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STEAM | March 2017 - IT'S MAHVEL BAYBEE!!!

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*Banned Game*


Not gonna lie, it being too hot for neogaf got me interested in it.
The first animu banned game is boring but the second one isn't bad at all. Didn't know Idea Factory had it in them.
Also Rocket League s4 woooo


why is it most of the banned games are anime related?


should really just eliminate the middle man and ban all anime


Hey Hektor, I thought you thoroughly finished Automata, but I see you play it again, so soon too!
not bored?

why is it most of the banned games are anime related?


should really just eliminate the middle man and ban all anime

most? when 2 are most it's not really worth mentioning


why is it most of the banned games are anime related?


should really just eliminate the middle man and ban all anime


Whenever people talk about a banned game I always think of that hatred game or the triggered feminist one.


It's not from them. They refunded my money (at least i hope so).

BTW. I am missing that Valve accessory... :(
Not that i care so much but still... not really sure why is SE doing this.

My key was "Day One Edition" but when i activated it there also was "Post-Launch" written. So stupid.

I don't have the valve accessory either in the DLC tab and mine was a physical copy of the game. I wonder why that is. Not like the accessory matters much but it's kinda shitty.


Beat Nier route A, kinda out of nowhere. I've done all sidequests besides like 4 because I got locked out of them. And before the chain of the ending I was at like 45% done. I suppose that's because it carries over to other routes/NG+ then? I started and did the new thing.

Was just wondering how that works, and if I want the "full" experience, do I need to play it 3 times? I had a quick look but that seems like a lot of time, unless I can skip sidequests because I already did them. Then I guess it won't be that long.


Some idiots got the funny Andromeda pics thread locked guys. Now I have nowhere left to go but this anime thread.

U- Uguu~

Am I doing it right?


irresponsible vagina leak
Beat Nier route A, kinda out of nowhere. I've done all sidequests besides like 4 because I got locked out of them. And before the chain of the ending I was at like 45% done. I suppose that's because it carries over to other routes/NG+ then? I started and did the new thing.

Was just wondering how that works, and if I want the "full" experience, do I need to play it 3 times? I had a quick look but that seems like a lot of time, unless I can skip sidequests because I already did them. Then I guess it won't be that long.

A> B> C+D = E

Technically 3 runs


Thanks peeps for the birthday wishes. Means a lot in this bleak time.

A bit late, but Happy Birthday! Also, i'm getting a little sad every time people younger than me call themselves old :p

I'm getting increasingly busy with my trip preparations. It also looks like my new temporary place of residence won't have a reliable internet connection (if any), so i might have some trouble posting here in the next 3-4 months, let alone playing any new games on steam.

I've been trying to finish up some games (read: get 100% achievements) that i've strated playing earlier with little success, people weren't joking that Conception 2 has some major pacing issues mostly associated with the need to grind - which is a shame, since i'm really enjoying this game's all-in approach to its ridiculous premise. My original plan was to do the remaining achievements in Conception 2, Tales of Berseria and Atelier Firis to be ready to play Nier when i return home, but i misjudged the amount of content and grinding in Conception, so i doubt i'll be finishing even that :p


Just played the opening of Route C in Nier. Are we sure that Yoko Taro isn't secretly Kojima under that mask? Because holy shit, that was a hell of a ride!

Also, that resolution and illumination fix is a complete game changer. I'm back to 1080p with everything but AA maxed out and it's pretty much a solid 60fps. So, that's pretty cool.


Where are the rules to what to do if you win a game on modbot you already have ?

I remember reading it somewhere but I am not finding it =/
Scenario 2: I claimed a game and found out I already have it or don't want it. / I posted a game and someone claimed it and found out they didn't want it or already have it.
First, please don't enter for games you don't want. If you think it's likely you'll buy the game, just don't enter. Don't enter every giveaway just because it's there. Enter the giveaways you want most. Be fair to other people.
Second, now that the mistake has been made, you can fix it. Send a PM to ModBot with the subject line nuke. In the body, place the keys or URLs you wish to nuke one per line. The keys you should use are the actual, original serial keys, NOT the ModBot MB- codes. You will not receive a response. After a few minutes, you can submit a new giveaway with the key or URL and it will work fine.



Where are the rules to what to do if you win a game on modbot you already have ?

I remember reading it somewhere but I am not finding it =/

You get banned from modbot, and can no longer win any game unless you giveaway a game priced at $99 USD or more.



Thanks !

Yeah, this. Don't do that. I was banned once, never again.

It was a mystery game ! I could not know =(


You get banned from modbot, and can no longer win any game unless you giveaway a game priced at $99 USD or more.

I know you are joking but ...I can't



There is no game in the brazilian store that costs more than 99 dollars or more.


listen to the mad man
They're all joking with you. If you get a mystery gift and already have it, just nuke it and give it away again, or just post the key for someone to take, or do nothing. That's the risk givers get when they do mystery gifts. I don't think many care.


They're all joking with you. If you get a mystery gift and already have it, just nuke it and give it away again, or just post the key for someone to take, or do nothing. That's the risk givers get when they do mystery gifts. I don't think many care.

I feel sad for the person giving it away because that was probably the best mystery game that I ever got xD


Spent.... 1 hour on Nier: Automata and my first impression is that the game is fun but there are a few things that I find annoying.
The 60>30>60 jump between gameplay and cinematics, how some textures really leave a lot to be desired are the main two. Some weird screentearing is there too, but I'll chalk it up to having played in windowed mode, which shouldn't tear but for me sometimes does.
Game plays fine with KB/M and that's cool. I suck at it though so I got ending W twice.
Since I never got a save prompt and I died
on the bridge where the two mechanical hands come out
I wonder if I'll have to redo it from the start a third time.
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
Want to make your own ModBot giveaway? Click here for a quick tutorial thread. Please give generously.

ModBot Basics:
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a LIGHTNING raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 15 minutes after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

10 Second Ninja X -- MB-E8797F3806B2462E - Taken by Dream_Journey. 5 entrants total.
Amnesia: Memories -- MB-C9E347ADA7AB604C - Taken by Kurt Russell. 1 entrants total.
JumpJet Rex -- MB-4E41883D80707442 - Taken by claytonlee101. 1 entrants total.

^Amnesia is VN from the ideaFactory bundle, not The Dark Descent, sorry :p.


How much of Automata is going to go over my head if I didn't play Nier? It looks amazing to me, but I really don't have the time or desire to play Nier first.

Is there a good summary/video of what I'd need to know first? I would check in the Automata threads but I'm terrified to go in there 'cause I don't want to get spoiled.


How much of Automata is going to go over my head if I didn't play Nier? It looks amazing to me, but I really don't have the time or desire to play Nier first.

Is there a good summary/video of what I'd need to know first? I would check in the Automata threads but I'm terrified to go in there 'cause I don't want to get spoiled.

Super Bunny Hop just did one that was relatively short, while Clemps has a seriously in-depth, and longer, analysis. I watched both and it blew my mind.


Rolling Girl
How much of Automata is going to go over my head if I didn't play Nier? It looks amazing to me, but I really don't have the time or desire to play Nier first.

Is there a good summary/video of what I'd need to know first? I would check in the Automata threads but I'm terrified to go in there 'cause I don't want to get spoiled.
Honestly I'd just watch an LP the summaries don't really capture much of what made people love the game.
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