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STEAM | September 2016 - Good job doing previous stuff, let's do new stuff

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Maaaan, they don't got Mecha Ritz in the Shmup sale? I know it only came out a few months ago... but it's stupid good and everyone should play it!

Sounds interesting, but I'm a little put off by the talk about adaptive difficulty in the user reviews. Very few games ever seem to get the balance right on that.


Think it's time I pick up a Link.

I'm currently using a Shield tv with Gamestream and can't fucking play the majority of my games since Gamestream is shit and recognizing any controllers.

The Steam Link was such a great pick up. I dropped Gamestream (Moonlight) as well.
Vacation's over, so I had to set aside the Witcher 2 for a while (I didn't want to be playing one game for months,) so have some impressions instead...for Hero of the Kingdom II: (Note: I didn't play the first one, so don't expect me to compare it to that or know what happened in it.)

The story: You play a nameless young man. You and your nameless sister escape from some kind of tragedy (I think it was a shipwreck?) and come across a fishing village. You help out to earn your keep, collecting wood, repairing nets, then your sister is all "Hey big bro, gather me some seashells to make a necklace" and I'm like "Bitch, these people need REAL help" so you do the real quests, then you finally start picking up seashells but OH SNAP, pirates just kidnapped your sister, AND you missed the achievement for helping your sister make a necklace before making sure the town can function. ...Yup.

Anyway, you have to save your sister, and along the way help like dozens of other people, on your way to becoming Hero of the Kingdom...II! Um...all told it's a simple story and a bit cliché. I guess I can't go into games like this expecting an amazing story. The protagonist is 99% squeaky clean (I think the worst thing he does is get drunk with the local barfly) and he essentially has no moral choices besides "do good thing" or "don't do thing and pay for it later because doing that thing gets you rewards."

The gameplay: It's essentially a resource management game. There is point-and-click involved to gather certain resources, which you can then convert to other resources, be that potions, or money, or in the case of food, energy - which they call "strength" for whatever reason - or whatever else. And you use THOSE resources to do the tasks you're asked to do. For example, to kill a spider you need a dagger (which you can buy, or sometimes find by looting a crate,) a torch (about 13 gold,) and 6 energy (eat food at a campsite or spend money for an inn.) The spider will then drop a spider venom that you can sell, and might even unblock the path to a crate that you can loot. And so on and so on. Throughout the game you acquire new resource-gathering skills like egg-gathering, lockpicking, and pearl diving.

The game is set up such that you'll never really reach an unwinnable state, but it can start to get tricky as to what to do next, and you can go from 1000 gold to 0 in the blink of an eye buying stuff you need. Also, I won't kid you here that the game is essentially several strings of fetch quests put together, but it is set up smartly so you don't mind that too much.

The audio and dialogue: There are no voice actors in the game. The dialogue is alright but you can see the ESL peek through sometimes, when a mayor says "Welcome in my village" or whatnot. The music and sound effects are bog standard and largely forgettable.

The graphics: The environments look nice, the characters have that classic "amateurish 3D character look" (YOU know the one,) but by and large the main problem with the game is that lots of stuff is too small. Yes, great, you put the entire scene on screen, good for you. But when you have to try and find a tiny ring, you end up looking like Senor Chang and that tiny paper.

The length:7.2 hours for me to get all the achievements. That included some post-game gold farming and redoing the opening bit to give my dumb sister the stupid shells before she gets kidnapped. So if you're not keen on getting all the achievements, it might be between 6-7 hours. Not a bad length; it would probably get tedious if it was any longer than that.

The verdict: It's alright. It's not great, but it's good. A nice way to spend a couple of evenings, and it appears in bundles often enough, so it won't put a huge dent in your budget.


Just bought Crimzon Clover. This game is AWESOME,it threw me back to the early 90's. Seriously everybody must buy it, it is only 2 euros.


Does anyone happen to have a PSHash for God Eater or can tell me how I can find one myself? I followed the PCGamer guide and don't think I did anything wrong, but I can't find one that gives me a hudless screenshot :/


Some beautiful INSIDE fanart from Kuvshinov Ilya.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided doesn't have working mirrors in game.

I went and checked up on Human Revolution and that game didn't have working mirrors either.

Deus Ex from 15 years ago did have working mirrors.

What gives?


Ucchedavāda;215666623 said:
What's the difference between the two Xs?
Other than the free pouch.

I can actually buy the DLC now because I refuse to go through the pain that is switching accounts on a Vita.


It's been established that Jensen doesn't like looking at himself in the mirror. So maybe its intentional that the player (who Jensen acts as avatar) can't see him either.

Or just fuck mirrors.


Ucchedavāda;215666623 said:
What's the difference between the two Xs?
Other than the free pouch.

I'm pretty sure the only difference is that one is the Japanese version and the other one is the American.


Deus Ex Mankind Divided doesn't have working mirrors in game.

I went and checked up on Human Revolution and that game didn't have working mirrors either.

Deus Ex from 15 years ago did have working mirrors.

What gives?

Jensen always smashes the mirrors.
How the heck am I supposed to resist Reaper's Due when there's a CK2 sale going on right now? Paradox, you are as cunning as you are insidious.
...Plus all the thread hype.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided doesn't have working mirrors in game.

I went and checked up on Human Revolution and that game didn't have working mirrors either.

Deus Ex from 15 years ago did have working mirrors.

What gives?
Modern games don't really do mirrors. At all. If they do, it's a very specific feature.

What I'm saying is, Duke 3D was really the peak of video game graphics.


Deus Ex Mankind Divided doesn't have working mirrors in game.

I went and checked up on Human Revolution and that game didn't have working mirrors either.

Deus Ex from 15 years ago did have working mirrors.

What gives?

Neuropazine is actually concentrated blood to feed the cravings that come from being turned into a vampire when you get augs. They figured out how to give people augs without turning them into vampires in the future.


Unconfirmed Member
Deus Ex Mankind Divided doesn't have working mirrors in game.

I went and checked up on Human Revolution and that game didn't have working mirrors either.

Deus Ex from 15 years ago did have working mirrors.

What gives?

Can't tell if this is a joke or serious, so I'm gonna play the straight man and answer it seriously.

Making functional mirrors using most of the current graphics technology is a massive pain in the ass. There are a couple different ways to do it, but generally it invoves stuff like needing to render the entire scene first before so you can decide what needs to show up in the mirror and then re-rendering all of it to "show" the reflection to the player.
Because graphics tech renders a scene, if the scene includes a mirror, you end up doing the work twice at some points in the pipeline. Depending on how much detail you want to put in the mirror this can be a ton of work.

Now, there are lots and lots of ways to work around this. Many other games do functional mirrors just fine and have few issues. My guess is the engine that DXMD (and DXHR) is using has some limitations (see the animations during in-engine cutscenes), and that dealing with those while also adding reflections was deemed "not worth it".

The reason old games often had functional mirrors is that they frequently cheated and didn't render reflections at all. Instead of creating a reflection, they would simply place a mirrored version of the room on the otherside of a wall. You just show the camera a small glimpse into the mirrored room (which actually exists as level geometry in some cases!), and presto! It's a mirror. I have no idea how Deus Ex did it, but I believe this technique was used in Duke Nuken 3D at least.


Deus Ex Mankind Divided doesn't have working mirrors in game.

I went and checked up on Human Revolution and that game didn't have working mirrors either.

Deus Ex from 15 years ago did have working mirrors.

What gives?

Unreal Engine vs... whatever it is DX uses nowadays.


Deus Ex Mankind Divided doesn't have working mirrors in game.

I went and checked up on Human Revolution and that game didn't have working mirrors either.

Deus Ex from 15 years ago did have working mirrors.

What gives?
Because c
hardening shadows.
So steam refunds have never worked for me, even when I was well within the refund period and rights, they still just took my claim put it under "consideration" and denied all my refund requests.

I tried again recently and still got denied. Pretty much let it go.

Then I got bowel cancer(colon), and they still won't fucking refund me.

I'm half tempted to go to some shitty "news" website and try to get hold of the journalists just to watch Valve squirm when the bomb comes.

GG Valve you didn't refund a guy before he got cancer, and now you won't refund him after he got cancer. Fantastic.



So steam refunds have never worked for me, even when I was well within the refund period and rights, they still just took my claim put it under "consideration" and denied all my refund requests.

I tried again recently and still got denied. Pretty much let it go.

Then I got bowel cancer(colon), and they still won't fucking refund me.

I'm half tempted to go to some shitty "news" website and try to get hold of the journalists just to watch Valve squirm when the bomb comes.


That's pretty shit, and doesn't make much sense. Maybe contact support / Gabe (the ultimate hail Mary) to see if they can understand what is going on. You should be guaranteed a refund when in the 14 days / 2hrs limit, so that begs the question if you have been flagged somehow as an abuser of the system, or have some weird situation where stats don't get reported correctly or something.


So steam refunds have never worked for me, even when I was well within the refund period and rights, they still just took my claim put it under "consideration" and denied all my refund requests.

I tried again recently and still got denied. Pretty much let it go.

Then I got bowel cancer(colon), and they still won't fucking refund me.

I'm half tempted to go to some shitty "news" website and try to get hold of the journalists just to watch Valve squirm when the bomb comes.

GG Valve you didn't refund a guy before he got cancer, and now you won't refund him after he got cancer. Fantastic.


Never heard of anyone's refund being rejected within the 2 week/2 hour limits. Sure there isn't more to this story?
So steam refunds have never worked for me, even when I was well within the refund period and rights, they still just took my claim put it under "consideration" and denied all my refund requests.

I tried again recently and still got denied. Pretty much let it go.

Then I got bowel cancer(colon), and they still won't fucking refund me.

I'm half tempted to go to some shitty "news" website and try to get hold of the journalists just to watch Valve squirm when the bomb comes.

GG Valve you didn't refund a guy before he got cancer, and now you won't refund him after he got cancer. Fantastic.


Are you frequently manually going into offline mode? Perhaps that sends a red flag that a person's request aren't legitimate. I'm not saying that you're trying to scam Steam, but I could see something like that being perceived that way.
So steam refunds have never worked for me, even when I was well within the refund period and rights, they still just took my claim put it under "consideration" and denied all my refund requests.

I tried again recently and still got denied. Pretty much let it go.

Then I got bowel cancer(colon), and they still won't fucking refund me.

I'm half tempted to go to some shitty "news" website and try to get hold of the journalists just to watch Valve squirm when the bomb comes.

GG Valve you didn't refund a guy before he got cancer, and now you won't refund him after he got cancer. Fantastic.


Very sorry to hear that. :(

What game was it, if you don't mind me asking?


Sounds interesting, but I'm a little put off by the talk about adaptive difficulty in the user reviews. Very few games ever seem to get the balance right on that.
Yeah, it is a bit funky. Basically, you have a "Rank" That goes from 1 to 500 (I think), and that affects a lot of stuff. It changes the enemy patterns, the speed of the game, how many bullets dissipate before they can hit you, how powerful your shots are, and more that I don't know about. You can set the starting rank to whatever you want in a range that increases as you play, so the difficulty is very granular. It goes up as you get powerups and goes down when you're hit.


How the heck am I supposed to resist Reaper's Due when there's a CK2 sale going on right now? Paradox, you are as cunning as you are insidious.
...Plus all the thread hype.


Modern games don't really do mirrors. At all. If they do, it's a very specific feature.

What I'm saying is, Duke 3D was really the peak of video game graphics.

In Duke 3D, one of the testing phase was making sure that you couldn't look into a mirror from a mirror because it caused an infinite loop that crashed the game.
30fps lock and 1080p max, considering how amazing the God Eater ports are, is it Spike Chunsoft's fault or Bamco's fault? :p

Just played the game and besides the 1080p 30 lock its rather fun and it looks great, I Imagine this time its a fighting game so its probably framelocked to 30fps.

At least I can say the port works this time unlike pirate warriors 3 and its the same as the ps4 version
Just played the game and besides the 1080p 30 lock its rather fun and it looks great, I Imagine this time its a fighting game so its probably framelocked to 30fps.

At least I can say the port works this time unlike pirate warriors 3 and its the same as the ps4 version

Those don't matter.

What makes a great PC game? No resolution lock and at least 60fps cap.


I've played Senran Kagura Burst just fine without any issues, I don't think I have a right to complain about framerates at all.
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