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STEAM | November 2014 - Ride of the Valkyries

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In the one game I played, that wasn't my experience. We had a series of encounters, I can see a lot of choices that the team needs to make besides just holding w.

I think it would be better if you could, you know, play with someone you know as the monster, instead of having a rando that is either really good or has never played the game before and has no fucking clue what to do.


what did u send them :O

A picture of my
pumpkin carving.

Thank you so much good sir! I have to say even though this is my 2nd time having to contact Humble Bundle customer support. Both times I am very happy and content with the level of professionalism and friendliness of Humble Bundle. You guys responded to my email incredibly fast and friendly. Please keep up the good works! thank you very much for all the wonderful bundles you've given us so far! Happy Halloween!


2.2 MB/s It takes it's time, but it gets there in the end. :)

Edit: Korra Book 2 - Beginnings is a trippy as all hell episode.
Played one game of evolved. Someone got pissed and passive aggressive on me because I accidentally set off a monster that looks like a freaking rock.

It looked like a rock! I didn't even know it was a monster.
Played one game of evolved. Someone got pissed and passive aggressive on me because I accidentally set off a monster that looks like a freaking rock.

It looked like a rock! I didn't even know it was a monster.

If you see a plant on the ground don't walk over it. Sometimes they're hungry.

I learned this the hard way.
Not sure if this has been mentioned...

39 cents on Steam.

Works with 360 controller, but buttons need to be configured in the menu first (d-pad config screen doesn't work, but that's okay, because the d-pad is automatically recognized once you config the buttons).

I've barely begun playing yet, but it seems like a really cool throwback to the old DOS games.


Finished Book 1 of Dreamfall Chapters.

It's pretty good, but still a bit buggy. I'm almost certain that some of the neonlight stuff in Europolis has to be broken. There was also busted shadows and invisible trashcans. Still, pretty good. Not a lot of puzzling to do though, hopefully later books will have some more.
The story is a bit of a slow starter, which would be fine if the game was complete already. But the way it is now, the main plot has barely started at the end of the book 1 and now I'm going to have wait for however long for the next book. Episodic gaming, it's the future.

Surprising amount of apparently plot changing choices, and I'm curious where they lead. I'm wondering if I should back up my saves and start a new game and make some different ones in the beginning and see what's what.


Played one game of evolved. Someone got pissed and passive aggressive on me because I accidentally set off a monster that looks like a freaking rock.

It looked like a rock! I didn't even know it was a monster.

"UGGHGHGHGGH!!!! You idiot! How can you not know exactly how every thing in this alpha that's been available for a few hours works?!!?!?!?!"

Sounds like the L4D community already.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Happy Halloween GAF!


I'm busy scaring the crap out of kids


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Yup, that'd do it.

Christ man...

The best part is that the mask kinda follows my facial movements... and my wife printed up posters like "Beware the escaped wolf man..." and hung them up outside. sogood.gif


"UGGHGHGHGGH!!!! You idiot! How can you not know exactly how every thing in this alpha that's been available for a few hours works?!!?!?!?!"

Sounds like the L4D community already.

Looks like if I get this one I'll be doing the same thing I did with L4D2 and either playing exclusively with friends or playing offline botmatches. (Hopefully there's going to be decent bot support.)


Not sure if this has been mentioned...

39 cents on Steam.

Works with 360 controller, but buttons need to be configured in the menu first (d-pad config screen doesn't work, but that's okay, because the d-pad is automatically recognized once you config the buttons).

I've barely begun playing yet, but it seems like a really cool throwback to the old DOS games.

Nice, it looks great and it's very cheap. Most reviews are positive and it also has cards. Thanks for the tip.

And btw, happy Halloween Steam GAF!


Man I remember when I was 14, on Halloween night. One of the neighbors disguised himself as a hung body on his porch. He stayed there for 4 hours just to scare kids coming by while his wife was passing out candies. Talk about commitment to Halloween.
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