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STEAM | November 2014 - Ride of the Valkyries

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It's not like we would need more than 60 fps in a SRPG anyway :)

More like "30".

I'm sure Square will have a resolution in place for FFXIII that will apease the install base :p

It's the internet frost, you know what some folks are like. The nuanced subtlity between emotions are sadly lacking so the lines between elatation and exasperation to enraged and angered are about a millimeter apart.

I'm just pleased we get these late ports on PC at all. Helps trim down my physical PS3 collection.

I like you.

Yes! Choices!

This is like that Dark Souls shit all over again. I guess this means that Square is the new From, since their port is so terrible.

Square did that "let's force 30GB of Japanese" thing with FFXII no?

And you'll thank them for it after hearing the English VAs.


Yeah I figured as much, didn't know they were non canon though, if they don't have anything to do with the story, then I'm just going to move on, I honestly thought FEAR 1 got a little long in the tooth in the middle and I'm ready for something different, thanks for the heads up.

They do have story stuff but it was invalidated by the sequel. There was a lot of weird stuff regarding the future of the franchise in between Fear 1 and 2 at the time, with the devs and publisher parting ways. They eventually reconciled but at that point the expansions had already been made but the devs had no real interest in taking the story elements seriously so they just ignored them.
Finished Shank 2 and Jazzpunk tonight. Shank 2 I found incredibly frustrating at times, Jazzpunk had it's moments but it's humour is so subjective I really don't know if I could recommend it in a review.


I'm going to get some horror games to play tonight.

I am thinking about Resident Evil 4, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, and I'm looking for any other suggestions? I have a few others but I just can't decide what to play. :p


Happy Halloween everyone! Nice title, and we should get some more Valkyries on Steam. Lenneth and Silmeria for a start. Nibelung Valesti x 1000.


Happy Halloween everyone! Nice title, and we should get some more Valkyries on Steam. Lenneth and Silmeria for a start. Nibelung Valesti x 1000.

The first Valkyrie Profile was such convoluted bullshit if you wanted the good ending. I really enjoyed the combat, but damn man. Lenneth was okay, but not overly compelling or something.


wait wasn't halloween a couple days ago?

you people and your weird satan loving holidays

actually last sunday when i was on the road coming back from my short vacations i saw a sign that said something like "say no to death and horror. say no to halloween. say yes to love" signed by some random church.


who even celebrates halloween in argieland anyways
I have, and it's not worth 30GB to me personally. An option to download your preferred language (or only the English one by default), that would be legit.

That I will concede.
It would be a nice option to use it as a DLC package so you can disable that part of the download and save space or whatever.

What about Dark Souls?

Oh, it's a bad port, or did you miss the part where the internet shit all over From's port of the original game from x360/ps3 to PC after begging for it to happen?


Unconfirmed Member
wait wasn't halloween a couple days ago?

It's today/yesterday depending on timezones :p

you people and your weird satan loving holidays

actually last sunday when i was on the road coming back from my short vacations i saw a sign that said something like "say no to death and horror. say no to halloween. say yes to love" signed by some random church.


who even celebrates halloween in argieland anyways



The first Valkyrie Profile was such convoluted bullshit if you wanted the good ending. I really enjoyed the combat, but damn man. Lenneth was okay, but not overly compelling or something.

The best parts were the stories of the various characters before the inevitable happened. Very heartfelt stuff.


wait wasn't halloween a couple days ago?

you people and your weird satan loving holidays

actually last sunday when i was on the road coming back from my short vacations i saw a sign that said something like "say no to death and horror. say no to halloween. say yes to love" signed by some random church.


who even celebrates halloween in argieland anyways

It's kind of stupid the hostility toward the celebration in arg, hurr durr nationalism.


I'm going to get some horror games to play tonight.

I am thinking about Resident Evil 4, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, and I'm looking for any other suggestions? I have a few others but I just can't decide what to play. :p

Call of Cthulhu
Dead Space
System Shock 2
Evil Within
Deadly Premonition
STALKER: SoC (Has a couple of scary areas)
REmake hype


it's kinda funny how since gamemaker language is basically a hacked version of javascript no one ever gets any compile errors so actually having the 1000 compile errors achievement is less common than achievements that cost like $600 to do since you gotta buy special licenses for like ios and shit

javascript is the absolute worst -_-

It's kind of stupid the hostility toward the celebration in arg, hurr durr nationalism.
i like the dressing up and candy part, that sounds fun and harmless

the scary stuff not so much

Obvious reasons?
Spiders and Spider paraphernalia.

i really dread the idea of halloween ever becoming really popular around here

i already have to do some weird circling around evil blocks


Oh, it's a bad port, or did you miss the part where the internet shit all over From's port of the original game from x360/ps3 to PC after begging for it to happen?
I missed that. I wasn't really in the gaming department of the internet until I found GAF. But I still don't see the problem with praising VC and booing FF XIII for being behind its potential.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Sold my Alien TF2 items (I'm not even sure how I got these, I didn't buy the game on Steam) and made enough to buy Costume Quest 2 and three other games. No regrets.


There's like 90% drunk, rowdy teenagers outside right now. Glad I decided to keep all the chocolate to myself.


Spiders and Spider paraphernalia.

Ah yeah. I was thinking something spider related, but it didn't seem like there would be more actual spiders during October than any other part of the year. Spider decorations didn't really cross my mind.

Although, if Zkylon is saying that no one in Argentina celebrates Halloween, then there probably wouldn't be a lot that either.


I like you.
I've been waiting to hear these words for a long time now. </3

Also Happy Halloween guys. I just want you guys to know I appreciate each and everyone of you, and I wish I could scare you shitless right now.
That's what you're suppose to say for Halloween right?

Sold my Alien TF2 items (I'm not even sure how I got these, I didn't buy the game on Steam) and made enough to buy Costume Quest 2 and three other games. No regrets.

You got it because you have pre order copy of Alien Isolation. Every copy came with some TF2 Alien theme items.
Gotta feel bad for Squeenix to a degree even though it was clearly their fault.

But it's just insult to self-inflicted injury when Sega announces VC PC with arbitrary res and 60fps not even 20 days after the FF13 port began getting curbstomped. You could have prevented this, Square. You could have done it right, I mean, the same engine was used for a game that was PC only, how did you screw it up?


i took a walk around the neighboorhood in my gorilla mask, and instead of saying trick or treat, i made ape noises


Ah yeah. I was thinking something spider related, but it didn't seem like there would be more actual spiders during October than any other part of the year. Spider decorations didn't really cross my mind.

Although, if Zkylon is saying that no one in Argentina celebrates Halloween, then there probably wouldn't be a lot that either.

yeah fortunately it's not too big of a deal right now

and i'm exaggerating, i do go out, just try to avoid it specially since there are a lot of costume stores and the like near my place

I've been waiting to hear these words for a long time now. </3
someone does


But children are scary year round.
well i have a baby brother now so i'm all about children

except other babies

other babies suck


God the Evolve UI is shit on a stick.
Also making my 360 controller vibrate off the desk while I'm playing fucking keyboard and mouse is not cool, guys.


ok latest dead state patch is finally out and damn it sounds like a good one

they're adding a new intro and new crafting crap and cats and a lot of new stuff but more importantly at least we finally have night gameplay~~~~!!!1

so happy, the whole if it's night and you're out of the shelter you die thing was pretty darned awful, so this really changes a lot

very cool, i feel like i'm the only one excited for this game, i really hope it does well

I don't get it..
well i wrote it poorly so it's ok

love you anyways

Well now between the age of 1 and 4 they're adorable, absolutely perfect. Anything more it's when it start getting ugly for me, little kids..
well this one is like 8 months old so a long way before he becomes annoying. at least for me that i see him like once or twice a week at best. my dad is prolly stressed out of his mind lol

i'm generally alright with kids so it'll be ok. unless my dad's girlfriend keeps insisting on me not showing him anime

then i'm gonna be run out of things to talk about


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
You got it because you have pre order copy of Alien Isolation. Every copy came with some TF2 Alien theme items.

Sweet, free $10 basically. I can't complain.
New thread for November...have some of my extras :)

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 20 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- No need to thank me. Please don't post thank you messages in thread or in PM.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- This is a free for all! You can enter for multiple games on the list below. Send an individual PM for each game you'd like to win.
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Jets n Guns Gold -- MB-6833301F700337BC - Taken by r3n4ud. 4 entrants total.
Mysterious Cities of Gold -- MB-A2741B1224F59D44 - Taken by Zeitgeister. 2 entrants total.
Doorways Chapters 1 & 2 -- MB-3F5E2F4B358CDA18 - Taken by Diedac. 5 entrants total.
Circuts -- MB-03B025BAE33D678E - Taken by Mengy. 1 entrants total.
8bit boy -- MB-EBAEC549AF37093C - Taken by Feel_The_Pain. 4 entrants total.
The Book of Unwritten Tales Digital Deluxe Edition -- MB-5299ABC621FDAA08 - Taken by nja. 5 entrants total.
Blacksoul Extended Edition -- MB-0E8F3F168FE65F18
Puddle -- MB-6D935DC7262618C7 - Taken by bluechox2. 2 entrants total.
The Samaritan Paradox -- MB-9C6B92F86DEC0300 - Taken by HalfwayOrb. 2 entrants total.
Chompy Chomp Chomp -- MB-3DE7CE984F597107 - Taken by fernandes. 2 entrants total.
Power-Up -- MB-350BF2FE7EC3FFC4 - Taken by Haunted. 2 entrants total.
Them The Summoning -- MB-5CFA5BF00A913E79 - Taken by Benedict. 3 entrants total.
Akane the Kunoichi -- MB-6272748C620C4440 - Taken by Tesseract. 9 entrants total.
The Maker's Eden -- MB-1691CC0762E8EF68 - Taken by DaBargainHunta. 3 entrants total.
Nightmares from the Deep The Cursed Heart -- MB-9052DD4EB8535F0F
Steam Bandits Outpost -- MB-908C15D5E55F3AA0 - Taken by Maniac. 3 entrants total.
Fancy Skulls -- MB-360DFD05AFFB1242 - Taken by Aitor. 12 entrants total.
Dreaming Sarah -- MB-2141143D3B2953A6 - Taken by Catshade. 4 entrants total.
Huntsman the Orphanage -- MB-E1FA7744D52CE593
Shadows Price for our Sins -- MB-947B4B920A7DA634

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