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Street Fighter V |OTVII| New Generation - Connection To Haters Was Lost

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Bob White

Thankfully, SF5 year 1 netcode is much better than MKX year 1 netcode.

I'm not talking about the "netcode", dude. I'm talking about the fact that for a year shit like "failed to send results to server" still exists. Or the fact that all morning I've had to close the game to get back to the ps4 dashboard because the game is stuck "loading" something from the servers. Even trying to get to training mode today resulted in this.

This shit is GARBAGE. Stop trying to pass the buck and excuse this shit.


"But MK, guys!"
I hate twitter.

It's so confusing. I thought Kittywanker or whatever was the dude that was tweeting.

Thanks for going above and beyond to explain to a dumbass what's going on.

FYI "katitagaribon" = "kati tagari bon" = "kachi tagari bon" = "want to win bon" = "want to win bon (chan)"

That's where Bonchan's twitter handle comes from...pretty confusing for overseas folks.

"kachi tagari" is like the name of Bonchan, Fuudo, etc's Topanga show, I believe.


Beautiful stuff. Now we just need the entire game playable like that lol.

Apparently there's still quite a bit of manual fiddling involved with getting those in-between frames and it's not just something you feed sprites on one end and automatically get smooth animations on the other. Also would probably look weird unless somebody went in and cleaned up the interpolated frames.

It would be cool to see some of the choppier SF Alpha animations with maybe twice the animation frames though.


Sketchbook Picasso
Ucchedavāda;236031211 said:
Somebody invented a way to interpolate frames for 2D animations, and used it on SF2 Ryu and SF3 Urien. The end-result is a much smoother animation:
Urien: https://twitter.com/LxFrancis/status/860978121897426944
Ryu: https://twitter.com/LxFrancis/status/853011516005597184

Quite an impressive bit of work.
Saw it on Reddit.

Ew. It totally gives that look of "squashed and stretched undrawnm unnatural frames" that honestly makes it feel cheaper, and less hand-crafted, to me. Like... I don't think I'd honestly call this an improvement with this particular graphic style. Sure, the subtle nods to twisting bodies and such are pretty nice, but it doesn't strengthen the impact, to me. It makes something impactful look kinda soft and average.

But much like flash-style animation itself, I think with original art that considers the limits and strengths of the tech, it could be very nice. It also could probably be applied to things that lend themselves to such smoothing (like elements of clothing, hair, and capes) and also as a way to help and animator go back and properly draw some of the more egregious frames by hand. In a way, it reminds me of a messier version of what the Gundam: The Battlemaster or Rumblefish series of games used.

Overall, very nice, though. If it can make it easier for some studios to try and use 2D in a wider variety of projects, or could enable smaller groups to get the animation they want at a better cost, awesome.
That sounds like something Capcom would charge for.
Possibly, but since it was his look pre-manhood, I'm hoping it falls into the story costume realm.

I don't think anyone can claim nostalgia for it, which would then plunge it into the outfit limbo Alex and Ibuki are caught in.


Ed's sweatshirt definitely isn't going to be a nostalgia costume. It first appeared in this game.

It's July 2016 nostalgia.

I'm curious if they'll do Nostalgia costumes for every "new" character and what they'll do for some of them. I guess Ed's Nostalgia costume could be kindergartner Ed from SF4.

What they should do is make them costumes that reference Capcom characters not in the SF universe. Not sure who they'd pick for Ed, though.


What do you guys think Ed's brief and convoluted character story will be like? My guess is...
  1. Ed transforms into an adult (in a violent swirl of Psycho Power) the moment Bison dies, tearing his clothing in the process (story costume!)
  2. Balrog stumbles upon Ed and fights him, confused
  3. Ed explains himself, and Balrog suggests that Bison's Psycho Power has found a new host in Ed, resulting in the sudden growth spurt
  4. The story ends on a slide of Ed in his commander's uniform, with Balrog and F.A.N.G alongside him, vowing to avenge Lord Bison when the time is right
I feel like he cares enough about Ed, though. His association with Urien is strictly financial. He doesn't show up anywhere in Street Fighter III when Urien is at his most relevant.

I don't remember. If so, swap in Juri or Vega or anyone else. It's not important.

Ed will most likely be starting up his own organization. The emblem on his head is different, so he probably wants to set himself apart from Bison.


Its going to be almost 10 months since the Alex and Ibuki's costumes was reveal at EVO 2016.


Google says 3rd Strike was released on May 12, 1999 so maybe we may get something next week.


Ucchedavāda;236043694 said:
Juri vowing to avenge Lord Bison?
Now there's a plot-twist I wouldn't see coming.
Nah, she'd hypothetically be with the group for her own reasons separate from Ed, like how Sagat wasn't exactly the most dedicated member of Shadaloo.
Juri wanted Bison dead. No way she'd join a group where his protegee/possible body swap boy resurrects her worst enemy. She's got the Illumanti on her side so she probably doesn't care about using Shadaloo.

Hopefully Ed's story will be set after the events of SFV. I know they have to explain why he's a big guy and all, but the only story that's been after Bison's death so far is Akuma's.

If they make a new story, Ed will probably vanish and Bison will return for one more beat down.

Kids these days grow up so fast

I really hope he heel turns on Rog. God damn it'll be so great.
Nah, she'd hypothetically be with the group for her own reasons separate from Ed, like how Sagat wasn't exactly the most dedicated member of Shadaloo.

As TheSpoiler writes, Juri wants Bison dead. She is largely driven by her desire to get revenge on Bison for the murder of her parents and the loss of her eye. So she might want to punish whoever stole her kill, but I don't see her wanting to avenge Bison, or even pretending to want that.


If they make a new story, Ed will probably vanish and Bison will return for one more beat down.
I’d love mini cinematic story expansions that are about as long as one chapter from A Shadow Falls. They could do a retelling of SFIII starring Alex, where he fights a few Illuminati goons, Kolin, and Gill (using Urien as the base), as well as a short story depicting the rise of whatever Ed’s faction is.
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