda an extra day


Cause I want it but im not dying for it. Ive passed on some games im interested on waiting for it, if tomorrow for example dark souls 2 is a daily but not eso, well too bad for you bethesda, you wont be getting my money, took too long and namco beat you to the punch. We'll see tho, maybe tmrw will be trashy deals and thatll give bethesda an extra day

I thought developers don't get a say on what day their item goes on sale.
How does that work? Do I get item drops just like, say, Dota 2? I'd really appreciate if you could expand, I'm kind of a noob on that subject.

I haven't played Dota, but I expect the system to be similar: you play a full game and at the end of the round you might or might not get an item which might or not be worth anything. Drops aren't guaranteed, unless you are playing an operation (sort of an "campaign" things Valve has been doing for a while which usually lead to guaranteed drops of various worths. The current operation however is much more sparse than that.)

For example, I started playing the new operation on day one, got an operation case (they are skin cases that you can open buy buying 2 dollar keys) and sold it immediately: I had already paid for the operation pass (4,59 euros). Not all drops are that expensive, but usually when a new case/skin set appears, they are worth tons of money.

Deleted member 98878

Unconfirmed Member
Does the Gunpoint Exclusive Edition worth it?

I really don't know. I'm not a big fan of soundtracks/making-ofs/etc

But it's only 4.20€, so if you like that kind of stuff I'd say go for it.
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